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// ------------------------------------------------------ Naming

Name Nieuport 16
ShortName nigga16
ItemID 23319
// ------------------------------------------------------ Visuals
Icon NP16
Model NewAge.Niuport16
Texture SkinNieuport16
//Third Person Camera Distance
CameraDistance 10.0
//Resting Pitch. Set this so the plane spawns level. It will fall onto its
collision boxes automatically, but this lets you start it flat
RestingPitch 5.0
// ------------------------------------------------------ Movement
//Mode : One of Plane, Heli or VTOL. The VTOL has a toggle button that switches
some model aesthetics and the flight mode
Mode Plane
MaxThrottle 1.07
MaxNegativeThrottle 0.0
//Yaw modifiers
TurnLeftSpeed 1.4
TurnRightSpeed 1.4
//Pitch modifiers
LookUpSpeed 1.4
LookDownSpeed 1.4
//Roll modifiers
RollLeftSpeed 1.4
RollRightSpeed 1.4
//Drag 1.0 is standard. Modify to make the plane / heli more or less sluggish
Drag 1
NumWheels 3
WheelPosition 0 -92 -22 -15
WheelPosition 1 -92 -22 15
WheelPosition 2 12 -19 0
WheelSpringStrength 0.125
//Propeller Positions
//Propeller <ID> <x> <y> <z> <planePart> <recipeItem>
Propeller 0 -73 -29 0 core Repair
Propeller 1 -68 -29 0 core Repair
// ------------------------------------------------------ Weaponry
//Weapon types. Options are Missile, Bomb, Gun, Shell, None
Primary Gun
ShootParticlesPrimary flansmod.fmflame 0 0 0
Secondary Missile
//Time between shots in 1/20ths of seconds
ShootDelayPrimary 2
ShootDelaySecondary 14
//Whether to alternate or fire all together
AlternatePrimary False
AlternateSecondary True
//Firing modes. One of SemiAuto, FullAuto or Minigun
ModePrimary FullAuto
ModeSecondary FullAuto
//Add shoot origins. These are the points on your vehicle from which bullets /
missiles / shells / bombs appear
ShootPointPrimary 52 36 0 core vickersPart
ShootPointPrimary 42 56 0 core lewisGunAir
ShootPointSecondary 53 37 59 core
ShootPointSecondary 53 37 -63 core
ShootPointSecondary 53 38 59 core
ShootPointSecondary 53 38 -63 core
ShootPointSecondary 53 39 59 core
ShootPointSecondary 53 39 -63 core
ShootPointSecondary 53 40 59 core
ShootPointSecondary 53 40 -63 core
// ------------------------------------------------------ Inventory
CargoSlots 8
BombSlots 0
MissileSlots 1
AllowAllAmmo False
AddAmmo leprieurRocket

//Fuel Tank Size (1 point of fuel will keep one propeller going with throttle at 1
for 1 tick)
FuelTankSize 1500
// ------------------------------------------------------ Passengers
Pilot 30 22 0
Passengers 0
flightCeiling 480
// ------------------------------------------------------ Sounds
StartSound FighterStart
StartSoundLength 22
PropSound FighterEngine
PropSoundLength 30
ShootSoundSecondary RocketShoot
ShootSoundPrimary ShootPM10
ShootSoundSecondary RocketShoot
PlaceSoundPrimary Camel_PlaceSound
// ------------------------------------------------------ Recipe
//Each section of the plane may have many parts
//The sections are tailWheel, tail, bay, topWing, leftWingWheel, leftWing,
//rightWing, nose, turret, coreWheel, core
AddRecipeParts core 1 Repair
AddRecipeParts airframe 1 lostWing
AddRecipeParts rightWing 1 lostWing
AddRecipeParts leftWing 1 lostWing
AddRecipeParts tail 5 Repair
//Dye colours are "black", "red", "green", "brown", "blue", "purple", "cyan",
"silver", "gray", "pink", "lime", "yellow", "lightBlue", "magenta", "orange",
// ------------------------------------------------------ Health and hitboxes
SetupPart core 40 -4 18 -5 10 20 14
SetupPart airframe 60 -55 7 -9 90 21 18
SetupPart leftWing 45 -2 6 -68 18 20 136
SetupPart rightWing 45 -2 25 -68 18 17 136
SetupPart tail 22 -88 8 -24 35 32 48
BulletDetection 3
//Collision points for breaking wings etc. upon crashing
CollisionPoint 0 -2 20 rightWing
CollisionPoint 0 -2 40 rightWing
CollisionPoint 0 -2 -20 leftWing
CollisionPoint 0 -2 -40 leftWing
CollisionPoint 0 18 -40 topWing
CollisionPoint 0 18 -20 topWing
CollisionPoint 0 18 0 topWing
CollisionPoint 0 18 20 topWing
CollisionPoint 0 18 40 topWing
CollisionPoint 50 15 0 core
CollisionPoint 90 15 0 core
CollisionPoint 50 15 0 core
CollisionPoint 90 15 0 core
CollisionPoint 50 15 0 core
CollisionPoint 90 15 0 core
CollisionPoint -40 -2 0 tail
CollisionPoint -20 -2 0 tail
IsExplosionWhenDestroyed false
CollisionDamageEnable true
CollisionDamageThrottle 0.21
CollisionDamageTimes 5
Description French Biplane Fighter_480 Block Service Ceiling_Max Speed : 103
MPH_Entered Service 1916
ModelScale 0.8

//---new shit ---

//max speeds sea level and high alt when afterburning or WEPing
maxSpeed 1.10
highAltMax 1.10

//max speeds sea level and high alt when not afterburning dry thrust cruise speed
maxSpeed 1.10
highAltMax 1.10

//max speed during a high energy death dive

diveBonus 1.0
//max speed when dying from low energy stall climb
stallSuffering 0.2

//bonus multiplier for gaining energy while diving

energyGainRate 0.5

//how fast energy is lost multiplier

energyLossRate 0.25

//maneuvrability multipliers applied when max energy, if low energy defaults to

just x1 you can also use 0.x to simulate controls locking up at high speed
rollBonus 1.2
yawBonus 1.5
pitchBonus 1.7

//maneuvrability multiplier when low energy stall

rollStall 0.7
yawStall 0.8
pitchStall 0.8

hasAfterBurner true
//use this to rename afterburner to WEP or 110% throttle or Notleistung or whatever
the fuck
afterBurnName WEP

//multiplier to fuel consumption when afterburner on

afterBurnFuelPenalty 1.5

//measured in seconds at 100%throttle afterburner off

labjacFuel 720
//---end of new shit----

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