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Year/Sem/Branch : II /III/CIVIL Max. Marks: 100
Sub. Code & Name : MA8353 &Transforms &Partial Duration : 3.00Hrs
Differential Equations Date : 28.09.20

The IAT-II is used to assess the course outcomes CO2 & CO3, Higher Order Thinking
(HOT) and Lower Order Thinking (LOT) of the course.
K1 – Remembering. K2 –Understanding. K3 – Applying.
K4 – Analyzing. K5 – Evaluating. K6 – Creating.

To introduce Fourier series analysis which is central to many applications in

engineering apart from its use in solving boundary value problems.

To acquaint the student with Fourier series techniques in solving heat flow
problems used in various situations.
PART – A (10x2=20)
Answer all the questions
Explain Dirichlet’s condition. [CO2,LOT,K1]
Write a0,an in the expansion x+x3 as a Fourier series in (-π,π) [CO2,LOT,K1]
3. Find the sum of the Fourier series of
 x, 0  x  1
f ( x)   at x  1
2, 1  x  2
Find the root mean square value of the function f(x)=x in the interval [CO2,LOT,K2]
What do you mean by Harmonic Analysis? [CO2,LOT,K1]
6. f  2 f xy  0, x  0, y  0.
Classify the partial differential equation xx [CO3,LOT,K2]
What are the possible solutions of one dimensional wave equation? [CO3,LOT,K1]
Write the correct solution of one dimensional heat equation. [CO3,LOT,K1]
The ends A and B of a rod length 10 cm long have their temperature [CO3,LOT,K2]

kept at 200C and 700C.Find the steady state temperature distribution

on the rod.
Write any two solutions of the Laplace equation uxx+uyy=0 involving [CO3,LOT,K1]

exponential terms in x or y
PART – B(5x16=80)
Answer All the questions

11. a. (i) Obtain Fourier series for the function f(x) given by (8) [CO2,HOT,K3]

 2x
1      x  0
f ( x)  
1 1 1 2
 1 2x 0  x      .... 
  2 32 52 8
Deduce that 1 . (8) [CO2,HOT,K3]
f  x   e x
(ii) Obtain the Fourier series for in the interval 0  x  2 .
(8) [CO2,HOT,K3]

 x
f ( x)  in 0  x  2 (8) [CO2,HOT,K3]
b. (i) Find the Fourier series for the function 2 .
 x in 0  x  3
f ( x)  
(ii) Find the Fourier series for the function 6  x in 3  x  6

12. (8) [CO2,HOT,K3]

a. (i) Express f(x)=x as a half-range sine series in 0<x<2.

(ii) Expand f ( x)  1  cos x , 0  x  2 in a Fourier series. (8) [CO2,HOT,K3]

1 1 1
   ....
Hence evaluate 1.3 3.5 5.7
b. (i) Find the half range cosine series for the function f(x)=x2, 0≤x≤π

(ii) Find the half range sine series for f ( x)  x cos x , 0  x   . (8) [CO2,HOT,K3]

(8) [CO2,HOT,K3]
 4  x , 0  x  1/ 2
13. f ( x)  
 x  3 ,1/ 2  x  1 (8) [CO2,HOT,K3]
a. (i) Expand  4 As the Fourier series of sine

(ii) Find the Fourier series expansion of period 2π for the
(8) [CO2,HOT,K3]
function y=f(x) which is defined in (0,2π) by means of the table
of values given below. Find the series upto the third
X 0 π/3 2π/3 π 4π/3 2π
Y 1.0 1.4 1.9 1.7 1.5 1.2 1.0
or (8) [CO2,HOT,K3]
2 ,   x   .
(i) Obtain the Fourier series for y  x

1 1 1 1 4
    ... 
4 24 34 44 90
Using the values of y show that 1 .
(8) [CO2,HOT,K3]
(ii) Obtain the first three coefficients in the Fourier series for y,
where y is given in the following table:

X 0 1 2 3 4 5
Y 4 8 15 7 6 2

14. a. A string is stretched and fastened at two points x=0 and x=l apart
2 [CO3,HOT,K3]
Motion is started by displacing the string into the form k (lx  x ) from
which it is released at time t=o. Find the displacement of any
point on the string at a distance of x from one end at time t.

b. An infinitely long plane uniform plate is bounded by two parallel

edges and an end at right angles to them .The breadth is π; this

end is maintained at a temperature u0 at all points and other

edges are at zero temperature .Determine the temperature at any

point of the plate in the steady state.

a. A string of length l is initially at rest in its equilibrium position and

 y  x
   v0 sin3 ,0  x  l
 t t  0 l
Each of its points is given the velocity
Determine the displacement function y(x, t). [CO3,HOT,K3]

 
b. A rod of length l has its ends A and B kept at 0 C and 100 C until
steady state condition prevail.If the temperature at B is reduced

suddenly to 0 C and kept so while that of A is maintained, find the
temperature u(x,t) at a distance x from A and time t. [CO3,HOT,K3]

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