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When do we need backups?

What needs to be backed up?
When should backups be performed?
Where will the backups be stored?
How can backups be performed?
Restoring from backups
Backup strategy
Backup – Why do it?

In business today,'You are your data' Lose

data,lose business
Lost productivity, customer relationships,etc
Types of Backup

Logical backup
Physical backup
Local backup
Remote backup
Full backup
Incremental backup
When do we need backup?

Hardware Failures
A system crash may cause some of the data in the
database to be lost. Hardware failure leads to data loss.

User/Application Failure

Accidental DROP or DELETE statements

Editing table files with text editors,usually leading to
corrupt tables.
What needs to be backed up?
Database content
• For full backups
• Logical or physical backup

Log files
• For incremental backups
• Point in time recovery

• /etc/my.cnf
• Cron jobs
When should backups be

On a regular basis
Not during high usage peaks (off hours)
Static data can be backed up less frequently
Schedule it at particular time intervals
Where to store backup?
• On the database server
On a separate file system/volume or hard disk drive

• Copied to another server

On or off site
Cloud storage

• Backed up to tape/disk
• Choose multiple locations
Database Backup Methods

• Backup programs
• Copying table files (*.frm, *.MYD, and *.MYI files)
• Delimited-Text files
• Incremental Backups using Binary Log
• Backups using Replication Slaves
Using mysqldump for backups
Mysqldump is a backup program originally written by Igor
Used to dump a database or a collection of databases for backup
or transfer to another server(not necessarily MySQL).
Mysqldump writes SQL statements to the standard output.
This output consists of CREATE statements to create dumped
objects (databases, tables, stored routines etc) and INSERT
statements to load data into tables.
The output can be saved in a file and reloaded later using mysql to
recreate the dumped objects.
Options are available to modify the format of the SQL statements,
and to control which objects are dumped.
Generates files in CSV, other delimited text, or XML format also.
Backup using mysqldump
Set of one or more tables
$ mysqldump -u [uname] -p[pass] db_name table1 > table_backup.sql
$ mysqldump -u [uname] -p[pass] db_name table1 table2 > table_backup.sql

Set of one or more complete databases

$ mysqldump -u [uname] -p[pass] db_name1 db_name2 > db_backup.sql

All databases
$ mysqldump -u [uname] -p[pass] –all-databases > all_db_backup.sql

An entire MySQL
$ mysqldump -u [uname] -p[pass] db_name > db_backup.sql

Copying data from one server to another

$ mysqldump --opt db_name |mysql –host = remote_host -C db_name

Auto-compressing the output using gzip

$ mysqldump -u [uname] -p[pass] db_name | gzip > db_backup.sql.gz

Remote Backup
$ mysqldump -P 3306 -h [ip_address] -u [uname] -p[pass] db_name > db_backup.sql
Restore backup from mysqldump

Create a database on the target machine

Load the file using the mysql command:
$ mysql -u [uname] -p[pass] [db_to_restore] <
To restore to an existing database
$ mysqlimport -u [uname] -p[pass] [dbname] <
Making delimited text file backups

This method saves only table data, not the table

structure. Writes the selected rows to a file on
the server host Syntax
SELECT * INTO OUTFILE 'file_name' FROM tbl_name

Example of file in the comma-separated values (CSV)

SELECT a,b,a+b INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/result.txt' FIELDS
Making Incremental Backups by Enabling the
Binary Log

By default, the server creates binary log files in the data directory.
The binary log files provide you with the information you need to replicate changes to
the database that are made subsequent to the point at which you performed a
To see a listing of all binary log files

An incremental backup only backs up data that changed since the previous backup.
Start the server with the --log-bin option to enable binary logging.
mysqlbinlog utility converts the events in the binary log files from binary format to text
so that they can be executed or viewed. mysqlbinlog has options for selecting
sections of the binary log based on event times or position of events within the log.
Copy to the backup location,all binary logs from the moment the last backup was
taken to the last but one.
Enable binary logging
Configure mysql to do binary logging.
Edit : /etc/mysql/my.cnf:
Add : log-bin = mybinlog
Specify which databases to do binary logging for, or which databases NOT to
do binary logging for.

1) “binlog_do_db” turns binary logging on for a given

database. binlog_do_db = mydb
2) “binlog_ignore_db” turns binary logging on for all databases except the
database(s) names.
binlog_ignore_db = mydb
Restart mysql server.
Restore from binary logs
Go to the folder where mysqlbinlog utility is placed and convert binary log
file into sql
C:\xampp\mysql\bin>mysqlbinlog C:\xampp\mysql\data\binlog\bin-
log.000001 > sql.txt
Directly execute sql on the database
C:\xampp\mysql\bin>mysqlbinlog C:\xampp\mysql\data\binlog\bin-
log.000001 | mysql -u root -p
Specify specific duration to extract sql

C:\xampp\mysql\bin>mysqlbinlog --start-datetime="2014-06-01
10:31:44" C:\xampp\mysql\data\binlog\bin-log.000001 > sql.txt

This will extract sql after the date of 2014-06-01 10:31:44.

Point In Time Recovery using binary logs

1) Point-in-Time Recovery Using Event Times

C:\xampp\mysql\bin>mysqlbinlog --start-datetime="2014-05-27 10:01:00"
C:\xampp\mysql\data\binlog\bin-log.000001 | mysql -u root -p
C:\xampp\mysql\bin>mysqlbinlog --stop-datetime="2014-05-27 9:59:59"
C:\xampp\mysql\data\binlog\bin-log.000001 | mysql -u root -p

2) Point-in-Time Recovery Using Event Position

C:\xampp\mysql\bin>mysqlbinlog --stop-position=368312
C:\xampp\mysql\data\binlog\bin-log.000001 | mysql -u root -p
C:\xampp\mysql\bin>mysqlbinlog --start-position=368315
C:\xampp\mysql\data\binlog\bin-log.000001 | mysql -u root -p
Making Backups Using Replication
Used when there are performance problems with your master
server while making backups.
Set up replication and perform backups on the slave rather than
on the master.
Put the master server db in a read-only state by executing these
mysql> SET GLOBAL read_only = ON;

While Master is read only, perform the backup using mysqldump.

Restore Master to its normal operational state by executing these
mysql> SET GLOBAL read_only =
Recovering from Backups

• Restoring tables to the state before a crash requires both the

backup files and the binary log.

• Backup files restore the table to the state they
were at the time of backup.

• The synchronised binary logs are used to extract
queries issued between the backup and now.
• If recovering data lost due to unwise queries,dont issue them

DB Recovery = Last full backup & binlogs

Recovering from Corrupt tables

Bring the database in recovery mode

Shut down incase it's still running
Add innodb_force_recovery=1 to my.cnf
Change the port from 3306 to some random value.
Check for the corrupt tables using mysqlcheck –all-databases
Backup and drop corrupted tables using mysqldump
Restart mysql in normal mode without changing the port
Import the backup file
Change port
Backup Strategy
• Perform backups regularly and frequently
• Performing Backups Before and After You Make Structural
• Turn on the binary update log
• Synchronise update logs with the backup files
• Store the backups on a different file system than where
your databases are
• Make periodic full backups, using the mysqldump
• Make periodic incremental backups by flushing the logs
• Scheduling backups
• Choose the right storage platform for backups


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