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Pipeline Transportation in Malaysia

Pipeline transportation is divided to two types which are natural gas pipeline and liquid
petroleum pipeline. In Malaysia, we have Sabah-Sarawak Gas Pipeline (SSGP), Trans
Thailand-Malaysia Gas Pipeline (TTM) and Peninsula Gas Utilisation (PGU). These three
pipelines are types of natural gas pipeline in Malaysia.

The total length of pipeline transportation in Malaysia in 2013 is 9068km which

included the gas (6439km), oil (1937km), condensate (354km), liquid petroleum gas (155km),
water (26km), refined products (114km) and oil/gas/water (43km). In addition, in 2010, there
are gas (1757km), liquid petroleum gas (155km), oil (30km), refined products (114km),
condensate (3km).

There are a lot of companies that use oil and gas pipeline in Malaysia, such as Vasta,
Solmax, PulgCo, Retock Plc, Aegion Corporation, Nace Internation and so on. However,
PETRONAS is the one mainly controlled the most of the pipeline in Malaysia.


This is the project in Peninsula Gas Utilisation.

-this pipeline used 2500 kilometres.

-which is the longest pipeline in Malaysia.

-the length of the pipeline is 512 kilometres long.

-The natural gas pipeline is from Kimanis to Bintulu.

-In January of 2014, it started operating.

My opinion of the pipeline transportation in Malaysia is all the project of pipeline in

Malaysia will reach the target and low risking in the future. Attention must be given to the
environment because a bad environment will give a disadvantage of the pipeline.

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