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Calculations in ceramic 세라믹 계산

CHAPTER IX 9과 Miscellaneous Glaze Calculations

기타 유약 계산

Substitution; Addition of Colouring Oxides to Glides to Glazes and Frits; To Calculate a Glaze Formula when the
Percentage Composition of the Components is Given; Miscellaneous Example.
1. Substitution
It is often found necessary in works practice to substitute one component of a glaze for another. These
circumstances may arise because of the unavailability of one product or because a cheaper and more suitable compound
has come on to the market.
In glaze development work, one compound is often substituted for another in order to confer more desirable
properties on the glaze, e.g. a lower thermal expansion.

The following is a typical substitution problem.

The recipe of a frit is:

Pearl ash 13.8

Boric acid 25.7
Soda ash 26.5
China clay 92.9
Flint 174.0
Calculate a new recipe using felspar (K2O.1.1Al2O3.6.2SiO2) and borax to replace the pearl ash and boric acid.

It is necessary to find the molecular formula of the frit in terms of oxides which are affected by the substitution.
In this particular case all the components have to be considered.
Substituting felspar and borax:
Molecul Molecu
Pats by Molecula Molecula Pats by
Material ar weigh lar par K2O Na2O Al2O3 SiO2 B 2 O3 Material K2O Na2O Al2O3 SiO2 B 2O3
weight r weight r parts weight
t ts
Pearl ash 138 0.100 13.8 0.100 Borax 382 0.104 39.7 0.104 0.207
Boric acid 62 0.414 25.7 0.207 Soda ash 106 0.146 15.5 0.146
Felspar 578.2 0.100 57.8 0.100 0.110 0.620
Soda ash 106 0.250 26.5 0.250
China clay 258 0.250 64.5 0.250 0.500
China clay 258 0.360 92.9 0.360 0.720
Flint 60 2.500 150.0 2.500
Flint 60 2.900 174.0 2.9
0.100 0.250 0.360 3.62 0.207 0.100 0.250 0.360 3.620 0.207
The new recipe is:

Borax 39.7
Soda ash 15.5
Felspar 57.8
China Clay 64.5
Flint 150.0
Further example of substitution involving a glaze containing a frit.

The recipe of a glaze is:

Borax frit Mill batch

Borax 573.0 Borax frit 132.7

Felspar 556.0 Lead bisilicate 103.0
Whiting 350.0 China clay 38.6
China Clay 77.5 Flint 72.0
Flint 205.0
(1) The molecular weight of the new lead frit is calculated and
the table is rewritten using this component.

Molecular Molecular p Pats by wei

Material K2O Na2O Al2O3 SiO2
weight arts ght

Lead frit 353.9 *0.353 124.9 0.3 0.053 0.042 0.812

Felspar 556 0.047 26.1 0.047 0.047 0.282

China clay 258 0.161 41.5 0.161 0.322

Flint 60 1.284 77 1.284

0.3 0.1 0.25 2.7

*From the formula of the lead frit
1 molecule lead frit ≡ 0.85 molecule PbO
∴ 1 molecule PbO ≡ 0.85 molecules lead frit

But 0.300 molecule PbO is required

∴ × 0.300 = 0.353 molecular part of lead frit

Similarly, the molecular parts of K2O, Al2O3 and SiO2 as shown in the lead frit formula, are
multiplied by the factor 0.353, e.g. for K2O
0.15 × 0.353 = 0.053

(2) The glaze now required 26.1 parts by weight felspar, as against the original 55.6. Therefore, the
borax frit recipe must be modified.
Originally 556 felspar ≡ 1,327 borax frit. But now 261 of felspar is required (556-261 = 295)
and subtracting this figure (295) from
the original weight of borax frit, i.e. (1,327-295)=1,032. Since of borax frit recipe is used in the mill
batch the new recipe is:
Borax frit Mill batch
Borax 573 Borax frit 103.2
Felspar 261 Lead frit 124.9
Whiting 350 China clay 41.5
Flint 205 Flint 77.0
China Clay 77.5

2. Glaze Calculations involving the Addition of a Colouring Oxide

A coloured glaze may be produced by the addition of a small percentage of stain.
The recipe of a glaze is:
Mill batch Borax frit recipe
Borax frit 300 Borax 200
Lead frit 500 Stone 128
Stone 30 Whiting 88
China Clay 70 China clay 73
Flint 30 Flint 126
2 parts by weight of yellow stain are required per 100 parts of mill batch.
Calculate the weight of stain must be added to the borax frit recipe. (Recipe quoted in lb weight.)
The mill batch contains 930 lb of material, i.e. the sum of the constituents.
× 930 = 18.6 lb of stain required.

Applying the appropriate fritting factors to the borax frit recipe:

Borax 200 × 0.529 = 105.8

Stone 128 × 1 = 128.0
Whiting 88 × 0.56 = 49.3
China Clay 73 × 0.86 = 62.8
Flint 126 × 1 = 126.0

Average = 471.9
Therefore, when frit is made, each batch produces 471.9 lb of frit, but 300 lb of frit should contain in addition 18.6 of
yellow stain.
∴ 471.9 lb of frit require × 471.9 lb of stain = 29.26 lb which is the amount of stain to be added to the borax frit recipe.

To Calculate the Glaze Formula when the Components of the Glaze are Quoted in Terms of Percentage
The recipe of a glaze is:
Lead bisilicate 90
Stone 50
China clay 6
Flint 2
The percentage composition of the materials is as follows:
Lead bisilicate Stone China clay Flint
PbO 64.0 SiO2 75.0 Al2O3 39.0 SiO2 96
SiO2 36.0 Al2O3 18.4 SiO2 46.4 CaO 4
CaO 0.5 H2O 14.6
K2O 3.1
Na2O 3.0
Calculate the formula of the glaze.

Material Molecular weight Molecular parts Pats by weight PbO CaO K2O Na2O Al2O3 SiO2

Lead bisilicate *100 0.90 90.0 0.258 0.540

Stone 100 0.50 50 0.004 0.016 0.024 0.090 0.625

China clay 100 0.06 6 0.023 0.046
Flint 100 0.12 12.0 0.008 0.192

0.258 0.0120 0.016 0.024 0.113 1.403

*The molecular weight of each compound is quoted in the table as 100. A detailed explanation of why this is possible is
given below, using lead bisilicate as an example.
PbO = 64%
SiO2 = 36%
By dividing the percentage composition of each oxide by its molecular weight, the ratio of each oxide becomes:

64 36
PbO: 60 SiO2

= 0.287 PbO: 0.600 SiO2

The final formula is obtained by bringing basic oxides to unity (divide throughout by 0.310).

0.832 PbO
0.038 CaO
0.364Al2O3 4.525 SiO2
0.079 Na2O

*The molecular weight of each compound is quoted in the table as 100. A detailed explanation of why this is possible is
given below, using lead bisilicate as an example.
PbO = 64%
SiO2 = 36%
By dividing the percentage composition of each oxide by its molecular weight, the ratio of each oxide becomes:
64 36
PbO: 60 SiO2

= 0.287 PbO: 0.600 SiO2

In calculating the empirical formula, each molecular part would have to be divided by the smallest number, in this case

0.287 0.600
PbO: SiO2
0.287 0.287

The formula would then be:

PbO: 2.09 SiO2

The “molecular weight” or more accurately the “formula weight”, for this compound using this particular formula = 349.
If the previous formula is used, i.e. 0.520 PbO; 0.6 SiO2, then the molecular weight =100. Since
PbO 0.287 × 223 = 64
SiO2 0.600 × 36 = 36
Average = 100
Therefore, as a general rule any formula that is calculated directly from percentage composition must
automatically give a molecular weight of 100. This face is used as a method of eliminating tedious and unnecessary work
in this type of calculation.

Having established that the particular formula for lead bisilicate = 0.287 PbO; 0.6SiO2, then

1 molecule ≡ 0.287 molecule PbO

0.9 molecule ≡ 0.287 × 0.9 molecule PbO

= 0.258 PbO

Similarly 0.9 × 0.6 (SiO2) = 0.540 SiO2

Using a molecular weight of 100, calculated from percentage composition, is only a “short cut” method. It is equally valid
to use the formula PbO; 2.09 SiO2 with a molecular weight of 349, since:

= molecular part lead bisilicate required

= 0.258
And since the formula = PbO; 2.1 SiO2

1 × 0.258 = PbO = 0.258

2.1 × 0.258 = SiO2 = 0.540
Repeating the procedure for china clay:

Al2O3 39.0 ÷ 102 = 0.382

SiO2 46.4 ÷ 60 = 0.773
It is not necessary to consider the H2O, since it is a non-permanent oxide.
1 molecule china clay ≡ 0.382 molecule Al2O3
0.06 molecule china clay ≡ 0.382 × 0.06 molecule Al2O3
= 0.023 Al2O3
Similarly 0.06 × 0.773 = 0.046 SiO2
SiO2 75.0 ÷ 60 = 1.250
SiO2 96 ÷ 60 = 1.600
Al2O3 18.4 ÷ 102 = 0.180
Al2O3 4 ÷ 56 = 0.072
CaO 0.5 ÷ 56 = 0.009
1 molecule flint ≡ 0.072 CaO K2O 3.1 ÷ 94 = 0.033
0.12 molecule flint ≡ 0.072 × 0.12 CaO Na2O 3.0 ÷ 62 = 0.048

= 0.008 CaO 0.5 molecular part of stone is required. Multiplying

throughout by 0.5.
and 0.12 × 1.6 = 0.192 SiO2
SiO2 = 0.625
Al2O3 = 0.090
CaO = 0.004
K2O = 0.016
Na2O = 0.024
 Miscellaneous Example It is to be compounded from frit A, felspar C which has the formula:

This example is an actual works problem involving the use 0.72K2O

0.28 Na2O
1.13𝐴𝑙2 𝑂3 7.8 SiO2
of stocks of frit stocks of frit A that had become obsolete.
and other raw materials which are used in the production of
Frit B has the following percentage composition:
frit A.
Na2O 2.3
The recipe of frit A is:
K2O 1.7
Pyrobor (Na2B4O3) 5.3
CaO 4.6
Felspar C 10.9
PbO 16.3
Whiting 7.3
ZnO 4.2
Red lead 27.7
Al2O3 5.9
Boric acid 14.5
SiO2 44.4
Flint 29.3
B2O3 9.3
Zircon 2.5
ZrO2 11.3
0.1 molecular part of frit A is to be used in the production
It is to be compounded from frit A, felspar C which has the
of frit B. Calculate the quantity of frit A that will be
required to produce 100 tons of frit B.
To find the formula of frit B from the percentage Bring basic oxides to unity by dividing by 0.2369
0.130Na2O 2.737 SiO2
Na2O 2.3 ÷ 62 = 0.0371 0.049K2O 0.119Al2O3 0.715 B2O3
0.308CaO 0.058ZrO2
K2O 1.7 ÷ 94 = 0.0181 0.512PbO

CaO 4.6 ÷ 56 = 0.0822

The molecular weight of frit A = 377.7.
PbO 16.3 ÷ 223 = 0.0731
To calculate a recipe for frit B(this is shown in the “parts
ZnO 4.2 ÷ 81 = 0.0578
by weight” column):
Al2O3 5.9 ÷ 102 = 0.180
SiO2 44.4 ÷ 60 = 0.7400
B2O3 9.3 ÷ 70 = 0.1328
ZrO2 11.3 ÷ 123 = 0.0919
Dividing by 0.2623 to bring basic oxides to unity
0.069K2O 2.821 SiO2
0.314CaO 0.220Al2O3 0.506 B2O3
0.279PbO 0.350ZrO2
To calculate a recipe for frit B (this is shown in the “parts by weight” column):

Material Molecular weight Molecular parts Pats by wt Na2O K2O CaO PbO ZnO Al2O3 SiO2 B 2O 3 ZnO2

Frit A 377.7 0.1 37.8 0.013 0.0050 0'031 0.051 0.012 0.274 0.072 0.006

Felspar C 668.4 0.089 59.4 0.0250 0.064 0.101 0.694

Pytobor 202 0.0103 20.8 0.103 0.206

Boric acid 62 0.456 28.3 0.228 0.288

Red lead 685 0.076 52.1 0.283

Whiting 100 0.283 28.3 0.197

Zine oxide 81 0.197 16.0 0.107 0.214

China clay 258 0.107 27.6 0.322 0.344

Zircon 183 0.334 63.0

Flint 60 1.295 77.7

Total 411.0 0.141 0.069 0.31 0.279 0.2 0.220 2.821 0.506 0.350
Applying fritting factors to determine the residual weight after fritting 411 parts by weight of frit mixture B.
Frit A 37.8 × 1 = 37.8
Felspar C 59.4 × 1 = 59.4
Pyrobor 20.8 × 1 = 20.8
Boric acid 28.3 × 0.565 = 16.0
Red lead 52.1 × 0.977 = 50.9
Whiting 28.2 × 0.560 = 15.8
China clay 27.6 × 0.860 = 23.7
Zinc oxide 16.0 × 1 = 16.0
Zircon 63.0 × 1 = 63.0
Flint 77.7 × 1 = 77.7
Average = 381.1
∴ 411 frit B mixture ≡ 381.1 of frit B (after fritting) and this requires 37.8 of frit A.
∴ 381.1 frit B ≡ 37.8 frit A
100 frit B ≡ × 100 frit A
= 9.919 tons frit A
Thank you for your attention.

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