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Republic of the Philippines


Lingayen Campus
Professional Education Department
Semester, A.Y. 2020-2021

Name: Jenny A. Catacutan Yr., Course & Section: III-BSE

Subject: PROF.ED 108 – Assessment of Learning II Date: November 19, 2020
Instructor: Mr. Mark Marlon M. De Vera


Create two rubrics (Process-oriented and product-oriented) on performance-based
activities on Science using "Adapting a rubric" method. Activities should be different from each
other so make sure that it is unique. Please also be guided with the components and guidelines on
making rubric. Do it on a word file.

Process-Oriented Rubric
Performance Task: Design a Science exhibit
Classes will have their art exhibited at the end of the quarter in the hallway.
Individually, each student will develop an exhibit that acts as a workable model to represent an
environment demonstrating "Homeostasis". The exhibit should be detailed enough to provide a
functional understanding of Dynamic Equilibrium and the components that demonstrate "steady-
state". Workability of the model should allow for educational understanding of the concepts and
key-terms associated with an environment achieving Homeostasis.
Students will work individually to design a museum exhibit that models a concept from Earth
Science. Each student will also submit two or three fill in the blank sentences that can be
answered from viewing their exhibit. Students will present the museum projects orally to their
class. The best projects will be put on display for the 8th grade students who are preparing for
the Science STAAR test.
*for the rubric making, you will be graded according to the following criteria:
Content 60%
Organization & Coherence 20%
Grammar & Mechanical 10%
Presentation (includes format with 4 criteria & 5 levels of performance) 10%
Criteria Qualitative Assessment Scale Score

A. Aesthetic Level 1 to 5 _______________

B. Creativity Level 1to 5 _______________

C. Relevance Level 1 to 5 _______________

D. Captures Curiosity Level 1 to 5 _______________

A. Aesthetic/ Visual Features

______ 5 Overall appearance of the museum exhibit is excellently organized.

______ 4 Overall appearance of the museum exhibit is very organized.

______ 3 Overall appearance of the museum exhibit is organized.

______ 2 Overall appearance of the museum exhibit is satisfactory organized.

______ 1 Overall appearance in not organized.

B. Creativity

_____ 5 The museum exhibit is unique and original.

_____ 4 The museum exhibit is interesting.

_____ 3 The museum exhibit is exciting and enjoyable.

_____ 2 The museum exhibit is good.

_____ 1 The museum exhibit is boring.

C. Relevance

______ 5 The museum exhibit is excellently relevant to the visitors.

______ 4 The museum exhibit is highly relevant to the visitors.

______ 3 The museum exhibit is moderately relevant to the visitors.

______ 2 The museum exhibit is relevant to the visitors.

______ 1 The museum exhibit is irrelevant to the visitors.

D. Captures Curiosity

______ 5 The museum exhibit captures intense curiosity.

______ 4 The museum exhibit captures great curiosity.

______ 3 The museum exhibit captures slight curiosity.

______ 2 The museum exhibit captures curiosity.

______ 1 The museum exhibit captures less curiosity.



18 – 20 : Excellent

15 - 17 : Outstanding

16 – 13 : Very Satisfactory

12- 10 : Satisfactory

9 and Below : Unsatisfactory

Product-Oriented Rubric
Performance Task: Brochure
Brochure Requirements: The brochure must explain/describe one of the key topics in the
Foundations of Government lapbook. It must be letter-size paper, in a trifold arrangement. The
brochure is to have a minimum of six (6) facts, and two (2) original graphics. The graphics must
explain/enhance the topic of the brochure. The text of the brochure will be assessed for grammar
and spelling and must be in the author's own words.

Book Report Brochure

Poor Fair Good
1 pts 3 pts 5 pts

CONTENT Poor Fair Good

Lacks most required Lacks some of the Includes all required
information required information (eg elements.
no title, etc.)


Has only 1-2 facts on Has 3-4 facts on the Has 5 or more facts
the topic. topic. on the topic.

GRAPHICS Poor Fair Good

Has no graphics. Has only 1 graphic. Has two or more
GAMMAR & Poor Fair Good
Has 4 or more Has 2-3 grammar and/or Has one or no
grammar and/or spelling errors. grammar and/or
spelling errors. spelling errors.

Effort Poor Fair Good

Appears that student Appears that student Good effort with
use little to no effort use some effort with project
with project project

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