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Genus Common Name Class Description Parts

Nereis Clamworm or Polychaeta  Feeds on small animals o Acron - anterior and posterior
Sandworm  Under rock crevices and inside prostomium and mouth
corals o Trunk - bears parapodia
 Dorsoventrally flattened body o Pygidium - last segment bearing
 80-120 segments anus
o Head
 2 pairs of eyes
 4 pairs of peristomial cirri
 Pharynx w/ pair of jaw
o Body
 Parapodia with setae
(attachment to surfaces)
 Notopodium - dorsal
 Neuropodium -
 Terminal segment w/ ventral

Sabella Fanworm or Polychaeta  Tube dwelling o Head

Feather duster  Sandy to muddy substratum of the  Radioles (pinnate arm
worm seafloor processes)
 Secretes non-calcareous tube  W/ cilia directing food
particles down to the
radiole to mouth

Pheretima Earthworm Oligochaeta  Burrow in moist soil o Clitellum - broader segment

 Enrich the soil w/ their feces (sexual reproduction/storing
 Dorsal side of body is more eggs)
pigmented o Chitinous Setae - ventro laterally
 Prostomium - 1st segment
covers the ventral mouth
 Peristomium - 2nd segment

Hirudo Leech Hirudinea o Dorso ventrally flat body

medicinalis o 2 suckers (anterior = mouth,
posterior = anus)
o Annuli
o Clitellum - segment 9-10
o Genital pore - found in 11th

Genus Common Name Subphylum Class Description Parts

Achatina Garden Snail Conchifera Gastropoda  Shell (coiled)
o Whorl – one complete spiral turn
 Body whorl – largest and
the last
 Spire – whorls above it
o Mantle
o Mantle cavity
o Shell aperture
 Head (only observed for live specimen)
o Mouth with radula (used for
piercing, scraping or drilling)
 Muscular foot (only observed for live
o Operculum – horny disc, found on
the postero-dorsal surface of the foot

Pila Kuhol Conchifera Gastropoda

Haliotis Abalone Conchifera Gastropoda
Turbo Turban Snails Conchifera Gastropoda
Lambis Conchs Conchifera Gastropoda
Cypraea Cowries Conchifera Gastropoda
Perna Mussels Conchifera Bivalvia  Hinge ligament  Umbo – the oldest and thickest part of the
 Concentric lines – external shell
surface of the shell;  Foot – small, brown, cylindrical, narrow
represent growth periods structure (observed in live specimen)
 Byssal threads – cluster of dark brown,
threadlike structures that arise from the
heel of the foot (observed in live specimen)

Tridacna Giant Clams Conchifera Bivalvia

Spondylus Scallops Conchifera Bivalvia
Crassostrea Oysters Conchifera Bivalvia
Anondota Freshwater Clam Conchifera Bivalvia
Loligo Squid Conchifera Cephalopoda o Head
 Arms
 8 short
 2 long tentacles
 Mouth
 Jaws
 Radula
o Mantle – dorsally behind the head;
covers entire visceral mass
o Internal shell (gladius)/pen – found
behind the head
o Siphon – cylindrical funnel; part of the
modified foot

Sepia Cuttlefish Conchifera Cephalopoda

Octopus Octopus Conchifera Cephalopoda
Nautilus Nautaloid Conchifera Cephalopoda
Dentalium Elephant’s Tush Conchifera Scaphopoda o Shell – greenish
Shell  Apical aperture – narrow end
 Main aperture – anterior side of
the body
o Foot – found in the main aperture

Neopilina Conchifera Monoplacophor

Chiton Chitom Aculifera Polyplacophora Habitat: intertidal or subtidal o Plates – 8 articulating plates (dorsal
zones side)
o Mantle – where the plates are
embedded (not visible)
o Girdle – thickened marginal portion of
the mantle
o Foot – ventral side (only observable
for live specimen) ▪ Head – reduced
(only observable for live specimen)
 Mouth
 Radula
 Girdle – mantle edge
 Pallial groove – mantle cavity

Neomenia Aculifera Aplacophora

Chaetoderm Aculifera Aplacophora

Genus Common Name Subphylum Class Parts

Trilobites Trilobita
Limulus Horseshoe crab Chelicerata Merostomata
Sea Spiders Chelicerata Pycnogonida  Reduced bodies (abdomen has almost disappeared,
(Pycnogonids) legs are long and clawed)
 Head – with long proboscis
o Mouth
o Simple eyes
 Feed on soft-bodied invertebrates (i.e. cnidarians)
through sucking

Spiders Chelicerata Arachnida o Prosoma (anterior region of the body)

 8 simple eyes (dorsal side)
o Opisthoma (posterior region of the body -
o Pedicel – connects the two (2) body regions
o Cephalothorax
 Feeding appendages – first two pairs
 Chelicerae – bears the fangs (first pair)
 Pedipalps – 2nd pairs used in
manipulating the food
 Walking legs
o Ventral portion of the abdomen
 Spinnerets – three pairs; silk-producing glands

Scorpions Chelicerata Arachnida  Prosoma

 Mesosoma
 Metasoma
o Telson - defense

Ticks Chelicerata Arachnida Similarities:

 Have six legs during larval stage, eight legs = adult
 Have one body mass
 Capitulum – contains part for feeding
o Mouth – palps, chelicera, hypostome
Mites Chelicerata Arachnida Differences
 Ticks = 1 mm long to 3mm (macroscopic); Mites = less
than a mm (microscopic)
 Ticks = short hair with hypostome (anchorage) more
visible; Mites = long hairs; hypostome not visible
 Ticks lives on their host (Cause lime disease); mites feed
on plants and animals (Scalise)

Penaeus Shrimp Crustacea Malacostraca  Tagmata

o Cephalothorax – with 5 pairs of legs
 Chelipeds – first pair of large pincers
o Abdomen
 Swimmerets – swimming legs
 Telson – terminal abdominal segment
 Carapace
 Rostrum
 Eyes
 Antennae
 Antennules

Portunus Crab Crustacea Malacostraca  Head

o Eyes
o Mouth
o Antennae
 Carapace
 Abdomen
o Determine the gender?
 Male – triangular
 Female – broad and round
 Chelipeds or pincers
 Legs
o Last pair has its terminal end modified into

Lobster Crustacea Malacostraca  Cephalothorax

o Carapace
o Eyes
o Rostrum
o Antennae –
o Walking legs
 Abdomen
o Six segments
o Telson – found at the tip (flat process) and
bears the anus

Daphnia Water fleas Crustacea Branchiopoda - Considered planktons

Artemia Fairy shrimp/Brine Crustacea Branchiopoda - Filter feeders
Cypris Ostracods Crustacea Maxillopoda
Cyclops Copepods Crustacea Maxillopoda
Millipede Uniramia Diplopoda  Somites with 2 pairs of legs
 Head
 Eyes
 Antennae
 Mandible
 Maxillae

Scolopendra Centipede Uniramia Chilopoda - Inhabits moist places

o Head
 Mouth
 Mandibles (anterior to mouth)
 First maxillae (lateral to mouth)
 Second maxillae (posterior to the
 Trunk (divided into segments with paired
 Poison claws – first somite in the trunk
 Telson – last segment that bears the anus

Pediculus Head Louse Uniramia Insecta  Head

humanus o Pair of eyes
capitis o antennae
 Thorax
o 3 pairs of legs
 Abdomen

Ctenocephalide Cat Flea Uniramia Insecta  Head

s felis o Eyes
o Antennae
o Bristles (comb)
 Thorax
o Legs
 Abdomen

Grasshopper Uniramia Insecta  Head

o Eyes
 2 large compound eyes
 3 simple eyes or ocelli (2 are at the
based of the antennae and one in the groove
between them)
o Antennae
 Thorax – bears the legs
o Prothorax
o Mesothorax – has a pair of wing (forewing –
o Metathorax – has a pair of wing (hindwing –
 Abdomen – consists of 11 somites
o Spiracle – paired openings lateral to the
o Female
 Abdomen has a pair of stout, pointed
structure (ovipositor)
o Male
 Abdomen has rounded end
o Cercus – small projection on each side behind
the 10th segment

Genus Common Name Subphylum Class

Linckia Sea Star Asterozoa Asteroidea  Arms or rays
 Madreporite
 Anus
 Nonmovable spines (aboral surface)
 Pedicellariae
 Mouth
 Ambulacral groove with tube feet or podia (not
seen in dried specimen)

Archaster Asterozoa Asteroidea

Protoreaster Asterozoa Asteroidea
Culcita Cushion Star Asterozoa Asteroidea
Ophiocoma Brittle Star Asterozoa Ophiuroidea  Arms
 Central disc - flat with round, pentagonal or
star-shaped appearance
 Aboral surface – maybe smooth or have tiny
spines, calcareous plates or shields
 Oral surface
o Five triangular-shaped jaws – mouth
o Bursal slits
o Tube feet (podia) or tentacles – small
and devoid of suckers

Ophioplucos Asterozoa Ophiuroidea

Ophioderma Asterozoa Ophiuroidea
Gorgonocephalu Basket Star Asterozoa Ophiuroidea
Diadema Sea Urchin Echinozoa Echinodea  Mouth with peristomial membrane
 Anus (may not be seen in dried specimen)
 Madreporite (may not be seen in dried
 Individual plates
o Perforated plates (ambulacra)
o Nonperforated plates (interambulacral)
 Tube feet
 Tubercles
 Pedicellariae

Laganum Sea Biscuit Echinozoa Echinodea  Oral surface

 Aboral side
o Mouth
o Petaloids – ambulacral areas arranges
like the petals of a flower
o Podial gills – function for respiration
 Ambulacral areas – contains holes for the tube

Echinocardium Heart Urchin Echinozoa Echinodea

Arachnoides True Sand Dollar Echinozoa Echinodea
Holothuria Sea Cucumber Echinozoa Holothuroidea  Mouth
 Tentacles
 Anus = apex of the aboral end
 Madreporite – internal

Leptosynapta Echinozoa Holothuroidea

Synapta Echinozoa Holothuroidea
Thyone Echinozoa Holothuroidea
Cucumaria Echinozoa Holothuroidea
Antedon Feather Star Crinozoa Crinoidea  Presence of stem or stalk
 Attached to a substratum
 Parts to label:
o Arms with pinnules
o Calyx (theca)
o Oral surface – only observed among live
 Mouth
 Ambulacral areas (5)
 Ambulacral grooves and
 Podia or tube feet (without
o Aboral side
 Cirri

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