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‫اهال و سهال‬

‫بأبنائي الطلبة الاعزاء في كورس‬

‫انتقال الحرارة التطبيقية‬

‫الفصل االول‬

‫وقت المحاضرة‪ :‬ن ر ‪00399 -03:9‬‬

‫متمنيا لكم الموفقية و النجاح‬

‫و حماكم هللا جميعا‬

12 Oct-2020 ‫المحاضرة االولى‬
Applied Heat Transfer
FIRST Semester 2020-2021
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Najdat Nashat Abdullah

1- F. Incropera, D. DeWitt, T.Bergman, and A. Lavine , Principles of
heat and mass transfer, John Wiley and Sons. Seventh or Sixth edition
2- Lecture Notes
1- F. Kreith and W. Z. Black, Basic Heat transfer, Harper and Row
publishers Co. (last edition)
2- J.P. Holman "Heat Transfer", McGraw Hill Publisher, tenth edition
3- Y. Cengel, and R.H. Turner. Fundamentals of Thermal-Fluid Science .
McGraw Hill Publisher
5- M. Moran, H. Shapiro, B. Munson and D. DeWitt. Introduction to
Thermal Systems Engineering
6- Thermodynamic, Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer. John Wiley and

1.1 Introduction
The science of thermodynamics deals with the amount of heat transfer
as a system undergoes a process from one equilibrium state to
another, and makes no reference to how long the process will take.
But in engineering practice, we are more concerned about the rate of
heat transfer (heat transfer per unit time) than we are with the
amount of it.
The science that deals with the determination of the rates of such
energy transfers is the heat transfer.

Heat transfer is the science that seeks to predict the energy transfer
(heat) that may take place between material bodies as a result of a
temperature difference.
The temperature difference is the driving force for heat transfer.
The energy transfer is always from the higher temperature medium to
the lower temperature one, and the energy transfer stops when the
two mediums reach the same temperature.
In similar way, the pressure difference is the driving force for fluid
flow and the voltage difference is the driving force for electric
current flow.
For example,
We can determine the amount of heat transferred from a thermos
bottle as the hot coffee inside cools from 90°C to 80°C by a
thermodynamic analysis alone.
But a typical user or designer of a thermos is primarily interested in
how long it will be before the hot coffee inside cools to 80°C,
From experience that a cold canned drink left in a room warms up and
a warm canned drink left in a refrigerator cools down.
Heat transfer is a vector quantity has magnitude and direction.
1.2 Application Areas of Heat Transfer
Heat transfer is commonly encountered in engineering systems and
other aspects of life, and one does not need to go very far to see some
application areas of heat transfer.
In fact, one does not need to go anywhere. The human body is
constantly rejecting heat to its surroundings, and human comfort is
closely tied to the rate of this heat rejection. We try to control this
heat transfer rate by adjusting our clothing to the environmental
Other examples:
- heating and air-conditioning system,
- refrigerator and freezer,
- water heater,
- computer,
- TV and etc.……
- car radiators,
- solar collectors,
- building materials
- temperature distribution in concrete
- insulations
- thermal energy through the dam
The optimal insulation thickness in the walls and roofs of the
houses, on hot water or steam pipes, or on water heaters is again
determined on the basis of a heat transfer analysis with economic

Heat transfer problems encountered in practice can be considered in
two groups:
(1) Rating problems: The rating problems deal with the
determination of the heat transfer rate for an existing system at a
specified temperature difference.
(2) Sizing problems. The sizing problems deal with the determination
of the size of a system in order to transfer heat at a specified rate for
a specified temperature difference.
A heat transfer process or equipment can be studied either:
- Experimentally (testing and taking measurements)
The experimental approach has the advantage that we deal with
the actual physical system, and the desired quantity is determined
by measurement, within the limits of experimental error. However,
this approach is expensive, time-consuming, and often impractical.
Besides, the system we are analysing may not even exist. For
example, the size of a heating system of a building must usually be
determined before the building is actually built on the basis of the
dimensions and specifications given.

- Analytically (by analysis or calculations).

The analytical approach (including numerical approach) has the
advantage that it is fast and less expensive.

1.3 Heat Transfer Mechanisms

We defined heat as the form of energy that can be transferred from
one system to another as a result of temperature difference.
The transfer of energy as heat is always from the higher-temperature
medium to the lower-temperature one, and heat transfer stops when
the two mediums reach the same temperature.
Heat can be transferred in three different modes: conduction,
convection, and radiation. All modes of heat transfer require the
existence of a temperature difference. Below we give a brief
description of each mode.

1.4 Modes of heat transfer:

A- Conduction
B- Convection
C- Radiation.
In this topic, we present an overview of the three basic mechanisms of
heat transfer, which are conduction, convection, and radiation, and
discuss thermal conductivity.
Conduction is the transfer of energy from the more energetic
particles of a substance to the adjacent, less energetic ones as a result
of interactions between the particles.
Convection is the mode of heat transfer between a solid surface and
the adjacent liquid or gas that is in motion, and it involves the
combined effects of conduction and fluid motion.
Radiation is the energy emitted by matter in the form of
electromagnetic waves (or photons) as a result of the changes in the
electronic configurations of the atoms or molecules.
A- Conduction
Conduction is the transfer of energy from the more energetic particles
of a substance to the adjacent less energetic ones as a result of
interactions between the particles.
Conduction can take place in solids, liquids, or gases.
In gases and liquids, conduction is due to the collisions and diffusion
of the molecules during their random motion.
In solids, it is due to the combination of vibrations of the molecules
in a lattice and the energy transport by free electrons.

Conduction heat transfer may be:
- Steady or unsteady
- One, two and three dimensions
- Constant thermal conductivity or depends on temperature
- With heat generation
- Isotropic materials

For Example: A cold canned drink in a warm room, for example,

eventually warms up to the room temperature as a result of heat
transfer from the room to the drink through the aluminium can by
The rate of heat conduction through a medium depends on the
geometry of the medium, its thickness, and the material of the
medium, as well as the temperature difference across the medium.
Consider steady heat conduction through a large plane wall of
thickness Δx = L and area A, as shown in Fig. (1).

Fig.(1): Heat conduction through a large plane wall of thickness x and

area A.

Experiments have shown that the rate of heat transfer Q through the
wall is doubled when the temperature difference ΔT across the wall or
the area A normal to the direction of heat transfer is doubled, but is
halved when the wall thickness L is doubled.
Thus we conclude that the rate of heat conduction through a plane
layer is proportional to the temperature difference across the layer and
the heat transfer area, but is inversely proportional to the thickness of
the layer. That is,

Rate of heat conduction œ (Area) (Temperature difference)/Thickness

Q cond. œ A (T1-T2)/Δx = kA (T1-T2)/Δx= - kA ΔT/Δ x …..(1)
Where the constant of proportionality k is the thermal conductivity
of the material, which is a measure of the ability of a material to
conduct heat.
In the limiting case of Δx →0, the Eq.(1) above reduces to the
differential form
Q cond.=- kA dT/dx ......(2)
Which is called Fourier’s law of heat conduction.
Here dT/dx is the temperature gradient, which is the slope of the
temperature curve on a T-x diagram (the rate of change of T with x),
at location x. The relation above indicates that the rate of heat
conduction in a direction is proportional to the temperature gradient in
that direction. Heat is conducted in the direction of decreasing
temperature, and the temperature gradient becomes negative when
temperature decreases with increasing x. The negative sign in Eq.(2)
ensures that heat transfer in the positive x direction is a positive.

quantity. The heat transfer area A is always normal to the direction
of heat transfer.
Unit of thermal conductivity k:
A=m2 , L=m , dT =oC and Q=watt, Therefore → k= W/m.oC
Actually, k is temperature dependent.
The roof of an electrically heated home is 6 m long, 8 m wide, and
0.25 m thick, and is made of a flat layer of concrete whose thermal
conductivity is k= 0.8 W/m · °C as shown in Fig. (2). The
temperatures of the inner and the outer surfaces of the roof one night
are measured to be 15°C and 4°C, respectively, for a period of 10
hours. Determine:
(a) The rate of heat loss through the roof that night and
(b) The cost of that heat loss to the home owner if the cost of
electricity is $0.08/kWh.

Fig.(2): Heat transfer through the roof.

1.5 Thermal Conductivity

Eq. (1) is the defining equation for thermal conductivity and can be
written as:
k=Q dx/A dT
Thus the thermal conductivity of a material can be defined as the
rate of heat transfer through a unit thickness of the material per
unit area per unit temperature difference.
We noted that thermal conductivity has the units of watts per meter
per Celsius degree when the heat flow is expressed in watts.
On the basis of this definition, experimental measurements may be
made to determine the thermal conductivity of different materials.
For gases at moderately low temperatures, analytical treatments in
the kinetic theory of gases may be used to predict accurately the
experimentally observed values. In some cases, theories are
available for the prediction of thermal conductivities.

Fig. (3) Shows thermal conductivities of some typical gases.
The mechanism of thermal conduction in a gas is a simple one.
We identify the kinetic energy of a molecule with its temperature;
thus, in a high-temperature region, the molecules have higher
velocities than in some lower-temperature region.

Fig. (3): Thermal conductivities of some typical gases.

Note that a heat rate is involved, and the numerical value of the
thermal conductivity indicates how fast heats will flow in a given
material. How is the rate of energy transfer taken into account in
the molecular model discussed above? Clearly, the faster the
molecules move, the faster they will transport energy. Therefore
the thermal conductivity of a gas should be dependent on
For liquid: The physical mechanism of thermal-energy conduction
in liquids is qualitatively the same as in gases; however, the
situation is considerably more complex because the molecules are
more closely spaced and molecular force fields exert a strong
influence on the energy exchange in the collision process.
Thermal conductivities of some typical liquids are shown in Fig.

Fig.(4): Thermal conductivities of some typical liquids.

For solid: Thermal energy may be conducted in solids by two
modes: lattice vibration and transport by free electrons.
In good electrical conductors a rather large number of free
electrons move about in the lattice structure of the material. Just as
these electrons may transport electric charge, they may also carry
thermal energy from a high-temperature region to a low-
temperature region, as in the case of gases. In fact, these electrons
are frequently referred to as the electron gas. Energy may also be
transmitted as vibrational energy in the lattice structure of the

In general, however, this latter mode of energy transfer is not as
large as the electron transport, and for this reason good electrical
conductors are almost always good heat conductors, namely,
copper, aluminium, and silver, and electrical insulators are usually
good heat insulators. A notable exception is diamond, which is an
electrical insulator, but which can have a thermal conductivity five
times as high as silver or copper. It is this fact that enables a
jeweler to distinguish between genuine diamonds and fake stones.
A small instrument is available that measures the response of the
stones to a thermal heat pulse. A true diamond will exhibit a far
more rapid response than the non-genuine stone. Thermal
conductivities of some typical solids are shown in Fig. (5).

Fig. (5): Thermal conductivities of some typical solids.

Table (1) lists typical values of the thermal conductivities for
several materials to indicate the relative orders of magnitude to be
expected in practice.
In general, the thermal conductivity is strongly temperature-
Table(1): Thermal conductivities of some materials at room

Some typical values are 0.038W/m·◦C for glass wool and

0.78W/m·◦C for window glass. At high temperatures, the energy
transfer through insulating materials may involve several modes:
conduction through the fibrous or porous solid material; conduction
through the air trapped in the void spaces; and, at sufficiently high
temperatures, radiation.
Again, the thermal conductivity of a material is a measure of the
ability of the material to conduct heat. A high value for thermal
conductivity indicates that the material is a good heat conductor,
and a low value indicates that the material is a poor heat conductor
or insulator.

The temperature dependence of thermal conductivity causes
considerable complexity in conduction analysis. Therefore, it is
common practice to evaluate the thermal conductivity k at the
average temperature and treat it as a constant in calculations as
shown in Table (2).
Table (2): Thermal conductivities of materials vary with

In heat transfer analysis, a material is normally assumed to be

isotropic; that is, to have uniform properties in all directions. This
assumption is realistic for most materials, except those that exhibit
different structural characteristics in different directions.
Pure metals have high thermal conductivities, and one would
think that metal alloys should also have high conductivities. One
would expect an alloy made of two metals of thermal
conductivities k1 and k2 to have a conductivity k between k1 and
k2. But this turns out not to be the case. The thermal conductivity
of an alloy of two metals is usually much lower than that of either
metal, as shown in Table (3). Even small amounts in a pure metal
of “foreign” molecules that are good conductors themselves
seriously disrupt the flow of heat in that metal.

For example, the thermal conductivity of steel containing just 1
percent of chrome is 62 W/m · °C, while the thermal conductivities
of steel and chromium are 83 and 95 W/m · °C, respectively.
Table 3: The thermal conductivity of an alloy is usually much
lower than the thermal conductivity of either metal of which it is

1.6 Thermal Diffusivity, ɑ

The product ρCp, which is frequently encountered in heat transfer

analysis, is called the heat capacity of a material.
Both the specific heat Cp and the heat capacity ρCp represent the
heat storage capability of a material.
But Cp expresses it per unit mass whereas ρCp expresses it per unit
volume, as can be noticed from their units J/kg·°C and J/m3. °C,

High specific heat materials are used as insulators materials such as
wood (wood house), also water is used in swimming pool.
Because, high value of specific heat needs long time to cool and
long-time heat.
Another material property that appears in the transient heat
conduction analysis is the thermal diffusivity.
Thermal diffusivity, ɑ of a material can be defined as the ratio of
the heat conducted through the material to the heat stored per unit
volume or:
ɑ = k/ ρCp= Heat conducted/ Heat stored .….(3)
Its unit is (m2/s)
Note that:
- The thermal conductivity k represents how well a material
conducts heat.
- The heat capacity ρCp represents how much energy a material
stores per unit volume.
A material that has a high thermal conductivity or a low heat capacity
will obviously have a large thermal diffusivity. A small value of
thermal diffusivity means that heat is mostly absorbed by the material
and a small amount of heat will be conducted further. The thermal
diffusivities of some common materials at 20°C are given in Table

Table (4): The thermal diffusivities of some materials at room

Note that the thermal diffusivity ranges from ɑ=0.14 x 10 -6 m2/s

for water to 149 x 10-6 m2/s for silver, which is a difference of
more than a thousand times. Also note that the thermal diffusivities
of beef and water are the same. This is not surprising, since meat as
well as fresh vegetables and fruits are mostly water, and thus they
possess the thermal properties of water.
B- Convection Heat Transfer
Convection is the mode of energy transfer between a solid
surface and the adjacent liquid or gas that is in motion, and it
involves the combined effects of conduction and fluid motion.
The faster the fluid motion, the greater the convection heat
transfers. In the absence of any bulk fluid motion, heat transfer
between a solid surface and the adjacent fluid is by pure
conduction. The presence of bulk motion of the fluid enhances

the heat transfer between the solid surface and the fluid, but it
also complicates the determination of heat transfer rates.
14 Oct-2020 ‫المحاضرة الثانية‬
External flow
Consider the cooling of a hot block by blowing cool air over its top
surface as an external flow Fig. (6). Energy is first transferred to
the air layer adjacent to the block by conduction. This energy is
then carried away from the surface by convection, that is, by the
combined effects of conduction within the air that is due to random
motion of air molecules and the bulk or macroscopic motion of the
air that removes the heated air near the surface and replaces it by
the cooler air.

Fig. (6): Heat transfer from a hot surface to air by convection.

Convection is called:
Forced convection if the fluid is forced to flow over the surface
by external means such as a fan, pump, or the wind.
Natural (or free) convection if the fluid motion is caused by
buoyancy forces that are induced by density differences due to the
variation of temperature in the fluid as shown in Fig. (7).
Fig. (7): The cooling of a boiled egg by forced and natural

For example, in the absence of a fan, heat transfer from the surface
of the hot block in Fig.(6) will be by natural convection since any
motion in the air in this case will be due to the rise of the warmer
(and thus lighter) air near the surface and the fall of the cooler (and
thus heavier) air to fill its place.
Despite the complexity of convection, the rate of convection heat
transfer is observed to be proportional to the temperature
difference, and is conveniently expressed by Newton’s law of
cooling as
Qconv. = hAs (Ts - Tœ) . ….(4)
where h is the convection heat transfer coefficient in W/m2 · °C .
As is the surface area through which convection heat transfer takes
place (contact area), and
Ts is the surface temperature, and Tœ is the temperature of the fluid
sufficiently far from the surface (ambient temperature).

Note that at the surface, the fluid temperature equals the surface
temperature of the solid.
The convection heat transfer coefficient, h is not a property of the
fluid. It is an experimentally determined parameter whose value
depends on all the variables influencing convection such as the
surface geometry, the nature of fluid motion, the properties of
the fluid, and the bulk fluid velocity.
Typical values of h are given in Table 5. Some people do not
consider convection to be a fundamental mechanism of heat
transfer since it is essentially heat conduction in the presence of
fluid motion. But we still need to give this combined phenomenon
a name, unless we are willing to keep referring to it as “conduction
with fluid motion.” Thus, it is practical to recognize convection as
a separate heat transfer mechanism despite the valid arguments to
the contrary.
Table (5): Typical values of convection heat transfer coefficient.

The approximate ranges of convection heat-transfer coefficients are

indicated in Table (6).
Table (6): Approximate values of convection heat-transfer

Internal flow
The energy transfer expressed by Eq. (4) is used for evaluating the
convection loss for flow over an external surface. Of equal
importance is the convection gain or loss resulting from a fluid
flowing inside a channel or tube as shown in Fig.(8). In this case,
the heated wall at Tw loses heat to the cooler fluid, which
consequently rises in temperature as it flows from inlet conditions
at Ti to exit conditions at Te.
Using the symbol i to designate enthalpy (to avoid confusion with
h, the convection coefficient), the energy balance on the fluid is
Q=m (ie-ii) …….(5)
where m is the fluid mass flow rate. For many single-phase liquids
and gases operating over reasonable temperature range Δi=Cp ΔT
and we have
Q=m Cp (Te-Ti) ……….(6)
Q= m Cp (Te−Ti)= hA(Tw,avg−Tfluid,avg) ……….(7)
In this case, the fluid temperatures Te, Ti, and T fluid are called bulk
or energy average temperatures. A is the surface area of the flow
channel in contact with the fluid. For now, we simply want to alert
the reader to the distinction between the two types of flows. We
must be careful to distinguish between the surface area for
convection that is employed in convection Eq.(7) and the cross-
sectional area Ac that is used to calculate the flow rate from
continuity equation
m=ρumeanAc ……….(8)
where Ac=πd 2/4 for flow in a circular tube. The surface area for
convection in this case would be π d L, where L is the tube length.

The surface area for convection is always the area of the heated
surface in contact with the fluid.

Fig.(8): Convection in a channel.

Example: Measuring convection heat transfer coefficient
A 2-m-long, 0.3-cm-diameter electrical wire extends across a room
at 15°C, as shown in Fig. (9). Heat is generated in the wire as a
result of resistance heating, and the surface temperature of the wire
is measured to be 152°C in steady operation. Also, the voltage drop
and electric current through the wire are measured to be 60 V and
1.5 A, respectively. Determine the convection heat transfer
coefficient for heat transfer between the outer surface of the wire
and the air in the room.

Fig. (9): Measuring convection heat transfer coefficient.

C- Radiation Heat Transfer
Radiation is the energy emitted by matter in the form of
electromagnetic waves (or photons) as a result of the changes in
the temperature. Heat may also be transferred through regions
where a perfect vacuum exists. Unlike conduction and
convection, the transfer of energy by radiation does not require
the presence of a medium.
In fact, energy transfer by radiation is fastest (at the speed of
light) and it suffers no attenuation in a vacuum. This is how the
energy of the sun reaches the earth.
In heat transfer studies we are interested in thermal radiation,
which is the form of radiation emitted by bodies because of their
Note that: Thermal radiation differs from other forms of
electromagnetic radiation such as X-rays, gamma rays,
microwaves, radio waves, and television waves that are not
related to temperature.
All bodies at a temperature above absolute zero emit thermal
radiation. Radiation is a volumetric phenomenon, and all solids,
liquids, and gases emit, absorb, or transmit radiation to varying
Thermal radiation is within the range of wave length (ƛ)
100 > ƛ > 0.1
Thermodynamic considerations show that an ideal thermal
radiator (black body) will emit energy at a rate proportional to the
fourth power of the absolute temperature of the body and directly
proportional to its surface area. Thus
Qemitted=σ As T4 ε=1 black bodies ……….(9)
Where As is surface area

This represents the maximum rate of radiation that can be emitted

from a surface at an absolute temperature T (in K or R) is called
Stefan–Boltzmann law . It applies only to black bodies.
where σ is the proportionality constant and is called the Stefan-
Boltzmann constant with the value of 5.669×10−8 W/m2·K4.
The idealized surface that emits radiation at this maximum rate is
called a blackbody, and the radiation emitted by a blackbody is
called blackbody radiation Fig. (10).

Fig. (10): Blackbody radiation represents the maximum amount of

radiation that can be emitted from a surface at a specified

Radiation in an Enclosure
If a black body at temperature Ts is surrounded by closed enclosure
at different temperature, Tsur, the net rate of radiation heat transfer
between these two bodies as shown in Fig. (11) is given by:
Qnet exchange =As σ [(Ts)4 –(Tsur)4] ….(11)

Fig.(11): Radiation heat transfer between a surface and the

surfaces surrounding it.

The radiation emitted by all real surfaces or bodies is less than the
radiation emitted by a blackbody at the same temperature, and is
expressed as
qemitted=σεAT4 …….(10)
where ε is the emissivity of the surface. The property emissivity,
whose value is in the range 0< ε <1, is a measure of how closely a

surface approximates a blackbody for which ε = 1. The
emissivity’s of some surfaces are given in Table (7).

Table (7): Emissivity’s of some materials at 300 K.

If there are shape factor between two real bodies, the net heat
between these bodies can be given by:
Qn= ε1 ε2 A1 F1-2 σ [(T1)4 –(T2)4]
F1-2 is shape factor
ε1 is emissivity of the first body
ε2 is emissivity of the second body

In some cases, there are radiations heat transfers within other
modes of heat transfer such as conduction and convection.
To simplify the problem, we can use
radiation conductivity (Kr)) or thermal
radiation resistance (Rr) or radiation heat
transfer coefficient (hr) to calculate the net heat transfer as
Qr= Kr (T1-T2)
Kr ={ε1 ε2 A1 F1-2 σ [(T1)4 –(T2)4]}/ [T1-T2]Radiation conductivity
hr= Kr/A = ε1 ε2 F1-2 σ [(T1)4 –(T2)4]/ [T1-T2] Radiation heat
transfer coefficient
Rr= [T1-T2]/ ε1 ε2 A1 σ [(T1)4 –(T2)4] Thermal radiation resistance
A metal rod of length 1m with diameter of 10 cm is located inside
the room with black walls. If the emissivity of the rod is ε1= 0.5
and its temperature is 727 oC and the room temperature is 477 oC,
Calculate the radiation heat transfer coefficient?

All the heat emitted from the rod will be absorbed be the room
surface, therefore ε2=1 (assuming black body).
Qn= ε1 A1 σ [(T1)4 –(T2)4] = ε1 π DL σ [(T1)4 –(T2)4]
= 0.5 x π x 0.1 x 1 x 0.567x 10 -8 [ (727+ 273)4- (477+273)4]
= 6088 watts

For steady state condition, 6088 watts should be supplied to the
metal rod.
hr= ε1 F1-2 σ [(T1)4 –(T2)4]/ [T1-T2] =77.3 w/m2.k
where F1-2 is shape factor and considered unity.

1-7 Thermal Resistance

The rate of heat transfer through the wall must be constant as
shown in Fig.(12)

Fig.(12): Conduction heat transfer.

Qcond,wall= (T1-T2)/ Rwall

Analogy to Electrical Current Flow:
Electrical Current Flow= Change in voltage/ Electrical resistance
as shown in Fig.(13):
I=(V1-V2)/ Re

Fig.(13): Analogy to electrical current flow.

Heat Transfer Electrical current flow

Rate of heat transfer ---- ----> Electric current
Thermal resistance ---- ----> Electrical resistance
Temperature difference --- ----> Voltage difference
Convection Resistance
Thermal resistance can also be applied to convection processes as
shown in Fig.(14).
Newton’s law of cooling for convection heat transfer rate (Q conv. )
can be rearranged as

Rconv is the convection resistance

Fig.(14): Convection thermal resistance.
Radiation Resistance:
The rate of radiation heat transfer between a surface and the

Thermal Resistance Network as shown in Fig.(15).

Fig.(15):Thermal resistance network.

It is sometimes convenient to express heat transfer through a

medium in an analogous manner to Newton’s law of cooling as:

where U is the overall heat transfer coefficient.

Note that

1-8 Units in Heat transfer

In our development of heat transfer we use the dimensions:
L =length
M =mass

F =force
τ =time
T =temperature
All the physical quantities used in heat transfer may be expressed
in terms of these fundamental dimensions. The units to be used for
certain dimensions are selected by somewhat arbitrary definitions
that usually relate to a physical phenomenon or law. OCT 14


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