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REMREV MIDTERMS • In ALL civil actions which involve the TITLE TO, OR


The rule that procedural laws are applicable to pending interest therein
actions or proceedings admits certain exceptions. The rule o Where the ASSESSED VALUE of the
does not apply where the statute itself expressly or by property EXCEEDS 20K pesos or for civil
necessary implication provides that pending actions are actions in METRO MANILA where such
excepted from its operation, or where to apply it to pending value exceeds 50K pesos
proceedings would impair vested rights. Under appropriate o Except actions for forcible entry into and
circumstances, courts may deny the retroactive application unlawful detainer of lands or builfidings,
of procedural laws in the event that to do so would not be original jurisdiction over which is
feasible or would work injustice. Nor may procedural laws conferred upon the Metropolitan Trial
be applied retroactively to pending actions if to do so would Courts, Municipal Trial Courts and
involve intricate problems of due process or impair the Municipal Circuit Trial Courts
independence of the courts." • In ALL actions in ADMIRALTY & MARITIME
CA o Where the demand or claim EXCEEDS
ORIGINAL JURISDICTION to issue: 300K or in Metro Manila where such
• Writs of MANDAMUS, PROHIBITION, demand or claim exceeds 400K
WARRANTO o Both testate and intestate
• And AUXILLARY WRITS OR PROCESSES o Where the GROSS value of the estate
• WHETHER OR NOT IN AID OF ITS APPELLATE exceeds 300K or in probate matters in
JURISDICTION metro manila, where such value exceeds
• Actions for ANNULMENT OF JUDGMENTS OF JURISDICTION of any court, tribunal, person or
RTCs body exercising jurisdiction of any court, tribunal,
person or body exercising judicial or quasi-judicial
instrumentalities, boards or commissions, including the: o The exclusive jurisdiction of a Juvenile
• SEC and Domestic relations Court and
• Social Security Commission o Court of Agrarian Relations as now
• Employees Compensation Commission provided by law
• CSC • In ALL OTHER CASES in which the demand
Except those falling within the appellate jurisdiction of the o EXCLUSIVE OF INTEREST, DAMAGES
SC in accordance with the Consti, Labor Code of the PH OF WHATEVER KIND, ATTORNEY’S
The CA shall have the power to: COSTS
• Try cases o Or the value of property in controversy
• Conduct hearings exceeds 300K or in such other cases in
• Receive evidence Metro Manila where the demand,
• Perform any and all acts necessary to resolve exclusive of the abovementioned items
factual issues raised in cases falling within its exceeds 400K
original and appellate jurisdictions
• Including the power to grant and conduct new ORIGINAL JURISDICTION IN OTHER CASES
trials or further proceedings RTCs shall exercise original jurisdiction
• In the issuance of WRITS OF CERTIORARI,
Trials or hearings in the CA must be CONTINUOUS & must PROHIBITION, MANDAMUS, QUO WARRANTO,
be COMPLETED WITHIN 3 months unless extended by the HABEAS CORPUS AND INJUNCTION
CHIEF JUSTICE o Which may be enforced in any part of
their respective regions and
• In ALL civil actions in which the subject of the APPELATE JUSDICTION
litigation is INCAPABLE OF PECUNIARY • RTC shall exercise appellate jurisdiction over ALL
ESTIMATION cases decided by the MetC, MTC and MCTC in
their respective jurisdictions

SPECIAL JURISDICTION o The issue of ownership shall be resolved
• The SC may designate certain branched of the only to determine the issue of
RTC to handle EXCLUSIVELY possession; and
o Criminal cases
o Juvenile and domestic relations cases EXCLUSIVE ORIGINAL JURISDICTION IN ALL CIVIL
o Agrarian cases ACTIONS which involve the title to, or possession of, real
o Urban land reform cases which do not fall property, or any interest therein where the ASSESSED value
under the jurisdiction of quasi-judicial of the property or interest DOES NOT EXCEED 20K or in
bodies and agencies civil actions in Metro Manila were such value DOES NOT
o And/or such other special cases as the EXCEED 50K EXCLUSIVE OF INTEREST, DAMAGES OF
SC may determine in the interest of a WHATEVER KIND, ATTORNEY’S FEES, LITIGATION
speedy and efficient administration of EXPENSES AND COSTS
justice • Provided that in cases of land NOT DECLARED for
taxation purposes, the value of such property shall
be determined by the assessed value of the
MTC adjacent lots
MTC, MeTC and MCTC shall exercise
• Civil actions and PROBATE PROCEEDINGS, MTC, MeTC and MCTC may be assigned by the SC to hear
testate and intestate and determine
• INCLUDING THE GRANT OF PROVISIONAL • Cadastral or land registration cases
REMEDIES IN PROPER CASES • Covering lots where there is NO controversty or
• Where the value of the personal property, estate or opposition
amount of the demand • Or CONTESTED lots where the value of which
• DOES NOT EXCEED 300k or, in Metro manila DOES NOT exceed 100K
where such personal property, estate or amount of • Such value to be ascertained by the affidavit of the
the demand DOES NOT EXCEED 400K claimant or by agreement of respective claimants if
o EXCLUSIVE OF INTEREST, DAMAGES there are more than one, or from the
OF WHATEVER KIND, ATTORNEY’S corresponding tax declaration of the real property
§ The amount of which must be DECISIONS OF THE RTC
specifically alleged
DAMAGES OF WHATEVER KIND, • In the absence of all the RT judges in a province or
EXPENSES AND COSTS shall be • Any Metropolitan Trial Judge, Municipal Trial
included in the determination of the Judge, Municipal Circuit Trial Judge
filing fees • May hear and decide petitions for a WRIT OF
ARE SEVERAL CLAIMS OR CAUSES OF o Or applications for bail in criminal cases
ACTION BETWEEN THE SAME OR DIFFERENT in the province or city where the absent
o THE AMOUNT OF THE DEMAND The Supreme Court shall have the following powers:
SHALL BE THE TOTALITY OF THE Exercise original jurisdiction over cases
CLAIMS IN ALL THE CAUSES OF • Affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and
ACTION consuls, and
o IRRESPECTIVE OF WHETHER THE • Over petitions for certiorari,
CAUSES OF CTION AROSE OUT OF prohibition, mandamus, quo warranto, and habeas
Review, revise, reverse, modify, or affirm on appeal
EXCLUSIVE ORGINAL JURISDICTION OVER CASES OF or certiorari, as the law or the Rules of Court may provide,
FORCIBLE ENTRY AND UNLAWFUL DETAINER final judgments and orders of lower courts in:
• Provided, that, when, in such cases, the defendant • All cases in which the constitutionality or validity of
RAISES THE QUESTION OF OWNERSHIP IN HIS any treaty, international or executive agreement,
PLEADINGS AND THE QUESTION OF law, presidential decree, proclamation, order,
POSSESSION CANNOT BE RESOLVED WITHOUT instruction, ordinance, or regulation is in question.

• All cases involving the legality of any tax, impost, o Splitting could lead to litis pendencia or
assessment, or toll, or any penalty imposed in res judicata
relation thereto. o Litis pendencia
• All cases in which the jurisdiction of any lower § Court can only dismiss one of
court is in issue. the cases
• All criminal cases in which the penalty imposed § Court has to retain the other
is reclusion perpetua or higher. case
• All cases in which only an error or question of law Absence of certificate of non-forum shopping – FAILURE
§ Cannot be cured by amendment
§ In absence of certificate of non-forum shopping –
Rule making power of SC liitations ALL CASES WILL BE DISMISSED
(1) Simplified & inexpensive procedure for speedy o If proven to be DELIBERATE – dismissal
disposition of cases with prejudice
(2) Uniform for all courts of the same grade
(3) Shall not diminish, increase or modify substantive
rights Joinder of causes of action rules of court
§ Two causes of action belonging to the same
Rule 2 § Should arise from a situation where the
Cause of action transactions arise out of the same contract or
• Existence of a right series of contracts
• Violation or a threat to violate the right
• Conditions precedent required BP 129 totality rule
§ Several claims or causes of action
If a case is covered by prior barangay conciliation and there § Between the same or different parties
is no allegation that this condition precedent has been § Embodied in the same complaint
satisfied § Amount of demand shall be the totality of the
• Absence of allegation does NOT deprive the court claims in all the causes of action
of jurisdiction § Irrespective of whether the causes of action
• Ground will be FAILURE TO STATE CAUSE OF arouse out of the same or diff transactions
Misjoinder of causes of action
One wrongful act could give rise to 2 or more causes of § No dismissal
action, depending on the number of rights that are violated § Misjoined causes will have to be separated
by this wrongful act –– as long as these rights belong to
DIFFERENT PEOPLE Compulsory joinder of indispensable parties
§ Violation: Dismissal of case
Acceleration clause – default in one installment will cause o Failure to state a cause of action
the entirety of the obligation to become due
Necessary party
Each installment due and unpaid will give rise to one cause § PLURALITY OF PLAINTIFF AND DEFENDANT
of action but –– If at the time of the filing of the complaint all § If complaint is filed without impleading a necessary
the installments have become due and are defaulted, only party, the pleader must state in the complaint who
one complaint can be filed by the creditor the necessary party is and why he has not been
impleaded – court determines whether inclusion is
Anticipatory breach of contract necessary
§ The general rule is that a creditor cannot compel § Rule 17: Whenever a party disobeys an order of a
the debtor to perform his obligation before court or the provisions of the rules, the penalty will
maturity. Before the obligation matures, the be a dismissal of the complaint, except when the
creditor has no right whatsoever to compel the order that has been disobeyed is an order of the
debtor to perform his obligation inclusion of a necessary party
§ But if the debtor tells the creditor before maturity
that he has no intention at all of paying his Indispensable
obligation – civil law considers that as a breach of § Absence will not justify the court from trying the
contract case and adjudicating the case; should be
dismissed for failure to state a cause of action
Splitting a cause of action – act of dividing one cause into
several parts and making each part a basis for a separate Parties in interest; Representative as parties
complaint § Violation: court can compel plaintiff to amend his
§ Remedy of defendant: MOTION TO DISMISS complaint

o If plaintiff ignores – court may dismiss lack of jurisdiction over the subject matter, or
bases on Rule 17 – failure to obey an failure to comply with the preceding section;
order of the court or to comply with the • Motion for a bill of particulars;
provisions of the Rules of Court • Motion for new trial, or for reconsideration of a
judgment, or for opening of trial;
Violation of rule 3 – failure to state a cause of action • Petition for relief from judgment;
• Motion for extension of time to file pleadings,
Death of defendant will not result to the dismissal of the affidavits or any other paper; c
case • Memoranda;
XPN: When the action is purely personal • Petition for certiorari, mandamus, or prohibition
against any interlocutory order issued by the court;
Assignee pendent lite, is not considered an indispensable • Motion to declare the defendant in default;
party and the court may ignore such party • Dilatory motions for postponement;
• Reply;
Rule 4 • Third party complaints;
If there is an agreement between the parties that fixes the • Interventions.
venue in case of conflict between the contracting parties,
then that is the rule that will be followed Small claims
§ Writing • Purely civil in nature
§ Entered into before the case is filed • Does not exceed 200K exclusive of IDALEC
§ Character of exclusivity
Venue of actions in case of non-resident defendants • For money owed under any of the following
§ Defendant does not reside in the PH o Lease
§ Not found in the PH o Loan
Only two civil actions: o Services
§ Civil action pertains to the civil status of the o Sale
plaintiff o Mortgage
§ Involves a property of the non-resident defendant • Liquidated damages arising from contracts
• Enforcement of a barangay amicable settlement or
Rule 5 an arbitration award involving a money claim
Barangay courts
§ Not a court of justice – no adjudicatory powers like Venue – if the plaintiff is engaged in the business of lending,
a court banking and similar activities and has a branch within the
§ Adjudicatory powers – when the parties agree to municipality where the defendant resides, the statement of
submit their dispute to a barangay court for claims shall be filed where that branch is located
§ If a plaintiff files a complaint before a barangay Court may by itself dismiss the case if:
court, but later on he does not appear during the 1. During the hearing, the court is able to determine
conciliation, the barangay court has the authority that there exists a ground for dismissal
to dismiss the complaint and the dismissal 2. Plaintiff misrepresents that he is not engaged in
operates as res judicata the business of banking, lending..
§ If the parties agree to submit their dispute to the
barangay court for arbitration, the barangay court The court shall not dismiss the case if the case does not fall
will be given adjudicatory powers under this rule – re-docket the case and return it to the
o If there is repudiation, the barangay court court were it is assigned
ceases to possess adjudicatory powers
Effect of failure to file response
Summary procedure • Court shall render judgment on the same day
§ Generally motion to dismiss prohibited – except if • If defendant appears at the date of set hearing –
the motion to dismiss is founded on lack of the court shall ascertain what defense he has to
jurisdiction over the subject matter &/ when the offer, mediate or adjudicate the same day as if
ground is failure to comply with the requirements response has been filed
on prior barangay conciliation
§ If a case is governed by summary procedure the Non-appearance
court can dismiss the case outright for any of the • Plaintiff
grounds mentioned in Rule 16
o Dismissal without prejudice
• Defendant
Prohibited pleadings
o Court renders judgment based on facts
• Motion to dismiss the complaint or to quash the alleged in SOC
complaint or information except on the ground of
• Both

o Dismissal with prejudice a compulsory counterclaim, the RTC has
Decision jurisdiction
• Within 24 hours from the termination of the hearing § CC is only incidental – it is only ancillary to the
• FINAL, EXECUTORY AND UNAPPEALABLE subject matter of the complaint

When the amount involved in compulsory claim is beyond

Rules 6-10 the jurisdiction amount cognizably by MTC
§ Even if CC, if the amount sought to be recovered
3 modes of denial is beyond the jurisdiction – CC ceases to be
§ Deny each allegation and give reasons upon which compulsory – it is considered PERMISSIVE
he relies his defense o Remedy of plaintiff: File motion to dismiss
§ Part denial and part admission – Lack of jurisdiction
§ Lack of knowledge or sufficient information to form o MTC is a court of limited jurisdiction
a belief as to the truth or the falsity of the
allegations 3P complaint
o Must be used in good faith § Claim of a defending party against a stranger to
o Otherwise, considered as judicial the case for contribution, indemnity subrogation or
admission any other relief in respect to the plaintiff’s claim
Negative Pregnant o Subject must be related to the subject of
§ Defendant is silent as to whether or not he is the complaint itself
denying or admitting the allegations in the § Must be with leave of court
pleading – not allowed by the rules

Affirmative defense
§ Allegation which admits the allegations in the Reply is mandatory when the answer is founded on
complaint hypothetically actionable document
§ But defendant sets up new matters which will § Mandatory in the sense that if the plaintiff does not
avoid his liability in favor of the claimant file a reply, he is deemed to have admitted the
The defendant must incorporate all the defenses available genuineness and due execution of the actionable
to him at the time of the filing of the answer. Otherwise, the document alleged in the answer
defenses that are left out are deemed waived – these
defenses can no longer be proven during the trial of the There is a need for specific denial under oath in allegations
case of USURY – when these allegations are found in the
A counterclaim must always be incorporated in another § But when the allegation of usury is contained in
pleading – defendant can only file a counterclaim if he files the answer as a defense no need for specific
an answer denial
§ But if the allegation of usury by the defendant is
Action or defense based on a document contained in a claim pleading – specific denial!
§ Document that is the basis of a claim or a defense
§ How to allege Allegations concerning UNLIQUIDATED damages deemed
o Copy substance; attach Xerox or original controverted even if there is no specific denial
o Copy word for word
§ How to contest Failure of plaintiff to file a motion to declare defendant in
o Specific denial under oath default after a long period of time, court may resort to Rule
o Failure to deny under oath: genuineness 17 for failure of plaintiff to prosecute
and due execution of document deemed § Dismissal with prejudice
§ XPN to judicial admission Default
o If in the actionable document it does not § Ordinary procedure
appear that the defendant is a party o Court is given discretion to:
o If plaintiff refuses to obey an order for the § Order plaintiff to present
production of the original of that evidence
document § Summary procedure
§ Defendant excused from o Motion to declare defendant in default
consequences of failure to prohibited
specifically deny under oath o If defendant does not answer, judgment
When amount involved in a compulsory counterclaim is by default will be rendered by the court
below the jurisdictional amount cognizable by the RTC
§ Even if the amount of the compulsory counterclaim Relief from order of default
is below the jurisdiction of the RTC, as long as it is § Defendant can file a motion to lift or set aside the
order of default

o Anytime before the judgment is rendered § But if defendant objects to presentation of
o Submit affidavit of merit – FAME grounds evidence – objection will be proper because the
§ Defendant must show he has meritorious defense issue is limited to the allegations in the complaint

If the default order is lifted – defendant must file his answer Rule 11 – When to file responsive pleadings
An order granting or setting aside an order of default is
INTERLOCUTORY – not appealable If defendant desires to incorporate a permissive
§ Remedy: R65 counterclaim or a 3P complaint – he must do so during the
pendency of the case
No defaults allowed § Although a permissive counterclaim and a 3P
§ Family related cases complaint are independent pleadings, they cannot
o Annulment of marriage be filed separately from an answer
o Separation Trial court exercises discretion whether or not to declare
o Declaration of nullity of marriage defendant in default for failure to answer a cross-claim
§ If defendant does not answer the court is
prohibited from declaring the defendant in default Rule 12
o Plaintiff should file a MOTION asking the § Bill of particulars is a more definite statement of an
court to order the PROSECUTOR to make allegation contained in a pleading which is not
an investigation whether or not there is alleged with sufficient definiteness or adequacy
collusion between the parties § The court has authority to rule on the motion even
§ Even if the defendant does not answer, court is before the date set for hearing
prohibited from issuing a default order § Non-compliance of plaintiff
§ But the court can still schedule the case for pre- o Court can strike out the complaint –
trial as if an answer was filed complaint will be dismissed
o Court can order the allegations in the
A pleading may be amended once as a matter of right, complaint which are vague and indefinite
before a responsive pleading is submitted to be stricken out
§ Pleaser is given almost absolute discretion in § Non-compliance of defendant
determining which changes are going to made in o Court can order the answer to be stricken
his complaint out
§ He has the freedom to change in its entirety the § It becomes a proper ground for a
cause of action in his complaint motion to declare defendant in
But when it is just a matter of discretion, he has to get o Court can order that only certain portions
permission from the court of that pleading be stricken out
§ It is the court then which will determine the extent
of the amendment that could be introduced Rule 13
§ Personal service must always be resorted to
Amendment is still a matter of right even if a motion to o If personal service is not resorted to,
dismiss is filed there must be an explanation given by the
§ Motion to dismiss is not a pleading party why he has not resorted to personal
§ Even if MTD is granted – amendment is still a service
matter of right § If a motion is filed and the motion is served
o Amendment must come before the order through registered mail without an explanation, the
of dismissal becomes final – before the court has every reason to consider that motion as
lapse of the 15 day period before the a useless scrap of paper
order of dismissal is entered § Service must be maid upon the counsel
representing the litigant
** Amendment to conform to evidence § Service of motion or pleading upon counsel is
§ Situation: evidence presented by the plaintiff or by considered as personal service
the party is NOT MATERIAL TO THE
§ Evidence: Evidence which ought not to be
admitted but which is not objected to by the Service upon domestic private juridical entity
adverse party will be admitted by the court § Service must be made upon:
o If there is no objection on the part of the o President
defendant then the court will admit the o General manager
evidence showing that the plaintiff is o Managing partner
entitled to recover from the defendant o Treasurer
§ If an issue is tried with the consent of the parties o Corporate Secretary
the pleading is deemed to have been amended o In-house counsel
Service upon minors & incompetents

§ Served upon minor/insane and upon guardian – court must give reasons and explain the basis of its
Service upon defendant whose identity or whereabouts are
unknown; extraterritorial service; Residents temporarily out Generally, the denial of a motion to dismiss is an
of the PH interlocutory order – not appealable
§ Service by mail is not a mode of service – court § Remedy: R65
does not acquire jurisdiction
§ Even if an action is purely in personam, as long as If granted, case is APPEALABLE if:
anyone of the requirements in secs. 14 and 15 are § Cause of action is barred by a prior judgment or by
present and the plaintiff asks for publication of statute of limitations
summons, the court can properly grant the motion § Claim or demand set forth in plaintiff’s pleading
which will enable the court to acquire jurisdiction has been paid, waived, abandoned or
over the person of this defendant extinguished
§ If is not possible to convert the action in personam § Claim on which the action is founded is
into in rem or quasi in rem, the remedy of the court unenforceable under the provisions of the statute
is not to dismiss but to send the records to the of frauds
o To be reactivated when the plaintiff is If dismissal is without prejudice:
able to locate properties of the defendant § File another complaint
in the PH § R65

Substituted service of summons Defendant’s choices

§ Impossibility of service of summons in person § File MTD
within a reasonable time § File an answer; set up grounds as affirmative
§ Efforts exerted to locate the person to be served defense
§ Service upon a person of sufficient age and
discretion in the same place as the defendant or Special appearance
some competent person in charge of his office or If a defendant files MTD founded on absence of jurisdiction
regular place of business over the person of the defendant – the mere filing of the
Rule 15 motion to dismiss will not be considered as submission by
§ In a motion filed before a trial court in R15 – the defendant voluntarily of his person to the jurisdiction of
motion generally must contain a notice of hearing the court
§ If filed with the SC or CA – no need for notice of § Defendant can also avail of the other grounds
hearing mentioned in R16
§ Contents
o State relief sought to be obtained Auter action pendant – litis pendentia
o Grounds upon which it is based § In litis pendencia, the essential requirement is that
o If required by these Rules or necessary to the outcome of anyone of the cases will be res
prove facts alleged therein, accompanied judicata as to the other, regardless of who is going
by supporting affidavits to prevail in anyone of these cases
§ Every motion required to be heard and the notice
of the hearing thereof shall be served in such a If a party fails to raise the issue of jurisdiction for a
manner as to ensure its receipt by the other party considerable length of time, the party may be estopped by
at least 3 days before the date of hearing laches from raising the issue of jurisdiction – 15 years

Omnibus motion – memorize Estoppel in pais – if the court does not dismiss the case
§ Subject to the provisions of Section1 of Rule 9 motu proprio and the defendant files an answer without
§ A motion attacking a PLEADING, ORDER, assailing the jurisdiction and the answer embodies a
JUDGMENT OR PROCEEDING counterclaim, defendant cannot raise the issue of
§ Shall include ALL OBJECTIONS then available & jurisdiction
§ All objections not so included shall be deemed § If the defendant seeks an affirmative relied and
waived later on he loses the case, he should suffer the
consequences of his action
Rule 16
If in the contract of loan the lender has already delivered the
Resolution of motion money to the borrower the agreement will not be covered
§ Grant anymore by the statute of fraud – statute of fraud as
§ Deny aground for the dismissal of the case, must refer to an
§ Order the amendment of pleading action that is based on an executory contract – if the
When it comes to a MTD, whether the court grants or contract has been executed, even partially, then a
denies the motion or orders an amendment to the pleading complaint can be filed

Rule 17 o Failure of plaintiff
§ Case could be dismissed with
Dismissal upon notice by plaintiff – 2nd always with prejudice
prejudice o Failure of defendant
§ Plaintiff does not have to give any reason at all § Plaintiff allowed to submit
§ Filed before: evidence ex parte
o Defendant files answer § Failure to attend pre-trial conference
o Motion for summary judgment o Plaintiff
§ Two dismissal rule § Dismissal with prejudice
o Unless otherwise stated in the notice, o Defendant
dismissal is without prejudice § Submission of evidence ex-parte
o Except that a notice operates as an § After the termination of the pre-trial conference, it
adjudication upon the merits when filed is arbitrary and capricious on the part of the trial
by a plaintiff who has one dismissed in a court to schedule another pretrial
competent court an action based on § After termination of the pre-trial conference, the
same claim court must issue a pre-trial order
§ If any one of these cases was filed before a court o State facts stipulated
without jurisdiction, the dismissal by notice of the o Issued of fact that will be tried by the
plaintiff, the two-dismissal rule, will not have any court
application at all – it is essential that the court must § If there is ex parte presentation of evidence – Rule
be a court with jurisdiction over the 2 cases 10 amendment to conform to evidence will be
o 3rd complaint – pwede i-dismiss because applied
of res judicata; non-waivable; pwede
court motu proprio Rule 19
o 15 day period has to be observed– § It is the stranger who files a motion for intervention
dismissal is not immediately executory – he asks the court to allow him to be a litigant in
§ If plaintiff does not qualify the first dismissal as an existing litigation
with prejudice, the first dismissal will always be § Grounds
considered without prejudice o He has an interest in the property subject
§ Second dismissal cannot be qualified – ALWAYS matter of litigation
WITH PREJUDICE o He has an interest in the success of one
o He has an interest in the success of
Dismissal upon motion of plaintiff – without prejudice plaintiff and defendant
§ AFTER THE PLAINTIFF HAS FILED AN ANSWER o Situation in such that any conveyance to
dismissal by the plaintiff should be with leave of the property involved might cause
court prejudice to his interest
§ If answer is embodied with counterclaim, dismissal § Complaint in intervention – intervenor is against
by the plaintiff will not affect the CC both plaintiff and defendant – docket fees
o Regardless of nature § Time to intervene
o Anytime before judgment is rendered
Dismissal due to fault of plaintiff – with prejudice (failure to o XPNS
prosecute may be without prejudice if court specifies so) § Indispensable party
§ Upon motion by defendant and upon initiative by § Republic of the PH
the court § The denial for the motion for intervention is a
o Plaintiff does not appear during a trial o Remedy: appeal from the denial
scheduled for the presentation of his § If the intervention has already been allowed by the
EVIDENCE IN CHIEF court, the dismissal of the main case will not
o If plaintiff fails to obey an order of the necessarily lead to the dismissal of the intervention
court or fails to comply with the § If the intervenor submitted an answer in
provisions of the Rules of Court intervention – dismissal of main case will lead to
o Plaintiff neglects to prosecute his claim dismissal of intervention
for an unreasonable length of time
§ A motion to set the case for pre- Rule 21
tri al after all the pleadings § Viatory right
have been submitted is now the o Witness cannot be compelled by a court
duty of the plaintiff to attend a hearing or to produce
§ Remedy of defeated party documents if he resides more than
o Depends if with or without prejudice 100KM away from the place where the
trial is going to be held by the usual
Rule 18 course of travel
§ Parties are required to submit a pre-trial brief § Quashing of subpoena

o Duces tecum physically unable to go to court, his deposition can be
§ Unreasonable and oppressive taken as his testimony in court
§ Relevancy of documents does
not appear In all instances, the deposition of any person can be used
§ Person in whose behalf the to impeach this person if he later on goes to court as a
subpoena is issued fails to witness
advance the reasonable cost of
production thereof Deposition in perpetuam re momoriam
o Testificandum § Rules require that parties who are expected to be
§ Viatory right adversaries be identified
o Both cases § Court will issue a notice that will inform potential
§ Witness fees and kilometrage adversaries of the request for the perpetuation of
allowed by these Rules were not testimony
tendered when the subpoena
was served If a case is already decided by the trial court and later on an
appeal is brought to the CA or SC – the trial court still
Modes of Discovery exercises jurisdiction to allow the taking of a deposition
§ Deposition Pending Action pending appeal
§ Deposition Before Action or Pending Appeal § In appealed cases it is not the appellate court that
§ Interrogatories to Parties has authority to order the taking of a deposition
§ Admission by Adverse Party pending appeal, it is still the court of origin that
§ Production or Inspection of Documents or Things retains authority for the taking of a deposition
§ Physical and Mental Examination of Persons pending appeal

Production and inspection of documents or things; physical

MOD allow a fishing expedition – parties can avail of these and mental examination of a person
modes even if they do not intend to present to the court as § Require leave of court
evidence information they have acquired § Can only be addressed to a party

Rule 30
Sanctions for refusal to obey order of the court Delegation to clerk of court to receive evidence
§ Plaintiff § Default proceedings
o Dismissal with prejudice § Ex parte proceedings
§ Defendant § Where parties agree
o Court can render a judgment by default
Rule 31
Instances where judgment by default can be rendered by Consolidation of cases
the court § Parties do not have to be the same
§ Defendant does not file answer R9 § What is required is that there is a common
§ Defendant does not submit a BOP R12 question of fact or law
§ Disobeys order in relation to MOD R29 § Consolidation proper
o Several cases are filed independently,
Generally, availment of MOD is not compelled by the court involve a common question of fact or law
§ XPN: R25 and R26 but there JOINDER IS NOT ALLOWED
R25 – Interrogatories to parties § Cases pending before different courts, coordinate
§ If a party does not avail of this mode – he is courts of different regional districts may be
precluded from compelling the adverse party to consolidated as long as they have a common
testify in the case question of fact or law but the order to consolidate
should come from the SC itself
R26 – Admission by adverse party § Recasting
§ Precluded form presenting evidence on the fact in o Necessitates amendment to the pleading
issue, if that issue could be covered by the mode and the dismissal of some of the cases
of discovery and the retention of only one of them

If the defendant has already filed an answer, the parties can Separate trial
agree between themselves as to when the deposition of a § There could only be an appeal from a several
particular person could be taken and even as to the place judgment rendered by the court if the court allows
of the deposition an appeal therefrom

When the deponent invokes his viatory right, his deposition Rule 32
can be considered as his testimony in court or if the § Commissioner mandatory
deponent has died or is incompetent to go to court or is o Eminent Domain

o Partition § Defendant has filed an answer – case has been
o Settlement of Estate of Deceased tried by the court up to the point where the plaintiff
o Accounting of Executor/Administrator has submitted his evidence in chief
§ The only authority withheld from a commissioner is § Defendant will lose the opportunity to present his
the power to render a decision evidence if appellate court reverses the decision of
§ Court can appoint a commissioner to try matters, the trial court dismissing the complaint under R33
issues that arise even after the judgment has
become final and executory Rule 35
§ During the stage of execution of judgment – court § Must be a complete summary judgment
can still appoint commissioner to try new matters § Movant could be the plaintiff or the defendant
§ Plaintiff
Rule 36 o Answer of the defendant has already
§ Judgment been filed
o Writing § Defendant
o Prepared personally and directly by the o Anytime
judge § Court is convinced that the issue is not a genuine
o Contains his findings of facts & findings of issue
law o Burden of the movant to show that the
o Signed by the judge issue is not genuine – this would
o Served & filed with the clerk of court necessitate presentation of evidence for
§ RA 296: a trial judge who is permanently the purpose simply of demonstrating that
transferred from one court to a coordinate court the issue is not a genuine issue
can validly decide a case that he has left behind as o It could be proven by affidavits, or by
long as he has fully heard the case depositions or by any other evidence
o If transferred judge only heard the case in gathered by virtue of discovery
part, and the other portion was heard by proceedings
the new judge, the parties could still o Summary trial only
agree between themselves to submit to § There must be a motion filed
the old judge the case for decision o There is a 10 day period of prior notice to
be given to the adverse party
Rule 34 § Rule 18 – purpose and nature of pretrial – the court
§ Judgment on the pleadings is rendered without shall consider the propriety of rendering a
trial, pretrial judgment on the pleadings, or summary judgment
§ Pleadings do not present any issue at all for trial , or of dismissing the action should a valid ground
§ Answer filed by the defendant admits essentially to therefor be found to exist
the material allegations in the complaint
o When defendant presents a general Judgment upon a compromise
denial = judicial admission § Immediately executory – upon the signing of the
§ There must first be an answer in order to avail of compromise agreement
R34 § Contract between the parties and it has the effect
o Answer does not tender an issue of res judicata
§ Reopening of case § Parties can always change a decision rendered by
o Should be had BEFORE the court renders a court of justice, even if that decision has become
a decision final and executory by entering into a compromise
§ While the parties are still in the agreement
process of submitting to the § No need for prior court approval
court their evidence, reopening § Final and executory judgment will be novated
is not available § If a compromise agreement is entered into but is
o Reopening in specpro like settlement of not submitted to the court for approval, in case of
the estate of a deceased can be allowed breach of any of the conditions of the compromise
even if the settlement proceedings have agreement, the innocent party cannot ask for
been closed and terminated execution from the court because the court is not
aware of the existence of the agreement
Rule 33 § Denial of motion to set aside – remedy R65
§ Instead of the defendant presenting evidence to
prove his defenses, the defendant will ask the Cognovet actionem /Judgment relicta verification –
court to dismiss the complaint – because the judgment by confession
plaintiff has failed to prove his claim with the § Defendant expressly admits his liability – not
quantum of evidence required by law, and in civil necessarily in an answer
cases, it is preponderance of evidence Judgment by consent

§ Defendant files an answer, contests allegations in If sin pertuitio judgment – no need to file petition for relief –
the complaint and later on changes his mind and may be attacked directly or collaterally
admits liability
No appeal – judgment on compromise, consent or Erroneous – wrong mode
confession Improper appeal – wrong issue

Rule 37 When the inferior court exercises its delegated jurisdiction

to try land registration cases, appeal from its decision or
There could be a second motion for new trial, as long as the final order may be taken directly to the SC or CA
second motion is founded on a ground different upon which
the first motion of new trial has been founded Material data rule
Requires the appellant to state in his notice of appeal and n
MR – 2nd MR Is absolutely prohibited – should be taken the record on appeal that the appeal was perfected on time
along with a FINAL ORDER
§ 2nd MR will not toll the running of the period to **Prior to transmittal of the original record court may ––
appeal § Issue orders for the protection & preservation of
§ Pwede 2nd MR sa interlocutory order the rights of the parties
o Which do not involve any matter litigated
Contents by the appeal
§ Made in writing § Approve compromises
§ State grounds § Permit appeals of indigents
§ Written notice served on adverse party § Order execution pending appeal
§ Point out findings or conclusions which are not
supported by evidence If ordinary appeal, residual jurisdiction continues until the
§ Affidavits of witnesses – if bases on new evidence COURT
If petition for review, until CA gives due court to the petition
A denial of a motion for new trial, although a final order, is for review
not appealable.
§ Remedy: R65/ appeal from judgment R40 Sec. 8: Appeal from orders dismissing case without
Rule 38 trial; lack of jurisdiction
§ If inferior court dismisses a case filed before it for
To avail for relief from judgment there must be a final and lack of jurisdiction the remedy of plaintiff is –
o If RTC agrees with the order –RTC must
NO ISSUANCE OF SUMMONS – the court issues an try the case
COMMENT R41Sec. 2 Petition for review
§ If respondent does not comment – no default! § Notice of appeal can never satisfy the
o Court will proceed with the hearing of the requirements of a petition for review
petition to determine whether or not there § Certificate of non-forum shopping is required
is merit
The court is given the discretion to discretion to dismiss the Once an appeal is made to the RTC, the RTC is no longer
petition outright bound by summary procedure – summary procedure
§ Remedy: R65 applies only to the trial court – when the case is brought on
appeal to the RTC, the efficacy of summary procedure
R38 not limited to judgments or final orders, but also ceases
includes any other proceeding taken by a court
§ Allows petitioner to assail a proceeding taken by The filing of MR before the RTC is not prohibited because
the court after judgment the period to file a petition for review is stopped completely
once a MR is filed before the RTC. If the RTC denies an MR
Petition for relief is not available where appeal was not decided by it as an appellate court, the aggrieved party has
taken a new round of 15 days all over again within which to
§ R38 not designed to revive the remedy of appeal perfect his appeal to the CA by filing a petition for review
which is lost through the inaction or negligence of
the aggrieved
Rule 43 Decisions of QJB should be brought to the CA by
60 days from NOTICE and within 5 months from entry of way of PETITION FOR REVIEW
final order of judgment § Decision of QJB will not be stayed by an appeal to
the CA

§ CA has authority to decide purely questions of law The SC will not entertain a motion for new trial even if
if appeal is from QJB founded on newly discovered evidence because the SC is
§ Factual findings are conclusive upon the CA not a trier of facts
o If supported by substantial evidence
Equity jurisdiction
In a MNT before the CA – the only ground is NDE "x x x procedural rules may, nonetheless, be relaxed for the
most persuasive of reasons in order to relieve a litigant of
Movant can ask for NT even if the CA has not decided the an injustice not commensurate with the degree of his
case thoughtlessness in not complying with the procedure
§ Movant need not wait for the CA to decide the prescribed. Corollarily, the rule, which states that the
case is he thinks that he has come across a NDE mistakes of counsel bind the client, may not be strictly
§ Upon discovery of this NE, party can file MNT followed where observance of it would result in the outright
deprivation of the client's liberty or property, or where the
Decision of the CA as an appellate court MAY NOT BE interest of justice so requires”
§ There is no court in our system which is vested Rule 50; Rule 56
with authority to entertain a petition for relief
against a final & executory judgment of the CA If the petition for review or brief filed by the appellant does
§ R38 cannot be directed against the decision of the not contain an assignment of errors, the appeal is going to
CA be dismissed – if the appellant cannot point out any error
committed by the lower court, then the SC and the CA will
Challenging the decision of the CA using R45 apply the disputable presumption that the decision
§ Questions of law only appealed from is correct
§ It is the burden of the petitioner to convince the
SC that the questions of law raised have been Harmless error rule
decided by the CA in a manner that is § Errors committed by the trial court in the exclusion
INCONSISTENT WITH ESTABLISHED or admission of evidence or in the resolution of
JURISPRUDENCE motion, which do not affect the substantial rights
of a party
§ These will be disregarded by the appellate court
Instances where the SC can entertain factual questions and therefore should not be assigned as errors in
raised in a petition for review on certiorari: the brief or in the petition for review
1. When finding is grounded entirely on speculation,
surmises or conjectures; Even if there are errors committed by the trial court, there
2. When the inference made is manifestly mistaken, errors will not be resolved by the appellate court unless
absurd or impossible; they are assigned as errors by the appellant
3. Where there is a grave abuse of discretion;
4. When the judgment is based on a Memorandum decision
misapprehension of facts; § If the appellate court affirms the decision appealed
5. When the findings of fact are conflicting; from, the appellate court can simply adopt the
6. When the Court of Appeals, in making its findings, findings of fact and the conclusions of law made
went beyond the issues of the case and the same by the trial court
is contrary to the admissions of both appellant an Rule 45
7. d appellee;
8. The findings of the Court of Appeals are contrary Rule 45 Rule 64 Rule 65
to those of the trial court; Question of law Question of law Question of
9. When the findings of fact are conclusions without jurisdiction
citation of specific evidence on which they are Mode of Appeal Mode of appeal Independent
based; but petition used action, mode of
10. When the facts set forth in the petition as well as in is R65 review
the petitioner’s main and reply briefs are not Involves review Review judgment, Interlocutory
disputed by the respondents; and of judgment FO or R of order, or no
11. The finding of fact of the Court of Appeals is award or final COMELEC and appeal or any
premised on the supposed absence of evidence order on merits COA plain, speedy
and is contradicted by the evidence on record remedy
12. When certain material facts and circumstances Filed within 15 30 days from 60 days
have been overlooked by the trial court which days from notice notice
would alter the result and entitle accused to an of judgment
acquittal Stays judgment Shall not stay Does not stay
execution unless execution – unless
directed by SC PI/TRO

Appellant and Comelec and Coa Judge, court, QJ If the lower court refuses to issue writ of execution – the
appellee original – public agency… shall be winning party can file a MOTION with the APPELLATE
parties; lower respondents public COURT
judicial agency respondents
not impleaded Order Nunc Pro Tunc – Make a present record of an order
MR not required MR is allowed MR required which the court made at a previous term, but which was not
shall interrupt then recorded. It can only be made when the thing ordered
period has previously been made, but by inadvertence had not
Exercise of Appellate Original been entered.
appellate jurisdiction and jurisdiction
jurisdiction and power of review Jara:
power of review A certification that the judgment has been entered will be
Filed with the SC Filed with SC RTC, CA, SB or enough proof in so far as the trial court is concerned that it
Comelec must execute the judgment. The trial court does not have to
wait for the records to be returned to it before it could act
favorably on a motion for execution
Rule 47
Compared with Rule 132 Sec 29 The court can refuse to execute a judgment if there is a
§ When R132 speaks about impeachment of a petition for relief that is filed under R38 – the mere filing of a
judicial record, the procedure for the impeachment petition will not be sufficient it must be accompanied by a
referred to is also annulment TRO or writ of PI
§ We impeach a judicial record, a judgment of the § R47 accompanied by TRO or writ of PI
court by filing an action to set aside or to nullify the § Judgment has been novated
judicial record o New arrangement and decision of the
§ Collusion additional ground court should really be in conflict with one
another – cannot stand together
Annulment of judgment as a remedy to assail a judgment is
available not only to a litigant in that case but also to a An order granting or denying a motion for execution is a
stranger, to a non-litigant who may be prejudiced by the final order that is not appealable
implementation of that decision
§ Even if the judgment has already been executed, it Sec. 6 Sec. 34
does not preclude a stranger from filing a petition No execution within first 5 Assumes that a judgment
to annul years was executed within first 5
A petition to annul a judgment with the CA may be Independent action Could be carried out
dismissed outright through filing of a mere
RTC is not given the discretion – RTC is required to motion
consider the petition for annulment as an ordinary civil Plaintiff is the judgment- Highest bidder
action creditor, assignee or
§ RTC can dismiss motu proprio but only for successor-in-interest
nonwaivable defenses

Period for filing A judgment of support is a judgment that will never become
§ Extrinsic fraud – 4 years from discovery of fraud final and executory. It can be changed at any time by the
§ Lack of jurisdiction – no fixed period; before action court.
is barred by estoppel by laches
Judgments not stayed by appeal
When the ground is extrinsic fraud, the CA can direct the 1. Support
lower court to continue trying the case as if a motion for 2. Receivership
new trial has been duly filed 3. Accounting
4. Injunction
Rule 48 5. Unlawful detainer/ forcible entry

Preliminary conference before the appellate court is not Even if an appeal has been perfected, the trial court
mandatory – but if the appellate court calls the parties to a exercises residual jurisdiction over the case, over certain
preliminary conference and the appellant does not attend matters. One of these matters is the issuance o8f an
§ Non-attendance will be a ground for dismissal execution pending appeal. The trial court should see to it
that there are special reasons for the granting of the motion
Rule 39 for execution pending appeal.

Albano book: If court grants execution pending appeal

§ Remedy of J.Debtor: file a supersedeas bond

o R65 available § Period of redemption is until the registration of the
No right of redemption in the sale of personal property – the certificate of sale – which shall not exceed the
court may annul and set aside if the highest bid is period of 3 months from the sale itself
unconscionably low
BAR BY PRIOR JUDGMENT/preclusion of claims
Principle of successive redemption
§ There could be redemption one after the other, as IN REM
long as the person who last redeemed the § In case of a judgment or final order against a
property is not the judgment-debtor o SPECIFIC THING, or in respect to the
§ Once the judgment debtor redeems the property, o PROBATE OF A WILL, or the
all other rights of redemption are cut-off o ADMINISTRATION OF THE ESTATE of
§ The successive redemption could be had even the deceased, or in respect to the
after the expiration of the 1 year period o PERSONAL, POLITICAL, OR LEGAL
CONDITION OR STATUS of a particular
If the check is drawn payable to the order of the sheriff & person or his RELATIONSHIP to another
the sheriff runs away with the money – debtor bears the § The judgment or final order is CONCLUSIVE
loss UPON:
Once the sheriff receives affidavit of 3P claim, it is the duty o The WILL OR ADMINISTRATIOON, or the
of the sheriff to lift the levy over the property – If the sheriff o CONDITION, STATUS OR
insists in carrying out the levy, the sheriff should demand RELATIONSHIP of the person
from the judgment-creditor to file a bond, so that there will § However, the probate of a will or granting of letters
be ample protection in favor of the 3P claimant administration shall only be prima facie evidence
§ 3P can file his own complaint in court in order to of the death of the testator or intestate
stop the sheriff from selling the property
The second court before which the complaint has been filed IN PERSONAM
by the 3P claimant can issue a restraining order or writ of PI § In other cases, the judgment or final order is, with
to stop the sheriff from selling the property respect to the matter directly adjudged or as to
§ Not considered as undue interference – levy by any other matter that could have been raised in
sheriff over a property of a stranger is NOT A relation thereto
VALID LEVY § Conclusive between the parties and their
successors in interest
Ordinary Sale on Execution Judicial Foreclosure of § By title subsequent to the commencement of the
Mortgage action or special proceeding
Need not be confirmed by Must be confirmed by the o Litigating for the same thing and under
the court court in order to divest the the same title and in the same capacity
rights in the property of the
parties & to vest rights in the CONCLUSIVENESS OF JUDGMENT / preclusion of issues
purchaser § In any other litigation
Right of redemption exists No right of redemption § Between the same parties or their successors in
when property is real except by the mortgagor interest
where the mortgagee is a § That only is deemed to have been adjudged in a
banking institution former judgment or final order
Title acquired after Title acquired upon entry of § Which appears upon its face to have been so
expiration of the redemption the confirmation & adjudged or
period when the final deed registration of the § Which was actually and necessarily included
of conveyance is executed foreclosure sale therein or necessary thereto
Rule 39 Rule 68

§ If the attaching creditor is A and a property is sold If the judgment is EQUIVOCAL, the court can render a
at public auction clarificatory judgment even after the judgment has become
§ The judgment debtor has a right to redeem the final and executory – the only purpose is to explain any
property from the highest bidder doubt or ambiguity that appears in the original decision of
§ Even from A if A turns out to be the highest bidder the court
If the same attaching creditor is allowed to impose a levy on
the debtor’s right of redemption, in effect we are going to Secs 47 and 48 emphasize 2 public policy principles –
negate the idea of giving a redemption to the judgment- § Res judicata
debtor § 48 emphasizes that a final and executory judgment
rendered by a court is enforceable only within the
In case of banking institutions WHRE THE JUDGMENT territorial limits of the country where that court sits

Res judicata includes the concept of conclusiveness of Sec. 1. Grounds upon which attachment may issue. – At
judgment – pag pinadefine ang res judicata include buong the commencement of the action or at any time before entry
Sec. 47 of judgment, a plaintiff or any proper party may have the
property of the adverse party attached as security for the
Elements of res judicata satisfaction of any judgment that may be recovered in the
1. Competent court following cases:
2. Decision must be an adjudication upon the merits (a) In an action for the recovery of a specified
3. Decision must have become executory amount of money or damages, other than moral and
4. Identity of parties, subject matter and causes of exemplary, on a cause of action arising from law, contract,
action between the first and the subsequent action quasi-contract, delict or quasi-delict against a party who
is about to depart from the Philippines with intent to
Law of the case defraud his creditors;
§ Refers to questions of law that arise out of one (b) In an action for money or property embezzled or
case and the question of law is brought on appeal fraudulently misapplied or converted to his own use by
to a higher court a public officer, or an officer of a corporation, or an
o If that question of law is finally resolved attorney, factor, broker, agent, or clerk, in the course of his
by an appellate and court and becomes employment as such, or by any other person in a fiduciary
executory – that decision of the appellate capacity, or for a willful violation of duty;
court on this particular question of law (c) In an action to recover the possession of property
will be binding when that case is unjustly or fraudulently taken, detained or converted, when
remanded to the trial court for further the property, or any part thereof, has been concealed,
proceeding removed, or disposed of to prevent its being found or
§ The difference between COJ and LOC is that the taken by the applicant or an authorized person;
case in the LOC pertains on to questions of law (d) In an action against a party who has been
and these questions of law MUST HAVE BEEN guilty of a fraud in contracting the debt or incurring the
DECIDED BY A HIGHER COURT obligation upon which the action is brought, or in the
performance thereof;
Sec. 48 Effect of Foreign Judgments (e) In an action against a party who has removed
If there is going to be an enforcement of a judgment or disposed of his property, or is about to do so, with
rendered by a foreign court – it has to be done in the PH intent to defraud his creditors; or
through an independent action – action for the enforcement
(f) In an action against a party who does not reside
of a foreign decision
and is not found in the Philippines, or on whom
summons may be served by publication.
RTC has no jurisdiction to execute a foreign judgment
through a mere motion – creditor must file an action for
enforcement of the decision of the foreign court – observe
Grounds are exclusive
rules on venue and BP 129
A judgment of a foreign court could be defeated in a PH
The fact that there is a collateral securing a loan is not a
court by the defenses mentioned
basis to deny an application for the issuance of a writ of PA
§ Want of jurisdiction
– as long as the creditor can show to the court that the
§ Want of notice
security is not sufficient to satisfy the obligation
§ Collusion
§ Fraud
Motion for issuance of PA may be heard ex parte
§ Clear mistake of fact
§ If adverse party is given a chance to be heard, he
might continue with his acts of dishonesty and
convey all his properties before the court could
take his properties under custodia legis

Provisional remedies other than those mentioned in Rules Matters concerning preliminary attachment should be
1. Order issued by a family court for the temporary strictly construed
custody of a minor § Writ could result to humiliation or embarrassment
2. Order allowing a parent to enjoy visitation rights on the part of the adverse party

As long as the inferior court has jurisdiction over the main Manner of attaching property
action, the inferior court has the inherent authority to make § R57 requires at least SIMULTANEOUS SERVICE
use of any provisional remedies, as long as the essential OF SUMMONS – so that when the writ is
requisites for their application are present implemented, the court has already acquired
jurisdiction over the person of the defendant
Rule 57 – PA
Rule 60 – Replevin

§ Summons could be served even after the on, setting forth his desire to recover damages for
implementation of the writ of preliminary the wrongful issuance of a provisional remedy
attachment if the adverse party COULD NOT BE
SERVED WITH SUMMONS BY PERSONAL Replevin – principal action is always recover of personal
SERVICE OR BY SUBSITUTED SERVICE despite property capable of manual delivery
diligent efforts § Can be issued only before the defendant answers
§ Issued ex parte
Contents § Bond is always double the value of the property
§ Cause of action exists
§ Falls under Sec. 1 Upon the issuance of writ, sheriff must also comply with
§ No sufficient security for the claim sought SIMULTANEOUS SERVICE OF SUMMONS I.e. if the
§ Amount due to the applicant is as much as the summons is served together with the confiscation of the
sum for which the order is granted above all car, court acquires jurisdiction over the person
Sheriff must keep property in his custody for 5 DAYS – he
Remedies available to adverse party in order to lift or set cannot turn over the car directly to the applicant
aside writ § Within the 5 day period – adverse party can
§ Counter bond recover the car
o Once CB is filed, PA is immediately lifted o FILE COUNTER BOND
§ File motion for quashing or setting aside writ
o Improperly or irregularly issued by the In the application for replevin – applicant must stat that the
o Cannot be heard ex parte § BAWAL MAG ATTACH NG PROPERTY UNDER
In PA, there is no sale at public auction
§ Just an auxiliary remedy to give applicant security When the personal property is subject of replevin, it could
§ Properties will be in custodia legis until the case is be confiscated by another replevin – the claimant should
finally terminated file an application saying that he entitled to possession –
But if the property attached easily deteriorates – there could and willing and able to post a bond double the value
be a sale of these properties – but proceeds will be kept by
the court Immediate recovery of real property – writ of preliminary
mandatory injunction
Properties under custodial egis can be the subject of
preliminary attachment Rule 58

If a property is attached and it does not belong to the A motion for lifting or setting aside of PI requires that the
adverse party, the attachment is null and void – can be set motion for the lifting must be heard by the division –
aside issuance pwede isang member lang but if lifting – all
§ Same remedies in terceria or 3P claim in R39 members dapat

If the stranger whose property has been attached does not Trial courts can issue cease and desist order ex parte –
result to filing a 3P claim, he can file a motion for preparatory to the summary hearing on the application for
intervention the issuance for the issuance of a TRO
§ Di pwede to sa Rule 39 – kasi sabi sa rule 19
intervention can only be had before judgment is R135 enables a court to issue any process or writ that will
rendered. Execution na sa Rule 39 so may help the court in resolving matters laid down before it –
judgment na R135 does not impose a condition that the court must first
After the enforcement of the writ of preliminary attachment conduct a hearing

The fact that the applicant wins the case does not mean to
say that the issuance of the writ of PA was proper – it is Instances where court is precluded from issuing a writ of
possible for the creditor to win the case but he has preliminary injunction
maliciously applied for the issuance of the writ. § Foreclosing bank is a government bank
§ Commencement and performance of infrastructure
ANY AWARD OF DAMAGES FOR THE WRONGFUL projects of the government
§ If the adverse party feels or believes that issuance
by the court of the provisional remedy is wrongful Preliminary Mandatory Injunction
his usual recourse is to file a counterclaim or § If an act HAS ALREADY BEEN COMMITTED
recovery of damages § Seeks to undo what has been done
§ If he fails to file a counterclaim in his answer, he
can do so by filing a supplemental answer later

Even if adverse party files a counter bond – there is no Costs, expenses and attorney’s fees incurred by the
assurance that the court will set aside or lift the PI plaintiff is recoverable from the defendant who loses in the
§ Court can still decide whether or not to issue writ action and is found by the court to have caused
even if may bond unnecessary litigation

An action for interpleader must be filed within a reasonable

Rule 53 time after the dispute has arisen, otherwise it may be
barred by laches
Receivership is both a PRINCIPAL ACTION AND PROVREM § Where a party was are of the dispute and in fact
§ Cannot be issued ex parte – may hearing always had been sued by one of the claimants and the
§ Can be availed of even after the case has been former did not implead the other claimant, he can
terminated no longer invoke the remedy of interpleader
For the court to appoint validly a receiver – PROPERTY Defendant may file a counterclaim for interpleader against
MUST BE UNDER LITIGATION the plaintiff and 3P also claiming the subject-matter of the
Not intended to dispossess the adverse party suit

In foreclosure proceedings – receiver may be able to take Interpleader Intervention

possession of the property Original action Ancillary action
§ Available only if the mortgagee can present Commenced by complaint Commenced by motion
evidence that the mortgagor is allowing the RTC or MTC depending on Court where action is
deterioration or mortgagor causes deterioration value pending
Plaintiff – presupposes that Movant:
Receiver cannot commence an action without the consent plaintiff has no interest in § Legal interest in the
of the receivership court – receiver cannot be impleaded as the subject matter or has matter in litigation
a defendant in an action without the permission of the court interest therein but not § Interest in the
which appointed him as a receiver disputed success of either
Rule 61 Defendant – defendants are § Interest against
sued to implead them both
Immediately executory § Situated as to be
adversely affected
Support is one decision which can be changed at anytime by the disposition
by the court – judgment of support is not considered as of property
immutable or unalterable after it has become executory Defendant – original parties
to the suit
Complaint for support is the principal action – provrem is
for the court to issue this writ directing the respondent to
pay support during the pendency of the case Rule 63
§ Complaint for support FAMILY COURTS 1. Declaratory Relief
If purely civil action – inferior court has no authority to try 2. Recognition of instrument
civil actions for support 3. Quieting of title
4. Consolidation of title
There must always be a hearing on an application for
support Declaratory relief must be filed before a breach or violation
is committed
Restitution § It is a preventive mechanism in order to prevent
§ There is no bond required before a support contracting parties from getting involved later on in
pendent lite can be issued an ordinary civil action
§ Run after the person who is ordered to be the one
to give support – or the beneficiary The only relief which the petitioner seeks from the court is
Court could issue a writ of execution and at the same time for the court to determine what his rights are under the
cite defendant in contempt of court written instrument or deed
§ No prayer for damages – it defeats the purpose
If statute or ordinance – PDR is for the court to declare the
SPECIAL CIVIL ACTIONS statute or ordinance void or unconstitutional

Rule 62 If somebody wants to challenge the validity of a statute – he

should do so before the law takes effect and before the
Conflicting claimants, who are co-defendants in the action, violation of law is committed
must serve copies of their answers not only to the plaintiff
BUT ALSO UPON THEIR CO-DEFENDANTS Clarificatory Judgment Declaratory Judgment

There is already a judgment Court will only tell the
– final and executory petitioner what his rights In the denial of the MTD founded n lack of jurisdiction – the
are, what his duties are correct remedy is a petition for prohibition. – court will
There are certain under a certain deed, will or consider certiorari as prohibition
ambiguities in that judgment contract § There is not much difference between the two
which will make it hard for In prohibition, the petitioner asks the prohibition court to
the court of origin to prevent the respondent court from going ahead in the
execute proceedings before it and in prohibiting the respondent
R39 not applied court, the prohibition court will effectively tell the public
respondent that the denial of the interlocutory order of the
RTC is the competent court in Declaratory Relief and judgment would be set aside
Reformation of Instrument – Incapable of PE
Consolidation of title using rule 65
§ Jurisdiction depends on assessed value – always
involves real property Public respondent is an indispensable party
§ It is the final order or judgment of the public
Required in Art. 1607 respondent that is being assailed or challenged
§ In 1607, the rules of court requires that an action under R65
for consolidation of title – pacto de retro sale
No suspension of proceedings – the public respondent will
In the Civil code, if there is a sale with right of redemption – only suspend proceedings if the higher court issues a TRO
the redemption is called a conventional redemption or WPI
§ Presumed to be an equitable mortgage –
disputable If the court resolves that the filing of the petition is
ROD has to observe the presumption – buyer has to get a manifestly procured and patently without merit, the higher
decision from the court maintaining that the contract is a court can right away cite him in contempt without giving
genuine contract and not an equitable mortgage him a chance to explain. – Res ipsa loquitor

If the plaintiff fails to defeat the presumption – he can still There is no summons – what the court is issues is an order
obtain consolidation of title but he will be forced to file a to comment – court acquires jurisdiction over the person
judicial foreclosure of mortgage upon service of this – but the court cannot declare the
respondents in default – court will just go ahead and
If the complaint is for consolidation of title, the court will analyze the merits of the petition and render a decision
have to follow the procedure for ordinary civil cases
Remedy of aggrieved party in 65 – appeal
Rule 64
Kalikasan Circular – 2 SCAs – Writ of Kalikan and
Speaks about a mode of review. It is a mode of appeal from continuing mandamus
judgment or final of order of the COMELEC or COA
It provides that in availing of this mode of review, the § Involves numerous petitioners – inhabitants of AT
petitioner should adopt the period in R65 pero 30 days. In LEAST 2 PROVINCES
such a way lang na hindi ren siya extendible. It is still a § Their life, liberty and property is to be prejudiced
mode of review but using the pleadings and procedures by a violation of environmental laws
that are outlined in R65.
Upon filing a petition for kalikasan, the court can issue the
Decision should be COMELEC en banc an must be acting writ without first hearing the side of the respondents
as quasi-judicial bodies – If the decision being challenged is § The court could issue the writ right away as long
an order in the exercise of their administrative duties, these as the allegation in the petitions are complete and
orders are not reviewable by R64 it finds the petition to be meritorious
§ Court can issue a cease and desist order that does
Rule 65 not have a date of expiration

COMELEC and SB – have certiorari jurisdiction Jurisdiction: SC and CA

When it comes to a petition under R65, the principle of Decision is immediately executory although there could be
hierarchy of choice will limit the choice that theoretically a an appeal
petitioner invokes if he will rely solely on the Consti and BP § If there is an appeal, it will be to the SC under R45
129 – if the petitioner disregards the principle of HOC – SC and QUESTIONS OF FACT may be raised
will dismiss outright the petition although it has jurisdiction
because the petition is not sufficient in form and substance

§ Partakes of a permanent prohibitory injunction and Where there is usurpation or intrusion into an office – quo
at the same time a permanent mandatory warranto is proper remedy but where the respondent,
injunction without claiming any right to an office, excludes petitioner –
Continuing Mandamus Mandamus
§ The idea is to avoid the application of procedural
principles that are well-settled in R39 Relator – person who believes that he is entitled to a public
§ The government, MMDA and other agencies office held by another and he asks the solgen to file a QW
ordered by the court to clean Manila Bay will have on his behalf
that duty until Manila Bay regains its pristine
nature Election Code Rule 66
o A report on the extent of progress which Elective Appointive
these government agencies have Issue: eligibility or disloyalty Validity of appointment
introduced –required to the RPH
Jurisdiction – RTC, CA and SC Petitioner occupies if he Oust person and order
received second highest seating of person legally
Provrem: vote entitled
§ Temporary environmental protection order 10 days from proclamation 1 year from petitioner’s
§ Cease and desist orer ouster from office
By any voter Person claiming to be
Appeal R45 purely questions of law entitled
Comelec, RTC, MTC – SC. CA RTC
SLAPP barangay officer
§ An action filed by a juridical entity or a natural
person against officers of the gov’t who are tasked Does not apply to persons who usurp an office in a
to enforce environmental laws PRIVATE CORP – Interim Rules of Procedure Governing
§ Intention Is to discourage public officers from Intra-Corporate Controversies
enforcing environmental laws
Rights of persons adjudged entitled to the office
The intention only is to harass these government officers so 1. Execution office after taking oath and bond
that they will discontinue their attempt to enforce
2. Demand all books and papers appertaining to the
environmental laws office
§ Defendant public officer can file a motion to 3. Damages
dismiss – substantial evidence only a. Must be commenced within 1 year after
entry of judgment
But plaintiff will have to present preponderance of evidence
in order to sustain his stand QW expressly allows splitting of cause of action – if the
court decides in favor petitioner, the court will oust
CRIMPRO – If the court schedules arraignment and the
respondent – the prevailing party then has a right to file a
accused does not appear, the court is authorized to enter a complaint for damages arising from the usurpation of the
plea of NOT GUILTY in his behalf – court can proceed with office
trial in absentia
In the separate complaint for damages – no meritorious
Rule 66
defense can be set up anymore by the defendant because
the award of damages will necessarily emanate from the
Venue – residence of DEFENDANT
fact that there is a final and executory judgment rendered in
the principal case
Quo Warranto Mandamus
Designed to try the right or It does not lie to try disputed Rule 67
title to the office if the right titles
or title to office itself is * only to enforce duties If there is a complaint filed today and tomorrow the RP
disputed deposits with its own bank an amount equivalent to the
Against holder of the office Against person who is assessed value of property, even if the defendant has not
responsible for excluding yet been served summons, as long as the a deposit has
petitioner from office been made by the RP – the government can take over
physical possession of the property
SC: there is nothing wrong if a petitioner files a petition for Once there is a deposit made as required by the Rules – the
mandamus or in the alternative, a petition for QW court has the MINISTERIAL duty to issue a writ of
• In QW, the petitioner could be the solfen although possession
the solgen is not interested in the public office in
question Supposing there is a mortgage lien over the property or
there are informal settlers – they may all be driven out

• Proceeds of the sale are not enough to pay off the
Even without a counterclaim, if the court eventually resolves indebtedness
that the expropriation is not meritorious – the court will • Rule 39 applies – move for issuance of writ of
award damages in favor of the defendant execution
• Only the debtor is liable – not the mortgagor
If the RP has a Torrens title but property is in possession of
private individuals who claim to be entitled to possess – the Action to recover loan bars filing of action to foreclose
remedy of RP is not to eject BUT TO FILE A COMPLAINT mortgage
Existence of criminal cases for BP 22 is not a ground to
If there is an expropriated property for a public purpose, but conclude that mortgagee has abandoned his mortgage
is not really used for a public purpose, the owner of that claim – Notwithstanding BP 22 pending, the mortgagee can
property can file a complaint for the reversion or still institute a complaint for the judicial foreclosure of
reconveyance of the property in the RTC – owners must mortgage
return the just compensation
Rule 69
Withdrawal of deposit does not amount to withdrawal of
appeal Basis of complaint is that the plaintiff is a co-owner of a
certain property together with other co-owners who must all
Rule 68 be impleaded as defendants – all co-owners are
indispensable parties
There is no judicial foreclosure of a chattel mortgage
When going to court is necessary in EJ foreclosure – When 1. Court issues order of partition
the purchaser of real property needs to recover possession 2. Appointment of commissioners
of the property – file issuance of a writ of recovery of 3. Accounting
If there are co-owners of a property by reason of their right
Equity of redemption of inheritance because of the death of their predecessor in
• 90-120 days counted from entry of judgment interest, of one of the co-owners is a minor residing in that
property, the court cannot order the partition until the minor
Debtor and mortgagor – indispensable parties has reached the age of majority

Junior mortgagees – necessary parties Rule 70

• If the second and third mortgagees are not
impleaded and there is a decision in favor of the Stipulation in a contract of lease authorizing the landlord to
mortgagee, they will not lose their equity of physically take over possession of the property is valid
redemption • Landlord may go to the premises, throw out the
things of the tenants and accept a new tenant if
Stages hindi nagbayad yung previous tenant

1. Determine liability of the debtor Contract of lease with a resolutory condition is valid
• Court will order the debtor to pay the
indebtedness within a period of 90-120 days from Decision immediately executory
entry of judgment • Although appealable
• If there is no payment, and the judgment is not • Defendant can appeal but the defendant cannot
appealed – the judgment will be entered prevent the court from performing its ministerial
o Entry will not cut off equity of redemption duty to execute judgment
o Equity of redemption continues to exist
until after the entry of the second final For the purpose of preventing immediate execution, R70
order requires the defendant to put up a supersedeas bond
2. Sale at public auction • Equivalent to the unpaid rental and to the cost of
• After the public auction – court will resolve a suit
motion for the confirmation of the sale • Not attorney’s fees
o Confirm validity of the sale • The current rental should be paid to the cashier of
§ Appealable the RTC within the first 10 days of the succeeding
§ If there is an appeal, the court month
cannot enter the order of
confirmation – equity of Appeal to RTC: Decision of RTC is immediately executory
redemption continues to run unless CA issues a TRO or a writ of PI
3. Recovery of deficiency • No supersedeas bond allowed

Tenant can file a complain with RTC for reconveyance of
the property in the RTC, quieting of title, complaint to
recover possession in order to delay the adjudication of
• Tenant usually asks RTC to issue a writ of PI or
TRO in order to prevent the inferior court from
trying the complaint for UD or FE

RTC – x issue PO against inferior court from hearing UD or


Rule 71

Direct contempt: No initiatory pleading required – there is

no plaintiff – court ultimately decides the fate of the

1. Disrespect toward the court
2. Offensive personalities toward others
3. Refusal to be sworn or to answer
4. Misbehavior in the presence of or so near a court
as to obstruct or interrupt the proceedings
5. Counsel deliberately engages in forum shopping

Remedy: R65 or he can file a petition for habeas corpus on

the ground that his confinement is illegal

Indirect contempt

1. Misbehavior of an officer in court in performance
of official duties
2. Abuse or unlawful interference with proceedings
not constituting direct contempt
3. Disobedience or resistance to a lawful writ, order
or judgment or unauthorized intrusion to an RP
after ejection
4. Failure to obey a subpoena duly served
5. Assuming to be an attorney or an officer of the
court without authority to do so
6. Rescue or attempted rescue of a person or
property in custody of officer
7. Improper conduct tending to degrade
administration of justice
8. Failure by counsel to inform court of death of client

Remedy: ordinary appeal – (if nag show cause but court still
cites him in contempt)

In indirect contempt proceedings, there could be an appeal

if the respondent is found guilty of indirect contempt, but if
he is not found guilty, the adverse party cannot appeal. –
Double jeopardy – sanction kasi is imprisonment

PURPOSE 1. Have property of adverse To require a party of a court, To place the property To recover possession of Compel adverse
party attached as security agency or person to refrain subject of an action or personal property party to provide
from doing a particular act or proceeding under the support while action
2. Enable the court to to require performance of an control of a 3P for is pending in court
acquire jurisdiction over the act preservation and
action where personal administration
service of summons on the
creditor cannot be effected
Subject Matter Personal and Real prop Particular act/s Personal and Real prop Personal prop capable of Money or other
manual delivery forms of support
When Commencement up to any Any stage prior to judgment or At any time prior to Commencement of action Commencement or
applied/granted time prior to judgment final order satisfaction of judgment but before defendant at any time prior to
answers the judgment or final
May be availed of in order
Rule 39 – if judgment
not satisfied
How applied Affidavits and applicant’s Verified petition and Verified application and Affidavits and bond Verified application
bond applicant’s bond applicant’s bond
No bond required
If application included in Application may also be
initiatory pleading the adverse included in initiatory
party should be served with pleading in actions for
summons together with a foreclosure
copy of the initiatory pleading
and the applicant’s bond
Who may grant Court where action is Court where the action is Court where action is Court where the action is Court of origin and
pending pending pending pending appellate court
CA, SC Lower court, CA, SC, SB, CTA CA, SC
Appellate court may
allow application to be
decided by the court of
Bond Bond executed to the adverse party in the amount fixed by the court Double the value of the
requirement § Covers the cost which may be adjudged to the adverse party and all damages property or the return of
that he may sustain by reason of granting the provisional remedy the property to the
adverse party is such
§ Bond may be exempted in PI or TRO return be adjudged and
for the payment to the
adverse party of such sum
as he may recover from
the applicant in the action
Cash deposit may be made Filing of counter bond made Requirements Amount of counter bond
in lieu of the counter-bond only upon showing that the 1. Bond by should also be double the
issuance would cause applicant value of the prop
irreparable damage to the 2. Bond by
party receiver

Counter bond alone will not

suffice to discharge the
Discharge of Improper or irregular Insufficiency of application
Appointment obtained
Remedy issuance or enforcement or without sufficient cause
insufficiency of bond
By counter bond: Party against whom the provisional remedy is availed of may move for By counter bond: at any Not applicable
the discharge in an amount equal to that fixed by court time before the delivery of
the property to the
applicant – double the
value of the property
Immediately No Yes Yes No Yes
Hearing Not required; pwede ex Required except if great Required Not required; pwede ex Required
parte irreparable injury will result parte
Damages Owner of the property attached must file, before trial or before perfection of appeal or before judgment becomes final Person giving
and executory support not liable:
Party who availed of PR and his sureties must be notified showing right to damages Court shall order the
Damages awarded only AFTER proper hearing; included in judgment of main case return of the
If judgment of appellate court is favorable to the party against who PR was effected amounts already
§ Application must be filed with the appellate court before judgment becomes executory received with
If bond or deposit given by the party be insufficient or fail to satisfy the award adverse party may recover damage in the interest
same action
Recipient may
reimbursement from
person obliged to
give support

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