P04712 Advanced Engineering Management Examination Rubric

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Semester 1, 2014-2015 P04712

P04712 Advanced Engineering Management

Examination Rubric

Examination Length: 3 hours.

This paper consists of four questions, you must answer all of them.

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Semester 1, 2014-2015 P04712

Examination Questions

Investors such as venture capitalists and banks will always require a full business
plan if an individual or partnership is trying to raise investment funding for a business
start-up. Explain why the preparation of a business plan is important, making
particular reference to the detailed content of the plan, and what information this will
provide for the funder about the nature of the proposed venture and its potential for
15 Marks
In this module you were also asked to prepare a presentation or to ‘pitch’ your start-
up idea to a theoretical panel of investors, to try to raise funding. What do you think
are the important differences between this and a technical presentation that you
might give to an Engineering Manager? Are there some similarities? If investors do
offer to invest in your start-up, what are the benefits, and what are the
10 Marks
In the UK, the sponsorship business is worth more that £ 500 Million, and supports a
wide range of sports, including motorsport. In order to secure successful sponsorship
deals, particularly for motorsport, it is important to understand the different benefits
that sponsorship brings to both the sponsor, and the team being sponsored. From
the material presented in the module, and your own knowledge of motorsport,
describe what the benefits are to both parties, and why it is important that the team
raising the sponsorship understands these.
13 Marks
As part of a new season’s campaign, the Sponsorship Director of an F1 team has
decided that it is important that key personnel in the team, such as the Chief
Technical Officer, give a presentation to sponsors about their forthcoming technical
strategy. You have been asked to provide a briefing to the CTO prior to these events
to ensure that there is a focus on potential sponsors, as well as the technical
strategy. What would be the key points that you would concentrate on in the briefing?
12 Marks

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Semester 1, 2014-2015 P04712

Professor Geoff Goddard presented three different case studies in the module,
illustrating how specialist engineering consultancies are able to deliver the technical
expertise and project management to deliver large engineering projects. One of the
case studies focused on the development of race-winning engines in motorsport,
whilst another case study focused on the development of a low-cost engine for an
OEM, in an overseas market.

With reference to the material presented describe what are the requirements of these
two very different situations.
15 Marks
With reference to the material presented explain why a small engineering
consultancy might be able to develop the required in-house expertise, which these
other organisations were not able to retain in the longer-term?
10 Marks

Because sponsorship is so critical for the survival of many of the teams in
motorsport, and securing sponsorship deals has become such a major activity, it is
very important that teams have a well-planned and clearly articulated campaign for
generating sponsorship. Outline what you think are the key activities involved in
raising and securing sponsorship, and the approach that teams should take in
implementing such a strategy.
15 Marks
Some professionals involved in sponsorship often describe their role as being very
similar to that of ‘sales people’. Do you think this is true? Outline the ways in which
the sponsorship professional needs to take a broader view of their role.
10 Marks

End of Examination Paper

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