2tan θ+sin 2θ secθ=1+secθ, 3 x−4 y−12=0: Seminar Question Pure Math. St.Andrew'S College

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1. Solve the equation

2 tan θ+sin 2 θ secθ=1+secθ , For 00 ≤θ≤2 π (5 marks)
2. If the line 3 x−4 y−12=0 is the tangent to the circle with Centre at (1, 1). Find equation of the circle.
(5 marks)
3. Using the substitution y=2−x ,
1 2
∫ ( 2−x ) dx
a. Evaluate 0 (5 marks)
4. By using the Binomial theorem, expand ( 25+ x ) 2
as far as the term in x . Hence evaluate
√ 26 correct to 3 decimal places. (5 marks)

5. The points A, B, C and D have coordinates (−7,9 ) , (3,4 ) , ( 1,2 ) and (−2 ,−9 ) respectively. Find the vector
equation of the line PQ where P divides AB in the ratio 2:3 and Q divides CD in the ratio 1:-4. (5 marks)

6. A committee of four people is to be selected from a group of nine people. In how many ways can a committee be
chosen if two particular people agree to serve only if both are selected? MOFAT
(5 marks)

7. If y=ae x +bcos x , show that

d2 y dy
( 1+tan x ) 2 −2 + ( 1−tan x ) y=0
dx dx MOFAT (5 marks)

8. Find the volume generated if the area between the curve y=16−x 2 , the y-axis and the line y=6 x is
rotated through four right angles about the x-axis. (5 marks)

9. The tangent at any point P on a curve in the first quadrant cuts the x - axis at Q. Given that OP=PQ ,
where O is the origin, and that the point (1, 4) lies on the curve, find the equation of the curve.
(06 marks)

10. Find the equation of the parabola with focus (2, 1) and directrix x+ y=2 .
(05 marks)

11. Without using tables or calculators, simplify

(5 log 4 ) (50 log 25 )
10 10
(05 marks)

1 2
12. The volume V of a cone is given by
V = 3 πr 2 h . If the volume increases by 3
π 3
cm /s and the
height increases by 0.03 cm/s , find the rate of change of the radius when r=10 cm and h=5 cm .
(05 marks)

dy a
=x+ 2
13. On a certain curve for which dx x , the point (2,1) is a point of inflexion. Find the value of a
and the equation of the curve. (05 marks)

2 2
14. Express 5−2 x−3 x in the form a−b( x +c ) . Deduce the maximum or minimum value of the
expression. (05 marks)

i. (05 marks)

15. Solve the equation 2 √(2x−12) – √(2x−3) =3 (5 marks)

16. By row reducing and appropriate matrices to echelon form. Solve the system of the equation.
(5 marks)
i. 2x + 3y + 4z = 8
ii. 3x – 2y – 3z = -2
iii. 5x + 4y + 2z = 3

17. Find ∫ x tan−1 3 xdx

18. Express 2 – 3x – 4x2 in the form a + b(x + c) 2. Hence find the turning point of the curve and state whether it’s a
minimum of maximum. (5 marks

19. a If A, B, C are angles of a triangle. Show that

(b−c ) tan (b+c ) tan
2 = 2 (5 marks)

sin 2θ−cos 2 θ−1

b Express √ 2−2 sin 2θ
z 1=3+ 2i
in terms if
z 2=2−i
tan θ .
z 1+ z2
ERIGA (5 marks)
20 (a Given that and . Find , graphically. (5 marks)
(b) If Z=x+iy is a
| |=3
complex number, describe and illustrate on the Argand diagram the locus of z
DRACIRI (7 marks)
21 (a)Solve for θ , in the equation

2 cos2 θ−
2 )−3 cos (θ−π 2 )−2=0 Where
o ≤θ≤360
(5 marks)

tan A−tan B
tan ( A−B )=
b Show that 1+tan A tan B
i. Hence or otherwise solve the equation
 
tan x  45 0  6 tan x , where
0 0
ii. −180 ≤x≤180 (7 marks)

22 (a)Evaluate ∫0 3 sin3 x cos xdx (5 marks)

∫ 4−e 2x
(b) Find KONYIO (7 marks)

p q
23 (a) The points P and Q have position vectors ~ and ~ respectively with respect to an origin o. Point R
=λ r =( 1−λ ) p + λ q
lies on PQ and PQ , show that ~ ~ ~ (4 marks)

(b) (i) Find the coordinate of the point P in which the plane 4 x+5 y+6 z=87 intersects the line
x−2 y −3 z + 4
= =
3 4 2
i. (ii) Determine the
angle between the line and the plane in b (i) TATA (8 marks)

2 2
x y
− =1
24 (a) If the line y=2 x+c is a tangent to the hyperbola 6 4 show that
c=±2 √ 5 (5 marks)
(b) A point P on the curve is given parametrically by x=3−cos θ and
a. y=2+sec θ . Find the equation of the normal to the curve at the point where
b. 3 ASILAZA (7 marks)
25.(a)Solve the differential equation
x2 + xy=2+ x 2
dx , given y(1)=2 (5 marks)
(b) A colony of bacteria increases at a rate proportional to the number present in the colony. If the number doubles in
10 years, find by what factor the initial population has been multiplied after a further 20 years. IRANYA
(7 marks)
26. (a) Given that one root of the equation kx +hx +l=0 is square the other, without solving
3 3
the equation, prove that l(k−h) =k (l−h ) . (05 marks)

4 2 2 2 2 2
(b)Find the positive integers a and b for which x +2 x +9≡(x +a) −b x and hence find
4 2
the solution to x + 2 x + 9=0 IRANYA (07

26. (a) Prove that
sin4 θ+cos 4 θ= 4 ( cos 4 θ+3 ) (05marks)

(b) Prove that in any triangle PQR ,

1 1 1 ( p+q+r )
cos2 12 P+ cos 2 12 Q+ cos2 12 R=
p q r 4 pqr (07marks)

d2 y
( x+3 y )3 +2=0
(a) If x 2 +2 xy+3 y 2 =1 , Prove that dx 2 (05marks)
( x−2)
(b) Find the integral of ( x 3 +1 ) (07marks)

28 (a) Solve the differential equation:

sin x +2 y cos x=x ,
dx Given y=1 and x=π/2. (05 marks)

(b) A liquid is being heated in an oven maintained at a constant temperature of 180oC. It is assumed that the rate of
increase in the temperature of the liquid is proportional to (180- θ ), where θ C is the temperature of the liquid at

time t minutes. If the temperature of the liquid rises from 0oC to 120oC in 5 minutes, find the temperature of the
liquid after a further 5 minutes. (07 marks)

28. The position vector of points P and Q are 2i−3 j+4 k and 3i−7 j+12k respectively.
a. Determine; the size of PQ.
The Cartesian equation of PQ. The position vector of the point of intersection and the plane 4 x+5 y−2 z=5
.Angle between PQ and plane in (iii) above. (12 marks
29. Expand (1 + x – x)7 in ascending powers of x up to the fourth term.

30. Prove by mathematical induction that 8 −7 n+ 6 is divisible by 7 for all positive integral values of

tan−1 3 x +tan−1 2 x =
31. Find the positive value of x that satisfies the equation 4
32. Find the particular solution to the differential equation.

dy x +2 y 3
= y (3)=
dx y , 2

33. The mass of a man together with his parachute is 70kg. When the parachute is fully open, the system
experiences an upward force proportional to the velocity of the system. If the constant of proportionality
is 10 and 10 ms−1 when the parachute opens out, determine the speed of the parachutist three
minutes later.
34. (.a) Determine for what range of values of x is the function x 2−4 x+3 > 0.

3 x−9 1
(b)Show that the curve x 2−x +2 cannot lie between 3 < y < 3. Sketch the curve.

35. (.a) Show that the acute angle between two lines is
y=m1 x +c and
y=m 2 x +c is
m1 −m 2
tan −1
[ 1+m1 m2 ]
x2 y2
+ =1
(b) Find the equation of the tangent to the ellipse a2 b 2 at (acos θ , bsin θ ). Hence show
that the equation of the normal to the ellipse is
a. axsin θ – bycos θ – (a2 – b2)sin θ =0 DUMO

36. (.a) Given that the complex number z and its complex conjugate satisfy the equation

zz + 2iz=12+6 i . Find the possible values of z.

(b)Find the Cartesian equation in its simplest form, of the curve described by

a. |w−3+6i| =2|w| . Hence, sketch on an Argand diagram the region satisfying


|w−3+6i| ¿2|w| .

37. (.a) Find the derivative of √x from first principles.

x 2 +6 π
∫ ( x 2+4 )(x 2+9)
(b)Show that 0 dx = 20 ASIKPWE

38. (.a) Determine the solution of the equation for tan2x + 2sinx = 0 for 180 ≤ x ≤ 720.

Show that if A, B, C are angles of a triangle, then

tan tan tan tan tan tan
2 2 + 2 2 + 2 2 =1

( x+1 )2 ( x+2 )
39. (.a) Differentiate (i) e ax sin bx (ii) (x +3 )3 giving your answer in simplest form.

d2 y
2 dy
−1 (1+ x ) 2 +(2 x−1 ) =0
40. Given that y=e tan x
, show that dx dx .

41. Solve for x: 3( x  2)( x  3)  ( x  2)( x  5)  ( x  2)


b) Find the square root of:

14 + 6 √5

1 ( x 2  x  1) 2 y2
x   y 1 
42. Prove that if x , then
x( x  1) 2 y  1 hence solve the equation

( x 2  x  1) 2  4 x( x  1) 2  0.

a. Solve the equations:

x 2  4 xy  y 2  13 and 2 x 2  3 xy  8 using y  mx.

 and  are the roots of x  px  q  0 , express (   )(    ) in

2 2 2
43. a) If

terms of p and q. Hence deduce that for one root to be square the other, then;

p 3  3 pq  q 2  q  0 .

b) Given that the polynomial f ( x)  Q( x) g ( x)  R ( x ) where Q (x) is the quotient,

g ( x)  ( x   )( x   ) and R(x) is the remainder, show that

( x   ) f ( )  (  x) f (  )
R( x) 
(   ) , when f (x ) is divided by g (x) .ATABUGA

a. Hence, find the remainder when f (x) is divided by x 2  9 , given that f (x) divided by

( x  3) is 2 and when divided by ( x  3) is -3.

44. a) Prove that if:

x=log a bc ,
y=logb ac ,
z=log c ab then

x+ y+ z+2 = xyz .

b) Solve for x given that:

 log   log x   1  0
 5

45. a) Show that the perpendicular distance from a point

P( x1 , y 1 ) to a line

ax 1 +by 1 +c
| |
2 2
ax +by +c=0 is √ a +b .

a. b) Show that the angle between two lines with gradients m1 and m2 is given by

m1  m2
tan   .
1  m1 m2

46. a) PN , the perpendicular from P(3, 4) to the line 2 x  3 y  1 is produced to

Q such that NQ = PQ . Find the coordinates of Q .

b) Find the equations to the lines through the point (2, 3) which makes angles of 45o with the line

x  2y  1.

47. a) The point (h,k) lies on the curve y=2 x 2 +18 . Find the gradient at this
point and the equation of the tangent there. Hence, find the equations of the two tangents to the curve
which pass through the origin. DRANI

( x  3 y) 3 20
b) If:
x  2 xy  3 y  1, Prove that
2 2
dx 2

48. a) Differentiate
y  tan x 2 form first principles.

dy a
 x 2
b) On a certain curve for which dx x , the point (2, 1) is a point of inflexion.
Find the value of a and the equation of the curve. DRANI
49. a) A right circular cylinder is inscribed in a sphere of given radius a . Prove that the total

area of its surface (including its ends) is

2a 2 (sin 2  cos 2  ) , where a cos  the radius of an end

is. Hence prove that the maximum value of the total area is
a 2 ( 5  1) . EDEBUGA
 tan 12 A tan 12 B
50. a) Prove that: i) abc
  1  sin 2
tan 2     
a. ii) Prove that 4  1  sin 2 , prove also that

o o
tan 22 12  2  1 and tan 67 12  2  1 EDEBUGA

51. a) Solve the equation: 16 sin  cos   tan   cot  , for 0 o  x  180 o
sin 7
8 cos  cos 2 cos 3  1 
b) Prove that: sin  , and find all the angles between 0o

and 180o for which

cos  cos 2 cos 3  14 .

52. . a) A contractor finds that his net return from hiring out the machine is decreasing by 10%
per annum. If his net gain this year will be $5,000, find the possible total of all the profits.
b) A geometrical sequence has first term 16 and common ratio 4 . If the sum of the first
n terms exceeds 60, find the possible value of n

53. a) Prove that 8 n  7n  6 is divisible by 7.

1  5x
Expand 1  5 x , as far as and including term in x . Taking the first three terms and

9 , evaluate 14 correct to 4 significant figures. DIGAMAI
54a) A balloon is inflated so that its volume increases at a constant rate of 2 c m3 s−1. Find the
rate of increase of the radius when the volume of the balloon is 50 c m .

b) A container of a shape of a hollow cone of semi-vertical angle of 30 ° is held with it’s vertex
pointing downwards. Water is poured into the cone at the rate of 5 c m3 s−1. Find the rate at which the
depth of the water in the cone increases in the cone when it’s depth is 10 c m3 .
∫ dt
55 Find 1
5+3 cos t
56 Find the intervals within which y cannot lie and sketch it
( x−3)(x−1)
57.A right circular cone vertical angle 2 β is inscribed in a sphere of radius a , Show that that the curved
8 π a2
surface of the cone is π a2 ¿ and prove that the greatest area is given by
3√ 3

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