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University of the Philippines Visayas

College of Management

Erika Xim Paola Santos BSBA (Marketing) – III BA 170-4

BA 170. Marketing Management


Module: 1 Week: 2

Lesson/Topic: Defining Marketing and the Marketing Process

I used to think that only marketers can decide on which strategies to use and decisions to
make when it comes to providing and creating value for their customers’ satisfaction. I also
used to think that it is already a given when it comes to marketing that you should entirely
cover everything in its orientations from your offerings down to the satisfaction of your
consumers. It was also drilled into our minds that in marketing, we should always prioritize
our customers above all else and all customers are necessary and profitable to our company.

Now I know about the marketing process and how to create good customer relationship
management as well as capturing value from your customers. I learned that customers can
also be directly involved in marketing decisions, and sometimes they themselves are the ones
who innovate the brand with the discretion of the management. This can be done through
customer-managed relationships where customers can interact with the companies through
digital means as to create a constant discourse on their experiences and suggest how to
further satisfy customers and improve their brand. There is also customer-generated
marketing where the customers themselves get even more involved to the point of creating
new product ideas, and even creating their own advertising content for the brand. I also
learned that not all customers, albeit loyal, are profitable to the brand. Even more so, I was
shocked that companies can “fire” their customers as they can do for their employees because
they are too high-maintenance and just like in the book, they become barnacles that create
drag on the ship. It helps to know the right customers and build the right relationships with
them to balance profitability and customer satisfaction. There are also different kinds of
marketing management orientations which serve as the philosophy that guide the marketing
strategies of the company. I also learned about marketing myopia which is the case of
blurring the edges of all things around you and having yourself focused on your own self that
your customers may be dissatisfied or might not pique their interests because it does not
really give them what they came for.

However, I am not sure how “firing” unprofitable customers reflect on the company’s image
as it tips the balance on the scales between profitability and customer satisfaction. How does
it affect their relations with current customers, or potential customers, when it has known that
they can lay off customers they deem unfavorable for their profit.

I hope/plan to use my learnings for effective marketing management that gives me

appropriate strategies that I can utilize in future marketing endeavors.

Overall, I feel interested in the subject because it made me learn a lot of marketing terms and
I’m glad that the book offers real-life examples of companies that used the different types of

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marketing management techniques that led to their successes or downfalls. It is also nice that
I have learned some strategies that I have experienced firsthand such as in the case of
marketing competitions where students develop marketing strategies and do marketing
research for the featured companies.

Adapted from: Padila, P. P. (2020) EDR 221 Learning Log Guide

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