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TAX 2 estate (inheritance and estate taxes) and in California, only inheritance

tax, reciprocal exemption of the inheritance tax in both countries, leaving

ESTATE TAX – excise tax on the right of transmitting property at the time of death payable the estate tax in the Philippines, will not work as that would
and on the privilege that a person is given in controlling to a certain extent the violate the California law that authorizes exemption only when there is in
disposition of his property to take effect upon death the other country an exemption from legacy, succession or death taxes of
every character. Held: There could not be partial reciprocity. It would
Gross Estate – Rule for Imposition have to be total or none at all.


• To the extent of his interest • With reciprocity
• The value AT THE TIME OF DEATH o Shall not be included in the gross estate if
• Of all real & personal property, tangible & intangible § The laws of the foreign country to which the decedent
o Regardless of any subsequent increase or decrease in value was a citizen and resident at the time of his death did
not impose a transfer tax of any character in respect
NON-RESIDENT ALIEN of intangible personal property of citizens of the PH not
• Value AT THE TIME OF HIS DEATH residing in that country
• Of all real & tangible personal property § If the foreign country allows a similar exemption from
transfer or death taxes of every character owned by
citizens of the PH not residing in that foreign country
• And intangible personal property
• Without reciprocity
o With a situs in the Philippines
o Unless exempted based on reciprocity o Shall be included in the gross estate


Collector v. Fisher: • The value of the gross estate of the decedent shall be determined by
o Including the value at the time of death
• Section 122 of the National Internal Revenue Code exempts payment of
o Of all property, real or personal, tangible or intangible wherever
both estate and inheritance taxes on intangible personal properties
o if the laws of the foreign country of which the decedent was
• Sec 88. Determination of the Value of Estate
a resident at the time of his death
• Usufruct – To determine the value of the right of usufruct, use or
o Allow a similar exemption from transfer taxes or death taxes
habitation, as well as that of annuity
of every character
o There shall be taken into account the probable life of the
o In respect of intangible personal property owned by citizens
beneficiary in accordance with the latest Basic Standard
of the Philippines not resident of that foreign country.
Mortality Table
• On the other hand , Section 13851 of the California Law exempts the
o To be approved by the Sec. of Finance
payments of inheritance tax
o Upon recommendation of the Insurance Commissioner
o If the laws of the country in which the decedent resided
• Properties – The estate shall be appraised at its fair market value
o Allow a similar exemption from legacy, succession, or death
as of the time of death.
taxes of every character
o However, the appraised value of real property as of the time
• It is clear from these provisions that the reciprocity must be total, that is, of death shall be, whichever is the higher of
with respect to transfer or death taxes of any and every character, in the
§ FMV as determined by the Commissioner
case of the Philippines law, and to legacy, succession, or death tax of any
§ FMV as shown in the schedule of values fixed by
and every character, in the case of the California law. the Provincial and City Assessors
• Therefore, if any of the two states collects or imposes and does not
exempt any transfer, death, legacy, or succession tax of any DECEDENT’S INTEREST – includes any interest having value or capable of being
character, the reciprocity does not work valued, transferred by the decedent at the time of his death
• This is the underlying principle of the reciprocity clauses in both laws. • Transfers in contemplation of death
Since in the Philippines two taxes are collectible from the decedent’s • Revocable transfers
• Property passing under general appointment Proceeds of life insurance
• Proceeds of life insurance • Will depend on the depend on the designated beneficiary, manner of
• Prior interest designation, period and source of the funds used in paying the premiums
• Transfer for insufficient consideration on the insurance contract
• Proceeds of life insurance taxable in ff cases
Transfers in contemplation of death o Beneficiary is estate of the deceased, executor or administrator
• Transfer shall be considered as transfer in contemplation of death if, § Whether or not the insured retained the power of
during the lifetime of the decedent, he still retained in the property the ff: revocation
o Possession or enjoyment, or the right to the income from the o Beneficiary is other than the decedent’s estate, executor or
property administrator
o The right, either alone or in conjunction with any person o `When designated as revocable
§ To designate the person who shall possess or enjoy • Not taxable
the property or the income therefrom o Accident insurance proceeds
§ Except in case of a bona fide sale for an adequate and o Proceeds of a group insurance policy taken out by a company
full consideration in money or money’s worth for its employees
• It is contemplation of death not contemplation of imminent death o Amount receivable by a beneficiary irrevocably designated in
• Not confined to disposition of property or property rights made by the the policy of insurance by insured
last will and testament or to gifts mortis cause, which are made in o Proceeds issued by the GSIS to government officials
anticipation of impending death, are revocable and are defeated if the o Benefits under SSS
donor survives the apprehended peril o Proceeds of life insurance payable to heirs of deceased
Revocable transfers members of military personnel
• Transfers (except in case of bona fide sale or an adequate & full • To determine the conjugal or separate character of proceeds the ff
consideration) by trust or otherwise factors considered:
• Where the enjoyment was subject at the date of his death to any change o Policy taken before marriage – source of funds determines
through the exercise of a power by ownership of the proceeds of life insurance
o The decedent alone or o Policy taken during marriage
o By the decedent in conjunction with any other person to alter, § Beneficiary is the estate of the insured
amend, revoke or terminate or • Proceeds are presumed conjugal; 1/2 of share
o Where any such power is relinquished in contemplation of the of SS not taxable
decedent’s death § Beneficiary is 3P
Property passing under general appointment • Payable to beneficiary even if premiums were
• Any property passing under a general power of appointment exercised paid out of conjugal partnership
by the decedent by
o Will Transfer for insufficient consideration
o Deed executed in contemplation of, or intended to take effect in • Transfer, trusts, interests, rights or powers made, created, exercised or
possession or enjoyment at, or after his death relinquished for a consideration in money or money’s worth but is not a
o Deed under which he has retained for his life or any period not bona fide sale for an adequate and full consideration
ascertainable without reference to his death or for any period • Value to be included: excess of the FMV of the property @ time of
which does not in fact end before his death: decedent’s death over the consideration received
§ Possession or enjoyment of, or the right to the income
§ Right either alone or in conjunction with any person, to • Should be taken to mean the property of the spouses brought to the
designate the persons who shall possess or enjoy the marriage
property or the income therefrom • CIVIL LAW: capital – property brought by the husband to the marriage
• Except: bona fide sale for an adequate and full consideration while that brought into marriage by wife: paraphernal prop
• Power of appointment: right to designate the person who shall enjoy or • Capital of the SS of a decedent shall NOT be deemed a part of gross
possess certain property from the estate of a prior decedent estate
§ Except unpaid obligations incurred incident to his
• Funeral expenses o Must be incurred in good faith & for adequate consideration
• Judicial expenses o Must be valid in law & enforceable in court
• Claims v. the estate o Must not have been condoned by the creditor or action must
• Claims v. insolvent persons not have prescribed
• Unpaid mortgages & losses • Substantiation requirement
• Property previously taxed – vanishing deductions o If claim arose out of a debt instrument
• Transfer for public use § Must be notarized
§ If contracted within 3 years before the death of the
Funeral expenses decedent
• Actual funeral expenses • Administrator or executor shall submit a
o Or amount equal to 5% of gross estate; whichever lower statement under oath showing the disposition
o No case to exceed 200K of the proceeds of the loan
• Actual funeral expenses – those which are actually incurred in connection Claims v. insolvent persons
with the interment or burial of deceased • Requisites for deductibility
o Must be duly supported by receipts o Amount has been initially included as part of gross estate
o Expenses after interment – not deductible o Incapacity of debtors to pay obligations is proven
Judicial expenses • In case the claim is the exclusive property of the deceased
• Allowed only if the settlement of the estate has been the object of o Same is not considered in determining the share of the SS
testamentary or intestate proceedings – expenses incurred during the
settlement of the estate but not beyond the last day prescribed by law Unpaid mortgages & losses
• Expenses of administration – essential to the collection of assets, • Requisites for deductibility
payment of debts or distribution of the property to the persons entitled to o FMV of the mortgaged property w/o deducting the mortgage
it; expenses must be essential to the proper settlement of the estate indebtedness has been initially included as part of the GE
• Compensation paid to a trustee of the decedent’s estate when it o Mortgage indebtedness was contracted in GF and for an
appeared that such trustee was appointed for the purpose of managing adequate and full consideration
the decedent’s real estate for the benefit of the testamentary heir – not • In case unpaid mortgage payable claimed by estate
included o Verification muse be made as to who was the beneficiary of loan
• Attorney’s fees incident to litigation incurred by heir by asserting their proceeds
respective rights – not included • If loan found to be accommodation loan
• Notarial fee paid for EJ settlement which effected distribution of the o Value of unpaid load must be included as a receivable of the
decedent’s estate to his lawful heirs and the attorney’s fees paid to a estate
bank for acting as guardian of the decedent’s property during his lifetime
– deductible Property previously taxed – vanishing deductions
• In case estate settled extra judicially, reasonable amount for legal fees & • Operates to ease the harshness of successive taxation of the same
accounting expenses may be allowed property within a relatively short period of time – up to 5 years
o Occasioned by untimely death of the transferee
o After receipt of property prior decedent or donor
Claims v. the estate • Requisites
• Debts or demands of a pecuniary nature o Prior decedent must have died or the donation must have been
o Which could have been enforced against the deceased in his made within 5 years before the decedent’s death
lifetime o Property subject of vanishing deduction must be same property
o And could have been reduced to simple money judgments inherited or donated from prior decedent
• Requisites for deductibility o Vanishing deduction is based on value of property @ time of
o Must be a personal obligation of the deceased existing @ time donation or death of prior decedent or @ time of death of the
of death present decedent, whichever lower
o Donor’s or estate tax due of prior decedent must have been • Ordinary deductions properly chargeable to the conjugal estate are not
faith to be deducted from the separate property of the deceased spouse

Value of property previously taxed – mortgage debt paid = initial basis STANDARD DEDUCTION
• Deduction in the amount of 1M
Initial basis/value of gross estate of present decedent x Expenses, etc & transfers • Shall be allowed as an additional deduction
for public purposes = 2nd deduction • Without need of substantiation
• Full amount of 1M shall ne allowed as deduction for the benefit of the
Initial basis – 2 deduction = final basis


Final basis x rate of deduction = vanishing deduction TAX CREDIT FOR ESTATE TAXES
• Tax credit against PH estate tax is allowed for the estate tax or taxes
Transfer for public use paid to a foreign country or countries
• Tax code allows deduction from the GE, the amount of all bequests, • Limitations
legacies or transfers, to or for the use of gov’t or any political subdivision o The amount of the credit in respect to the tax paid to any
thereof for exclusively public purposes country shall not exceed the same proportion of the tax
• Transfer must be testamentary in character or donation mortis causa against which such credit is taken which the decedent’s net
estate situated within such country taxable under the NIRC
FAMILY HOME bears to his entire net estate
• Current FMV of the family home o The total amount of the credit shall not exceed the same
• Limit is 1M – any amount in excess is subject to estate tax proportion of the tax against which such credit is taken, which
• Must have been the decedent’s family home as certified by the barangay the decedent’s net estate situated outside the PH taxable under
captain of the locality the NIRX bears to his entire net estate
• Requisites for deductibility • If decedent is a non-resident alien, the value @ time of death of that part
o Must be the actual residential home of the decedent & his of his gross estate situated outside the PH must be included in the estate
family, as certified by the Barangay Captain of the locality where tax return – to be entitled to deductions
the family home is situated • Paid to one foreign country
o Total value of family home must be included as part of GE of a
person who died on or after 7/28/1992
o 1/2 of share of SS is deducted from the total GE to arrive at the
total net estate of the decedent • 2 or more foreign countries
o 1/2 share of the family home is allowed as a deduction from the
net estate in an amount equivalent to the current FMV or zonal
value of that 1/2 postion not exceeding 1M – excess subject to
estate tax


SHARE IN CONJUGAL PROPERTY • FF shall not be taxed
• Where the decedent was married o Merger of usufruct in the owner of the naked title
o Conjugal property shall first be determined o Transmission/delivery of the inheritance or legacy by fiduciary
o All obligations properly chargeable to it shall be deducted heir or legatee to fideicommissary
therefrom o Transmission from first heir, legatee or done in favor of another
o From the balance, the net share of the SS shall be deducted beneficiary, in accordance with the desire of the predecessor
from the net estate of the decedent for purposes of imposing o All bequests, devises, legacies or transfers to social welfare,
the estate tax cultural and charitable institutions, no part of the net income of
• Special deductions are not taken into account in determining the net which inures to the benefit of any individual
conjugal estate
• Provided, that not more than 30% of said bequests, devices, legacies or o Executor or administrator – ensure that payment shall be made of the
transfers shall be used by such institutions for administration purposes amount of which he is notified before he shall be discharged from
• In addition to 200K exemption personal liability
o Judge – will not issue authorization to deliver distributive share until
TAX RETURNS certification of payment is shown
o ROD – shall not register in Registry of Prop any document without
Filing of notice of death certification from the Commissioner that the tax had been paid
• When filed o Lawyer, notary public, or any gov’t officer – intervening in the preparation
o Transfer is subject to tax or acknowledgment of documents, regarding partition or disposal of
o Although exempt from tax, the gross value of the estate donation, legacy or inheritance shall the duty of furnishing the
exceeds 200K Commissioner, Regional Director, Revenue District Officer or Revenue
• Period of filing Collection officer
o Must be filed with the Commissioner within 2 months after the o Debtor – not pay his debts to the heirs, legatee, executor or administrator
decedent’s death or within a like period after qualifying as unless certification of the Commissioner that tax has been paid is shown
executor or administrator o Corporation – will not transfer to new owners of shares, bond, obligation
or rights without certification from Commissioner
Filing of tax return o Bank – when bank has knowledge of a death of a person who maintained
• When filed a joint account, it shall not allow any withdrawal by the surviving
o When GE exceeds 200K depositor without certification
o Regardless of value of GE, where the estate consists of
registered or registerable properties for which a clearance from DONOR’S TAX – An excise tax imposed on the privilege to transfer property by
BIR is required as condition precedent for the transfer of way of gift inter vivos based on a pure act of liberality without any or less than
ownership adequate consideration and without any legal compulsion to give

Period of filing IMPOSITION OF TAX

• GR: within 2 months from the decedent’s death o There shall be levied, assessed, collected & paid upon the transfer by
• XPN: In meritorious cases, Commissioner may grant extension not any person, resident or nonresident
exceeding 30 days o Of the property by gift, a tax, computed as provided in Sec. 99
o The tax shall apply whether the transfer is in trust or otherwise
PAYMENT OF TAX o Whether the property is real or personal, tangible or intangible
• “pay-as-you-file” system
o Time for paying is @ the time the return is filed by executor, • Donor’s tax imposed on donations inter vivos or those made between
administrator or heirs living persons to take effect during lifetime of donor
• Installment
o In case insufficient cash, estate may be allowed to pay tax by Purposes
installment • Supplements the estate tax by preventing the avoidance of the latter
o Clearance shall be released only with respect to the property through the device of donating the property during the lifetime of
which has been paid deceased
• Persons liable to pay • Prevents avoidance of income taxes
o Executor or administrator before delivery to any beneficiary of
his distributive share of the estate Requisites
o 2 or more executors or admin – severally liable for payment • Capacity of donor
o Beneficiary – subsidiarily liable • Donative intent, or intent on part of donor to make a gift
§ shall in no case exceed the value of his share • Delivery, whether actual or constructive, of the subject matter of the gift
• Acceptance by done
Completed gift – Donor’s tax shall not apply unless there is a completed gift
• Transfer by gift perfected from the moment the donor knows of donee’s o Donor engaged in business shall give notice of fonation on every
acceptance donation at least 50K to the RDO of place of business within 30 days
• Completed by delivery after receipt
• Gift incomplete because of reserved powers becomes complete when • Athlete’s prizes & awards
o Donor renounces the power; or • Encumbrances on the property donated if assumed by the done
o His right to exercise the reserved power ceases because of the • Donations made to the ff entites exempted under special laws
happening of some event or contingency or fulfillment of some Gifts made by Nonresident not a citizen of PH
condition, other than because of donor’s death • Gifts made to or for the use of the Nat’l Gov’t or any entity created by any of
its agencies – not conducted for profit or to any political subdivision of said
• Where property, other than real property referred to in Section 24 (D), • Gifts in favor of an educational/charitable, religious, cultural or social welfare ,
• Is transferred for less than adequate & full consideration in money or corp, institution, accredited non-gov’t org, trust or philanthropic org or
money’s worth research institution or org
• Then the amount by which the FMV of the property exceeded the value o Provided that not more than 30% of gifts shall be used for
of the consideration shall, for the purpose of the tax imposed by this administration purposes
• Shall be included in computing the amount of gifts made during the • Donor’s tax imposed upon a citizen or resident
calendar year • @ the time of the donation
Transfer constitutes a gift & is subject to donor’s tax although there is no • Shall be credited with the amount of any donor’s tax,
donative intent • Of any character and description
• Imposed by the authority of a foreign country
In case of gifts made by a resident • Amount of credit shall not exceed the same proportion of the tax against
• Dowries/gifts made on account of marriage & before its celebration or within such credit is taken
1 year thereafter by parents to the extent of first 10K o Which the net gifts situated within such country taxable under
o Gift was made on acct of marriage donor’s tax bears to entire net gifts
o Made before or w/in 1 year after celebration of marriage • Amount of tax credit shall not exceed the same proportion of the tax
o Donor is a parent against such credit is taken
o Donee is a legitimate, recognized natural or adopted child o Which the donor’s net gifts situated outside the PH taxable
o Amt exempted only to the extent of first 10K under donor’s tax bears to his entire net gifts
• Gifts made to or for the use of the Nat’l Gov’t or any entity created by any of
its agencies – not conducted for profit or to any political subdivision of said TAX RETURN
gov’t • Filing of return – under oath in duplicate
• Gifts in favor of an educational/charitable, religious, cultural or social welfare , o Each gift made during the calendar year which is included in
corp, institution, accredited non-gov’t org, trust or philanthropic org or computing net gifts
research institution or org Provided that not more than 30% of gifts shall be o Deductions claimed & allowable
used for administration purposes o Any previous net gifts made during the same calendar year
o Not more than 30% used for admin purposes o Name of done
o Donee must b non-stock, non-profit organization o Relationship of or to ee
o Donee should be governed by trustees who do not receive o Further info as commissioner may require
compensation • Time of filing
o Donee not authorized to receive dividends o Within 30 days after date gift is made or completed
o Donee devotes all of its income to the accomplishment and o Tax due shall be paid @ same time return is filed
promotions of its purposes enumerated in its Articles of Incorp • Place of filing
o NGO must be accredited by PH Council for NGO certification o Authorized Agent Bank
o Revenue District Officer
o Revenue Collection Officer
o Duly authorized treasurer of the city or municipality where donor
was domiciled @ time of transfer
o If no legal resident – office of Commissioner
o In case non resident – may be filed with PH embassy or
consulate in country where he is domiciled or directly with
Office of Commissioner

• Any contribution to any candidate, political party or coalition of parties for
campaign purposes shall be governed by the Election Code
• RA 7166: any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, any
contribution in cash or kind to any candidate, or political party or
coalition of parties for campaign purposes, duly reported to the
Commission, shall NOT be subject to the payment of any gift tax
• Contributions made prior to passage of RA 7166 were subject to donor’s

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