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1 Abrasi K03.1
2 Abses Periapikal dengan Sinus K04.6
3 Abses Periapikal Tanpa Sinus K04.7
4 Anodensia K00.0
5 Anomali Dentofasial (Termasuk mal Oklusi) KO7
6 Bibir Sumbing Q37
7 Calculus / Stain K03.6
8 Didlokasi Gigi / Luksasi Gigi S03.2
9 Dislokasi Mandibula S03.0
10 Fraktur Gigi S02.5
11 Fraktur Mandibula S02.6
12 Gangguan Erupsi Gigi K00.0
13 Gangguan Gigi dan Jaringan Penyangga Lainnya K08
14 Gangguan Gusi dan HUB Alveolar KO6
15 Gigi Abnormal K00.2
16 Gigi Terbenam / Impaksi K01
17 Gigi Impaksi K01.1
18 Gingivitis dan Peny. Periodontitis K05
19 Gingivitis Kronis K05.1
20 Karies Dentin K02.1
21 Karies Email K02.0
22 Karies Gigi K02
23 Karies Sementum K02.2
24 Karies lainnya K02.8
25 Karies Tidak di ketahui K02.9
26 Kehilangan Beberapa Gigi K08.1
27 Mal Oklusi K07.2
28 Mal Posisi K07.3
29 Nekrose Pulpa / gangren Pulpa K04.1
30 Neoplasma Benign Lain D36
31 Pembesaran Gusi K06.1
32 Penyaki Bibir dan Mukosa Lainnya K13
33 Penyakit Pulpa dan Jaringan Periapikal K04
34 Penyakit Rahang Lain K10
35 Periodontitis Akut K04.4
36 Periodontitis Kronis K04.5
37 Periodontitis / Periodontitis Akut K05.2
38 Periodontitis / Periodontitis Kronis K05.3
39 Persistensi K00.6
40 Resesi Gusi K06.0
41 Stomatitis K12
42 Stomatitis dan Lesi yang Berhubungan K12
43 Supernemury K00.1
44 Acessive Attriton Of Teeth K03.0
45 Arrested Dental Caries K02.3
46 Erosi K03.2
47 Pathological Resorption Of Teeth K03.3
48 Hypercementosis K03.4
49 Ankylosis K03.5
50 Post Eruptive Colour Change Of Dental hard Tissues K03.7
51 Other Specified Diseases Of Dental Unspecified K03.8

23.01 Exctraction of deciduous tooth

23.09 Exctraction of other tooth
23.11 Removal of residual root
23.19 Other surgical extraction of tooth
23.2 Restoration of tooth by filling
23.3 Restoration of tooth by inlay
23.41 Application of crown
23.49 Other dental restoration
23.70 Root canal, not otherwise specified
24.0 Incision of gum or alveolar bone
24.7 Application of orthodontic appliance
24.99 Other dental operations
87.11 ull-mouth x – ray of teeth
87.12 Other dental x – ray
89.31 Dental examination
96.54 Dental scaling, polishing and debridement
99.97 Fitting of denture

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