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The finance director of the Bethandy Independent School

District is
The finance director of the Bethandy Independent School District is making preliminary
estimates of the budget outlook for the General Fund for the 20X8 fiscal year. These estimates
will permit the superintendent to advise the department heads properly when budget
instructions and forms are distributed. She has assembled the following information:3. Fund
balance at the end of 20X7 is expected to be $1,600,000; at least $1,500,000 must be available
at the end of 20X8 for carryover to help finance 20X9 operationsRequireda. Prepare a draft
operating budget for the Bethandy Independent School District for the 20X8 fiscal year,
including 20X7 comparative data and expected change computations. Assume that 20X8
appropriations are to equal 20X8 estimated revenues.b. What total salaries and wages amount
and average percentage increase or decrease are implied in the draft operating budget
prepared in part (a)? What are the maximum salary and wages amount and percentage
increase that seem to be feasible in20X8? View Solution: The finance director of the Bethandy
Independent School District is

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