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1. State and prove left cancellation property for group.(CO1/LOT/K2)
2. Define subring with an example. (CO1/LOT/K1)
3. State Fermat’s theorem. (CO1/LOT/K1)
4. Prove that every group of prime order is cyclic. (CO1/LOT/K2)
5. Define homomorphism of a ring. (CO1/LOT/K1)

6. Prove that an identity element in a group is unique. (CO1/LOT/K2)

7. Define subgroup with an example. (CO1/LOT/K1)

8. Define cyclic group. (CO1/LOT/K1)
9. State any two properties of a group. (CO1/LOT/K1)
10. Let a  G with O  a   n . If k  Z and a k  e then prove that
n k. (CO1/LOT/K2)
11. Define groups. (CO1/LOT/K1)
12. Define order of a group. (CO1/LOT/K1)
13.Define group homomorphism and isomorphism with an example.
14. Define generator of a group. (CO1/LOT/K1)
15. Define a ring and give an example. (CO1/LOT/K1)

1. Let  G ,  ,  H ,  be groups with respective identities
e ,e
G H . If f : G  H is a homomorphism then
 a  f  eG   eH
 b  f  a 1    f  a  for all a  G

 c  f  a n    f  a  for all a  G and all n  Z .


 d  f  S  is a subgroup of H for each subgroup S of G.

(CO1/HOT/K3) (8)
2.Let G be the set of all rigid motions of a equilateral
triangle. Identify the elements of G. Show that it is a
non-abelian group of order 6. (CO1/HOT/K3) (8)
3. State and prove Lagrange’s theorem. (CO1/HOT/K3) (8)
4. Let G be a group with subgroups H and K. If
G  660, K  66 and K  H  G . What are the possible
 
values of H . (CO1/HOT/K3) (8)
5. Consider the set Z together with the binary operations
x  y  x  y  1 and x y  x  y  xy for x, y  Z .
Prove that  Z , ,  is a ring. (CO1/HOT/K3) (8)
6. State and prove Euler’s theorem. (CO1/HOT/K3) (8)
7. Find 100 in Z1009 .
(CO1/HOT/K3) (8)
8. Prove that congruence modulo n is an equivalence
relation on Z. (CO1/HOT/K3) (8)
9. Let G be a cyclic group.
(i) If G is finite then G is isomorphic to  Z ,  

(ii) If G  n , where n  1 then G is isomorphic to  Z n ,   .

(CO1/HOT/K3) (8)

10. The ring R  M 2  Z  and the subset

 x x  y 
S   x , y  Z  of R. Prove that S is a
 x  y x  
subring of R. (CO1/HOT/K3) (8)
11. If H is a nonempty subset of a group G, then H is a subgroup
of G if and only if (a) For all a, b  H , ab  H and
(b) For all a  H , a  H .(CO1/HOT/K3) (8)
12. Find the last digit of 355 . (CO1/HOT/K3) (8)
13. If f :  R, ,.   S , ,  is a ring homomorphism, then
 a  f  Z R   Z S , where Z R , Z S are the zero elements of R,
S respectively.
 b  f  a    f  a  for all a  R .
 c  f  na   nf  a  for all a  R, n  Z .
 d  f  a n    f  a  for all a  R, n  Z  and
 e  if A is a subring of R, it follows that f  a  is a subring
of S. (CO1/HOT/K3) (8)
14. Let  G,  and  H ,  be groups. Define the binary operation  on
G  H by  g1, h1   g2 , h2    g1 g2 , h1  h2  . Then prove that  G  H ,  is a
group. (CO1/HOT/K3) (8)
15. State and prove Fermat’s theorem. (CO1/HOT/K3) (8)
16. In any ring  R, ,  ,

(i) the zero element z is unique, and

(ii) the additive inverse of each ring element is unique.
(CO1/HOT/K3) (8)

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