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How does “rationality” contribute to your ¹self-transformation and development as a

person and at the same time as a student through the process of academic formation?

Rationality made me think before I act. I admit that I am very impulsive but as a human,

this rationality that we have helped me to weigh things before I do something. There are

cases that I think for the cause and effect. I often ask my self nowadays why am I doing

this and what can I achieve if ever I perform this act. I’m starting to think logically and

I’m starting to seek for reasons. When I entered college, my goal is to finish my studies

and make my parents proud. Now, I am starting to ask myself, what’s next? After

making my parents proud, what is it for me? Whenever I study, I no longer simply

memorize. I’m starting to think the reason why we computer for such or why we are

studying a specific topic. I am already understanding its relevance to what I will become.

Rationality helped me to think deeper and to see the bigger picture.

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