Promotion of Inovation and Creation

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Assalamualaikum, wr. Wb, my name is eldawati.

Today I will explain about

Promotion of innovation and creation.

Health promotion activities is part of a government program under the coordination of

the Ministry of Health, especially the Directorate of Health Promotion and Community
Empowerment. There are health promotion officers stationed at each puskesmas as health service
institutions that interact directly with the community level.

The health program or movement launched by the government is an effort to improve the
quality of public health. Some movements likeHealthy Living Community MovementorClean
and Healthy Living Behaviorcan be a successful movement with the support of health

The main objective of health promotion is to provide information which at a further level can
trigger public awareness of programs or movements that are being launched by the government.

 The 8 innovations were the first Health Facility Research (Rifaskes). Rifaskes helps the
Ministry of Health find out the best health services for the community.
 It is hoped that it can produce policy recommendations for strengthening universal health
service coverage (UHC) and improving the implementation of JKN, which will be
followed by health services for hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, health laboratories,
independent practicing doctors, and midwives.
 Second, e-Internal Control. Through internal e-supervision, all activities at the Ministry
of Health can be monitored to be clean and free of corruption.
 Data includes audits, reviews, evaluations, and monitoring. With the integration of this
technology, it can be done practically and accurately.
 Third, the Reporting System for Maternal and Newborn Mortality (Maternal Death
Notification application). The application is for monitoring maternal and newborn deaths.
 With the use of this application, people can participate and provide information via smart
phones. The application is available on the playstore.
 Fourth, the Germas mobile application. The application was created according to
environmental inspection standards that make it easier for people to find a place to eat
healthy, clean without disease.
 All places to eat in the application have been verified by the local government.
 Fifth, e-consultation.
This electronic consultation is the result of overseas cooperation in the health sector.
Guidelines for foreign cooperation have been clearly presented for better public health.
 Sixth, QR code. This one innovation functions to scan QR codes to get health information
more practically and on target.
 Health information will be immediately presented in detail and thoroughly
 Seventh, Guidelines for Behavior Change Communication Strategies in Achieving
Stunting Prevention in Indonesia.
 Eighth, Sinkarkes (Health Quarantine System, Sinkarkes is an online-based service
related to international vaccination for overseas travel and also for Umrah pilgrims, both
at airports, ports and border crossings.

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