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Student’s name: Lưu Hồng Lê

Student’s ID: 15062502

Class: BK ENG 3C-4C (ST3-CT6)
Topic: Practice 2, page 24, Course Book.
Thanks to the cultural interference and globalization, women have more
opportunities to increasingly assert their own role in education and work. However,
gender discrimination in employment still remains so they always face injustice in
terms of remunaration as well as career promotion. In my opinion, there are few
measures whick could be applied to tackle this problem.
One effective solution to deal with the inequality between men and women in
the workplace is to enhance the public awareness of entrenched gender bias against
women’s role. This approach should be spreading and integrated into the school
curriculum as well as in intimate conversations between parents and children. The girls
receiving this civilized education will soon become aware of their own rights and
abilities; thus, when they mature, they will become confident and can promote their
abilities at work. At the same time, the boys understand the significance of gender
equality respect will appreciate the differences between men and women in their work
and equally value the dedication of women. When people in the community have a
deeper insight into gender equality, they will adjust the work environment and increase
salary and promotion conditions to help men and women contribute equally
Another way to diminish the gender discrimination in the workplace is the
flexible working hours mechanisms in order to help employers have work-life balance.
In fact, a lack of flexible working options in the workplace may be a serriois barrier
preventing women from progressing in their career, especially pregnant and lactating
women. The company should consider possible measures to promote a positive work-
life balance, such as flexible work shifts, remote working, and help with paying
babysitting. It is parental equality and allows both women and men have flexible work
options. For example, supporting working mothers and fathers by strengthening
maternity, paternity and parental shared wages and leave will help improve gender
equality as it can help. As a result, mothers can focus on their careers, as well as
support fathers who want to share the childcare responsibility.
In conclusion, although women now have more opportunities to prove
themselves in society than they did decades ago, inequality at work persists. Therefore,
we need to adopt two positive and feasible methods to reverse this problem, including
educating public awareness of gender equality and increasing flexible conditions to
help women balance their work and family.

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