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Faculty of Business Administration

ISOM2001: Information Systems and Organisations

(First Semester 2019/2020)

Course Description
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the evolving field of information systems
(IS) from a business and an organizational perspective. A wide range of topics are covered
beginning with the functions of IS and their business objectives. Other topics of interests include
the different categories of IS, business intelligence, knowledge management, the security and
control of IS, IS development, and IS project management. Throughout the course, we explore
implications of this new IS-digital firm scenario for corporate management in today’s global
business environments. Real world examples and case analysis activities highlight the practical
importance of topics in the course.

Course Instructor
Dr Jimmy Lee
Office: E22-3055
Telephone: 8822-8875
Office hour: Mon & Thu 15:00 – 16 :30

Lecture Time & Venue

ISOM2001-001 Tue & Fri 10:00-11:15 E4-3052
ISOM2001-002 Mon & Thu 10:00-11:15 E3-G041

Required Textbook
Kenneth C. Laudon & Jane P. Laudon, “Management Information Systems – Managing the Digital
Firm”, 15th/16th Global Edition. Pearson Education Limited.
Buy Your Own Book (BYOB): Extensive reading of Text Chapters is needed in this course.
Xeroxing textbooks is a crime, and such copies are strictly prohibited to be used in the class.

Course Assessment
Class Participation 10%
Two Assignments (Individual UMMoodle Work) 10%
Case Analysis Report (Group Work) 20%
Mid-term Examination 30%
Final Examination 30%
Total 100%

Important Notes on Coursework

1) Individual Assignments:
a. Online assignments will be announced in classes and posted on the UMMoodle. Students
are required to login their own UMMoodle account, complete and submit the assignments
online before the announced due date and time.
2) Case Study:
a. Groups of 3 - 5 students only. Ideally, a group should have a balanced mix of people with
analytical/technical strengths, familiarity with business world, and writing skills.
b. Top right corner of the front page or the cover page must clearly indicate the course code,
section number, case study topic, date of submission, all student numbers and names.
c. All work must be word-processed and from your own group.
d. Poor grammar, organization, and presentation will affect the total mark.
e. Use full sentences and proper paragraphs. Neither verbose nor too lengthy answers
should be present. Write only relevant and concise answers.
f. Use only 12-pt Times New Roman font, 1.5 line-spacing, standard margins, include page
numbers, quality printing, and secure physical packaging (staple it!).

3) Neither e-mailing submissions nor late submissions will be accepted! All submissions must
be due on/before the announced date and time. Late submissions will be graded ZERO.

Course Expectations
Turn your cell phones and other electronic devices to vibration mode during class.
Be punctual is a virtue. If you are late, you may lose the grade for the in-class participation/quizzes
if these activities are started.

Policy on Academic Dishonesty (Cheating)

ALL works submitted by you MUST be your own. Any form of plagiarism, straight copying or re-
wording from any source, constitutes Academic Dishonesty, i.e. cheating. If you are unsure about
your planned approach to work, ask your lecturer before doing the work.
Examinations will be 100% CLOSED BOOK/NOTES, without any dictionaries or electronic
devices of any kind. In any case, cheating is an offense and ALL students involved will receive a
zero (0) for that work. University of Macau Student Handbook provides for an “F” grade for
students involved in cheating. You can refer the university policy regarding student dishonesty

Disability Support Services

Student Affairs Office (SAO) provides disability support services for students with permanent or
temporary physical and mental disabilities so that they can have equal opportunity in education,
university life and other services in the university.
If you have physical, visual, hearing, speech, learning or psychological impairment(s) which
substantially limit your learning or activities of daily living, please contact Student Affairs Office
(SAO) directly or through your instructor. We will assess your special educational needs and
communicate with your instructor so as to provide you with the most appropriate support. To learn
more about our services, please contact us:
Tel: 8822 4901
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Schedule and chapters to be covered (subject to change)
Week No. Date Textbook Topic
Week 1 19 ─ 23 Aug Course introduction
Chapter 9 Section 9.1 Achieving Operational
Section 9.2 Excellence & Customer Intimacy:
Enterprise Applications
Week 2 26 Aug ─ 30 Sep Chapter 9 Section 9.3
Section 9.4
Week 3 2 ─ 6 Sep Chapter 8 Section 8.1 Securing Information Systems
Section 8.2
Week 4 9 ─ 13 Sep Chapter 8 Section 8.3
Section 8.4
Week 5 17 ─ 20 Sep Chapter 6 Section 6.2 Foundations of Business
(16 Sep holiday) Section 6.3 Intelligence: Databases &
2 lab tutorials Information Management
on MS Access
Week 6 23 ─ 27 Sep Chapter 6 Section 6.3
Section 6.4
Week 7 30 Sep ─ 4 Oct Chapter 6 Section 6.4
(1, 2 Oct holiday)

Week 8 8 ─ 11 Oct Chapter 11 Section 11.1 Managing Knowledge

(7 Oct holiday) Section 11.2 (up to Expert Systems only)

Week 9 14 ─ 18 Oct Chapter 11 Section 11.3 Assignment 1 due on 18 Oct

Section 11.4
Week 10 21 ─ 25 Oct Mid-term exam revision Mid-term exam 25 Oct
(Friday), 7:30pm – 9:30pm
Week 11 28 Oct ─ 1 Nov Chapter 13 Section 13.1 Building IS (excluding Object-
Section 13.2 Oriented Development)
Week 12 5 ─ 8 Nov Section 13.3
(4 Nov holiday) Section 13.4
Section 13.5
Week 13 11 ─ 15 Nov Chapter 14 Section 14.1 Managing Projects
Section 14.2
Section 14.3
Week 14 18 ─ 22 Nov Section 14.4 Assignment 2 due on 22 Nov

Final exam revision

Week 15 25 ─ 2 Dec Final exam revision Case study report due on:
26 Nov (ISOM2001-001)
25 Nov (SIOM2001-002)

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