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EVOLUTION OF JAPAN (Once-now essay)

It does not always happen that one’s blighted past leads to its gleaming future but when it
happens, and then it requires enfeebled struggles. So japan is one of those examples. Its
history moves like roller coaster ride, having ups and downs, twist and turns. It transforms from
early modern japan to be destroyed in Word War 2 then to become economic miracle.

Japan emerged as early modern japan in Tokugawa period era (1600-1868).This name is after
ruling family. Before this period, japan was divided in self-governed individual states but in this
period japan became centralized state as one nation. All single associated states mingled under
one single page. This era is first democratic period of japan and in this period japan extended its
trade all over the world.

After Tokugawa era, then there came Meiji era. In this era japan industrialize itself. Japan was
involved in many wars from World War 2 to Pearl Harbor war. In World War 2 it was in the
alliance of axis. Japan has suffered more in wartime; it became scapegoat mostly in every war
that it had participated. In World War 1 it succeeded to defend sea lanes of west-pacific and
Indian Ocean against Germans but at the same time it failed to have influence over china. In
World War 2 it was brutally destroyed.

As mentioned above that japan has suffered more in war time. The major setback that japan
had faced in World War 2 was two successive atomic bomb blast on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
First victim city was Hiroshima, on that day the vicinity was busy like bees then sudden blast
happened which led hustling and bustling among people. The fire wind which was created by
that blast attained the velocity of 30 to 40 miles dispersing into the whole city. It is estimated that
90 to 80 thousand people were killed and equally were injured, then in very next three days
same atomic bomb blasted on the soil of Nagasaki and created the same situation as previous
one’s. Due to Hiroshima’s attack people were confined to their homes because these conditions
did not let them to do work which caused less ratio of dead people as compared to previous one
of 35 to 40 thousands being victimized as dead. The radiations which were spread by fire wind
caused 15-20% people dead because of their harmful burning effects. Even today these
radiations have their impacts on those affected areas’ residents by having disabling effects in
their offspring.

After the unstandable defeat in World War 2 japan was totally occupied by its opponent alliance
which was leaded by United States of America. It was like bearing the unbearable for Japanese.
General Douglas MacArthur, who was supreme commander of Allied forces, with other
members made policy to de-militarize japan. He wanted to re-build and re-construct japan.
General Douglas and other allied members like Great Britain, The Soviet Union and the republic
of china made the final decision to divide the occupied japan into three phases: the initial effort
to punish and reform japan, the work to revive the Japanese economy and the conclusion of
formal peace treaty and the alliance. This postwar occupied japan era was ended in 1952 under
the san François treaty. In 1954 Japan’s self- defense force was established and it became as
centralized state.
After being freed from the governance of allied force, for japan it was like to start their journey
from the beginning because they had lost everything in World War 2. They were not having
industries. They could not do irrigation due poison and chemicals stored under the soil. Some
ten millions people were left unemployed for not having resources. They realized that they have
nothing to be lost but they were left with skills and techniques, which were necessary to
compete with the world and they competed. They commenced their new life with such a intense
interest of work that in very short span of time about 8-10 years their economy began to take off
by 1960 from 14.1 $US billion dollars to 1040.1 $US dollars in 1980. This was second highest in
the world after United States of America. This period was called economic miracle of japan. The
Japanese companies, who were selling arms and weapons during wartime, turned into peaceful
economic development companies. They granted loans from many banks in order to grow
themselves quickly. They made them technically strong by inventing and building unique
technologies in the world. In 1973 Japan’s GDP was 95% that of Britain and 69% that of United
states of America. In 1991 Japan’s economy was named as “BUBBLE ECONOMY” because in
this year Japan’s GDP was 120% that of Britain and 85% that of United states America. After
World War 2 Japan’s economy takes off higher than that of any other countries in the world.
Japan made itself a technological master.

Coming to conclusion, there is no doubt that time changes but with this change our skills do not
change (if we have) like Japanese people. Once they were totally blighted in world war 2 then
their came economic miracle in japan, which made them capable to move along with time and
world now they are the one of most economic and literate nations in the world. Defeat in World
War 2 helped Japanese people to do something unique and technical to show their solid
existence in the world. Difficulties make us strong to be harder and more bearable.

Vishal Malhi


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