Global Warming

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Part 1

Question 1:
Report generated on: 07-26-2020
18:54:28 API INTL.4008-8-USA-MMTCD.A
United States CO2 Emissions (Mmtonnes CO2)
0 4750.675
3 4367.856
5 4586.301
9 5066.674
1 4993.74
4 5259.91
6 5510.158
9 5689.163
1 5760.367
3 5851.851
6 5910.783
0 5585.596
2 5236.945
4 5413.51
5 5267.066
Question 2:
Polynomial Degree 1
US CO2 Emission

f(x) = 27.32 x − 49317.95
USA CO2 Emission MMT

5000 R² = 0.46





1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020

CO2 Emission Linear (CO2 Emission)

Polynomial Degree 2

US CO2 Emission

f(x) = − 2.38 x² + 9530.24 x − 9543223.18
USA CO2 Emission MMT

5000 R² = 0.79





1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020

CO2 Emission Polynomial (CO2 Emission)

Polynomial Degree 3
US CO2 Emission

f(x) = − 0.16 x³ + 974.44 x² − 1941864.8 x + 1289870623.92
USA CO2 Emission MMT

5000 R² = 0.91





1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020

CO2 Emission Polynomial (CO2 Emission)

Question 3:

Polynomial Equation
Degree 1 y = 27.321x - 49318
Degree 2 y = -2.3779x2 + 9530.2x - 1E+07
y = -0.16x3 + 974.44x2 - 1,941,864.80x +
Degree 3 1,289,870,623.95

Question 4:
Polynomial Degree 3 gives the best fit since it is more fit towards the scatter plots. Moreover,
the close the R-square is to 1, the more the curve fit.
Question 5:
y = -0.16x3 + 974.44x2 - 1,941,864.80x + 1,289,870,623.95
5 2480.49
203 -3984.17
5 -14400.89
Question 6:
Population Total Carbon
Country (m) Carbon (metric tons/capita) Emission
USA 325 16.94 5505.5
Canada 35 15.70 549.5
China 1390 6.95 9660.5
India 1260 1.73 2179.8
Russia 136 11.61 1578.96
Germany 82 9.75 799.5
Australia 22 16.93 372.46
Japan 127 9.56 1214.12
Italy 57 5.97 340.29
South Africa 47 8.33 391.51
Kingdom 61 6.46 394.06
Mexico 119 3.79 451.01

C a r bO n E m i ssi on/Per soN





Carbpn Emission/Person




a a ia ia y ia y a
SA ad in an an al ic m
U d ss al p It fr
an C
h In R
u rm st
r Ja A gd ex
C e u in M
G A th K
So ed
Total Carbon Emission Per Country

10000 9660.5

Total Carbon Emission

6000 5505.5


2000 1578.96
549.5 372.46 340.29 391.51 394.06 451.01


USA Canada China India Russia Germany

Australia Japan Italy South Africa United Kingdom Mexico

Part 2
Question 1:
Global warming is a part of global issue namely, climate change, which pertains to the fact
that there is a long-term increase in the temperature of the planet, caused by the increased use
of products or activities that emit greenhouse gases, which linger in the atmosphere, mainly
due to human activities such as deforestation, farming and burning of fossil fuels.
The main causes of this global phenomenon are as follows:
i. Burning of fossil fuels:
When fossil fuels such as oil, gas and coal etc. are burned to create electricity, they
release CO2 in the atmosphere, causing pollution. According to a census, USA and
Australia are the main hubs of pollution with the most CO2 emission per capital
(16.94 and 16.93 respectively).
Solution to this problem could be that these countries can reduce CO2 emission by
using alternative methods of generating electricity like solar power, wind energy etc.
Moreover, if not that, then the amount of coal and gas used in the creation of
electricity can be reduced to some extent.
ii. Deforestation
Up to 1/5th of the pollution comes from the greenhouse gasses emitted due to
deforestation. Plants play a huge role in keeping the CO2 levels low in the
atmosphere by storing the carbon dioxide, and when these plants are cut or used as a
raw material for other products, the vegetation is burnt and the CO2 is released again
in the atmosphere.
The solution for this is to have laws against deforestation. More plants must be
planted to keep the air clean. We should shop more sustainably and ergonomically.
iii. Agrarian Practices
When livestock graze, their feed produces methane, which is a greenhouse gas,
moreover, fertilizers used release nitrous oxide, which is another greenhouse gas.
Solution to this issue would be to use different livestock feed and fertilizers should be
Question 2:
The evidence of rapid climate change is the increase in the global temperature, the
acidification of ocean, extreme events, increase in the temperature of oceans, the glacial
retreats, the melting of ice caps which then causes the rise in the sea level etc.
Question 3:
Carbon dioxide is one type of greenhouse gas which enters the air due to human activity
causing climate change and hence, global warming. CO2 emission pertains to 82% of the
total greenhouse pollution. Climate change is the main issue caused by this emission. As the
global temperature rises, our temperature rises as well. This causes extreme events such as
wildfires, tropical storms, droughts, and heatwave. As it causes drought and other extreme
events, crops and plants are unable to survive, which is detrimental to the crop yield. Same is
the case with animals, various indigenous species are not able to survive due to the change in
the climate, which would lead to extinction altogether. This emission directly affects humans
as well, causing respiratory diseases, heat stroke etc. Moreover, if animals and crop yield fall,
humans would have to face repercussions as well.
Question 4:
On a personal level, I am concerned about climate change and the negligence and naivety of
people who still do not believe in it. News has been going around about many different
issues. But some need to be reflected upon. Firstly, the news report by the UN called the
‘extinction report’, which stated that millions of species are at risk of extinction, species like
bees, ants etc. and without them, there would be no humans. The second factor is the 1.5-
degree report. Which stated that if the world keeps warming up at this rate, it might not be
livable anymore. Moreover, climate change is not being pessimistic, it is as real as a cancer
diagnosis. We need to understand that it is there and need to do something to prevent it.
Activists such as Greta Thunberg have been trying to decrease carbon emission by going
vegan, upcycling, and giving up flying, and raising awareness through graphs and data. For
she believes that if these people do not do anything, they are eventually stealing the future of
the next generations.
Question 5:
These numbers can be improved if we reduce carbon footprint by using the zero-waste
policy. Following are 5 ways to reduce carbon emission:
i. Use of the 5 R’s
a. Refuse the use of plastic and products with CFCs
b. Reduce our shopping by buying necessary products only
c. Reuse the product by repairing it to keep it out of landfill e.g. metal straws
d. Rot: set up a compost system
e. Recycle
ii. Drive less and walk more
iii. Conserve water
iv. Eat seasonally and locally
v. Use alternative energy which is sustainable and clean
Question 6:
The video shows a visualization of carbon emission in New York via spheres. Each sphere
has the density of 1.87kg/m³ of carbon dioxide. With, only in 2010, New York emitted
54MMT of CO2 which means 1.72 tones every second! And if the carbon footprint remains
the same it means that they would have to see a sphere every 0.58 second. And even though,
they have said to decrease this by 30% in 2016, but there is still a long way to do before NY
completely rids themselves off this carbon footprint.
Question 7:
Using the google earth carbon emission visualizer option people would be able to see how
much carbon in being emitted. Below are some examples on how this is being used now a
Emission by Category
These are just some examples how Google Earth helps visualize the carbon emission.
Question 8:
According to my prediction, this would increase to 50 billion due to the increase in the
population and the rapid use of products that cause high carbon footprint. Even though,
people are getting more and more aware about the greenhouse effect, but nothing is being
done on a larger scale to prevent it.

According to a census, CO2 emission would increase to 43.08 billion metric tones by 2050.
We are not able to make stronger predictions, as corona virus has done some changes to the
environment. Due to the decrease in movement, use of car, public spaces, restaurants etc. the
air has said to be cleaner, with the ozone layer recovering. The population is decreasing,
freeing the world of some burden. But on the other hand, medical supplies, plastic sanitizer
bottles, latex gloves, masks, and other equipment have been discarded openly causing
pollution. Hence, nothing can be definitive. Some precautionary measures can be taken, as
said in answer 5, to reduce carbon emission.
Question 9:
The highest carbon emission is done by China, and it needs to take precautionary measures to
reduce it emission. The air in China is not breathable and has caused many premature deaths.
This is due to the increase in population, economic growth which in return led to increased
standard of living which then lead to the increased use of vehicles. Other factors contain the
countries weather which plays a part and topography. Different policies can include:

1. Carbon tax to reduce emission

2. lower tax on electric vehicles to increase their use
3. Nuclear policies
4. Reduction in use of air conditioners by introducing green policies
5. Incentivize carbon farming
6. Prevent food wastage
Question 10:
When it comes to equity, the rich i.e. the upper middle class and the higher class pertain to
the emission of 86% of the total emission, whereas the lower middle and the lower class only
emit 14% and the poor countries 0.5%. This shows that the countries with a better standard of
living are more prone to carbon emission. [CITATION Han18 \l 1033 ]
The Kyoto Protocol was the first agreement drawn between nations to reduce the greenhouse
effect. This treaty aimed to stabilize the concentration of the greenhouse gasses being emitted
per country. Since this treaty was finalized and signed in Kyoto, Tokyo hence the name.
Right now, many countries have ratified this treaty except for USA. Currently there are 192
countries that are a part of this petition which Canada withdrawing in 2012. US signed a non-
ratification as G.W. Bush stated that countries with huge population such as India and China
did not have to comply, it meant that compliance with this would not be beneficial to the US
economy. Currently, US is the only signatory that has not ratified the Protocol. According to
President Obama, USA is investing in new energy which means reduce their reliance on
foreign oil, use sustainable energy and retain policies. But, as President Trump is against
climate change and believes that there is no such thing, no precautions would be taken, and
global warming might keep increasing over the years depending on the administration. It
attributes to 27% of the global emission.

Ritchie, H. (2018). Global inequalities in CO₂ emissions. Our World in Data.

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