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Circuit training

1. Plank

 Parts of the body you work: core, lower back, shoulders.

 Repetitions: 3
 30 seconds each repetition

2. Russian Twist

 Parts of the body that you work: core, obliques.

 Repetitions: 15

3. Squat to Overhead Press

• Parts of the body that you work: core, obliques.

• Repetitions: 15
4. Overhead Forward Lunge

 Parts of the body you work: Quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, shouders.

 Repetitions: 8 in each leg

5. Scorpion

 Parts of the body you work: abs, hips, back.

 Repetitions: 5 in each leg

7. Pullups

 Parts of the body you work: muscles, muscles of the bag

 Repetitions: 10
8. Shoulder Press

 Parts of the body you work:shoulders, tríceps, core.

 Repetitions: 10

9. Flutter kicks

 Parts of the body you work: core, specifically the lower rectus abdominal
muscles, plus the hip flexors.
 Repetitions: 15

10. Stability Ball Leg Curl

 Parts of the body you work: hamstrings, buttoks, abs.

 Repetitions: 15

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