280 1 Eot 1 2015 S2

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S.2 APRIL, 2015
TIME: 1 HR 30 MIN.

Attempt question in section A, and in section B, refer closely to the book you
have covered this term.


1. Name and define any two categories of Literature.

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2. State any two forms of narratives in Oral Literature.
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3. What is the difference between the forms of Oral Literature named above?
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4. Define the following concepts as used in Literature;
i) Characterisation:
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ii) Setting:
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iii) Plot:

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5. Differentiate the following;
i) Dirges and marriage songs;

ii) Tongue twisters and riddles;

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iii) Name and define any two forms of written Literature.
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1. Read the poem below and attempt the questions that follow it.

I hate men,
Because they take me to the dark street theatre,
And even to the bedroom!
They put me to their lips,
And squeeze the life out of me!
They make me hot
And feel me all over.
When they have got what they want from me...
They throw me aside.
Why should they take advantage of my white body?
After all I am just a cigarette!!!
Nurie Abdul


1. State:
a) a suitable title to the poem.
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b) the poet. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .
c) the speaker. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .
2a) what are the feelings of the speaker in the poem?

b) What are the reasons for your response(s) in 2(a)?

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3. What moral lessons do we learn from this poem?

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SECTION B (Write an essay form)

4. In relation to the novel you have covered in class this term:

a) state two major contrasting characters in the novel
b) explain what virtues we would miss from the novel in absence of these


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