PICAF Course Syllabus Template

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Philippine Integrated College Academy Foundation


Course Title Fields of Social Work

No. of Units 3 units
Course Description Study on the Orientation on the different social welfare /social work settings and contexts; Social work and functions in
working with different client systems e.g. woman, elderly, urban poor, children and youth; Issues and concerns of social
welfare/development agencies and locating the roles of social work in the emerging trends in the Philippine context e.g.,
migration and social work, cybercrimes, corporate social responsibility
No. of Hours per Week 3 hours (2 days in a week)
Prerequisite(s) None
Corequisite(s) BSW 115 (The Philippine Social Realities and Social Welfare)
BSW 120 (Social Deviation and Social Work)
BSW 130(Social Work Statistics)
BSW 135 (Social Welfare Policies, Programs and Services)
Learning Outcomes Cognitive
1. Identify the different Social Work practice settings, client’s needs and problem and agency responses
2. Compare and contrast at least 2 different Social Work practice settings based on typology of setting, clientele,
functions of Social Work including gender responsive approach
1. Demonstrate appreciation of the scope and diversity of the social work settings.
2. Manifest beginning identification with particular Social Work setting as a potential career path
1. Produce a directory of social welfare and development agencies with the corresponding target clientele, program
and services, eligibility requirements.
References 1. Mendoza, Thelma Lec. 2nd Ed (2002). Social Welfare and Social Work. Central Books: Quezon City
2. Review Notes
3. Internet sources
Grading System 3 Major Examinations- 60%
Quizzes and assignments -20%
Class Participation/oral recitation/agency visits-15%
Attendance- 5%

Teaching and
Desired Learning Assessment of Task
Week Content/Subject Matter Textbook/References/Resources Learning Activities
Outcomes (ATs)
1 Articulate their Levelling of Expectations Copy of the course syllabus Interactive Discussions Forged agreements
expectations of the Overview Fields os Social Work Presentation of syllabus on the conduct of the
course, the course as well as on
professor/instructor the part of the
and the students
methodologies in
the teaching-
learning system
2 Explain the basic Basic Concepts in Social Work Lecture notes Lecture/Discussion Dyadic sharing
concepts, a. Social Work
definitions and b. Needs
other related terms c. Problems Situationers Quiz
of Social Work d. Issues LCD Projector
e. Provision
f. Programs/services
g. Social responsibility Laptop
h. Human rights
i. Clients
j. Social Welfare
k. Social Agency
3-4 Touch base with Overview of Social realities, Power point Presentation Lecture Recitation
social realities social services and resource LCD Projector Interactive/discussion
Discuss social system for clients Laptop
services and

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Philippine Integrated College Academy Foundation
resource systems
for clients
5-10 Discuss the nature, Fields of Social Work Practice
focus, and a. Locus of practice
characteristics of -Direct and indirect practice
different settings of b. Primary and Secondary Setting
social work (NGO, GO, CSO, Corporate)
c. Systems Level/size
Discuss - Micro or Clinical
Issues/problem and d. Contexts
responses of the - Hospitals
different social - Court
agencies - Welfare institutions
Identify the - Schools
functions and roles - Church
of the social - Military
workers in the - Industrial/corporate
different settings e. Sector-based client population:
- Farmers
Describe the social - Fisher folk
work helping - Woman
processes that is -Peasants
common to all - OFW and migrants workers
settings - Urban poor
- Child and youth
Identify oneself in -Elderly
the specific field of - Differently abled
interest in social f. Types of organizations
work settings - Work with LGUs, NGOs, GO’s,
Civil Society, PO’s

g. Social work Practice with specific

client population with special needs and
circumstances (woman ,child and
family, elderly and PWD. CICL,
survivors of sexual and physical abuse,

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survicors of human rights violation,
LGBTQI, Indigenous people, HIV-AIDS
patients, disaster survivor, OFW and

h. Functions, roles, and skills of

social workers in different settings

11-12 Compare and International Social Work Reading materials and Library work Group report
contrast social - I.E. Social Development at references
work practice in the regional and international H-chart Quiz
international level levels;
with local practice - Consortium with UN
(Philippine Setting) agencies and other
humanitarian endeavors
focused on migration
refugees, overseas workers,
environmental issues, and
other impacts/consequences
of globalization
13-16 Explain the nature Other Setting or Emerging fields of Film Group debate Written insights on the
of the emerging Social Work emerging fields as
fields of social work Role Playing gleaned from debate,
in the Philppine Practice and Corresponding Roles and Topic for debate role playing or film
context functions of the Social Worker Process viewing
- Migration and Social Work Questions Film Viewing
Locate the roles of - International Social Work
Social Work in - Human Trafficking Articulated positions
these emerging - Cybercrimes Youtube clips Interactive Discussion on emerging fields
fields - Forensic Social Work
Gender and Development Projector
Explore gender and - DSWD”s Response to Quiz
development as Poverty Laptop
crosscutting a. Pantawid Program
concepts or theme b. SLP
in the emerging c. KALAHI-CIDSS

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files of social work d. Social Protection
e. Corporate Social
f. Environmental Protection
Peace and Development
g. Social Work and Mental

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