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(Insert Prologue)

Scene 1
*Aegeon runs into the scene, tired and anxious*
Aegeon: *breathes heavily* I think I’m far enough…
*Guard runs into the scene, angered after chasing for long hours*
Guard 1: There he is!
Guard 3: Quick! Grab him!
*Aegeon tries to run but gets apprehended and pinned to the ground*
Aegeon: But I didn’t do anything wrong! I’m innocent, I tell you!
Guard 1: Innocent? What a foolish attempt to evade an execution!
Aegeon: But it’s true! I’m just a merchant!
Guard 3: Yeah! A merchant from Syracuse! It is specially stated that it is forbidden to travel between there and Ephesus!
Guard 1: And as requested by the king of Ephesus, you are hereby punished by death.
Aegeon: No! You can’t! I can’t die now!
Guard 2: We are just taking orders, traveller. We do not have the power to change the law.
*Guards let Aegeon stand up, then Aegeon turns around forcefully*
Aegeon: Well, is there anything in the law that can save me?
Guard 3: *looks at Guard 1* Do you know anything?
Guard 1: Not that I know of, no. You?
Guard 3: Idiot! That’s why I’m asking you.
Guard 1: Oh sorry, well what about Erios over there?
Guard 3: Erios! Do you know anything that can spare his life?
Guard 2: I know of only 1, but it’s a risky attempt. I doubt a mere merchant like you would ever try it.
Aegeon: Well, it’s not like I have money options. Please tell me.
Guard 2: You should ransom your life for 100 marks!
Aegeon: * shakes in shock* What?! Are you insane?!
Guard 2: No, I’m Erios. A 3-star constable working in Ephesus,
SON OF A- *Gets hit in the head by Guard 1*
Guard 3: Fool, he’s talking about your idea.
Guard 2: Oh. Well, yes I am insane, why?
*Guard 1 and 3 sigh and face-palm in Erios’ stupidity*
Aegeon: Well, anyway, I don’t even have 100 marks, let alone raise that much in a week!
Guard 1: Then it’s off to the execution!
Guard 2 and 3: AYE!
Aegeon: What?! NO! STOP! Please! You can’t do this to me!
*Aegeon starts freaking out, trying to get the ropes untied, but the guard ties it tighter*
???: Wait just one moment!
*Solinus arrives to the scene*
Guard 3: Duke Solinus!
Guard 1: What are you doing wandering about in the forest, sire?
Solinus: I was just having a measly walk and happened to see a trespasser get apprehended.
Guard 2: Hey, what a coincidence! That’s what we’re doing too! That’s ama- *geta hit in the head by Guard 1*
Guard 1: He’s talking about us, you dimwit.
Guard 2: Hey, I may be dimwitted, but I’m as smart as a wizard!
Guard 3: 3! See, I’m not an idi- *hit by both guards*
Guard 1: It’s 4. You’re just disrupting the sire’s presence.
Solinus: No, it’s completely fine. Anyway, as I was saying, I wanted to come over and see the commotion over here.
*Solinus lifts Aegeon’s head*
Tell me traveller, what makes you come to these parts?
Aegeon: Well, it’s quite a long story, to say the least, sire.
Solinus: Please, do speak.
Aegeon: It was quite long ago.

Scene 2
*Emilia enters in the scene. Multi, which happens to be the nurse would assist her*
Multi: Good morning, ma’am.
Emilia: Good morning, can I see Doctor Zendaya?
Multi: Sure ma’am just wait here and I’ll call her.
Emilia: Yeah, sure. Thank you!
*The nurse will smile and nod as a sign of approval*
Dr. Zendaya: It’s been a while, Emilia! So, what’s the matter with you?
Emilia: Well recently, I can’t understand myself. I mean, I tend to vomit every morning. I do weird stuffs to my husband just
like last night. Last night, I didn’t ate the food that he was cooking when in fact, it’s my favourite food. Tell me, have
I turned into an imbecile?
*Doctor Zendaya laughs*
Emilia: Why are you laughing? Do I look funny? Hmmm… I guess your eccentricity is really upgrading.
Doctor Zendaya: What? Haha, should I be the one calling you eccentric? Hahaha.
Emilia: Zendaya!
Dr. Zendaya: Chill okay hahaha. You’re not turning into a fool okay? It’s just that you’re …
Emilia: I’m what?
Dr. Zendaya: You’reeee
Emilia: Zendaya!
Dr. Zendaya: Okay, fine. It’s just that you’re pregnant.
(Aegeon suddenly enters)
Aegeon: What? My wife’s pregnant?
Zendaya: Yes Aegeon. Congratulations.
Aegeon: Finally, I am now a father. (Aegeon hugs his wife)
*Zendaya smiled upon looking at them*
Multi: *coughs*
(Emilia broke the hug as she realized that Zendaya and Multi are just watching them)
Aegeon: Tsk! Panira! (Referring to Multi)
Zendaya: Aegeon?
Aegeon: What?!
Zendaya: You were saying something a while ago.
(Aegeon was about to say something when Emilia cuts him off)
Emilia: Don’t mind him hahaha. Bye Zendaya, bye Multi!
Multi & Z: Bye!

Scene 3
*Time check: 12 midnight*
Emilia: Aegeon?
Aegeon: Yes, my love?
Emilia: I’m craving for some strawberries. Please buy some for me. Please Aegeon.
Aegeon: Okay fine. I’ll try to find some strawberries.
Emilia: Thank you so much, Aegeon.
Aegeon: Anything for you, my love. *kisses Emilia’s hand* bye!
Emilia: Bye! Be safe.
Aegeon: Yes, I will. (Aegeon exits)

Scene 4
*Emilia’s already sleeping*
Aegeon: *knocks* Emilia! Emilia? Here are the strawberries. (No one responded)
*Aegeon opens the door and saw Emilia who is already sleeping*
Aegeon: Emilia, always remember that I love you. *kisses Emilia on her forehead* Good night.
Scene 5:
(After 9 months)
Emilia: A-eegeon
Aegon: Emilia, what’s wrong?
Emilia: I think my water broke (stuttering).
Aegeon: Hala! Manganak naka?
Emilia: What?!
Aegeon: What should I do?
Emilia: A-eegon
Aegeon: Let’s go to the hospital.
(Aegeon immediately run without even thinking that he left Emilia)
Emilia: Aegeon!
Aegeon: Emilia, let’s go.
Emilia: Do you think I can walk?
Aegeon: I’m sorry, my love. (Aegeon carries Emilia)
Scene 6
(Emilia lies on the bed while Aegeon sat beside her. Suddenly, the nurse and the doctor enters)
Doctor Zendaya: Here are your twins!
(Emlia gets the one that Zendaya is holding while Aegeon gets the other one)
Emilia: They are like angls in the moonlight. Right Aegeon?
Aegeon: They’re really handsome, just like me.
Multi: Like someone would believe you.
Aegeon: Hey, are you calling me ugly?
Multi: I didn’t say that.
Emilia: Shh… the babies are sleeping.
Doctor Zendaya: So Emilia, what name would you like to give to your twins?
Emilia: How about Zach *pauses for a while* or Antipholus?
Doctor Zendaya: I prefer Zach
Aegeon: Well, Antipholus would be a nice name.
Multi: Yeah, Antipholus is really nice.
Doctor Zendaya: It’s Antipholus then. So I guess I have to go. I have to assist someone over there. She also gave birth to
Aegeon: Uhm Zendaya, would she mind if we buy the babies?
Doctor Zendaya: I quess she won’t. In fact, she wants someone who can take care of them. She does not want them to
experience a poor life.
Aegeon: That’s nice to hear. Tell her that we’re willing to buy the babies.
Doctor Zendaya: Yeah, sure. Bye.
(Zendaya and Multi goes out)
Emilia: Aegeon, why do you want to buy them?
Aegeon: My love, I think it would be better if our twins will also have twin slaves.
Emilia: Ah… I see! That would be interesting,
Aegeon: Yeah, I told you so.
Emilia: Look Aegeon. They’re really adorable.
Aegeon: Yeah, just like me hahaha.
*Emilia smiled as she looked at the twins*
Aegeon: Emilia, always remember that my love for you will never end. I may be imperfect but I assure you, I’ll try my best to
satisfy you and our children.
Emilia: Actually, you don’t need to do anything. The idea of you in my life is already a satisfaction for me.
Aegeon: I love you so much.
Emilie: I love you, too.
(Aegeon is about to kiss Emilia when Doctor Zendaya and Multi entered)
(Doctor Zendaya flashed a meaningful smile towards Emilia)
Doctor Zendaya: By the way, here are the babies.
Emilia: Wow! They really look cute.
Aegeon: Yeah, I’ll call them Dromio.
Emilia: Dronio?
Aegeon: Nah, it’s DROMIO.
Emilia: Ah… I see. Hi there Dromio
----close the curtain----
Scene 7
*Boat enters scene*
*Boat sounds, horn and water sounds*
*Aegeon and Emilia enter the scene, with both twins*
Aegeon: Come, Emilia or we will be late!
Emilia: I’m right behind you, love!
*both gets aboard the ship*
*A guide enters the scene and confronts the couple*
Guide: Good day, madam! *looks at Aegeon* Sire, welcome aboard! I assure you that we will have a wondrous time setting
Emilia: Thank you dear. It’s always quite the pleasure to be welcomed.
Guide: Well, do you have your room keys?
Aegeon: I believe we do so already *shows the key*
Guide: Splendid! I’ll be escorting you to your room. Do you need any help with carrying your luggage? You seem to be in a
bit of a pickle there. *sees that the parents are struggling with carrying the luggage*
Emilia: Oh! Please do, dear. Thank you so much!
Guide: It’s always a pleasure.
*The 3 walk of the screen*

Scene 8
*Main deck*
*Both enter the scene, Emilia quite happy*
Emilia: Isn’t this wonderful, love? The sea, the breeze, everything! It’s amazing!
Aegeon: Well, it’s very nice here.
* Emilia gets close to Aegeon*
Emilia: Thank you for bringing us here, love!
Aegeon: Well, it’s always my job to keep the family happy and strong.
Emilia: Oh! I know! We should try the bar tonight, maybe we cou—
*they both realize something*
Emilia: Is it getting kinda windy?
Aegean: A bit, yes. And the skies seem to have darken.
Emilia: That couldn’t mean ---
*loud thunder heard* *boat shakes* *screams and running people are around the deck*
Emilia: What’s going on?! *Aegeon grabs someone running*
Aegeon: What on blazes is going on here?!
Stranger: A storm is upon us! Thunder struck the rear end! T-the ship is sinking!
Aegeon: What?!
*loud crackles of thunder and wood breaking*
*stranger escaped Aegeons grip and runs off*
Aegeon: Emilia, protect the children! We need to find somewhere safe!
(Aegeon tries to find somewhere safe but none are found)
(More devastating sounds are heard)
(Emilia get frustrated from running around)
Emilia: Love, this is no use! We need to split up!
Aegeon: Are you sure? What about the kids?
Emilia: I can’t carry them alone! One of them might slip! You have to take 2 of them.
Aegeon: But what if we can’t see each other, my love?
Emilia: Love, I know we will meet again. Trust me!
Aegeon: Okay, give me Dromio and Antipholus * Emilia hands a pair* You search the upper deck, I’ll search the lower.
*The both run on either side off the screen*

Scene 9
*Back to Solinus and Aegeon*
Aegeon: And that was the last time I ever saw her. The children and I boarded on a rescue boat and returned back to
Syracuse. I don’t even know if she’s still alive.
Solinus: So you came here to Ephesus to search for your lost wife?
Aegean: Well, not really. I woke up to know that Antipholus and Dromio both left Syracuse in search for their brothers…

Scene 10 (Syracuse)
*Dromio of Syracuse is staring at the mirror (audience)*
Dromio: Oh heavens above, Thank you for giving me such a HANDSOME FAAAAACE…!
*dances for about 1-4 seconds*
*Antipholus of Syracuse suddenly enters*
AS: DROMIO! What are you doing?
DS: Uhm, nothing master.
AS: I suppose you’re admiring your face again. Right?
DS: Master, nothing’s wrong with being a narcissist.
AS: Yeah. Nothing ‘s wrong with being a narcissist. Wanna know what’s wrong?
DS: What master?
AS: You! The idea of you being a narcissist is so wrong. *shooks his head*
DS: Hmp! I hate you master!
AS: Likewise, Dromio hahaha.

Scene 11 (Ephesus)
(Antipholus of Ephesus was reading a letter while he’s walking. On the other hand, Adriana is reading a book. They
didn’t noticed each other’s presence so as a result, they bumped and Adriana fell to the ground.)
AE: I’m really sorry, mademoiselle *offers his hand to Adriana but she shoved it away*
Adriana: Well, you should be!
AE: By the way, I’m Ant---
Adriana: Do I look like I care?
AE: But…
Adriana: No more buts! Back off!
*Adriana walks out*
(A few seconds after, Dromio will approach AE)
DE: Master!
AE: *silence*
DE: Master! Master? Master!!
AE: What?!
DE: Master, you’re spacing out awhile ago. What happened?
AE: Dromio, am I ugly?
DE: No master. You’ve got the looks that any girl would really fall for.
AE: Then why is she so mean? *talks to himself*
DE: Master, who’s she?
AE: Never mind. Let’s go.
DE: Yeah, sure.

Scene 12 (Syracuse)
DS: I’m handsome! *fixed his hair* Damn, I’m really handsome.
AS: Dromio, stop it!
DS: But master, I’m handsome!
AS: Like I would believe you.
DS: Imo mama would believe you.
AS: What did you say?
DS: Nothing master. Nothing.
AS: Imo mama nothing.
DS: Master, are you imitating me?
AS: What do you think of me? A copycat?! *glares at DS*
DS: Ahahaha PIKON! (Suddenly, Aegeon entes)
Aegeon: Antipholus.
AS: Dad.
Aegeon: You’re planning about searching for your twin, right?
AS: Yes, dad.
Aegeon: So when sill you start finding him?
AS: As soon as possible. I really want to see him including mom.
DS: Same here. I also want to see my twin. I wonder if he’s also handsome like me.
AS: Stupid! Of course he’ll look exactly like you. Let me rephrase that. I mean, as ugly as you.
DS: MASTER! (Aegeon stared at them)
Aegeon: So, as what I’ve said, I want you to pack your things right now since you’ll start tomorrow.
AS: Thanks, dad!
Aegeon: You’re always welcome, son.

Scene 13 (Ephesus)
*Adriana is in a garden with Luciana*
Adriana: Luciana, look! The flowers are so nice.
Luciana: Yeah, this place is really alluring!
Adriana: Exactly!
Luciana: Uhm. Adriana, I think I should go now. I have to do something important. Bye!
Adriana: Okay, bye.
(AE and DE enters)
DE: Master, this place is really good.
(AE is staring intently at Adriana)
(DE looks at AE then to Adriana)
DE: Master? Master! Hey!
AE: Ah Dromio!
DE: Hmmm (grins) You look in love master.
AE: In love? What are you talking about?
(Adriana noticed AE and DE’s presence)
Adriana: You again?
AE: H-hi!
Adriana: Tsk! (walks out)
AE: Someday, you’ll be my wife (faces no one in particular)
DE: Hmmm, my master’s really in love.
AE: Dromio, I don’t why but I’m starting to love her even though she’s not that beautiful nor that good. In fact, she’s so mean
to me.
DE: Master, always remember this. You don’t love someone because they’re perfect. You love them in spite of the fact that
they’re not.
AE: WOW! Words of freedom!
DE: Hahahahahahhahaha
AE: Hey, why are you laughing?
DE: Master, it’s actually Words of WISDOM and not Word of FREEDOM hahahahaha.
AE: I’m just a human, okay? Mistakes are bound to happen.
DE: Yeah hahahaha
AE: Tsk! *shooks his head*
Scene 14 (Ephesus)
*Luciana is reading a book when suddenly, Adriana enters*
Luciana: Adriana, what’s with that face?
Adriana: Sis, I think I need to consult a doctor.
Luciana: Why? Are you sick?
Adriana: No! I just can’t understand myself. Damn!
Luciana: Why? What happened?
Adriana: Would you believe if I tell you that there are butterflies in my stomach?
Luciana: Hmm. Familiar. Then? *a smile was plastered on her face*
Adriana: Then, whenever I see him, my heart beats faster than my usual heartbeat. It seems like my heart is about to explode.
Dang it.
Luciana: Sis, you’re not sick.
Adriana: Then what do you call this weird feeling?
Luciana: Maybe perhaps…
Adriana: Perhaps what?
Luciana: Maybe perhaps, you’re in love!
Adriana: NO! This can’t be happening! Why would I love him when in fact, I despise him?!
Luciana: Adriana, maybe your mind keeps on telling you to despise him but sad to say, your heart is saying the other way
Adriana: NOOO! I’m not in love!
Luciana: Trust me, you’re in love.
Adriana: Dang it.

Scene 15 (Ephesus)
(AE was writing something when DE enters silently)
DE: Her eyes are telling me the emotions that she keeps on hiding *reading AE’s poem*
AE: Dromio!
DE: Master.
AE: Why are you invading my privacy?
DE: Master, I’m innocent.
AE: Tsk!
DE: By the way master.
AE: What?!
DE: I have good news for you!
AE: Just make sure that it’s important.
DE: Of course master!
AE: So what is it?
DE: Remember the girl that you love? I already know her name.
AE: Really?
DE: Yes! And one more thing, I also know where she lives.
AE: That’s good to hear.
DE: Master, why not serenade her?
AE: That would be a good idea but too bad, she hates me.
DE: Nothing’s wrong in trying, master.
AE: Okay, then. We’ll serenade her tonight. But would you please send her these letters Dromio?
DE: Sure master!
AE: Thanks Dromio!

Scene 16
(AE and DE were walking towards Adriana’s home)
DE: Master, aren’t you afraid?
AE: Afraid of what?
DE: Of GHOSTS! Look, this place is really creepy.
AE: Honestly Dromio, I’m more afraid of the living than the dead.
DE: Why master?
AE: Because the living has tha capability to hurt you. The dead just scares you.
DE: Well, you have a point master!
(They continued walking until they reached Adriana’s house)
*Luciana is sweeping. AE would approach Luciana thinking that she’s Adriana*
AE: Uhm, A-ad--- (Luciana faced him as shock was written on her face)
DE: Hahahaha (AE glared at him)
AE: I’m sorry, I’m really sorry.
Luciana: It’s okay. I guess you want to see Adriana, right?
AE: Yes mademoiselle.
Luciana: Okay, I’ll call her. (AE starts singing)
*Just the way you are*
Oh her eyes, her eyes make the stars look like they’re not shinin’ … (Adriana enters)
Just the way you are
(Luciana will push Adriana to AE. AE would catch her) *stares for 3 seconds*
AE: Adriana, even if you can’t look at me, I will still savour the moment looking at you. Even if you ignore me, I will still
listen to your silent words. Even if you leave me, I will still find ways to find you. And even if you can’t love me like
the way I do, I will still love you.
Adriana: I hate you! I really hate you for making me feel this way! I hate you for making me despise yet want you at the
same time (AE’s eyes widen)
AE: Y-you also l-love me?
Adriana: I hate to admit it but I-I can’t deny the fact that I’m falling for y-you *AE hugs Adriana*
AE: I love you so much! You don’t know how much you made me happy!
Scene 17 (Syracuse)
DS: Move give way, Handsome Dromio is on the way! Move---
AS: Dromio!
DS: I’mhandsome! Ah yes master?
AS: What re you doing?!
DS: What do you think master?
AS: What do you think you’re doing?
DS: Master! I’m your handsome imitator. Haven’t you remembered?
AS: Urgh! Why do I have a fatuous servant like you? Dang it!
DS: At least, I’m handsome. (AS shook his head)

Scene 18
(Adriana was walking when AE covered her eyes with a handkerchief )
Adriana: HELP! HELP!
AE: It’s me, love.
Adriana: Antipholus?
AE: Let’s get married.
Adriana: But we didn’t plan for the reception and other wedding stuffs.
AE: I don’t need an extravagant wedding. All I need is you walking down the aisle while I wait at the altar. So, let’s go?
Adriana: Sure, love!

Scene 19
AS: Dromio, it’s been years yet we haven’t find my twin.
DS: Yeah! It’s been years yet my face is still handsome.
AS: There you go again.
DS: Ahahaha so master, what’s your plan?
AS: Bring this money to the Centaur Inn where we’re lodging. Wait there until I come. I’ll just walk around town, peruse the
market s and gaze upon the buildings.
DS: Okay, master. I leave you to your own content. *DS exits*
AS: He leaves me to my own contentment, but that’s the one thing I cannot find. In order to find a mother and a brother, I too
have lost myself, unhappily. (DE enters)
AS: Dromio, what is it? How is it that you’ve come back so soon?
DE: Back so soon? Too late is more like it. Master, let’s go. Your wife is waiting for you.
AS: Wife? Stop fooling around Dromio. By the way, where’s the money?
DE: Oh, the sixpence you gave me last Wednesday? The saddle maker has it, master. I didn’t keep it.
AS: Stop fooling. Where’s the money? How dare you let such a large amount of money escape your keeping?
DE: Please master, crack your jokes over lunch. Your wife is waiting for you.
AS: That’s enough Dromio. This isn’t a good moment for jokes.
DE: Master, I’m not joking!
AS: *beats Dromio of Ephasus*
DE: Master, what is wrong with you. Dangit!
(DE exits)
(Adriana and Luciana enters)
(They didn’t notice AS)
(Meanwhile, DS enters)
Adriana: Luciana, where shall we find Antipholus?
Luciana: I don’t know.
DS: Master!
AS: Dromio, are you over your ridiculous mood?
DS: Why?
AS: If you like being hit, crack some joke like what you did awhile ago, that you weren’t given any money, that my wife is
waiting for me.
Luciana: Adriana, there he is! (They went to DS and AS)
Adriana: My love, let’s go.
AS: What?!
DS: Master, you have a wife?
AS: Wife? Are you insane?!
Adriana: What’s happening with you? *Adriana holds his hand* Let’s go.
(Luciana together with DS followed)

Scene 20
DE: Master!
AE: Oh Dromio!
DE: Are you okay now?
AE: What do you mean?
DE: Ah nevermind.
AE: Weird. By the way, I want you to go to the goldsmith. Tell him that I want a gold chain.
DE: Okay, master.

Scene 21
Adriana: Dromio, don’t let someone enter. Okay?
DS: Okay!
(Adriana, Luciana and AS walk off screen)
(AE knocks the door)
AE: Love! Please open the door!
DS: Sorry, but you’re not allowed to enter.
AE: Hey, I’m Adriana’s husband!
DS: *silence*
AE: Tsk! (AE exits)

Scene 22
DS: Master, do you have any idea why we’re here?
AS: I don’t even know, Dromio. I can’t understand myself. It’s like I’m starting to love Luciana.
DS: Nothing’s wrong with falling in love master. Just remember that mind and heart functions best when they’re together.
AS: Thanks Dromio, I’ll keep that in mind.
(Luciana suddenly enters)
DS: Bye master!
AS: Dromio!
(DS runs off screen)
AS: Uhm L-Luciana.
Luciana: Antipholus
AS: I have to tell you something,
Luciana: What is it?
AS: L-Luciana, I don’t know why but you captivated my heart effortlessly. You m-make everything you d-do is special i-in
the simplest way yet you’re able to capture my heart in the best way. Luciana, I may sound gay but I t-think that I’m
starting t-to love y-you…
*silence for 3 seconds*
Luciana: S-sorry Antipholus. *looks at the ground* I-I never meant to hurt your feelings a-as much as b-breaking your heart.
Believe me , I would be the last person that will d-do that to you. But I can never g-give you back the kind of love that
you wanted. I’m s-sorry.
*tears streamed down her cheeks*
*AS wiped her tears*
AS: Luciana, it’s okay. Y-you don’t need to be sorry. *hugs Luciana* It’s my fault, stop crying okay? Seeing you in pain
hurts me more. So please, stop crying. I’m willing to set you free. Even if it hurts.

Scene 23
Aegeon: Antipholus did not return so I went out to search for them. And I ended up in his predicament.
Solinus: Hmmm, quite an interesting story to say the least. You have moved me with it, traveller. Therefore, I shall give you
one day to pay the fine.
Aegeon: Thank you, sire!

Scene 24
L: Adriana, what’s wrong? You look bothered.
A: Luciana, am I boring? Have I lost my wit? Am I not enough?
L: What’s wrong?
A: Antipholus changed! I know his eyes were worshipping some other woman.
L: Adriana, this jealousy is harming you. Drive it out of you.
A: Only someone who doesn’t feel this pain could tell me to ignore it. *walks out*
L: Damn. This is my fault. *walks off screen*
Scene 25
DS: Master, look. Someone told me to give this to you.
AS: Why?
DS: He said that he’ll get payment tomorrow.
AS: But I didn’t ordered a gold chain.
(DS shrugged his shoulders)
Scene 26
(Angelo saw AE and DE)
A: Antipholus, I need the payment right now.
AE: What? I didn’t received the gold chain.
A: I told Dromio to give it to you. Didn’t he?
DE: Sire, I didn’t receive the golden chain from you.
A: Liars! You shall be arrested!
AE and DE: NO!
(2 guards arrested them)
(All of them walk off-screen)
Scene 27
Adriana: Uhm excuse me, would you please bring back their minds. They’ve been really acting weird these days. Please heal
Dr. Pinch: Sure, I’ll do my best to heal them.
Adriana: Thank you so much.
(Adriana left)
(AS and DS tied Dr. Pinch and they escaped)

Scene 28
(AE, DE, 2 guards, Angelo enter)
Angelo: Duke Solinus, I need you to arrest them.
DS: why?
Angelo: They didn’t pay for the golden chain that they ordered.
(Aegeon enters being tied with a rope)
Aegeon: Son! Dromio!
(DE and AE look at him)
DE: You know me?
Aegeon: Of course. Why are you looking at me so strangely? You know me well.
AE: I never saw you before in my life.
Aegeon: Oh, grief has transformed me since the last time you saw me. But, don’t you know my voice?
AE: No.
Aegeon: Don’t you Dromio?
DE: No Sir. Trust me. I do not.
Aegeon: I am sure you do.
DE: Fine, sir. But I’m sure I don’t. And you’re in no position to doubt my word.
Aegeon: I cannot be wrong. You are my son, Antipholus.
(AS, DS, and Emilia enter)
AS: Father!
DS: Oh, my old master! Who tied him up?
Emilia: Tell us Aegeon, are you the man who once had a wife named Emilia, who gave birth to 2 fair sons? If you are the
same Aegeon, speak now and speak to the same Emilia!
Duke Solinus: Now, it all make sense. These 2 Antipholuses who look so alike and these 2 Dromios and the story of being
shipwrecked. These 2 are the parents of these children and have been reunited by accident.
Aegeon: If I’m not dreaming, you are Emilia. If it’s really you, tell me what happened to our son?
Emilia: Some men from Epidamnum rescued me, our son and Dromio. But then, a gang of fishermen from Corinth kidnapped
Aegeon: I see. I missed you so much Emilia. (hugs Emilia)
(Adriana and Luciana enter)
Adriana: Antipholus (The 2 Antipholuses faced her)
Adriana: Wait, am I dreaming?
AE: My love, you’re not dreaming. He’s my long last twin.
Luciana and Adriana: What? So after all, we’re facing the wrong Antipholus?
(AE and AS nod)
Adriana: I missed you, love! (They embraced each other)
(AS went to Luciana)
AS: Luciana, I missed you. *kisses Luciana’s forehead*
Adriana: *coughs* Luciana, care to explain…
Luciana: Uhm…
AS: Stop with all the explanations, I love her and that’s all that matters.
DE, DS, AE, A: Yieeee
A: Luciana, do you like him?
L: NO! (AS’ eyes widened) Cause I love him!
AS: For real?
L: Yes!
AS: Guys, let’s celebrate!
DS and DE: YES! (All of them walk off-screen)
Scene 29
After 3 years
(DS, DE, AS, A and L enter)
AS: Since we’re many, let’s play a game.
DS and DE: Game?
AS: Yes, Truth or Dare!
DS and DE: Truth or Dare?
AS: *gets annoyed* YES! Truth or Dare!
DS and DE: DARE?!
AS: One last time and I’m gonna punch both of you!
(AS stand up while the 2 Dromios run off screen)
AS: Okay, let’s start the game.
L: But where’s the bottle?
AS: We’ll start with you bro (referring to AE)
AE: Okay
AS: So truth or dare?
AE: Truth
AS: I you were to choose between a circle and a heart, which would you choose as a symbol of love for Adriana?
AE: A shircle
AS: why not a heart?
AE: A heart can be broken but a shircle goesh on forever *looksh at A* (DE and DS enter)
DS and DE: ayieeeee(ut) (Dwyncee passes by)
Dea: Nothing lasts forever!
DS: If nothing lasts forever, will you be my nothing? (LOSLOS SAD AY HAHAHAHAHAHAHA)
Everyone: Yieeeeeee(ut)
Dea: Just kidding! Forever actually exists. (She’s about to walk off screen when DS followed her) Why are you following
DS: They told me to follow my heart, so I followed you. *Dea smiled at him* (NANINUOD MAN TAWN KA, NYAWA
Dea: My name is Ondrea, not Heart. (LAMYA NA QAQO)
DS: K. Bye!
Everyone: hahahahahahyieut (NATAY MANA JUD! KATULGON KAYKO SHYET)

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