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Organic Geochemistry 42 (2011) 1343–1350

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Quantitative estimation of overpressure caused by oil generation

in petroliferous basins
Xiaowen Guo a,b,⇑, Sheng He a, Keyu Liu b,c, Lunju Zheng d
Key Laboratory of Tectonics and Petroleum Resources, China University of Geosciences, Ministry of Education, Wuhan Hubei 430074, China
PetroChina Exploration and Development Research Institute, Beijing 100083, China
CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering, P.O. Box 1130 Bentley, WA 6102, Australia
Wuxi Research Institute of Petroleum Geology, SINOPEC, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214151, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Oil generation can be the dominant overpressure mechanism in low permeability source rocks because of
Received 21 April 2011 the volume increase upon conversion of organic matter to less dense oil during the petroleum generation
Received in revised form 22 August 2011 process. To quantitatively express the relationship between oil generation and overpressure in source
Accepted 27 August 2011
rocks, an equation for the pressure change due to oil generation was derived to quantitatively estimate
Available online 8 September 2011
the overpressure generated in the source rock by considering of the episodic fluid expulsion and param-
eters, such as the residual oil coefficient, source rock porosity, transformation ratio, TOC (total organic
carbon), hydrogen index, the compressibility of Type I kerogen, oil and pore water. The equation was then
calibrated with the results from physical simulation experiments in a closed pyrolysis system. Sensitivity
analyses on the residual oil coefficient, TOC and hydrogen index were performed to investigate the dom-
inant parameters controlling overpressure due to oil generation. A good correlation was achieved
between measured overpressure from the physical simulation experiments and the calculated data using
the derived equations for the pressure change due to oil generation, suggesting that the equation can be
used to quantitatively estimate overpressure caused by oil generation in source rocks. Many parameters
can affect overpressure caused by oil generation, including residual oil coefficient, source rock porosity,
TOC, hydrogen index, and transformation ratio. Sensitivity analyses indicate that the most effective
parameter on the pressure change due to oil generation in the source rocks is the residual oil coefficient,
implying that the internal pressure seal for the source rock is the most important parameter for overpres-
sure development caused by oil generation. Overpressure cannot be generated from oil generation if the
residual oil coefficient is less than 0.75. Source rock TOC and hydrogen index have moderate effects on
the pressure change caused by oil generation. Overpressure can be generated when the TOC content is
as low as 0.5% provided the source rocks have a good internal pressure seal.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction dehydration reactions (Powers, 1967; Schmidt, 1973; Magara,

1975), petroleum generation (Timko and Fertl, 1971; Hedberg,
Much of the world’s oil and gas was generated from overpres- 1974; Law and Dickinson, 1985; Spencer, 1987; Bredehoeft et al.,
sured source rock (Hunt, 1990). The estimation and prediction of 1994; Guo et al., 2010), thermal cracking of oil to gas (Barker,
modern and palaeo-pressure plays an important role in petroleum 1990; Tian et al., 2008) and tectonic compression (Berry, 1973).
system and basin analysis, and is essential for understanding basin Petroleum generation can result in high fluid pressures in sedi-
wide fluid migration and subsequent petroleum accumulation and mentary basins because the conversion of solid kerogen to oil
preservation. Processes thought to contribute to the development and gas results in an increase in fluid volume. Pore pressure in-
of overpressures include compaction disequilibrium (Dickinson, crease during organic maturation is evident from the primary
1953; Rubey and Hubbert, 1959; Magara, 1975; Sharp, 1976; migration process during which petroleum is expelled from low-
Tingay et al., 2009), aquathermal pressuring (Barker, 1972; permeability source rocks under pressure. Overpressure produced
Bradley, 1975; Plumley, 1980; Sharp, 1983), fluid release during by petroleum generation depends upon kerogen types, abundance
of organic matter, thermal history, and rock permeability (Osborne
and Swarbrick, 1997), which have been invoked to explain over-
⇑ Corresponding author at: Key Laboratory of Tectonics and Petroleum Resources,
China University of Geosciences, Ministry of Education, Wuhan Hubei 430074,
pressure in some older basins (e.g. Meissner, 1976, 1978; Law
China. and Bostick, 1980; Law and Spencer, 1981; Spencer, 1983, 1987).
E-mail address: (X. Guo). Gas generation is accompanied by a large volume expansion in

0146-6380/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Author's personal copy

1344 X. Guo et al. / Organic Geochemistry 42 (2011) 1343–1350


P overpressure caused by oil generation Mk kerogen mass

Ph pore pressure at point C = the normal hydrostatic pres- M1 generated oil mass
sure M2 residual oil mass
Pexp overpressure caused by oil generation at the end of oil Mexp residual oil mass in the source rock at the end of oil
expulsion expulsion
U0 the initial porosity M2-exp residual oil mass in the source rock after oil expulsion
Uc the porosity at point C qk kerogen density
Z depth qw water density
K compaction factor qo oil density at the surface
G gravitational constant Ck kerogen compressibility
Vk kerogen volume at point C Cw water compressibility
Vk1 kerogen volume at point D Co oil compressibility
Vw1 pore water volume at point C F transformation ratio of the source rocks
Vw2 pore water volume at point D Fexp transformation ratio of the source rock at the end of oil
Vo residual oil volume expulsion
Vexp residual oil volume in the source rock at the end of oil a residual oil coefficient
expulsion I hydrogen index

the source rock and clearly has the potential to be a major factor in adopted and an equation of overpressure generation caused by
overpressure generation (Osborne and Swarbrick, 1997). oil generation can therefore be derived by making certain assump-
However, there is still no consensus on whether oil generation tions. The major assumptions are: (1) normally compacted source
can yield overpressure in petroliferous basins. It is claimed that rocks without petroleum generation fall into the normal pressure
oil generation can only result in a 15% volume expansion for typical category; (2) oil and water coexist in the pore space and have
oil compositions and the volume change is thus believed to be the same pressure system; (3) natural gases generated from Type
insufficient to cause high pressures (Ungerer et al., 1983; Mudford I kerogen can be completely dissolved in the oil and water as sug-
and Best, 1989). From numerical modeling, Luo and Vassuer (1996) gested by comparing the gas: oil ratio data reported by Lewan and
concluded that oil generation does not normally play an important Henry (2001) for source rocks containing Type I kerogen with the
role in overpressure generation in the source rock unless the TOC is solubility ratio of gas in oil reported by Elsharkawy and Alikhan
over 5%. However, Bredehoeft et al. (1994) showed that pore pres- (1997); (4) the generated oil remains as a separate phase, and
sures from oil generation could be maintained for long periods in the oil solubility in the pore water is negligible with the dissolved
low-permeability source rocks, and that lithostatic pressure values oil having no significant effect on the overpressure generation as
can be attained. Berg and Gangi (1999) suggested that overpres- Price (1976) showed that although the temperature can increase
sures related to oil generation can be great enough to overcome the aqueous solubility of whole oils, the aqueous solubility of the
the capillary displacement pressures of fine-grained, low-perme- Farmers whole oil is only about 100 ppm at 150 °C; (5) the com-
ability source rocks, and are sufficient to drive oil from the source pressibility properties of the rock matrix, organic matter, and fluids
rocks to carrier beds. Guo et al. (2010) demonstrate that the over- remain constant during oil generation; (6) the pore volume of the
pressures in the Dongying Depression are caused by oil generation rock contains only water if there is no oil generation; (7) the Type I
from source rock within the Es3 and Es4 intervals. Therefore, over- kerogen-mass loss is equal to the oil-mass gain because the gener-
pressure in source rocks can be one of the main driving forces for ated natural gases are dissolved completely in the oil and pore
primary oil migration. When the pore-fluid pressure exceeds the water; (8) the loss of water from the source rock pore volume is
capillary pressure of the microfractures in the source rock, primary the same with the normal compacted source rocks without petro-
oil migration will occur. A number of authors attempted to quan- leum generation; (9) the thermal cracking of oil and volume
tify the relation between oil generation and overpressure (e.g., changes of pore water, oil and kerogen associated with thermal
Ozkaya, 1988; Ozkaya and Akbar, 1991; Berg and Gangi, 1999), expansion are negligible.
but they assumed that the source rocks have relatively high per- Overpressure due to the oil generation in source rocks is caused
meability (>1016 cm2) or there is no loss of fluid from the pore by the conversion of kerogen to oil. Therefore, the overpressure
volume. In this paper, a new equation is proposed to quantitatively equation is derived by comparison of overpressure due to oil gen-
estimate the overpressure caused by oil generation in source rock eration with the hypothetical model of the source rocks without oil
by considering the loss of oil and episodic fluid expulsion from the generation (Fig. 1A). For the hypothetical model, the pore water
source rock. The equation is then calibrated using the results of volume is equal to the porosity of the source rocks because the
laboratory simulation experiments. pore space is initially filled with water. As the source rock under-
going normal compaction, the porosity at point C can be calculated
according to Falvey and Middleton (1981)
2. Pressure changes from oil generation
1=Uc ¼ 1=U0 þ KZ ð1Þ
As source rocks are buried, the temperature increases. When
the burial depth reaches a threshold, the transformation ratio of or- where U0 is the initial porosity; Z is the depth, Uc is the porosity at
ganic matter becomes much higher and oil is then generated. The point C; K is the compaction factor. The adopted initial porosity and
pore space in the source rocks is filled with petroleum, water, compaction factor of mudstone are 0.62 and 2.4 km1, respectively.
and inert residue. Pore pressure increases as the organic matter The kerogen volume and pore pressure at point C can be written as:
in the source rock is converted into oil, which results in a volume
V k ¼ Mk =qk ð2Þ
increase. To determine the pressure change in the source rock due
Ph ¼ qw GZ ð3Þ
to oil generation, a hypothetical model without oil generation is
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the loss of water is equal to the porosity reduction of the normally

compacted source rock without petroleum generation (Fig. 1A).
The loss of oil is expressed by the residual oil coefficient, a, which
is defined as the ratio of the residual oil in the pore space of the
source rock over the total generative oil. The residual oil coefficient
increases with decreasing source rock permeability. The residual
oil in the pore space can be written as:
M2 ¼ aM 1 ð9Þ
where M2 is the residual oil mass in the pore space and a ranges
from 0 to 1. The oil volume at point D can be calculated as
V o ¼ M2 ½1  ðPh þ PÞC o =qo ð10Þ
where Co is the oil compressibility and qo is the oil density at the
surface. Combining Eqs. (4) and (9), we can get:
V o ¼ aIFMk ½1  ðP h þ PÞC o =qo ð11Þ
Replacing the left side of Eq. (11) by the right side of Eq. (8) it yields:
C w PV w1 þ IFV k þ ð1  IFÞC k PV k ¼ aIFMk ½1  ðPh þ PÞC o =qo ð12Þ
The overpressure due to oil generation then becomes the fol-
lowing expression by combining Eqs. (2) and (12):
IFMk ½aDð1  Ph C o Þ  1
P¼ ð13Þ
C w V w1 qk þ ð1  IFÞC k M k þ aIFMk DC o
Fig. 1. Comparison of pore water, kerogen, oil volumes and pore pressure for the where D = qk/qo. Eq. (13) is the exact expression for P when consid-
same depth of points C and D. (A) A hypothetical model for source rocks without oil
ering the loss of oil. Fracturing and episodic oil expulsion from the
generation. Vw1, Vk, Mk, Ph are pore water volume, kerogen volume and mass, and
pore pressure (hydrostatic pressure), respectively; (B) overpressure generation due source rock can occur if sufficient excess pore-fluid pressures are
to the conversion of kerogen to oil. Vw2, Vk1, Mk1, Vo, Mo, P are pore water volume, generated by the transformation of kerogen to oil. The pore-fluid
kerogen volume and mass, oil volume and mass, and overpressure caused by oil pressures decrease during fluid expulsion from the source rock
generation, respectively. and the fractures close with compaction (Robert and Nunn, 1995).
Once the fractures close, pore-fluid pressures would increase due
to the conversion of kerogen to oil and the pressure equation differs
where the Vk is the kerogen volume at point C; Mk is the kerogen
from Eq. (13) because the residual oil mass in the pore volume of
mass at point C; qk is the kerogen density; Ph is the pore pressure
the source rock is no longer equal to the Type I kerogen-mass loss
for the source rocks at point C; qw is the water density and G is
after oil expulsion. The pore pressure and transformation ratio of
the gravitational constant.
the source rock at the end of oil expulsion, Ph + Pexp and Fexp, are de-
Oil-mass generated from the source rock depends upon the
fined in this study to drive the overpressure equation after oil
transformation ratio, hydrogen index and the mass of the kerogen.
expulsion. The residual oil mass at the end of the oil expulsion
Thus, the generative oil-mass for source rock can be expressed as:
can be expressed as:
M 1 ¼ IFMk ð4Þ
Mexp ¼ V exp qo =½1  ðPh þ Pexp ÞC o  ð14Þ
where M1 is the generated oil-mass; I is the hydrogen index; F is the
transformation ratio and Mk is the mass of the kerogen. The com- where Mexp and Vexp are the residual oil mass and volume in the
paction of pore water and kerogen is more intense when the over- source rock at the end of oil expulsion, respectively. With increasing
pressure is generated in the source rock by converting kerogen to oil burial depth and temperature, the transformation ratio and residual
(Fig. 1B). The equation of pore water and kerogen volume at point D oil mass in the source rock increase, causing the fluid pressure to in-
can be written as: crease. The residual oil mass can be written as:
M2exp ¼ Mexp þ aIMk ðF  F exp Þ ð15Þ
V w2 ¼ ð1  C w PÞV w1 ð5Þ
V k1 ¼ ð1  IFÞð1  C k PÞV k ð6Þ where the M2-exp is the residual oil mass in the source rock after the
oil expulsion. The conversion of kerogen to oil can change the solid-
where Vw2 is the pore water volume at point D; Cw is the water com- to-liquid volume ratios and the porosity of the rock will increase,
pressibility, P is the overpressure caused by oil generation at point which may produce disequilibrium compaction in the source rock
D; Vk1 is the kerogen volume at point D and Ck is the kerogen com- if the porosity remains constant. The Vexp in Eq. (14) can be calcu-
pressibility. The oil volume at point D is the sum of the change in lated using Eq. (8).
the volume of water and kerogen from point C to D.
V exp ¼ C w Pexp V w1 þ IF exp V k þ ð1  IF exp ÞC k Pexp V k ð16Þ
V o ¼ ðV w1  V w2 Þ þ ðV k  V k1 Þ ð7Þ
The residual oil volume in the source rock after oil expulsion is
where Vo is the oil volume at point D. Combining Eqs. (5) and (6), we
V o ¼ ½Mexp þ aIMk ðF  F exp Þ½1  ðPh þ PÞC o =qo ð17Þ
Combining Eqs. (8) and (17), we can get
V o ¼ C w PV w1 þ IFV k þ ð1  IFÞC k PV k ð8Þ
D½M exp þ aIMk ðF  F exp Þð1  Ph C o Þ  IFMk
The volumes of fluids (oil and water) are crucial to quantita- P¼ ð18Þ
C w V w1 qk þ ð1  IFÞC k M k þ DC o ½Mexp þ aIMk ðF  F exp Þ
tively estimate overpressure caused by oil generation in source
rocks. The loss of fluids is associated with the source rock perme- However, oil expulsion from source rocks can cause the loss of
ability and the driving force of the fluids. In this paper, we assume porosity and the redistribution of overburden stress between solid
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rocks and pore fluids. We assumed the loss of porosity is equal to then filled with 100 g of the cleaned mudstone powder, thoroughly
the conversion of kerogen volume to oil. In this case, the Vexp in Eq. mixed with distilled water. Each reactor was completely filled with
(14) can be written as: water and sample. Temperatures were monitored with thermocou-
ples calibrated against the national standards at 300 °C, 325 °C,
V exp ¼ C w Pexp V w1 þ ð1  IF exp ÞC k Pexp V k ð19Þ
350 °C and 375 °C. The temperatures were initially set at 96 °C,
Thus, after the oil expulsion from source rock, Eq. (8) can be ex- 104 °C, 116 °C and 128 °C, and maintained for 4 h, then the pore
pressed as: pressure in the reactor was set to 26 MPa, 27.5 MPa, 33.2 MPa
and 36 MPa, respectively. The heating was programmed at 1 °C/
V o ¼ C w PV w1 þ IðF  F exp ÞV k þ ð1  IFÞC k PV k ð20Þ
min from the initial temperature to the designated temperature
Combining Eqs. (17) and (20), we obtain the overpressure with a final hold time of 48 h. Heating was then stopped and the
equation: container with the sample was gradually cooled to the initial tem-
perature for recording the final pore pressure. Mudstone powders
D½Mexp þ aIMk ðF  F exp Þð1  Ph C o Þ  IðF  F exp ÞM k were not compacted and a fluid expulsion system connected to a
P¼ ð21Þ
C w V w1 qk þ ð1  IFÞC k M k þ DC o ½Mexp þ aIMk1 ðF  F exp Þ liquid pump was used to avoid the generation of high fluid pres-
sures and damage to the equipment as the maximum working
In this overpressure equation, both the loss of oil and the episodic
pressure of the reactors is 150 MPa. The fluid expulsion system
fluid expulsion from the source rock are taken into account.
provides additional space for the reactor if the fluid pressure be-
comes too high. The expelled fluid was injected back into the reac-
3. Calibration by simulation experiments tor using a liquid pump during the cooling process. Closed-system
pyrolysis experiments were also conducted and temperatures were
Overpressure in source rock occurs due to the volume increase monitored with thermocouples calibrated against the national
during the transformation of high-density organic matter to less standards at 250 °C, 320 °C, 360 °C and 385 °C, respectively. The
dense oil. Therefore, closed system pyrolysis experiments can be experimental methods were described in detail by Zhang et al.
used to investigate the pressure changes during the artificial mat- (2007).
uration of Type I kerogen and the results can be used to calibrate
the equation of overpressure due to oil generation.
3.3. Results

3.1. Sample description The results of the blank tests show that pore pressures in the
reactor for temperatures at 250 °C, 275 °C and 380 °C are constant
The samples selected for this experiment must be immature to within 1 MPa over the testing period, indicating that aquathermal
ensure that prior oil generation has not occurred. They should also expansion cannot generate significant overpressure during an iso-
be dominated by Type I kerogen to minimize natural gas genera- thermal heating in a closed system.
tion. A black mudstone sample from the Dongpu Depression in In contrast to the blank tests, overpressures were observed in
the Bohai Bay Basin, East China was selected. Rock-Eval pyrolysis the closed system pyrolysis experiments on the black mudstone
shows that the sample has a TOC content of 4.77%, S1 of 0.74 mg samples (Fig. 2). Overpressures increase rapidly after reaching
HC/g rock, S2 of 36.39 mg HC/g rock, a hydrogen index (HI) of the desired isothermal temperatures in all experimental runs. An
763 mg HC/g TOC, and a Tmax of 438 °C. The geochemical data are abnormal pressure trend for the experimental run at 385 °C oc-
typical of Type I kerogen. The measured equivalent vitrinite reflec- curred from 0 to 400 min because little petroleum was expelled
tance (%Ro) is 0.48% using the fluorescence alteration of multiple before reaching the desired isothermal temperature of the source
macerals (FAMM) technique, suggesting a low maturity. The core rock.
sample was crushed to about 100 meshes and cleaned by using The overpressures observed in the closed system pyrolysis
Soxhlet extraction with chloroform for 72 h to remove residual experiments are believed to be caused by oil generation because:
hydrocarbons. (1) aquathermal expansion cannot generate overpressure as the
blank tests show that the pore pressures in the reactor are more
3.2. Experimental methods or less constant during the isothermal heating; (2) the observed fi-
nal overpressure values in the closed system pyrolysis experiments
The experiments on overpressure due to oil generation were increase with temperature from 250 °C to 385 °C and (3) petro-
conducted in stainless steel reactors similar to those described by leum expulsion from the source rock caused the overpressure to
Zhang et al. (2007), Lewan (1997) and Behar et al. (2003). This sim- decrease obviously.
ulation of overpressure caused by oil generation is a typical closed The final measured overpressures due to oil generation in the
system hydrous pyrolysis experiment. Blank tests were conducted closed system pyrolysis experiments are summarized in Table 1.
to investigate the overpressures due to aquathermal expansion
during isothermal heating in the closed system. The steel reactor
was filled with a steel core and distilled water. After the reactors
were sealed, they were filled with approximately 7 MPa of nitrogen
and checked for leakage under water. The nitrogen was subse-
quently released and the sealed reactor was evacuated. The re-
tained nitrogen pressure in the reactor after leak checking was
reduced to 0.067 Pa and no additional pressure was added. The
reactors were isothermally heated from 20 °C to the target temper-
ature at a rate of 1 °C/min. Once the hydrous experiment reached
the designated temperature, the pore pressure in the reactor was
set at 57 MPa at 250 °C, 25 MPa at 275 °C, and101 MPa at 380 °C.
Each designated temperature was maintained for 24 h within a
standard deviation of 0.2 °C. After the blank tests, the steel core Fig. 2. Results of the closed-system pyrolysis experiments showing overpressures
and distilled water in the reactor were removed. The reactor was during the oil generation from the black mudstone.
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X. Guo et al. / Organic Geochemistry 42 (2011) 1343–1350 1347

Table 1
Summary of the results from the physical simulation experiments showing overpressure caused by oil generation and its positive correlation with the source rock transformation
ratio and maturity. (Vitrinite reflectance (%Ro) is measured using the fluorescence alteration of multiple macerals (FAMM) technique.)

Temperature (°C) Ro (%) Transformation ratio Overpressure (MPa) Porosity (%) Density (g/cm3)
300 0.70 0.274 14.8 62.0 1.70
325 0.75 0.448 26.3 62.0 1.70
350 0.85 0.829 43.6 62.0 1.70
375 1.00 0.996 54.0 62.0 1.70

The measured overpressures increased with the source rock trans- profile was selected to model petroleum generation from a source
formation ratio and maturity. Overpressures varied from 14.8 MPa rock with primarily Type I kerogen using the BasinMod1-D soft-
to 54.0 MPa with an increase in source rock transformation ratio ware. An average geothermal gradient of 35 °C/km and a surface
(0.274–0.996) and maturity (0.70–1.00% Ro), respectively, further temperature of about 10 °C were used. The mudstone is assumed
confirming that the overpressure was caused by oil generation. to be normally compacted and the porosity–depth relationship
for the decompaction correction of Falvey and Middleton (1981)
3.4. Calibration was adopted. Maturation and petroleum generation were calcu-
lated by using the Easy% Ro routine (Sweeney and Burnham,
The pressure changes in the reactor associated with the fraction 1990) and the NULL chemical kinetic model (Braun and Burnham,
of kerogen converted were calculated using Eq. (13). The results 1987; Burnham et al., 1987; Sweeney et al., 1987), respectively,
can be used to calibrate the overpressure equation by comparison while taking into account of the Type I kerogen. The modeled
with the measured overpressure values. Because the mudstone porosity, maturity and transformation ratio of the source rock
samples are not under compaction, the porosity and density were within the oil generative window is shown in Fig. 4. From the
adopted from initial values of 62.0% and 1.7 g/cm3, respectively depth interval of 2000 m to 4200 m, the porosity of the source
(Table 1). The residual oil coefficient, a, was assigned a value of 1 rocks varies from 15.5% to 8.5% and the maturity ranges from
because the hydrous experiment is a closed system and there is 0.5% to 1.3% Ro. Oil generation begins at 2000 m depth and the
no fluid expulsion allowed in this study. The densities of the Type most intense oil generation occurs in the interval from 3200 m to
I kerogen, oil and distilled water are 1200 kg/m3, 900 kg/m3 and 3900 m, where the transformation ratio ranges from 10% to 98%.
1000 kg/m3, respectively. The Type I kerogen, oil and distilled Eq. (13) was used to calculate the overpressure from oil gener-
water compressibility are 1.4  103 MPa1(DuBow, 1984), ation without considering any episodic fluid expulsion from the
2.2  103 MPa1 (McCain, 1990) and 0.44  103 MPa1 (Amyx source rock even when the pore-fluid pressure exceeds the capil-
et al., 1960), respectively. The correlation between the calculated lary pressure of the fractures. Several cases were calculated using
and measured overpressure values (Fig. 3) indicates that the calcu- the overpressure equations with the following ranges for various
lated overpressure values using Eq. (13) are almost the same as parameters; TOC from 0.5% to 10% mg/g; hydrogen index from
those from the simulation experiments with a linear correlation 600 to 1000 mg HC/g TOC; and residual oil coefficients from 0.75
coefficient (R2) of 0.96. Eqs. (18) and (21), which consider episodic to 1.0. Fig. 5 displays the profiles of the calculated overpressure
fluid expulsion from source rocks cannot be calibrated by the cur- and pressure coefficients in the source rock. In all cases, there are
rent simulation experiments because of limitations of the experi- excellent linear trends between the overpressure and pressure
mental conditions. However, the goodness of fit of the calculated coefficient depth profiles and the depth profile of the source rock
overpressure to the measured values suggests that the equations transformation ratio, indicating that the transformation ratio is a
of overpressure due to oil generation proposed here can be used very important parameter for the pressure change caused by oil
to estimate the evolution of overpressure caused by oil generation. generation.
The overpressure increases with depth and reaches maximum
4. Sensitivity analysis of parameters values at 4000 m. The intense increase of overpressure occurs in
the depth interval from 3200 m to 3900 m due to intense oil gen-
The parameters affecting overpressure from oil generation in- eration from the source rock. When the TOC and hydrogen index
clude residual oil coefficient, oil and kerogen density and com- are kept constant at 5% and 800 mg HC/g TOC, the calculated over-
pressibility, source rock porosity, TOC, hydrogen index, and pressures caused by oil generation in the source rock at 3900 m are
transformation ratio. In this study, the sensitivity analyses of resid- 16 MPa, 34 MPa, 50 MPa, 64 MPa, 78 MPa and the corresponding
ual oil coefficient, TOC and hydrogen index were performed to pressure coefficients are 1.41, 1.87, 2.28, 2.64, 3.00, respectively
investigate the dominant parameters controlling overpressures for the residual oil coefficients of 0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 0.95 and 1.0. The in-
due to oil generation from source rocks. A hypothetical mudstone creases of overpressure and pressure coefficients are over 14 MPa
and 0.35, respectively with the increase of the residual oil coeffi-
cients is 0.05. Overpressures from oil generation cannot be gener-
ated if the residual oil coefficient is less than 0.75, implying that
the amount of episodic oil expulsion from the source rocks is less
than 25% of the total generated oil, assuming that there is no loss
of porosity after oil expulsion. Loss of porosity due to the redistri-
bution of overburden stress between solid rocks and pore fluids
may cause more oil expulsion from the source rocks. When the
hydrogen index and residual oil coefficients are kept at constant
values of 800 mg HC/g TOC and 1, respectively, the calculated over-
pressures in the source rock at 3900 m are 36 MPa, 51 MPa,
65 MPa, 78 MPa and 83 MPa, respectively for the TOC of 0.5%, 1%,
Fig. 3. Calibration of the equations of overpressure due to oil generation with the
simulation experiments shows a good linear correlation between measured data
2%, 5% and 10%. If the TOC and the residual oil coefficient of the
and calculated overpressure. source rock are kept at constant values of 5% and 1, respectively,
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1348 X. Guo et al. / Organic Geochemistry 42 (2011) 1343–1350

Fig. 4. Depth profiles of modeled porosity, maturity and transformation ratio for a hypothetical source rock within the oil generative window, showing that the most intense
oil generation occurs in the depth interval of 3200–3900 m.

Fig. 5. Calculated overpressure (A–C) and pressure coefficient profiles (D–F) using the equation derived for estimating overpressure from oil generation, showing that the
most effective parameter on the pressure change is the residual oil coefficient. TOC = total organic content, I = hydrocarbon index, a = residual oil coefficient.

the increase of overpressure and pressure coefficient are about value of 100 mg HC/g TOC. It can be seen that overpressures from
6 MPa and 0.15, respectively with an incremental hydrogen index oil generation can occur when the TOC content of the source rock is
Author's personal copy

X. Guo et al. / Organic Geochemistry 42 (2011) 1343–1350 1349

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