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Real warrior never quits.

Inspiration is like flowers in a garden, where you are free to choose a flower by which you are
being magnetized and inspired. Inspiration is everywhere. While one walks along roadside
sudden sees a handicapped person, toiling effortlessly in order to run out his kitchen expenses,
influences him, when one watches movie then there comes a dialogue which realizes him/her
about its importance. I have also been victimized by these in sighting factors. The movie which
has taken off my passion to do something and has inspired me majorly is “KUNG FU PANDA”.

This movie’s plot circles around a big, fat and peculiar panda named Poe who always dreamt to
be a dragon warrior of the valley of peace but being the lonely son of his father (who was a
duck); he had to accompany his father in noodle shop. One day a ceremony of choosing a
dragon warrior for the valley of peace took place and he (the Poe) was the most eager residents
among others to experience that event. That had to be taken place on highly altitudinal place of
that valley and was the last one to arrive there but unfortunately the doors were closed. He
tried many times to be in that event place but failed every time at last he sat on the chair of
cracker rockets and ignited them and took off to the sky then accidently fell inside that event
hall and was chosen dragon warrior by Oogway (the legend of Kung Fu). That was unacceptable
and perplexing for everyone even for the Poe himself. Shifu (the mentor and instructor of kung
Fu) argued to replace him with other nominated competitors then Oogway persuaded Shifu
that he has to make Poe a dragon warrior. After the hard trained by Shifu, finally Poe defeated
the villainous beast Tylong and saved the valley of peace.

Whenever I get depressed from the adversities of life I watch this movie because this movie
boasts up and refreshes energetic soul inside me and reminds me that if Poe can be a dragon
warrior then why can I not be the warrior of my own destiny. When I did not clear the aptitude
test of IBA then I did not let my self be foiled and I kept going forward and commenced to re-
prepare for that required level of IBA’s test. I have learnt from this movie that there will be
many impeding situations in your life but to resolve them you have to find your own way. You
may miscarry but at last you will be successful. You won’t get the opened doors to seek
opportunities like Poe didn’t. When he reached at the place of event the doors were closed but
he did not let his morale to be down and he strived to get into the ceremony.

Life is full of surprises. It is like that frame of boxes in any game show in which you are unaware
that which box has car inside it, or which box is empty. Same situation was with Poe when he
just only desired to experience and to see the fortunate dragon warrior but accidently ended up
as dragon warrior. On this decision master Shifu said to Oogway that he has fallen accidently
then Oogway replied that there are no accidents everything happens according to planned by
When you assign an obese and fat person to do summersaults then there will be skeptical ones
who will criticize you and on that person physique like Poe, who was also criticize for his
swollen belly but he left all these taunts in the world of ignorance and kept focusing on the
teaching of his master Shifu. The best dialogue from this movie that I have observed is
“yesterday is mystery, tomorrow is history but today is gift that’s why it is termed as present”.
It was narrated by wise Oogway to Shifu. These lines may be well-worn to us but they have
their significance that’s the reason that they are still part of our motivational speeches. Our
good present leads us to our good future. There is no miraculous linkage between present and

We people demand specialty and perfection in everything but to acquire them or to make them
we have to believe in special. I have also taken insight from this movie that one thing should
not be kept common for everyone. Everyone should be taught and treated in his own way
because everyone is different. As Poe loved to food, He eats more when he is upset, he also
eats more when he is happy so Shifu trained him by creating greed inside him of food.

One often pursues to seek the secrets of success but there are not any secrets of success. If one
strives hard to attain his/her goal, then he/she will absolutely be triumphant, but this won’t
happen that at one day one sleeps and then awakes with millionaire’s tag. These illogical tales
lead us to live in fool’s paradise. The scene comes when Poe (the dragon warrior) looked at the
dragon scroll (a scroll that is only eligible for dragon warrior) which was placed over the top of
roof of that dragon place. Shifu with his kung Fu skills got that scroll down and gave it to Poe.
When Poe opened the scroll then he got amazed and also disappointed because that scroll was
empty and plain, and it was showing nothing except his face; the reason was that he thought
that he went through tough training after chosen as dragon warrior. After some time, he
understood the emptiness of scroll by recalling that when he used to ask his father about secret
ingredients of noodle soup then one day his father told that there are no secret ingredients it’s
just what you make. At that moment he realized that mirror in that scroll is the secret thing
which reflects me towards myself and actualizes me my awesomeness’s.

Coming to the conclusion, we cannot make a tree blossom when it suits us nor bear fruit before
its time as sunlight has its own time to strike its rays on our globe; moon has its own time to
make night calm. One often meets his destiny on the road that he takes to avoid it. I have
observed a deep insight from this movie. Never ever distress because a real hero resides in you.

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