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GURPS Ranged Calculation

I Want to Shoot Something

Is your missile weapon ready to


Do you meet Snap Shot?
Aim another
Ranged Weapon table Called Shot
Body Part Hit Penalty Result
Type Damage SS Acc 1/2D Max Notes
Composite Bow imp thr+3 14 3 STx20 STx25 max damage 1D+4
Brain -7 x4 damage to brain
Crossbow imp thr+4 12 4 STx20 STx25 max damage 3D
Head -5
Large Knife imp thr 12 0 ST-2 ST+5 max damage 1D+2
Eyes -9
Elroy the Elf Basic Damage for helm slits) -10
13 ST ST 13 Arm -2 HT/2 cripples
13 DX Thrust Swing Hand -4 HT/3 cripples
13 IQ 1D 2D-1 Body 0 none
13 HT Leg -2 HT/2 cripples
Foot -4 HT/3 cripples
points skill value imp dam x3 that
4.0 Bow (P/H) 13 Vitals -3 passes through
1.0 Crossbow (P/E) 13
Range Table
Weapon Type Damage SS Acc 1/2D Max Notes Range Hit Penalty
Composite Bow imp 1D+3 14 3 260 325 max damage 1D+4
Good Quality 2 0
3 -1
5 -2
7 -3
10 -4
15 -5
20 -6
30 -7
45 -8
70 -9
100 -10
150 -11
200 -12
300 -13
450 -14
Elroy firing Compound Bow
Round 1
Hit Penalties Aim Bonuses
-5 Range 12 Aim, turn 1
0 Hit Location (none / body) Aim, turn 2
0 Cover (none) Aim, turn 3
Range 12 0 Orientation (upright) Aim, turn 4
-5 total 0 total

Snap Shot Calculation

Skill (13) + Weapon Bonuses (0) – Hit Penalties (5) = 8
Compound Bow SS is 14, so you do not meet Snap Shot, you will
incur an additional -4 penalty to skill if you fire right now.

Fire Anyway
Firing Options

Skill (13-4) + Weapon Bonuses (0) – Hit Penalties (5) = 4


Bad Guy
Step & Aim
Elroy firing Compound Bow
Round 2
(presuming that you chose to Step & Aim last turn)
Hit Penalties Aim Bonuses
-5 Range 11 3 Aim, turn 1
0 Hit Location (none / body) Aim, turn 2
0 Cover (none) Aim, turn 3
Range 11 0 Orientation (upright) Aim, turn 4
-5 total 3 total

Firing Solution
Skill (13) + Weapon Bonuses (0) – Hit Penalties (5) + Aim (3) = 11

Firing Options


Bad Guy
Step & Aim
Elroy firing Compound Bow
Round 3
(presuming that you chose to Step & Aim last turn)
Hit Penalties Aim Bonuses
-4 Range 10 3 Aim, turn 1
0 Hit Location (none / body) 1 Aim, turn 2
0 Cover (none) Aim, turn 3
Range 10 0 Orientation (upright) Aim, turn 4
-4 total 4 total

Firing Solution
Skill (13) + Weapon Bonuses (0) – Hit Penalties (4) + Aim (4) = 13

Firing Options


Bad Guy
Step & Aim
Elroy firing Compound Bow
Round 4
(presuming that you chose to Step & Aim last turn)
Hit Penalties Aim Bonuses
-4 Range 9 3 Aim, turn 1
0 Hit Location (none / body) 1 Aim, turn 2
0 Cover (none) 1 Aim, turn 3
Range 9 0 Orientation (upright) Aim, turn 4
-4 total 5 total

Firing Solution
Skill (13) + Weapon Bonuses (0) – Hit Penalties (4) + Aim (5) = 14

Firing Options


Bad Guy
Step & Aim

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