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Theory of Elasticity Chapter 2: Stresses



2.1 Definitions and components of a stress at a point

Consider the body shown under the action of surface forces, Figure 2.1 a

a) Body under a) surface forces b) Force over an infinitesimal area of the


 Surface forces are those forces applied on a body surface

externally such as pressure on a body, hydrostatic forces etc.

 Body forces are those forces distributed over the volume of a

body which include gravitational forces, magnetic force etc.

Consider the infinitesimal area and the corresponding resultant force

as shown by FBD of Figure 2.1 b
The unit stress is given by


Let the normal component of be s and tangential of p be t. Lets

consider an infinitesimal cube element shown in Figure 2.2, below.

Lecture Note by Dr. Asnake Adamu of AAiT

Theory of Elasticity Chapter 2: Stresses

In the absence of body force, due to equilibrium sx and sx on opposite face

of the cube element are equal. This result in 3+12=15 different stresses.
Designation for shearing stresses refers to the axis to the plane and j
refers to the direction of the shearing stress.

Consider the two dimensional system (Figure 2.3) by taking a slice of unit
width and applying equilibrium of moment about o,

Lecture Note by Dr. Asnake Adamu of AAiT

Theory of Elasticity Chapter 2: Stresses

Thus, the total # of symbol used for describing the state of stress on a cube
element reduces to six Quantities: only. Theses are the
components of stress at a point.

2.2 State of plane Stress at a point with Different Orientation

(uniform Distribution)

Consider an infinitesimal plan element under plan state of stress as

shown in figure 2.4 a.


 variation of stresses over the sides neglected,
 Forces are obtained by multiplying stress with the area of the sides of
the triangular prism.



H.W: Drive the expression for

To obtain the extreme value of

Lecture Note by Dr. Asnake Adamu of AAiT

Theory of Elasticity Chapter 2: Stresses



Up on substitution and with further simplifications one obtains


The state of shear stress on these planes can be obtained by subsisting the
values of in tx’y’ expressions which yields, .

Thus, on the plane on which the maximum or minimum normal stresses act,
there are no shearing stresses.

To obtain on which plane are the shear stress maximum, , This



This is the negative reciprocal of the plane of maximum normal stresses.

Hence, the plane on which the maximum shearing stress acts is at 450 from
the maximum normal stress.

Lecture Note by Dr. Asnake Adamu of AAiT

Theory of Elasticity Chapter 2: Stresses

Equation of Mohr’s Circle of stress:

Consider the following from plane stress

Re-writing each and adding with several simplifications on may obtain

2 2
+ + ....................................................... (2-7a)

Here, are assumed to be known quantities. Let and


2 2+
+ (2-7b)

This is similar to equation of a circle

Where 2
+ , with center (a,0). Thus, the so called
Mohr Circle of stress is obtained.

Figure 2.5 Mohr Circle of Stress

Lecture Note by Dr. Asnake Adamu of AAiT

Theory of Elasticity Chapter 2: Stresses

From the figure of the stress

It can be shown now that, This implies that the sum of the
normal stresses on mutually perpendicular planes is invariant

2.3 State of stress at a point –non uniform distribution

Let’s include body forces and look at non- uniform distribution of stresses.

Assume the thickness of the element to be unity

Dividing by realizing approach zero makes any of their

products to be zero. Also gives


Like wise (2-8b)

This is useful expression when one wants to find the stress components on
an inclined surface.

Lecture Note by Dr. Asnake Adamu of AAiT

Theory of Elasticity Chapter 2: Stresses

2.4 Differential Equations of equilibrium

Consider the element shown below. Let , initial reference point.

When differential of higher order neglected, this reduces to

Thus, the stress on a surface of infinitesimal element vary linearly as shown

in Figure 2.7b.

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Theory of Elasticity Chapter 2: Stresses


Consider a small rectangular block of edge where are

all zero, for plane stress system. This will result with conditions shown
below (Figure2.7c)

When this is simplified in addition to , result in

Lecture Note by Dr. Asnake Adamu of AAiT

Theory of Elasticity Chapter 2: Stresses


This is differential equation of equilibrium for plane stress elasticity. In

practical applications, the weight of the body is usually the only body
forces. Then, taking the y-axis down ward and denoting the mass per unit
volume by r, eqn. (2-10) becomes

However, when equation (2-10) is generalized in to the three dimensional



2.5 Analysis of Stresses in there Dimension

First, consider a general state of stress at a point where state of stress
described by the three or the orthogonal planes perpendicular to the x, y,
and z axes.

An arbitrary plane ABC is passed through the solid so that the plane
intersects the three mutually perpendicular planes and an element about
the point will be isolated as shown in Figure 2.8.

Lecture Note by Dr. Asnake Adamu of AAiT

Theory of Elasticity Chapter 2: Stresses

Knowing the stresses on planes and direction (an axis normal to

the inclined direction), lets determine the components of stress on an
inclined plane: plane ABC.

Direction of plane ABC is defined by the angle its normal makes with
axis. Lets the cosines of these angles be in conformity with the
Table- below, in which, the 1st subscript denote the reference axis and the
2nd the normal axis as in .

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Theory of Elasticity Chapter 2: Stresses

Table2.1: Direction cosines designations

2nd subscript


Denoting the area of ABC by A,

The transformation equation:

If p is the stress vector on ABC which may be resolve in to the
equilibrium of the element tetrahedron yields


Projecting direction, one will obtain


The shear stress on this plane can be obtained from


By projecting
, directions, respectively, one may obtain


Lecture Note by Dr. Asnake Adamu of AAiT

Theory of Elasticity Chapter 2: Stresses


The various direction cosines must satisfy the following relations.

Identify relation Due to or through


In the three dimensional state of stress at a point there always exist three
mutually perpendicular principle planes on which the shear stress vanishes
and the normal stresses assume stationary values. To determine the
orientation of the principal planes, differentiate
noting . setting the resulting expression equal to zero and
simplifying, the following relation is obtained.

In which reduced to


, represents the stationary value of the normal stress . Re writing (2-5)

will yield


Lecture Note by Dr. Asnake Adamu of AAiT

Theory of Elasticity Chapter 2: Stresses

Equation (2-19) is a set of three homogenous linear equation in

and by elimination the value of may be obtained from

+ - -

=0 (2-20)

There are three real roots of eqn. (2-20), and the shear stresses in the
corresponding planes vanish. These Stationary values of the normal stresses
are called the principal stresses and are represented by where
Then, the direction cosines of the principal planes may be
found by substituting each values of in to the set of the three
homogenous equation.

Maximum shear Stresses:

Let an element be oriented along the principal directions as shown below
(Figure 2.3)

Suppose one tires to write the equations for s and t on any plane normal
to the three planes as shown in Figure 2.9 (the inclined plane).
It is evident that has no effect on the stress condition on this plane, so
that the expressions for in terms of are same as the two

Lecture Note by Dr. Asnake Adamu of AAiT

Theory of Elasticity Chapter 2: Stresses

dimensional case. Thus, are related by Mohar Circle as shown in

Figure (2.9b).

The stress condition on planes normal to the 1-plane is also given by a Mohar
circle. The same holds true for planes normal to the 2- planes. The stress
conditions on all planes must lie in the dotted region between the circles.
From the circles, it is evident that the maximum shear stress ,

and acts on the planes bisecting the plane of maximum and minimum
principal stresses.

2.1 Given: , Determine
both by formula and using Mohr’s circles,
(a) The principal stresses and their directions and,
(b) The stress components on planes when

2.2 Show that the following state of stress is in equilibrium

2.3 For the state of stress in problem 2.2, at specified point x=1/2, y=1,
z=3/4, determine the principal stresses.

2.4 Given the following stress distribution:

Determine in the absence of body forces, whether equilibrium exists.

2.5 If are the principal axes at a point in a material and

are the corresponding principal stresses, shown that

Lecture Note by Dr. Asnake Adamu of AAiT

Theory of Elasticity Chapter 2: Stresses

Are components of p on any inclined plane whose normal is having

direction cosines
and with are respectively.

2.6 The state of stress at a point is represented by the following in MPa.

a) The principal Stresses and direction cosines axes,
b) Find also the maximum shear stresses, and determine the
direction cosines of the shear stress( ) with respect to the
original coordinate axes.

2.7 Show that the sum is invariant to the transformation of

orthogonal coordinates.

Lecture Note by Dr. Asnake Adamu of AAiT

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