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Lesson 4: Lines on coordinate plane

I. Basic knowledge
1. Recall the coordinate plane.
In mathematics, points are located in reference to two perpendicular number
lines called axes.

- Points in the coordinate plane are name by ordred pairs of the form ( x , y ).
The 1st number, or x-coordinate, corresponds to the numbers on the x-axis.
The 2nd number, or y-coordinate, corresponds to the number on the y-axis.
- Two axes separate the plane into 4 regions, called
- The axes are not loccated in any of the quadrant.

2. The equation of lines on coordinate.

- The equation of all lines on coordinate plane have a common form:
ax +by +c=0,
where a , b and c are real numbers.
- To graph a linear function, we just need to locate 2 points to determine a
- A simple method of graphing a linear equation is to find the points where
graph crosses the x-axis and y-axis, intercept.
If we know the coordinates of two intercepts of a line, assume these are
(a , 0) and (0 , b), then we can obtain the equation of the line is:
x y
+ =1
a b


3. The relative position between lines on coordinate plane.

New word Meaning New word Meaning

I. Examples:
a. Which point lies on the line given by y=3 x−5 ?
A. (1 ,−2) B. (0 , 5) C. (1 , 2) D. ( 4 , 3)

b. In the graph at the right, (0 , 1) and ( 4 , 3 ) lie on the line.

Which ordered pair also lies on the line?

A. (1 , 1) B. (2 , 2)
C. (3 , 3) D. ( 4 , 4)

Complete the following statements:
In the same coordinate plane:
a. the gradients of two parallel lines are …………………………………………… ;
b. two lines are called perpendicular when and only when their gradients …………


II. Exercises:


Latitude and longitude lines form a system of coordinates to designate location on

Earth. Latitude lines run east and west and are the first coordinate of the ordered
pairs. Longitude lines run north and south and are the second coordinate of the
ordered pairs.

a. Name the city at ( 40° ,105 °)

b. Estimate the latitude and longitude of Washington, D.C.
c. Name two cities that have approximately the same longitude.
d. Name two cities that have approximately the same latitude.

y=mx+c .
a. Find the value of y when m=−2 , x=−7 and c=−10.
b. Find the value of m and c when this line passes through point ( 7 , 9 ) and (−5 , 15).

The figure below shows a coordinate plane with point A(5 , 6).
a. From point A , draw two lines with their gradients are and -4 respectively.
b. On these two lines, plot and write down the coordinates of 4 points to form a


The points A ( 2 ,5 ) , B(3 , 3) and C (k , 1) are on the same coordinate plane.

a. Write down the line passing through A and B.
b. Given that A , B and C are collinear, work out the value of k .

The line y=mx+c is parallel to the line

y=2 x +4 .
The distance AB is 6 units.
Find the values of m and c .


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