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Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2019-101611 on 31 December 2019. Downloaded from on December 31, 2019 at Imperial College London Library.
Back to basics: 10 facts every person ►► Fact 1: LBP is not a serious life-­
threatening medical condition.

should know about back pain

►► Fact 2: Most episodes of LBP improve
and LBP does not get worse as we age.
►► Fact 3: A negative mindset, fear-­
Peter B O’Sullivan ‍ ‍ ,1,2 JP Caneiro,1,2 Kieran O’Sullivan ‍ ‍ ,3,4 avoidance behaviour, negative recovery
expectations, and poor pain coping
Ivan Lin ‍ ‍ ,5 Samantha Bunzli,6 Kevin Wernli ‍ ‍ ,1,2 Mary O’Keeffe ‍ ‍ 7 behaviours are more strongly associ-
ated with persistent pain than is tissue
Low back pain (LBP) is the leading cause harm is being done to the spine and a ►► Fact 4: Scans do not determine prog-
of disability worldwide, and is often asso- signal to stop or modify activity. nosis of the current episode of LBP,
ciated with costly, ineffective and some- ►► Myth 6: LBP is caused by poor posture the likelihood of future LBP disability,
times harmful care.1 What drives disability when sitting, standing and lifting. and do not improve LBP clinical
and poor care?2 Unhelpful beliefs about ►► Myth 7: LBP is caused by weak 'core' outcomes.
LBP are associated with greater levels of muscles and and having a strong core ►► Fact 5: Graduated exercise and move-
pain, disability, work absenteeism, medi- protects against future LBP. ment in all directions is safe and
cation use and healthcare seeking.3 ►► Myth 8: Repeated spinal loading results healthy for the spine.
Unhelpful beliefs are common in people in ‘wear and tear’ and tissue damage. ►► Fact 6: Spine posture during sitting,
with and without LBP, and can be rein- ►► Myth 9: Pain flare-­ups are a sign of standing and lifting does not predict
forced by the media, industry groups and tissue damage and require rest. LBP or its persistence.
well-­meaning clinicians. ►► Myth 10: Treatments such as strong ►► Fact 7: A weak core does not cause
In this editorial and infographic, we medications, injections and surgery are LBP, and some people with LBP tend
identify 10 common unhelpful beliefs effective, and necessary, to treat LBP. to overtense their ‘core’ muscles.
about LBP and outline how they may While it is good to keep the trunk
influence behavioural and psychological Behavioural responses to muscles strong, it is also helpful to
responses to pain. We counter with 10 unhelpful beliefs relax them when they aren’t needed.
important facts about LBP, calling on clini- Unhelpful beliefs may lead to unhelpful ►► Fact 8: Spine movement and loading

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cians to incorporate these into their inter- behaviours such as avoiding: normal spine is safe and builds structural resilience
actions with patients. The infographic is postures (ie, slouch sitting), movement (ie, when it is graded.
designed for the public use (figure 1). flexing the spine) and meaningful activities ►► Fact 9: Pain flare-­ups are more related
(ie, spine loading, physical activity, social to changes in activity, stress and mood
Ten unhelpful LBP beliefs activities, and activities of daily living and rather than structural damage.
Unhelpful LBP beliefs are common, or work). Unhelpful beliefs may also lead ►► Fact 10: Effective care for LBP is rela-
culturally endorsed and not supported by to unhelpful protective behaviours such as tively cheap and safe. This includes:
evidence.2 4 5 muscle guarding, bracing ‘core’ muscles education that is patient-­ centred and
►► Myth 1: LBP is usually a serious and slow and cautious movement. Further, fosters a positive mindset, and coaching
medical condition. they may lead to a person to opt for more people to optimise their physical and
►► Myth 2: LBP will become persistent biomedical and/or invasive interventions mental health (such as engaging in phys-
and deteriorate in later life. in an attempt to ease symptoms (pharma- ical activity and exercise, social activities,
►► Myth 3: Persistent LBP is always cology, passive therapies, injections), and healthy sleep habits and body weight,
related to tissue damage. fix proposed postural faults (eg, postural and remaining in employment).8
►► Myth 4: Scans are always needed to exercises) or allegedly damaged structures
detect the cause of LBP. Where to from here?
(ie, stem cell treatments, surgery).4
►► Myth 5: Pain related to exercise and
We clinicians must commit to providing
movement is always a warning that people with evidence-­ informed education
and care for LBP. Educational resources
Psychological responses to
School of Physiotherapy and Exercise Science, Curtin exist to support this process (eg, www.​lowb​
unhelpful beliefs
University, Perth, Western Australia, Australia ackp​ainc​ommu​nication.​com, https://www.​
Body Logic Physiotherapy, Shenton Park, Western Unhelpful LBP beliefs may contribute to a
Australia, Australia negative mindset regarding LBP, leading to
School of Allied Health, University of Limerick,
Exploring patients’ concerns, fears and
pain vigilance, fear of engaging in valued
Limerick, Ireland beliefs about LBP provides an opportunity
activities and worries for the future.
Ageing research centre health research institute, for constructive discussion underpinned
Health Research Institute, University of Limerick, Coupled with a lack of self-­efficacy and
by motivational techniques. Coaching
Limerick, Ireland adaptive skills to effectively self-­manage,
5 people to confidently engage with variable
WA Centre for Rural Health, University of Western these factors can impair mental health (eg,
Australia, Geraldton, Western Australia, Australia postures, movement, graded loading, phys-
cause stress, anxiety, depression).6
Department of Surgery, St Vincent’s Hospital, The ical activity, healthy living, social and work
University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
engagement, can build a positive mindset
School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine and Ten helpful facts about LBP regarding LBP. This may help reduce distress
Health, University of Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales,
Australia A positive mindset regarding LBP is asso- and build self-­efficacy for people to better
ciated with lower levels of pain, disability self-­manage, and enable patients to make
Correspondence to Professor Peter B O’Sullivan,
and healthcare seeking.7 Once red flags better-­informed decisions about their care.
School of Physiotherapy and Exercise Science, Curtin
University, Perth, WA 6102, Australia; and serious pathology are excluded, We clinicians have a collective responsibility
​p.​osullivan@c​ urtin.​edu.a​ u evidence supports that: to educate patients, public, politicians,

O'Sullivan PB, et al. Br J Sports Med Month 2019 Vol 0 No 0    1


Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2019-101611 on 31 December 2019. Downloaded from on December 31, 2019 at Imperial College London Library.
Figure 1  What every person should know about low back pain. Protected by copyright.

funders, industry, policy makers and other KOS) deliver educational workshops on patient-­centred Br J Sports Med 2019;0:1–3.
clinicians to help reduce the disability and care. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2019-101611
cost burden in society.5 Patient consent for publication  Not required.
Provenance and peer review  Not commissioned; Peter B O’Sullivan http://​orcid.​org/​0000-​0002-​3982-​
Twitter Kieran O'Sullivan @kieranosull, Kevin Wernli @ externally peer reviewed. 4088
KWernliPhysio and Mary O'Keeffe @MaryOKeeffe007
© Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2019. No Kieran O’Sullivan http://​orcid.​org/​0000-​0002-​7137-​
Contributors  All authors were involved in developing commercial re-­use. See rights and permissions. 3125
the concept. POS drafted the manuscript. All authors Published by BMJ. Ivan Lin http://​orcid.​org/​0000-​0001-​6901-​2569
contributed to and approved the final version Kevin Wernli http://​orcid.​org/​0000-​0001-​6035-​9873
Mary O’Keeffe http://​orcid.​org/​0000-​0001-​7104-​9248
Funding  The authors have not declared a specific
grant for this research from any funding agency in the To cite O’Sullivan PB, Caneiro JP, O’Sullivan K, et al. References
public, commercial or not-­for-­profit sectors. Br J Sports Med Epub ahead of print: [please include 1 Foster NE, Anema JR, Cherkin D, et al. Prevention and
Competing interests  POS, JPC, KOS are members of Day Month Year]. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2019-101611 treatment of low back pain: evidence, challenges, and
the editorial board of BJSM. Three authors (POS, JPC, Accepted 16 December 2019 promising directions. The Lancet 2018;391:2368–83.

2 O'Sullivan PB, et al. Br J Sports Med Month 2019 Vol 0 No 0


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O'Sullivan PB, et al. Br J Sports Med Month 2019 Vol 0 No 0 3

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