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Year Six Home Learning

Key Skills:

Maths and English: SATs Buster Books

I have sent home ALL of your child’s Buster Books to enable them to practise their work at home.

If we are advised to close, I will be setting homework from these books to enable your child to work
on the areas of each subject that we have covered in class.

If the children have forgotten how to answer these questions, or they have forgotten the rule, then
please assist them with their learning to enable them to develop this.

How much do the children need to complete each day?

Each week, on the website, I will update you on which activities the children need to complete on
which day.

Week 1:

Day Book Pages

Monday Grammar 2 5-9

Number, Ratio and Algebra 1-6

Tuesday Grammar 2 10-13

Number, Ratio and Algebra 7-12

Wednesday Grammar 2 13-17
Number, Ratio and Algebra 13-17
Thursday Punctuation 1 28-31

Geometry, Measure and 1-6

Friday Punctuation 1 31-34
Geometry, Measure and 7-10

Note: some of the pages in these books have been completed and therefore, the children can move
on from these pages.

What I want from the children:

1. If we are not in school, I would like you to complete these books as a part of your daily
routine -I will share a timetable of our day in school on the class page - on the school
2. Start from the front of the books and work with precision through them to ensure that you
are happy with the answers you are giving.

REMEMBER: legible handwriting, neat and tidy presentation, EFFORT.

I want to see your best.

3. I will be looking at the work you have been doing and I will expect to see that you have tried
your best.
4. Move on from anything you feel we haven’t yet covered.

Things to help you:

Punctuation 1 and Grammar 1 are slightly easier.

Punctuation 2 and Grammar 2 are harder.


Use the links below to access some practice SATs reading questions


Visit the Year Six page on the website to see the Year 3/4 and
Year 5/6 spelling words.

Children can use these words to practise.


4-in-a-row (the children can teach you how to play this)

Bubble writing

Rainbow writing. Write each letter in a different colour of the rainbow.

Use a grid to create your own word search. Begin by writing your spelling words in the grid then fill it
with other letters.

Use a grid to create your own crossword

Word Unscramble. Prepare a list of spellings but put the letters in the wrong order e.g. ‘hotter’ as
‘tethor’. See how quickly you can identify the correct spelling.

Boggle. Give the children a group of letters. See how many words you can make using the letters
only once. Give yourself 2 points for a 2 letter word, 3 points for a 3 letter word etc.
Spelling Boom. To play Spelling Boom you must write spelling words onto lollypop
sticks. Make sure to write the word “Boom” on a few of the sticks or cards. Each
player blindly draws a stick or card and hands it to the teacher or another player to
read the word. If they spell the word correctly they get to keep the stick. If they
answer it incorrectly then they must put it back into the cup or pile. If the student
chooses a Boom stick they must put back all of the words that they have collected so far. The person
with the most sticks in the end of the game wins!

Spelling Squares. This game is similar to 3 in a row where a player has to draw three ‘x’ or ‘o’ on a
3x3 grid to win. When a child spells a word correctly they can draw and ‘x’ or an ‘o’ on the grid. If
they spell the word incorrectly they cannot draw anything on the grid.

Display spelling words backwards. How quickly can you work out what the word should say?

Each child has log in details for:

 Numbots ( ) This website supports children’s

counting, addition and subtraction understanding as well as number bonds.
 TTRockstars ( ) On this website children can practise
recalling multiplication and division facts for times tables.

A guide to using Numbots and TTRockStars can be found in the Supporting Children’s
Learning section on the school website.

A list of card and dice games and grammar games can be found on your
child’s class page on the school website

Creative Activities

I will also be giving children a range of creative activities that they could complete at home.

 A creative writing task- any genre- and theme- make me feel like I MUST read on
 Wordle poster (digital or not) on the Year 3/4/5/6 spellings
 A recount of the life of a slave (Harriet Tubman, Henry Box Brown)
 3D monument that represents the news that has caused trauma, worry and devastation
over the last year
o Australia, flooding, climate change…
 Compose a piece of music digitally or with any instruments you have at home
 Bake with your family

Useful websites

A number of educational websites have offered free support for parents. Please see the list below:

 Twinkl is offering parents a one month free ultimate membership. Go to and enter the code UKTWINKLHELPS.
 The Body Coach TV – 5 Minute Move

If you need to communicate with your class teacher at any time, please email

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