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The state of Gabon’s environment

Air and ocean pollution

 Oil industry pollutes the ocean
 Sewage discharge in the sea
 Fossil fuel energy: 22% of Gabon’s
 CO2 emission: increased by 1.12
percent in previous years
 World Health Organization says that
the air is unsafe: 44 micrograms of fine
particles per m3 (max 10/m3)
 Lot of landfills in cities
Wild animal protection
 25.000 elephants killed in 10 years
 4 species of birds are endangered
 Chinese trawlers fishing illegally
 50 legal fishing boats
This is the poster of a documentary. We can
see a huge industrial trawler with fishing nets,
and an oil platform, facing each other. They
look threatening. In the middle, there’s a
smaller fishing boat. The resources must be
fish and oil.

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