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The Armenian Karma

Source: The Armenians. A People in Exile

David Marshall Lang 1981,
Professor of Caucasian Studies, University of London

On 28 June 1914, the murder of the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand

and his wife at Sarajevo sparked off a fuse which within a brief span of time
exploded the European magazine in a series of detonations. By noon on I
August a state of war existed between Russia and Germany, and on the next
day German troops entered French territory.
Responsible Turkish public opinion stood for strict neutrality in the
world conflict. Senior Ottoman diplomats and officials were aware of the
dangers and potential disasters which involvement in the world
conflagration would bring to the Empire.
The Young Turk triumvirate had no such misgivings, It was only
eighteen months since they had staked their own lives on the success of the
coup of 26 January 1913. They saw the outbreak of the First World War as
an unrepeatable chance to secure their objective of Turkey for the Turks',
combined with domination of Turkic Central Asia and perhaps of Egypt and
the Balkans also.

Patriarch Abraham-El Morya

You have asked, "What is the
karma for killing?
You say, what Islam does is the
same as others, killing for God and
man. You may have followed in blind
obedience but you had not known of
the treacherous waters of this
reasoning. Reason is not enough but a
heart for God and people. One
cannot kill as these in without any
While it is true that each

October 14, 2013, The Teachings of Patriarch Abraham, Armenia Series 4
person's karma is not knowable until the judgment, you nevertheless have the
karma to pay. You can drive the car to a crime for example and you are under
the law nonetheless.
In the karma for killing innocent people, you may have reasons that
sound righteous. However, killing is killing and there is a price to doing this.
What is not told you is not the righteousness and justice but the actual revenge
acting that goes on that then poisons the mind into ones personal life.
This ignorance is especially true in abortions. People do not know karma
and reincarnation to abort a baby intentionally. Women will claim that it is
their body, they will do whatever they decide to do. What is aborted is
opportunity. Karma can return when one is finally matched with someone
committed as a good partner and compatible. Yet the law will give the parents
a deformed child to show the parents how significant it is not to take away life
as opportunity for a helpless infant.

October 14, 2013, The Teachings of Patriarch Abraham, Armenia Series 4

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