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#34 Lark St., Sta. Elena, Marikina City

Chapter I



The Clap Switch which can switch on/off any electrical circuit by the sound
of a clap. The operation of the circuit is simple. If we clap the lamp turns on and to
switch it off clap again. The condenser microphone picks up the sound of your claps,
coughs, and the sound of that book knocked off the table. It produces a small electrical
signal which is amplified by the succeeding transistor stage. Two transistors cross
connected as a bi-stable multi vibrator change state at each signal. One of these
transistors drives a heavier transistor which controls a lamp. This circuit can switch on
and off a light, a fan or a radio etc by the sound of a clap.

This circuit is constructed using basic electronic components like

resistors, transistors, relay, transformer, capacitors. This circuit turns ‘ON’ light for the
first clap. The light turns ON till the next clap. For the next clap the light turns OFF. This
circuit works with 12V voltage. Therefore a step-down transformer 12V/300mA is
employed. This working of this circuit is based on amplifying nature of the transistor,
switching nature of transistor, relay as an electronic switch. Basically, this is a Sound
operated switch.
#34 Lark St., Sta. Elena, Marikina City

. The basic idea of clap switch is that the electric microphone picks up
the sound of your claps, coughs, and the sound of that book knocked off the table. It
produces a small electrical signal which is amplified by the succeeding transistor stage.
Two transistors cross connected as a bi-stable multi-vibrator change state at each signal.
One of these transistors drives a heavier transistor which controls a lamp. This circuit is
constructed using basic electronic components like resistors, transistors, relay,
transformer, capacitors. This circuit turns „ON‟ light for the first clap. The light turns ON
till the next clap. For the next clap the light turns OFF.

This circuit works with 12V voltage. Therefore a step-down transformer

12V/300mA is employed. The primary application involves an elderly or mobility-
impaired person. It is generally used for a light, television, radio, or similar electronic
device that the person will want to turn on/off from bed. The major disadvantage is that,
it is generally cumbersome to have to clap one's hands to turn something ON or OFF and
it's generally seen as simpler for most use cases to use a traditional light switch
#34 Lark St., Sta. Elena, Marikina City

Background of Study

This Research is titled “Clap Control AC using Arduino by the SHS ICT-
CSS Grade 12 students of IETI Marikina 2020-2021.” This research is about on how to
make and to use a Clap Controlled AC. This study should provide precaution and
knowledge to future researchers along with that it should also provide many users about
the subject that makes life easy.

A sensor is a physical converter, able to measure a physical quantity

and to translate it into a signal understandable directly or indirectly by humans or
machines. A thermometer, for example, is a sensor. It is able to measure the local
temperature and to translate it into a signal.

Alcohol-based or Mercury-based thermometers provide a scale written

on them and the contraction/dilatation of the chemical matter according to the
temperature makes them easy to read. In order to make our Arduino able to sense the
world, temperature for instance, we would have to connect a sensor.Clap switch is a
circuit that can switch ON & OFF a light, fan, radio etc. by the sound of clap. The sound
of clap is received by a small microphone.
#34 Lark St., Sta. Elena, Marikina City

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

Hughes (2008) Electronic systems are frequently associated with

the transmission of information. This might be taking the information keyed into a pocket
calculator through to the microprocessor and finally to the display. Alternatively, a
system might collect information about the pressure of gas in a pipe and transmit it to a
control room. Yet again a system might take a television picture from one side of the
world to the other.

Information can come in many forms. For instance, we could indicate

light by sending a voltage when a lamp is switched on and sending no voltage when the
lamp is switched off. This is quite crude but effective. But information can be complex,
especially when it is visual as in a television picture.

Tomiwa (2018) In the past, appliances and gadgets were manually

controlled. The radio and cassette players that are available then had buttons and variable
knob for switching on and controlling the sound. This made it difficult for appliances to
be controlled from afar.

In the 1980s, the sound activated control system was invented to

overcome the shortcoming of the remote control. This made use of all type of sounds for
controlling basic appliances and can be adjusted to different sensitivity level enabling it
range to be variable
#34 Lark St., Sta. Elena, Marikina City

Karvinen(2014) An Arduino runs sketches, which are programs that

you write and upload to the Arduino from your computer. By writing software programs
that make the decisions necessary to process sensor data, you really expand how much
you can do, and, amazingly, you also cut down the time you’d have to spend working
with hardware components. Sure, you have to write a few lines of code, but it’s faster to
write a conditional loop in code than to design it in hardware—at least for most of us.

It is also much easier to modify code than it is to modify a circuit

layout. For example, suppose you want to add a delay how often a sensor takes meas33
urements. You could accomplish this by chaining a few capacitors in series, but you’ll
need to do some careful planning and calculation to get the timing right.
#34 Lark St., Sta. Elena, Marikina City

Paradigm of the Study

Grade 12 Students of IETI College of

Science and Technology, Inc. -

Clap Control AC using Arduino

Uses Benefits

1. modifies the switch 1. Displaying important

2.Sound control information
3, Software program 2. More user friendly
3. Cut down the time
have to spend working

Figure 1 Paradigm of the Study

Figure 1.0 shows the table of the study where it aims to determine the uses and the
benefits of using Clap Control AC using Arduino of IETI College of Science and
Technology, Inc. Marikina 2020-2021.
#34 Lark St., Sta. Elena, Marikina City

Statement of the Problem

The researcher proposed the study of Clap Control AC using Arduino among
Grade 12 Students of IETI College of Science and Technology Marikina AY 2020-2021.

Specifically the researcher sought to answer the following questions:

1. Does the use of Clap Control AC using Arduino helps the Directress, Staff and
Class Advisers and Students in terms of:

1.1 Modifies the switch;

1.2 Sound control;

1.3 Software programs?

2. Is the Events Payment Monitoring System beneficial in terms of:

2.1 Displaying important information ;

2. More user friendly;

2.3 Cut down the time have to spend working?

3. Is there any significance in using Clap Control Ac using Arduino among the Grade
12 Students of IETI College of Science and Technology Marikina AY 2020-2021?
#34 Lark St., Sta. Elena, Marikina City


The null and void hypothesis of this study is:

There was no significance in using Clap Control AC using Arduino of IETI

College of Science and Technology– Marikina it is located at the #34 Lark Street Sta.
Elena, Marikina City for the AY 2020-2021.

Significance of Study

To simplify the use of Clap control and to easily done to switch the lights on/off
and it will benefit the students of IETI Marikina.

The benefactors of the study were the following:

Students. This study may help the students to know how Clap Switch AC using
Arduino are by making their classrooms easier to switch AC by clapping.

Class Advisers. The study may help them be more productive and efficient
without turning the AC manually.

Researcher. The study may provide them information that they will need in future

School. The study may help the school in terms of having a new technology in
their facilities.

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