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Refer to the data below and answer the questions that follow.


Total number of calories burnt by Santa on Day 9 was  [quizky-text]

Enter your response (as an integer) using the virtual keyboard in the box provided .


1. 600
2. 700
3. 800
4. 900


Refer to the data below and answer the questions that follow.


On how many days the number of calories burnt by Santa while playing football was same as the
number of calories burnt by him while playing volleyball?

 Enter your response (as an integer) using the virtual keyboard in the box provided  below


1. 3
2. 1
3. 2
4. 0



Refer to the data below and answer the questions that follow.


Difference between the number of calories burnt by Santa while playing football and volleyball
on these 10 days was [quizky-text]

Enter your response (as an integer) using the virtual keyboard in the box provided .

1. 12000
2. 11400
3. 9800
4. 10400


Refer to the data below and answer the questions that follow.
In the month of April, what is the maximum profit the Railways can make on the “Southern
Siren” if all the seats are booked?(Assume there are no unoccupied seats)


1. INR 10.8 lakh

2. INR 324 lakh

3. INR 648 lakh
4. INR 12.2 lakh
The maximum per-seat profit in each class in April can be found as A – 4000 – 1000 = 3000, B –
2500 – 600 = 1900 and C – 1500 – 400 = 1100. Hence the profit per trip would be 3000 x 50 +
1900 x 200 + 1100 x 500 = 1080000 or 10.8 lakhs. Now in April there would be 60 trips (1 trip
each way for 30 days) and hence the overall profit would be 60 x 10.8 = 648 lakhs. Hence, [3].

Refer to the data below and answer the questions that follow.
In the month of December, if all the seats are booked but on average 10% of the travellers in
each class are members of the armed forces, how much profit will the Railways earn on the
“Southern Siren”?


1. INR 298 lakh

2. INR 308 lakh

3. INR 596 lakh

4. INR 616 lakh
For “armed forces” passengers, the profit per seat in each class could be computed as A – 1250 –
1000 = 250, B – 750 – 600 = 150 and C – 750 – 400 = 350. Hence as above we could calculate
the per trip profit for 10% of the seats as 5 x 250 + 20 x 150 + 50 x 350 = 21750. Also for the
remaining 90% of seats, the profit would just be 90% of the figure in the last question i.e. 90% of
1080000 = 972000. Total per-trip profit, therefore, will be 972000 + 21750 = 993750. In
December we would have 31 x 2 = 62 trips, resulting in a profit of 62 x 993750 = 61612500 or
INR 616 lakh. Hence, [4].

Refer to the data below and answer the questions that follow.


In the month of September, if on average 20% of the seats per trip (in each of the classes) are not
booked, find approximately the maximum profit the Railways can earn on the “Southern Siren”.


1. INR 296 lakh

2. INR 306 lakh
3. INR 50 lakh
4. INR 149 lakh

For maximum profit, let us assume no “armed forces” passengers. Hence for every occupied seat
the Railways can earn a profit in each class in September of A – 3000 – 1000 = 2000, B – 2000 –
600 = 1400 and C – 1000 – 400 = 600. However on each unoccupied seat, the loss incurred by
the Railways in each class will be A – 500, B – 400 and C – 300. Hence the total profit per trip
can be found as 0.8 x (50 x 2000 + 200 x 1400 + 500 x 600) – 0.2 (50 x 500 + 200 x 400 + 500 x
300) = 0.8 x 680000 – 0.2 x 255000 = 493000. Over 30 days (60 trips) this works out to 60 x
493000 = 29580000 or approximately 296 lakhs. Hence, [1].



Refer to the bar graph below and answer the questions that follow.


During 1980, 1990, 2000 and 2010, how many more trucks than buses were produced?


1. 45000
2. 50000
3. 60000
4. 70000

In 1980 and 2000 each, number of buses is 5000 less than trucks. In 1990, number of buses is
10000 more than trucks and in 2010, number of buses is 50000 less than trucks. Hence, [2].


Refer to the bar graph below and answer the questions that follow.
Between 1980 and 2010, which category of 4-wheelers showed the greatest average annual
percentage increase in production?


1. Cars
2. Trucks
3. Buses
4. Others



Refer to the bar graph below and answer the questions that follow.


Which of the following are equal?

I. Percentage increase in car production between 1980 and 1990.

II. Percentage increase in truck production between 1990 and 2000.

III. Percentage increase in bus production between 1980 and 1990.


1. None
2. I and II
3. I and III
4. II and III



Refer to the charts below and answer the questions that follow.


From amongst the people surveyed, which city has the least number of people who bought none
of these items?


1. Bangalore
2. Kolkatta
3. Chennai
4. Delhi


Refer to the bar graph below and answer the questions that follow.


If the percentage increase of trucks manufactured in 2020 as compared to 2010  is estimated to
be  the same as the percentage increase of trucks manufactured in 2010 as compared to 2000 ,
then what is the estimated number of trucks manufactured in the year 2020.


1. 2,00,000

2. 1,86,667
3. 2,45,000
4. None of these

Refer to the data below and answer the questions that follow.


Maximum calories burnt while playing football was on Day  [quizky-text]

Enter your response (as an integer) using the virtual keyboard in the box provided .


1. 6
2. 4
3. 5
4. 3


Refer to the charts below and answer the questions that follow.
If buyers among the people surveyed are only 5% of total number of buyers, then what is the
expected sale of 2 wheelers in the next 6 months? (Assume break-up of population in the 5 cities
as well as percentage of potential buyers for the sample space is the same as that of the total
population of the 5 cities)


1. 9325

2. 9765
3. 11085
4. 12035


Refer to the charts below and answer the questions that follow.
What is the minimum number of people (from the people surveyed) who have planned to buy
mobile phone as well as gold jewellery in next 6 months?


1. 54
2. 124
3. 162
4. 216


Refer to the charts below and answer the questions that follow.
What is the percentage of Delhi people among the surveyed people who have planned to buy
refrigerators in the next 6 months?

1. 7.1%
2. 8.4%
3. 15.2%
4. 18.5%


Five people Rajesh, Mahesh, Suresh, Somesh and Brajesh stay in cities P, Q, R, S and T (not
necessarily in that order). Two of them are engineers and three are doctors. Two of the given five
people have the same sun sign - Cancer, whereas the other three have different sun signs.

(A) The sun sign of one of the doctors is same as one of the engineers.

(B) Mahesh, who is not a doctor, does not stay in city Q 

(C) Neither the person staying in city R nor the person staying in city S have the sun sign Cancer.
Somesh, whose sun sign is Aries, is a doctor.

(D) The sun sign of the person staying in city T is Gemini and the person staying in city R is an

(E) Capricorn is the sun sign of Brajesh.


Refer to the data below and answer the questions that follow.


Which of the following  combinations is definitely incorrect?


1. Rajesh - Doctor - City Q - Cancer

2. Suresh - Doctor - City Q - Cancer

3. Suresh - Doctor - City T - Gemini

4. None of these
As can be seen, none of the combinations are definitely incorrect.
Hence, [4].


Children from all over India participated in a scholarship test – NEST. 9 children – A, B, C, D,
P, Q, L, M and N were shortlisted. A, B, C and D are from Trivandrum. P and Q are from
Mumbai. L, M and N are from Delhi. A team of four children needs to be formed such that there
are two children from Trivandrum and one each from Mumbai and Delhi. No two children in the
team must be from the same class. A, P and N are from class XI. M and L are from class XII. C
and Q are from class X.B and D are from class IX.


Refer to the data below and answer the questions that follow.

What is the probability of B being a part of the team?





4. None of these

Mrs Cake has a total of 10 pastries of four different types– 2 Black Forest, 3 Pineapple, 3
Chocolate Truffle and 2 Mixed Fruit. She gave these ten pastries to four children – Chintu, Pinki,
Babloo and Monu, such that no child received more than one pastry of any type and every child
received at least one pastry.

1] Babloo neither received Mixed Fruit nor Pineapple.

2] No child received the same number of pastries as Chintu.

3] Neither Pinki nor Chintu got a Black Forest.

4] One child received only a Black Forest and a Chocolate Truffle.


Refer to the data below and answer the questions that follow.


How many pastries did Monu receive ?

Enter your response (as an integer) using the virtual keyboard in the box provided below 



1. 4
2. 3
3. 2
4. 1

As can be see Monu received all 4 types of pastries. 


Farooq, Vivek, Rakesh and Dipti were playing a computer game. The object was to shoot down
planes and birds with a missile. Shooting down a plane fetched 50 points and shooting down a
bird fetched 10 points. Each one shot at least 4 planes. Farooq, Vivek, Rakesh and Dipti won
700, 600, 550 and 450 points, respectively at the end of their games.

Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.


What is the total number of ways in which the four players could have scored their respective

Enter your response (as an integer) using the virtual keyboard in the box provided below 



1. 4752
2. 7920
3. 34
4. 38

Farooq, Vivek, Rakesh and Dipti were playing a computer game. The object was to shoot down
planes and birds with a missile. Shooting down a plane fetched 50 points and shooting down a
bird fetched 10 points. Each one shot at least 4 planes. Farooq, Vivek, Rakesh and Dipti won
700, 600, 550 and 450 points, respectively at the end of their games.


Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.


Dipti shot the maximum number of planes and all of them shot different number of planes. If two
of them together shot the same number of planes as the other two together, what could be the
largest number of planes shot by the person who shot the minimum number of planes among the


1. 4

2. 5
3. 6
4. 7

Mrs Cake has a total of 10 pastries of four different types– 2 Black Forest, 3 Pineapple,
3 Chocolate Truffle and 2 Mixed Fruit. She gave these ten pastries to four children –
Chintu, Pinki, Babloo and Monu, such that no child received more than one pastry of
any type and every child received at least one pastry.

1] Babloo neither received Mixed Fruit nor Pineapple.

2] No child received the same number of pastries as Chintu.

3] Neither Pinki nor Chintu got a Black Forest.

4] One child received only a Black Forest and a Chocolate Truffle.


Refer to the data below and answer the questions that follow.


How many pastries did Chintu receive?


1. 1

2. 2

3. 3
4. Cannot be determined


Mrs Cake has a total of 10 pastries of four different types– 2 Black Forest, 3 Pineapple,
3 Chocolate Truffle and 2 Mixed Fruit. She gave these ten pastries to four children –
Chintu, Pinki, Babloo and Monu, such that no child received more than one pastry of
any type and every child received at least one pastry.

1] Babloo neither received Mixed Fruit nor Pineapple.

2] No child received the same number of pastries as Chintu.

3] Neither Pinki nor Chintu got a Black Forest.

4] One child received only a Black Forest and a Chocolate Truffle.

Refer to the data below and answer the questions that follow.
How many children received a Chocolate Truffle and a Pine Apple?


1. 0

2. 1
3. 2
4. Cannot be determined


Children from all over India participated in a scholarship test – NEST. 9 children – A, B, C, D,
P, Q, L, M and N were shortlisted. A, B, C and D are from Trivandrum. P and Q are from
Mumbai. L, M and N are from Delhi. A team of four children needs to be formed such that there
are two children from Trivandrum and one each from Mumbai and Delhi. No two children in the
team must be from the same class. A, P and N are from class XI. M and L are from class XII. C
and Q are from class X.B and D are from class IX.


Refer to the data below and answer the questions that follow.


Who among the given nine children cannot be included in any team?


1. N
2. M
3. A
4. None of these


Children from all over India participated in a scholarship test – NEST. 9 children – A, B, C, D,
P, Q, L, M and N were shortlisted. A, B, C and D are from Trivandrum. P and Q are from
Mumbai. L, M and N are from Delhi. A team of four children needs to be formed such that there
are two children from Trivandrum and one each from Mumbai and Delhi. No two children in the
team must be from the same class. A, P and N are from class XI. M and L are from class XII. C
and Q are from class X.B and D are from class IX.

Refer to the data below and answer the questions that follow.
How many different teams can be formed?


1. 6

2. 12
3. 8
4. 10


Children from all over India participated in a scholarship test – NEST. 9 children – A, B, C, D,
P, Q, L, M and N were shortlisted. A, B, C and D are from Trivandrum. P and Q are from
Mumbai. L, M and N are from Delhi. A team of four children needs to be formed such that there
are two children from Trivandrum and one each from Mumbai and Delhi. No two children in the
team must be from the same class. A, P and N are from class XI. M and L are from class XII. C
and Q are from class X.B and D are from class IX.

Refer to the data below and answer the questions that follow.
Which of the following pairs of children cannot be together in the same team?


1. B and M
2. A and C
3. L and D
4. Q and M


Five people Rajesh, Mahesh, Suresh, Somesh and Brajesh stay in cities P, Q, R, S and T (not
necessarily in that order). Two of them are engineers and three are doctors. Two of the given five
people have the same sun sign - Cancer, whereas the other three have different sun signs.

(A) The sun sign of one of the doctors is same as one of the engineers.

(B) Mahesh, who is not a doctor, does not stay in city Q

(C) Neither the person staying in city R nor the person staying in city S have the sun sign Cancer.
Somesh, whose sun sign is Aries, is a doctor.

(D) The sun sign of the person staying in city T is Gemini and the person staying in city R is an
(E) Capricorn is the sun sign of Brajesh.


Refer to the data below and answer the questions that follow.


Who stays in city Q?


1. Suresh

2. Rajesh

3. Mahesh
4. Cannot be determined


Five people Rajesh, Mahesh, Suresh, Somesh and Brajesh stay in cities P, Q, R, S and T (not
necessarily in that order). Two of them are engineers and three are doctors. Two of the given five
people have the same sun sign - Cancer, whereas the other three have different sun signs.

(A) The sun sign of one of the doctors is same as one of the engineers.

(B) Mahesh, who is not a doctor, does not stay in city Q

(C) Neither the person staying in city R nor the person staying in city S have the sun sign Cancer.
Somesh, whose sun sign is Aries, is a doctor.

(D) The sun sign of the person staying in city T is Gemini and the person staying in city R is an

(E) Capricorn is the sun sign of Brajesh.


Refer to the data below and answer the questions that follow.


Which of the following combinations is correct?


1. Cancer - P - Suresh
2. Mahesh - P - Engineer
3. Rajesh - T - Doctor
4. None of these


Five people Rajesh, Mahesh, Suresh, Somesh and Brajesh stay in cities P, Q, R, S and T (not
necessarily in that order). Two of them are engineers and three are doctors. Two of the given five
people have the same sun sign - Cancer, whereas the other three have different sun signs.

(A) The sun sign of one of the doctors is same as one of the engineers.

(B) Mahesh, who is not a doctor, does not stay in city Q

(C) Neither the person staying in city R nor the person staying in city S have the sun sign Cancer.
Somesh, whose sun sign is Aries, is a doctor.

(D) The sun sign of the person staying in city T is Gemini and the person staying in city R is an

(E) Capricorn is the sun sign of Brajesh.


Refer to the data below and answer the questions that follow.

Who stays in city R?


1. Mahesh

2. Suresh
3. Brajesh
4. Rajesh


Farooq, Vivek, Rakesh and Dipti were playing a computer game. The object was to shoot down
planes and birds with a missile. Shooting down a plane fetched 50 points and shooting down a
bird fetched 10 points. Each one shot at least 4 planes. Farooq, Vivek, Rakesh and Dipti won
700, 600, 550 and 450 points, respectively at the end of their games.

Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.


If all the four players shot the same number of birds, by how much did the total number of planes
shot by Farooq and Vivek exceed those shot by Rakesh and Dipti?

Enter your response (as an integer) using the virtual keyboard in the box provided below 



1. 8
2. 6
3. 4
4. 5


Farooq, Vivek, Rakesh and Dipti were playing a computer game. The object was to shoot down
planes and birds with a missile. Shooting down a plane fetched 50 points and shooting down a
bird fetched 10 points. Each one shot at least 4 planes. Farooq, Vivek, Rakesh and Dipti won
700, 600, 550 and 450 points, respectively at the end of their games.

Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.


Each one shot at least one bird and the maximum number of planes that they could. What was
the total number of planes that were shot?

Enter your response (as an integer) using the virtual keyboard in the box provided below 



1. 42
2. 46
3. 38
4. 40

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