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Language style expresses human feeling.

It produces language by oral and written

form. In writing, the writer puts the utterances form in spoken language. While, in oral form,

the speaker delivers a message in order to be heard and know what the speaker wants

directly. Joos stated that speaking is very formal or very informal choice are being governed

by circumstance. It can be concluded that conversation can determine the situation with

whom they talk and adapt where the place is.

The Edge of Seventeen is a 2016 American coming-of-age comedy-drama movie

written and directed by Kelly Fremon Craig. The film stars Hailee Steinfeld, Woody

Harrelson, Kyra Sedgwick, and Haley Lu Richardson. The Edge of Seventeen is a favored

movie to be analyzed because its story is very appropriate with teenagers in recently years.

Revealing Nadine, the main character’s language style through her communication and acting

role is very interesting thing to do. Recalling the language style is a study which frequently

relates with social context.

The problems related to the background can be formulated into two, as the following


Based on formulated problem above, the aims are:

The scope of discussion will be limited and focused on:

1. Data Source

The data source of this study is American coming-of-age comedy-drama movie written and

directed by Kelly Fremon Craig entitled The Edge of Seventeen. The data of this study only

takes the conversation on dialogue within movie act. Nadine utterances as the main character

in the movie is important to be used in analyzing the language which are included into the

classification of language style accord with Joos theory.

2. Method and Technique of Collecting Data

This study used documentation method to collect the data. First, the movie “The Edge of

Seventeen” will be watched which was played through GOM media player within English

subtitle. The movie will be played several times to learn more depth about Nadine

characteristic. Second, the data will be detected what kind of language style which is used by


3. Method and Technique of Analyzing Data

This study will be analyzed by using qualitative method, the sample of this analysis, the data

will be analyzed with the whole durations by applying purposive sample method, as proposed

by Hadi. The data will be analyzed by applying the theory from Martin Joss and Roman


4. Method and Technique of Presenting the Analysis

To presenting the data, this study used descriptive method to analyze the data that related in

this study. The data were categorized depending on each kind of language style. The data will

be presented by applying the theory from Martin about language style and Roman Jakobson

as a function of language.

Firstly, undergraduatted thesis by Ida Bagus Aris Premana (2016), student of faculty of Arts,

Udayana University entitled “The Language Style in Crazy Stupid Love Movie”. This

research analyzes language style used by all characters in “Crazy Stupid Love” Movie. The

researcher focuses on coversation containing four kinds of language style. There are formal,

casual, consultative, and intimate.

In 2016 by Moh. Fatkhul Amri investigated a research with the title Intimate Style Used by

Rosie in Love Rosie (2014) Movie. The research finding focused to Intimate Style which

used by Rosie, the main character.

Further, the study of Nabillah Rachmawati (2015). She is student of UIN Sunan Ampel

Surabaya. Her title is “Language Style Used by Andrew and Margaret in “The Proposal”

Movie”. This research focuses on the language style that used by two main character on the


The international journal article by Huiying Zhang, a lecturer of Liaoning University, China

(2012) entitled “A Reflection of Stylistic Variation in Sociolinguistics”. This article makes an

overview of the development of sociolinguistics, especially focuses on stylistic variation in it.

The analysis of language style was quite often done but in different object and approach. The

similarity of this study with previous studies above is the object of the study, those are a

movie and also the main character. In this analysis will be focused in discussing the language

style used by Nadine in The Edge of Seventeen movie.

Joos (1967: 50) stated that speaking is very formal or very informal choice are being

governed by circumstance.

According to Coupland (2007), style refers to ways of speaking – how speakers use the

resource of language variation to make meaning in social encounters.

According to David (1980), style refers to the relationship among the participant in a

language activity especially the level of formality they adopt.

Related to Chaika (1982) said that style refers to the selection of linguistic forms to convey

social or artistic effects.

Frozen style is a style which is used in a very formal setting such as in palace, church, speech

of state ceremony, and some other occasions.

Formal style is defined as the style of language that used for important or serious situation.

Consultative style is a style that which used in semiformal communication situation. It is one

type of language which is required from everyday speaker.

Casual style is a style that is used for the conversation in our relaxed or normal situation that

is appropriate to the conversations with our friends or sometimes members of a family, such

as outside the classroom, when the student have a chat.

Intimate style is a completely private language developed within families, lovers, and the

closest friends.

The core of the informative function of language is the external situation, the facts of a topic,

the reality outside language, included reported ideas or theories. Informative text provides

information about any topic of knowledge. They identify and characterize phenomena. Style:

impersonal, objectives, formal, non-emotive. It happens such as in textbooks, technical

report, thesis etc.

The core of expressive function is the mind of the writer/speaker. Language is used by the

writer/speaker to express a feelings. Focusing on the writer or speaker, Personal, expression

of feelings, attitude, opinions, the example is text of autobiography, personal correspondence,

political speech.

The core of the vocative function is the reader/hearer and the addressee. Language is used to

call upon the readership to act, think or feel, to react in the way to produce a certain effect on

the addressee.

The use of language is called as code by Jacobson to discuss or describe itself.

The phatic function can be observed in greetings and casual discussions of weather,

particularly with strangers. It also provides the keys to open, maintain, verify or close the

communication channel while say “Hello?”, “OK?”

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