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MATRIC. NO: 262758


Pipeline transport is the transportation of goods through a pipe and it is commonly used
for the transmission of water, liquid, and gas utilities. In Malaysia, pipeline transportation that
I know is oil and natural gas pipelines. To transport large quantities of oil or natural gas over
land, pipelines are the most economical way. The most popular natural gas transportation in
Malaysia is gas transportation by Petronas Gas Berhad. In the gas transportation business of
Petronas Gas Berhad, they run 2623 kilometer Peninsular Gas Utilisation (PGU) gas pipeline
network which sends gas for the consumption of power plants and other industry customers
over Peninsular Malaysia. Gas Transmission and Regasification (GTR) Division is the one who
operated gas transportation for the main Control Centre in Segamat, Johor. The current PGU
pipeline network of Petronas Gas Berhad has the capacity to transport up to 3500 million
standard cubic feet per day (mmscfd) of gas. In my opinion, pipeline are essential for the
industry because without the pipeline, the economy could not improved and it will cause
problem to the society to do their daily activities. Plus, it will be helpful and much faster for
transportation that involve large quantities of goods which is water, liquid and gas. The pipeline
transportation in Malaysia has a good infrastructure and must be sustained in long-term.
Figure 1: Map of Peninsular Gas Utilization (PGU) Pipeline Network

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