Lowe Ruling (BIR Ruling (DA - (C-283) 705-09)

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November 27, 2009

BIR RULING [DA-(C-283) 705-09]

DA484-04; DA353-97

Pelaez Gregorio Gregorio & Lim

6F Padilla Building, F. Ortigas Jr. Road
Ortigas Center, 1605 Pasig City
Metro Manila

Attention: Atty. Vicente G. Gregorio

Gentlemen :

This refers to your letter dated October 23, 2009 stating that your client,
LOWE, INC. (LOWE), is an advertising agency duly registered with the Securities
and Exchange Commission (SEC); that LOWE enters into contracts with media
and production suppliers (Suppliers) for and in behalf of its clients; that the
Suppliers in consideration of the media and production packages and services, bills
the client through LOWE and in turn LOWE bills its clients of what the suppliers
bill it and adds a fee or the applicable commission rate for its services; that LOWE
sends the bills of the Suppliers with its fees to the clients; that the clients pay
LOWE the total amount billed and withholds the creditable withholding tax
(CWT) for the full amount of LOWE's billings the amount the Suppliers bills
through LOWE and the commissions it earns and remit whatever they withhold to
the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR); that when LOWE receives these payments,
LOWE pays the Suppliers for the amount they have billed through LOWE and
retains the commissions it earns; that LOWE in turn withholds the CWT from
what it pays the Suppliers and remit whatever it withholds to the BIR; that it is to
be noted that LOWE uses the CWT withheld by its clients covering the total
billings it sends to the Clients (the amount the Suppliers bills LOWE and the
commissions it earns) when LOWE files its income tax returns for its
commissions; and that this is the reason why the CWT (if grossed up), claimed by
LOWE as creditable tax to its income tax return is bigger than its income.

Based on the foregoing representations, you now request for an opinion that
although LOWE claimed higher CWT as reflected in its income tax returns,
LOWE cannot be faulted and it cannot be subjected to assessment or further
imposition of income taxes since the CWT withheld by its clients are based on the
Copyright 2020 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. and Accesslaw, Inc. Philippine Taxation Encyclopedia Second Release 2020 1
total billings of LOWE, i.e., the amount the suppliers bill LOWE and the
commissions it earns, as the advertising costs and expenses paid to media and
production suppliers cannot and should not form part of LOWE's taxable gross

In reply thereto, please be informed that it is a principle in taxation that

income, in the broad sense, means all wealth, which flows into the taxpayer other
than mere return of capital (Section 36, Revenue Regulations No. 2). Income for
tax purposes is the amount of money coming to a person or corporation within a
specified time, whether as payment for services, interest, or profits from
investment (Fisher vs. Trinidad, 43 Phil. 973). The advertising costs and expenses
paid to media and production suppliers received by LOWE from its clients are not
a flow of wealth from clients to LOWE inasmuch as these are payables held in
trust by LOWE for eventual remittance to the suppliers without any mark-up or
additional charges. There being no income payment, there is, therefore, no income
to speak of that will result in the imposition of income tax or creditable
withholding tax. ISTDAH

In stressing the rationale of the above-mentioned principle, this Office had

already occasioned to rule on the matter, when it said in BIR Ruling No.
DA-484-04 dated September 10, 2004 citing BIR Ruling DA-353-97 dated October
30, 1997, as follows:

"Considering that Telicphil had control over the payment to

suppliers or contractors for Telicphil and NDTN costs, the withholding of
taxes by Telicphil, in lieu of the NDTN co-owners, on income payments
made to suppliers or contractors of NDTN costs and the remittance thereof
to the BIR using the tax identification number of Telicphil is deemed
substantial compliance with the withholding tax requirements insofar as
the correct amount of taxes were withheld and remitted to the government.
Hence, said remittance may be credited to the account of the NDTN
co-owners, as the actual payors."

Thus, it is vitally important to stress that while the CWT being claimed by
LOWE to the BIR may appear higher as against the net taxable income of LOWE,
the government is not at all prejudiced as the CWT on media and production costs
as billed by the suppliers are also withheld by LOWE and remitted to the BIR.
Consequently, the revenues reported by LOWE in its tax returns are deemed
correct as there is no under declaration of income made to the BIR.

SUCH BEING THE CASE, this Office holds LOWE cannot be faulted and
be subjected to the imposition of income taxes when it claimed higher CWT as
reflected in its income tax returns, which CWT withheld by its clients is based on
the total billings of LOWE, i.e., the amount the suppliers bill LOWE and the

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commissions it earns.

This ruling is being issued on the basis of the foregoing facts as

represented. However, if upon investigation, it will be disclosed that the facts are
different, then this ruling shall be considered null and void.

Very truly yours,


Assistant Commissioner
Legal Service
Bureau of Internal Revenue

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