Consti2 Concepts Pointers To Review

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CONSTI II: POINTERS FOR REVIEW b) Protection from Double jeopardy

(Sec 21)
1. Rights of the accused (before, during,
and after trial) 2. Rights of persons under custodial
investigation (IRC-USIR)
IF ARRESTED: a) Right to be Informed of his rights under
a. Right to Bail - Art. III, Sec. 13 Art. III, Sec. 12(1)
b) Right to Remain silent
“All persons, except those charged with c) Right to have a competent and
offenses punishable by reclusion perpetua independent Counsel preferably of his
when evidence of guilt is strong, shall, before own choice. If he cannot afford the
conviction, be bailable by sufficient sureties, or services of counsel, he must be
be released on recognizance as may be provided with one
provided by law. The right to bail shall not be d) Right against the Use of torture,
impaired even when the privilege of the writ of violence, threat, intimidation or any
habeas corpus is suspended. Excessive bail other means which vitiates the free will
shall not be required.” e) Secret detention places, solitary or
incommunicado, or other similar forms
IF UNDER CUSTODIAL of detention are prohibited
INVESTIGATION: f) Confession or admission obtained in
violation of these rights are
a) Miranda Rights - Sec.12 (1)
Inadmissible as evidence
b) Right against self-incrimination -
g) Right to compensation and
Sec. 17
Rehabilitation if victim of torture or
c) Right against forced admission
similar practices
or confession- Sec. 12(2)
d) Right against secret detention
places, solitary confinement - 3. Requisites of right to compulsory
Sec. 12(2) process (EAES)

 DURING TRIAL (IKHICC) a) Evidence is really material;

a) Presumption of Innocence b) Accused is not guilty of neglect in
b) Right to Know the nature and previously obtaining the production of
cause of accusation against him such evidence;
c) Right to be Heard by himself c) Evidence will be available at the time
and counsel desired, and
d) Right to speedy, Impartial, and d) No Similar evidence can be obtained.
public trial
e) Right to Confrontation (meet
4. Requisites of trial in absentia (ANU)
the witness face-to-face)
f) Right to Compulsory process a) Accused has already been Arraigned;
b) He has been duly Notified of the trial;
 AFTER TRIAL (E-D) c) His failure to appear is Unjustified.
a) Right against Excessive, cruel,
degrading or inhuman penalties
(Sec 19)


5. Exceptions to involuntary servitude 10. Scope of liberty of abode and travel

a) Punishment for a crime whereof the a) Right to choose one’s Residence

party shall have been duly convicted. (liberty of abode)
b) Service in defense of the state b) To Leave it whenever he pleases
c) principle of Posse comitatus (changing the same)
d) Naval (merchant) enlistment c) To Travel wherever he wills (right to
e) return to work order in Industries travel)
affected with public interest.
f) Patria potestas 11. Restrictions on liberty of abode and
restrictions on right to travel
6. Characteristics of ex post facto law

a) Refer to Criminal matters;  HOLD DEPARTURE ORDER - person

b) Retroactive in its application; facing criminal charges may be
c) It Alters the situation for the accused to restrained by the court from leaving the
his disadvantage; country or if abroad, compelled to
d) To the Prejudice of the accused. return;
 EJECTMENT - lessee may be judicially
ejected for violation of his contractual
7. Characteristics of bill of attainder (L-J) duties.
a) Substitutes Legislative fiat;
prevent a person from entering certain
b) For a Judicial determination of guilt.
premises under dispute or declared off-
8. Three tests of valid governmental limits by the proper authorities.
interference to freedom of expression  WARRANT OF ARREST - persons
(CDB) subject of warrant may be detained to
insure public safety.
a) Clear and Present Danger
b) Dangerous Tendency Restrictions on Right to Travel
c) Balancing of Interest
In the interest of:
9. Two aspects of freedom of religion and
 National Security (travel ban)
two fold aspects of freedom of religious
profession and worship. (NF-BA)  Public Safety (forced evacuation)
 Public Health (quarantine)
Two aspects of freedom of religion:  as may be provided by law
a) Non-Establishment Clause
b) Freedom of Religious Belief and 12. Three rights under Article III, Sec. 2
worship/ Free Exercise Clause
1st RIGHT (inviolable)

Two fold aspects of freedom of religious a) Right of the people to be secure;

profession and worship. b) in their persons, houses, papers, and
a) Freedom to Believe effects;
b) Freedom to Act on one’s Belief c) against unreasonable searches and


d) of whatever nature and for any
purpose. b) HOT PURSUIT- an offense had just
been committed there is probable
2nd and 3rd RIGHT (not absolute) cause to believe based on his personal
a) No search warrant or warrant of knowledge of facts or other
arrest shall issue except upon circumstances that the person to be
probable cause; arrested has committed the offense.
b) to be determined personally by the c) FUGITIVE- person to be arrested is a
judge; prisoner, who has escaped from a
c) after examination under oath or penal establishment or place where he
affirmation of the is serving final judgment or temporarily
d) complainant and the witnesses he confined while his case is pending; or
may produce; and who has escaped while being
e) particularly describing the place to transferred from one confinement to
be searched, and the another.
f) persons or things to be seized. 16. Instances where warrantless searches
13. Scope of protection against may be made. (VVIW-SPIE)
unreasonable searches and seizures. a) Search of Vessels and aircrafts
(APEL) (Customs Searches)
a) Available to All persons b) Search of moving Vehicles
c) Search (and seizure) is an Incident of
b) Right is Personal
c) Can only be waived by the person lawful arrest
Entitled to it. d) When right is Waived or consented
d) Right applies against the government searches
and its Law enforcement agencies. e) When there is valid reason to Stop and
14. Requisites of a valid warrant (PJ-DP) f) Evidence in Plain view
g) Inspection of buildings and other
a) It must be based upon Probable cause. premises for the enforcement of fire,
b) Probable cause must be determined sanitary and building regulations
personally by the Judge. h) Search and seizure under exigent and
c) Determination must be made after Emergency circumstances
examination under oath or affirmation
of the complainant and the witnesses 17. Requirements of valid classification
he may produce. (SGLA)
d) It must Particularly describe the place
to be searched and the persons or a) Must be based upon Substantial
things to be seized. distinctions
b) Must be Germane to the purpose of the
15. Instances where warrantless arrests law
may be made. (FHF) c) Must not be Limited to existing
conditions only
a) FLAGRANTE DELICTO- person to be d) Must apply equally to All members of
arrested is actually committing or is the same class
attempting to commit an offense in the
presence of an arresting officer


18. Aspects of due process and accomplishment of the purpose and
requirements of substantive due process not duly oppressive on individuals.

 SUBSTANTIVE DUE PROCESS 19. Requirements of procedural due

- Requires the intrinsic validity of the process in judicial proceedings (IJOL)
law in interfering with the rights of
the person to his life, liberty and a) Impartial and competent Court
property b) Jurisdiction is lawfully acquired by it
- This serves as a restriction on over the person of the accused
government's law and rulemaking c) Accused is given Opportunity to be
powers. Heard
d) Judgment rendered upon Lawful
- Refers to the method or manner by 20. Constitutional limitations on the power
which the law is enforced of taxation (DEUPG)
- One which hears before it
condemns, which proceeds upon a) Due Process
inquiry and renders judgment only b) Equal Protection
after trial (Daniel Webster) c) Uniformity and Equitability
- Notice and hearing d) Progressive System of Taxation (Art.
- This serves as a restriction on VI, Sec 28)
actions of judicial and quasi-judicial e) Granting of Tax Exemptions (Art. VI,
agencies of government Sec 28 (4)


f) Non-impairment of Contracts
a) There must be a valid law upon which it g) Non-imprisonment for non-payment of
is based poll tax
b) The law must have been passed to h) Revenue and Tariff bills must originate
accomplish a valid Governmental in the HoR
objective i) Non-infringement of religious freedom
c) The objective must be pursued in a j) Tax Exemption of properties actually,
lawful Manner directly and exclusively used for
d) The law as well as the means to religious, charitable and educational
accomplish the objective must be valid purposes
and not oppressive k) Majority vote of all the members of
Congress required in case of legislative
OR grant of tax exemptions
l) Non-impairment of the SC’s jurisdiction
in tax cases
- The interests of the public as
m) Tax exemption of revenues and assets
distinguished from those of a
of including grants, donations to
particular class
educational institutions
- Means employed must be
reasonably related to the


21. Inherent limitations on the power of property taken from the private owner
taxation (SPINE) by the expropriator; intended to
a) Situs of Taxation
b) Public Purpose 25. Characteristics of police power (PLDEE)
c) International Comity
d) Non-delegation of power to tax a) Most Pervasive
e) Exemption of government entities b) The Least limitable
c) Most Demanding of the three powers
22. Elements of double taxation d) Most Essential insistent
e) Extending as it does to all the great
When additional taxes are laid on: public needs
a) The same subject
b) By the same taxing jurisdiction 26. Tests of police power
c) During the same taxing period
d) And for the same purpose  LAWFUL SUBJECT
- The activity or property sought to be
23. Entities who may exercise eminent regulated affects the public welfare
domain (CPLPQ)
a) Congress - The lawful objective must be
b) President of the PH pursued through a lawful method
c) Various Local legislative bodies (Sec
19 of Local Government Code) 27. Similarities and differences among state
d) Public Corporations (National Housing powers
e) Quasi-Public Corporations (PLDT,
Meralco)  Inherent in the State, exercised even
without need of express constitutional
24. Requisites of eminent domain
 Necessary and indispensable; State
a) Necessity- there must be a necessity cannot be effective without them.
which must be of public character  Interferes with private rights, the
b) Private Property- private property methods used by the State
capable of ownership; includes real and  Compensable; presuppose an
personal, tangible and intangible; equivalent compensation for private
except (1) money and (2) choses in rights interfered with
action (personal right not reduced into  Exercised primarily by the Legislature.
c) Taking- physical dispossession of the DIFFERENCES (REPC)
 Police power regulates both liberty and
d) Public Use- use directly available to
property; eminent domain and taxation
the general p ublic as a matter of right
affect only property Rights.
and not merely of forbearance or
 Police power and taxation are
Exercised only by government; eminent
e) Just Compensation- full and fair
domain may be exercised by private
equivalent (monetary value) of the


 Property taken in police power is
usually noxious or intended for a
noxious purpose and may thus be
destroyed; while in eminent domain and
taxation, the property is wholesome
and devoted to public use or purpose.
 Compensation in police power is the
intangible, altruistic feeling that the
individual has contributed to the public
good; in eminent domain, it is the full
and fair equivalent of the property
taken; while in taxation, it is the
protection given and/or public
improvements instituted by government
for the taxes paid.



 25 MCQ


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