AutoCAD 2005 Tips and Tricks

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Lynn Allen’s

Top 10
Tips for
AutoCAD® 2005
User Interface

User Interface
Toolbar Enhancements Transparent Command Line
New Style toolbar • Make your floating command line
transparent by right-clicking on the
This toolbar displays a drop-down list command line and selecting
of existing Dimension, Text, and Table Transparency.
styles for quick changes. (Tip: Keep this
toolbar on your screen for easy access!) Clear the screen of all toolbars and
1. Right-click on any tool. palettes
2. Select Styles from the shortcut • Ctrl+0.
menu of toolbars. Help as you go
Use the new Info Palette to access
Quick Help tips. Here you’ll find easy-
to-understand, step-by-step information
that walks you through the new
functionality of AutoCAD 2005.
New Layers and Properties toolbars
The Object Properties toolbar is now
split into two toolbars—one for layer
tools, one for properties tools.
The Layers drop-down list is much
wider, accommodating longer layer
names (great for xrefs).
No more undoing too far
The new Multiple Redo can be found
next to Undo on the Standard toolbar.
Hit the attached arrows to drop down a
list of previously undone items to redo
for extra clarity.
• Ctrl+5 to access the Info Palette
(also available from the Help
pull-down menu).
• The Info Palette automatically
provides information for each
command you access.
• Search for specific information from
the command list.
Start new drawings faster • You can lock the Info Palette to keep
it from changing while you follow a
Selecting the New tool from the
specific procedure.
Standard toolbar now executes a
speedy command called QNEW that
starts a new drawing, no questions
UI Time-Savers
asked! Quick Switch between drawings
1. Set your default template file in When multiple drawings are open, each
the Options dialog box, Files tab. drawing will display as an icon on the
Windows taskbar. To switch drawings,
2. Select the New tool. This will
simply select the drawing icon (be sure
automatically use the default template
TASKBAR is set to 1).
file to start a new drawing.
If you want to use a different template Quick Switch between layouts
file, key in the NEW command or Use Ctrl+Page Up and Ctrl+Page Down
change the default template file. to navigate through your layouts.
The Open dialog box can now display
Setting Up the User Interface thumbnails, making it a snap to find your
Customize the status bar drawing files quickly. You can also add
1. Right-click on the status bar. your most frequently used directories to
the Places list on the left for quick access;
2. Toggle on/off those settings you’d just right-click on any folder.
like to display.

Tool Palettes Additional Tool palette features

Tool palettes can be customized to 1. Right-click on any tool and select
contain your most frequently used Properties from the shortcut menu
blocks, hatch patterns, images, solid to set up the various parameters for
and gradient fills, macros (including LISP each tool.
and ARX routines), and command tools. 2. Control the transparency of the
These become even more powerful Tool palette by right-clicking on
when you assign specific properties such the palette (not on a tool) and
as layer, scale factor, rotation angle, etc. selecting Transparency from the
to each tool. shortcut menu.

3. Control the display and size of the
Customizing the Tool palette using icons by selecting View Options
DesignCenter from the shortcut menu.
1. Display Tool palette by pressing Ctrl+3 4. Save your tool palettes to disk as
or by selecting from the Tools menu. an XTP file for others to import using
the CUSTOMIZE command. You can
2. Open DesignCenter™ and drag also organize your tool palettes into
blocks, xrefs, images, and hatch specific groups for faster access.
patterns one by one to the Tool
palette. Or right-click on any drawing 5. When inserting a block, you can now
name in DesignCenter to create a change the scale and rotation angle
new tab that contains all the content from a shortcut menu or set the
within the drawing. properties to always prompt you.
3. Right-click on the block tool and Note: You can disable the ability to
select Properties from the shortcut customize the toolbars and tool palettes
menu to set up the various by setting TBCUSTOMIZE to 0.
DesignCenter and
Properties Palettes
• A nifty new DesignCenter tab has
been added, called DesignCenter
Online. This tab provides access to
thousands of existing library symbols
(assuming you have an Internet
connection). Why reinvent the wheel?
• Block attributes are now displayed for
easy editing in the Properties palette.
Creating Tools from existing objects
• The Pickadd Button in the Properties
1. Select the object. palette has been moved, to help you
2. Drag and drop the object onto the avoid accidentally selecting it when
palette (the tool will land where the exiting.
black line is displayed).
Auto-hide your palettes for more
3. The command, properties, and style design room
(where applicable) are now accessible
from the palette (great for dimensions, • Turn on Auto-Hide to automatically
text, etc). roll up tool palettes, Info,
DesignCenter, and the Properties
Creating a command tool (including window when not in use. This saves
macros) valuable screen real estate.
1. Right-click on the Tool palette title
bar and select Customize.
2. Drag and drop the desired command
from the Command tab to the Tool
3. You can also drag and drop buttons
from existing toolbars (great if you
• Use the same procedure to pin them
have highly customized toolbars).
open for extended access.
Sheet Sets

Sheet sets have been added to Adding Sheets

AutoCAD 2005 to help you better
organize your drawing files. You can Adding new sheets from existing
combine the sheets in any order, even layouts
group them into subsets. Sheet sets 1. Right-click on any sheet and select
make it easy to publish, archive, and Import Layout as Sheet.
etransmit your project files. 2. Select the drawing name and the
layout(s) you’d like to import.
Sheet Set Basics
• Each drawing sheet points to Adding new sheets from scratch
one layout. 1. Right-click on the sheet set title or
• You can create several sheets from any sheet and select New Sheet.
a drawing with multiple layouts. 2. Provide a sheet number and title.
Sheet Sets

• It’s easy to add, remove, and renumber 3. Select the desired template file
each sheet. (if prompted).
• Though the drawing files may come 4. The new sheet is added to the set and
from many different locations, the a new drawing file has been created.
Sheet Set Manager will keep track 5. You can proceed to design as usual
of them all for you. in your new drawing sheet.
• Multiple users can access and edit a
sheet set at the same time, but only
one user can edit the same sheet.
• Each drawing can belong to only one
sheet set.

Creating a Sheet Set

1. Open a drawing file.
2. Access the Sheet Set Manager (SSM)

Sheet Sets
from the Tools menu or by pressing
3. Select New Sheet Set from the Files
menu or from the Sheet Set Manager
drop-down list.
4. This will take you to the Create Sheet
Set wizard.

Importing existing model space

views into sheets (Sheet Views)
Even if you don’t use paper space
layouts, you can take advantage of
sheet sets. It’s easy to place your model
space drawings and views into an
existing sheet.
1. Go to the Resource Drawing tab
in the Sheet Set Manager.
Create Sheet Set wizard 2. Select Add New Location and add
Use the Create Sheet Set wizard to set your drawing directory (or directories).
up the parameters for your new sheet
3. All drawings and any existing named
set. Here you will
drawing views will display.
• Choose to use an existing sheet set
4. Right-click on the drawing file,
as an example, or define your own
or view and select Place on sheet
from existing drawings.
(or drag and drop).
• Choose the name and location for
5. Drag the view into place, then right-
your new sheet set (extension of .dst).
click to select a specific scale.
• Assign any specific properties such
6. The view is added and the drawing is
as template file, callout block, client
now xref’d into the sheet.
name, and so on.
Note: You can assign specific properties
to any sheet by selecting Properties from
the shortcut menu.
Sheet Sets Tables
3 4

Sheet Views No more drawing grids by hand!

Use the Sheet Views tab to AutoCAD 2005 has added a new
intelligent TABLE object that will
• Rename and renumber your sheet
eliminate tedium and save you time.
• Add a view label or callout block Creating Tables
to a sheet. Just as you do with dimensions and text,
• Group the sheet views into categories you first set up your table style in the
and assign different callout blocks to Table Style dialog box.
each view category. 1. Select Tablestyle from the Format
2. Select New to create a new table style.
3. Set up your table style to reflect your
needs, such as table direction, text
height, alignment, border properties,
and so on.
Now you’re ready to create your table
1. Select Table from the Draw menu.
Tip: As you go forward with your
drawings and sheet sets, you might find 2. Select your table style.
it useful to restrict each drawing file to 3. Indicate the number of rows and
one layout—since only one person can columns.
edit a drawing at a given time. 4. Input specific column width and row
height, or let AutoCAD determine it by
Organizing Sheets the table size.
You can reorder, rename, and remove
any of your existing sheets from the Populating tables
sheet set shortcut menu. In-place editing makes it easy to fill
Sheet Sets

You can also create subsets of sheets in the cells.

for further organization purposes. • The Tab and arrow keys move
Note: Removing a sheet does NOT across cells.
delete the DWG file. • Double-click a table cell to enter
text using the MTEXT editor.
Creating a Sheet Index
• You can also insert fields and symbols
AutoCAD 2005 will now automatically from the shortcut menu.
create a sheet table. You can quickly go
to any sheet listed in the table by • Clicking in a table cell permits you to
clicking the hyperlinked sheet name. insert a block from the shortcut menu.
1. Right-click the title sheet and select • Clicking also allows you to merge
Insert Sheet List Table. cells, add and delete rows, and so
2. Indicate a table style.
You can use grips to modify the table
3. Place the sheet list table in the location, column width, and row height.

Updating the Sheet List Index

Right-click on the table and select
Update Sheet List Table from the
shortcut menu.

Accessing Tables from Excel

1. Copy Excel table data to the clipboard.
2. Select Paste Special from the Edit
3. Select AutoCAD Entities.
4. Place the table in your drawing.
Step Savers

Right-Click Enter MATCHPROP now supports additional

AutoCAD 2000 introduced the rightclick settings for polylines and viewports.
shortcut menus for quick access to many This makes it possible to match such
valuable options. Many users turned features as polyline widths and viewport
these menus off because they preferred scale factors.
using their right mouse button as an
Enter key. Now with AutoCAD 2005
you can have the best of bothworlds!
1. OPTIONS command.
2. User Preferences tab.
3. Right-click Customization option—
turn on “time-sensitive right-click.”

4. Here you can set your input device

so that a fast right-click functions QSELECT has a new drop-down list for
like hitting Enter. Holding down the block names, giving you easy access.
button will display a shortcut menu.
Hatch Step Savers
The new updated Boundary Hatch
command has an option to control
the draw order of the hatch object.
By default, the hatch pattern will be
drawn behind the boundary, making
it much easier to select the boundary
New Object Snap! for editing purposes.
The new object snap “Mid between 2 Hatch an area even if there’s a gap!
points” eliminates the need to create The new Gap tolerance option in the
construction lines. Access it from the Boundary Hatch command allows you to
right-click OSNAP menu or by keying instruct AutoCAD to hatch an area, even
in M2P. if it’s not completely closed.
New Zoom option Simply specify a suitable gap tolerance
The new Zoom Object option allows you value for your drawing. Think of all the
to quickly zoom to a selected object. steps this will save!

Editing Step Savers

The Copy command now defaults to
Multiple copies (hoorah!).
DDEDIT now works on both text and
attributes (so you don’t even have to
Step Savers

know which is which).

Fillet and Chamfer have a new Multiple
option to repeat.
Remove an extra step in PEDIT
(Polyline Editing)
• Setting the new system variable
PEDITACCEPT to 1 will eliminate the
needless question “Object selected is Draworder Step Savers
not a polyline, do you want to turn it
• No more regenerating your drawing
into one?”
to see the results of the DRAWORDER
• If you create a new object based on
an existing one, the DRAWORDER
properties are also inherited
Step Savers

(including copy, fillet, explode, etc.).

• DRAWORDER now has a better
memory! It will remember the
display order every time you leave
the drawing and return (super
important with xrefs).
Express Tools

Express Tools
Now nearly 100 Express Tools come Move Copy Rotate (MOCORO)
with AutoCAD. After loading them This Express Tool is a combination
from the CD, you should find the Express of three frequently used editing
Tools menu and toolbars displaying in commands, for maximum productivity.
the drawing editor. If not, enter
EXPRESSMENU on the command line.

Layer Tools
Layer Walk (LAYWALK)
LAYWALK stairsteps through your
layers, displaying the objects on each Burst
layer individually. Exploding a block with attributes
Layer Delete (LAYDEL) converts the text back to the attribute
definitions. This tool retains the actual
Ever have that one layer that just won’t text assigned to the block.
purge no matter what you do? LAYDEL
is happy to delete any layer for you Reset Dim Text Value (DIMREASSOC)
(except layer 0 and defpoints), no matter Takes dimension text that has been
what objects are on it—even if that layer overridden or modified and changes it
is referenced in a block! back to its actual value. After you select
Layer Merge (LAYMERGE) the desired dimensions, those not
displaying their true value will be
Use to combine two layers into one. highlighted.
Great for combining xref’d layers with
your current ones. Other Favorites
Layer Isolate (LAYISO) Super Hatch
Use to quickly turn off all the layers Making your own hatch patterns from
except for the selected layer. Use Layer scratch can be a bear. SUPERHATCH
Previous (LAYERP) to turn them all works like the HATCH command, but
back on. it allows you to use an image, block,
xref, or WIPEOUT object as a hatch
pattern. Now you can draw your own
hatch pattern, save it to a block, and
then use SUPERHATCH.

Paper Space Tools

Change Space (CHSPACE)
Use to push objects from one space
to another (paper space to model space
or vice versa) while maintaining the
objects’ appearance.
Align Space (ALIGNSPACE)
Use to line up objects within a viewport
(model space) with objects outside a
viewport (paper space). This modifies the
viewport scale factor as needed—very
useful if a misplaced zoom or pan occurs.

Edit Tools
Real Time UCS (RTUCS)
If you are using AutoCAD for 3D, be sure
Use to convert 3D geometry to 2D
to take advantage of this great Express
Tool that dynamically displays the UCS
Overkill as you change it.
Use to delete duplicate objects and to EDIT TIME (new to AutoCAD 2005)
combine line and arc segments that
Want to keep track of your actual
overlap. Also use to remove excess
Express Tools

drawing time (and billable hours)?

vertices in polylines.
EDITTIME to the rescue!
Export and Import Attribute
ATTOUT and ATTIN allow you to send
bidirectional attribute information out
or back in to the drawing.
Annotation Tricks
Annotation Tricks

MTEXT 1. Right-click in the MTEXT editor.

True WYSIWYG…what you see is what 2. Select Background Mask.
you get! 3. Choose the opaque fill color (may use
The new updated MTEXT editor gives background) and the width around
you the look and feel of in-place text the text to cover.
creation and editing. No more guessing Note: You may also use Properties to add
games—it’s clear what your final text a background mask to MTEXT objects.
output will look like.
Dimension Text Background Mask
• Tabs and indents have been added.
Simply click on the ruler bar to set Place a background mask on your
your desired tab settings. dimension text in the DIMSTYLE

Annotation Tricks
1. Text Tab.
2. Set the Fill Color.

• Control paragraph width by sliding

the end of the ruler bar.
• You can see through the MTEXT editor
to the drawing so it’s very clear where
the text is landing. New Draworder controls for Text and
• Word documents with formatting Dimensions
come in seamlessly. Just copy the The new TEXTTOFRONT system variable
document to the clipboard and paste allows you to bring all your text or
into the MTEXT editor. dimensions to the front of all the other
• Need to change your text to objects.
uppercase? Highlight the desired text
(or use Ctrl+A to select everything), OLE Objects
right-click, and select Change Many improvements have been made to
Case>Upper from the shortcut menu. object linking and embedding. A few of
them are
• New Insertion point option for
OLE objects.
• Now Inserts on the current UCS.
• More predictable scaling (based on
drawing scale).
Symbols • MSOLESCALE system variable for
Now you can easily add 15 popular additional scale factor control.
symbols (such as angle and centerline) • Select and edit OLE objects using
to your MTEXT. standard AutoCAD commands
1. Right-click in the MTEXT editor. (including grips) and Properties.
2. Select Symbol. • New OLE Plot Quality options in
the OPTIONS command (Plot and
3. Select the symbol you wish to insert. Publish tab).

Express Tool Text Tricks

Text to MTEXT
Now that the MTEXT command is so
powerful and easy to use, why not
convert those old individual text strings
to paragraph text with the TEXT to
MTEXT (TXT2MTXT) Express Tool?
Then it’s a breeze to add or remove
words while keeping a consistent
paragraph width.
Remote Text
Display Controls Imagine text that acted like an xref.
Text Background Mask That’s exactly how Remote Text (RTEXT)
works. The text appears like an ordinary
The new background mask option
text or Mtext object, but it’s really
makes it easy to see your text when it
referencing an outside file. As the
sits on top of other objects.
external file is updated, so is the RTEXT
within the drawing file.
Productivity Tips

Layers Miscellaneous Tips

AutoCAD 2005 has added several layer Revision clouds
enhancements to the new Layer Designers like to use Revision clouds to
Properties Manager to help you organize clearly point out changes to a drawing.
and manage your layers more efficiently. Use the REVCLOUD command to create
User Interface changes a cloud-shaped object out of sequential
• Right-click on a column heading arcs with a user-defined width. The new
to maximize the column. Calligraphy option makes it look even
more authentic.
• Click the new Apply button to
immediately apply layer changes.
Productivity Tips

• There is a new column for layer

• The new Status column displays
whether a layer is current, used,
or unused.
• Filters are added to control the
list of layers that display in the Layer
Properties Manager.
• The new Filter Tree view displays
existing filters.
• Xref layers are automatically filtered.
Zoom to Object
Quickly zoom to the extents of one or
more objects by selecting the new
Object option in the ZOOM command.

Productivity Tips
Maximize a Viewport
While in a paper space layout, you can
automatically maximize a layout to work
on your model space drawing, using the
entire drawing area. Doing so won’t
Property Filters modify the scale factor in any way.
As you did with the previous Named
1. Select the viewport.
layer filter dialog box, you have the ability
to filter out any layer property such as 2. Click the Maximize Viewport button
visibility, color, name, and so on. Say you’d on the status bar.
like to display all the layers that start with 3. Work on the viewport—pan and zoom
“Text” that are the color red. won’t change the scale factor.
1. Select the New Property Filter icon. 4. The layer settings remain the same
2. Name the new filter list. as those assigned to that viewport.
3. Indicate the desired filters. 5. Click the Minimize Viewport button
on the status bar.
4. The list provides a preview update as
you assign filters. 6. AutoCAD will return you to the same
view you had before maximizing the
5. When finished, the new filter appears
in the Filter Tree view forquick access.
Note: You can also use the Maximize/
Group Filters Minimize buttons on the status bar to
Many requests have been made of get the same results.
Autodesk to divide layers into specific
layer categories. Done!
1. Select the New Group Filter icon.
2. Name the new filter.
3. Display all layers by doubleclicking
on All. Trim to Hatch
4. Drag and drop the layers you want to The Trim command now works on hatch
be added to the new filter, or choose patterns (neat!).
Select Layers>Add from the shortcut
menu to select objects from the
drawing. AutoCAD adds the object
layers to the group.

Publishing (Without Sheet Sets)

Printing one layout or drawing
at a time
You’ll find the new Plot dialog box easier
to use than ever.
Plot offset
The PLOTOFFSET variable controls
whether the plot offset is relative to the Background Printing
printable area (value of 0) or to the AutoCAD 2005 now supports
paper’s edge (value of 1). background printing so you can continue
designing while plotting. It alerts you
Printing multiple layouts and
when printing is finished and provides
drawings a log file listing plot details, if desired.
The PUBLISH command makes it a snap
to share your data with anyone—even View and Marking DWF Files
if they don’t have AutoCAD! You can DWF files are easily viewed by the
publish to hard copy or to DWF™ (Design lightweight Autodesk® DWF™ Viewer.This
Web Format™) format, which supports <2 MB viewer can be downloaded free at
multiple layouts and multiple drawing
files within one small, compact file. Autodesk DWF Viewer has the following
1. Execute the PUBLISH command. capabilities:
• Fast viewing of all drawing sheets.
• Zooming via window, extents, or
in/out, plus easy panning.
• Ability to restore saved views.
2. Add or remove sheets as needed • Ability to turn layers on and off.
(including layouts from other • Plotting to scale, with full fidelity, and

drawing files). with tiling if necessary.

3. Assign the proper page setup where
needed by selecting from the drop-
down list (page setups will be used
to determine the final published
outcome for the sheet).
4. Reorder as needed.
5. Add a Plot Stamp if you wish.
6. Save to an external file (.dsd format)
for future use if needed.
7. Output to a hard copy by selecting the
“Plotters named in page setups”
option (similar to batch plot).
Autodesk DWF Composer
8. Output to a DWF file that anyone
Autodesk® DWF™ Composer takes the

can view by selecting the “DWF file”

DWF Viewer several steps further. With
option. Password-protect the DWF file
it you can measure distances and areas,
if you wish in the Publish Options
access markup and redlining
dialog box.
functionality, even create a markup file
that easily overlays the original AutoCAD
drawing. DWF Composer automatically
maintains a list of markups created as
well as comments made throughout
the revision process. Ensuring that
modifications get done has never been

Publishing with Sheet Sets

AutoCAD 2005 allows you to publish
an entire sheet set with just a couple
of clicks. The currently assigned page
setups will be used for each sheet.
You can also print the sheets individually
by selecting the sheet, right-clicking, and
selecting Publish to Plotter in the Sheet
Set Manager. The shortcut menu
provides additional options to make
sure you get the perfect plot!
Share and Protect Fields
10 Bonus Tip!

Digital Signatures Fields are equivalent to “smart text” that

Digital signatures are used to updates automatically. Use field data for
electronically sign a drawing file. That such things as dates, sheet numbers,
way, you can be assured the file has been titles, and so on.
signed and approved and that it hasn’t
been modified since it was signed. Inserting Fields
Digitally signed files are read-only. Select fields from a list of predefined
fields. These fields can be inserted into
1. Purchase a digital signature for your
text objects, attributes, or table cells.
computer (many companies provide
this service). The digital signature will There are three methods for inserting
be saved to your .reg file. a Field:
2. Use the external program Attach 1. Select Insert Field in the shortcut
Digital Signatures to select and sign menu when prompted for text in
drawing files. MTEXT, DTEXT, ATTDEF, and BATTMAN.
If someone alters the drawing file in any Some of these commands also have
way, a warning will be issued and the an “insert field” button.
digital signature will be invalidated. 2. Press Ctrl+F.
3. Execute the Field command
(this will place the field as MTEXT).
Whichever route you take, simply
select the field you wish to add. The
FIELDDISPLAY system variable toggles
the display of a gray background for field
text (intended for easy recognition of
Field text).

Password Protection
For those of you with maximum security
concerns, you can password-protect your
drawing files.
1. Select Save As from the file menu.
2. Select Tools, Security Options.
3. Input your password.
Warning: Be sure to save your password
in a safe place, since there’s no way to
retrieve your password if you lose it!
Transmittal Sets Editing and Updating Fields
Share and Protect

It’s easy to send your sheet sets to others

with the updated eTransmit. eTransmit Easily edit your fields by doubleclicking.
packs up all the needed files to make The appropriate editing command will
sure your transmittal set is complete, appear (DDEDIT, EATTEDIT, and the like).
including external references, images,
text fonts, and the like. Updating Fields
By default, field values automatically
update when you open, save, plot,
eTransmit, or regenerate a drawing.
You can suppress this automatic
evaluation by setting the FIELDEVAL
system variable. You can also use the
UPDATEFIELD command to manually

Archiving Sheet Sets


Archiving functionality allows you to

save your project data in its current state
to a single file. The process is similar to
creating a transmittal set with eTransmit
and can be easily launched from the
shortcut menu in the Sheet Set Manager.
Lynn Allen, Cadalyst columnist
and Autodesk® technical
evangelist, speaks to more than
20,000 AutoCAD users worldwide
each year. For the past 11 years
she has written a monthly
column in Cadence magazine
called “Circles and Lines.” Lynn
started using AutoCAD software
with Release 1.4, more than 19
years ago, and has taught at the
corporate and college level for
13 years. She is consistently one
of the highest-rated speakers at
Autodesk University and is a
sought-after public speaker with
a unique comedic style. She is the
author of AutoCAD 2002, Inside
and Out: The Best of Lynn Allen.

You can purchase AutoCAD 2005 software

through an Autodesk Authorized Reseller.
To locate the reseller nearest you, visit
© 2004 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
Autodesk, AutoCAD, Design- Center,
Design Web Format, and DWF are either
registered trademarks or trademarks of
Autodesk, Inc., in the USA and/or other
countries. All other brand names, product
names, or trademarks belong to their
respective holders.

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