Module 4 Environmental Protection and Mngt. Isu Angadanan

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Module 4

Topic 1

Environmental protection 
Environmental protection is the practice of protecting the natural environment by individuals,
organizations and governments. Its objectives are to conserve natural resources and the existing
natural environment and, where possible, to repair damage and reverse trends.

 Environmental Management refers to the management of modern human society with, and its
impact on, the environment. Because natural resources are finite and limited, they can only
support a certain population within any species. • Environmental management means different
things to different people.

Environmental management is the process by which environmental health is regulated. It does not
involve managing the environment itself, but it is the process of taking steps and behaviors to
have a positive effect on the environment. To reduce the risk of these environmental impacts’
occurrence, we clearly set objectives and targets such as: Protection of Land Conservation of
Water; Protection of Forests; Animals in Our Environment; Our Climate.

Characteristics of environmental management

It deals with world affected by humans;

It supports sustainable development
It demands a multidisciplinary approach;
It has to integrate different development view points;
It seeks to integrate natural & social science, policy making & planning.

Concept of Environmental Management is an attempt to control human impact on and interaction

with the environment in order to preserve natural resources. Environmental management focuses
on the improvement of human welfare for present and future generations. Administrative
functions that develop, implement, and monitor the environmental policy of an organization.
Environment management implies not only a mere management of environment but it is
essentially the management of various activities with intolerable constraints imposed by the
environment itself and with full consideration of ecological factors. Thus it involves
environmental planning, conservation of resources, environmental status evaluation and
environmental legislation and administration.

Significance of Environmental Management is an approach which integrates Ecology, Policy

making, Planning and Social development. Its main objectives are as follows:

To prevent and solve environmental problems.

To establish limits
To develop research institutions and monitoring systems.
To warn threats and identify opportunities.
To suggest measures for resource conservation.
To develop a strategy for the improvement of quality.
To suggest long-term and short-term policies for sustainable development.
Module 4
To identify new technology for future development

Topic 2


1. Everything is connected to everything else. (Ang lahat ng bagay ay magkakaugnay.)

Human interaction with nature oftentimes alters the ecosystems. The waste we
improperly dispose of brings about the deterioration of land and water quality. This may
in turn reduce their capacity to provide life for other organisms. Deforestation causes soil
erosion and the earth deposited on the water bodies covers the coral reefs resulting to
fishery loss. Suspended particulates from vehicular and stationary sources may cause
lung problems among city residents. War causes destruction of wildlife and habitats.
There is a cause and effect chain, even when it is neither always visible nor observable.

2. All forms of life are important. (Ang lahat na may buhay ay mahalaga.)
All living organisms were created for a purpose in relation to humans, other species on
earth and global ecosystem in general. Thus, when a species becomes extinct, it is like
removing a piece of a jigsaw puzzle from the web of life. The variety of life forms,
manifested by the different levels of biological diversity – community, species and genes
– contributes to the stability of the environment. Food webs, food chains and ecological
relationships link plants and animals together in the web of life. Even bacteria, insects,
snakes and rats have ecological functions even though humans perceive them as parasites
or pests.

The composition of biological diversity naturally changes slowly but the rate of transition
has become faster due to factors such as habitat destruction. Deforestation may diminish
forest species such as birds that are vulnerable to modification of their home. Pollution of
waters reduces the quantity of fishes, shells, algae and other aquatic life. Over harvesting
of natural products likewise contributes to the unsustainable use of food and material

To maintain ecological balance, therefore, the conservation of genes, species and

ecosystems becomes essential to keep life together. Biodiversity conservation strategies
commence with the protection of both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Land uses, such
as protected areas, ensure that the natural state of these habitats continue to exist in
designated areas. Community-based approaches in conservation maximize citizens’
participation in protected areas. Integrity of natural ecosystems can likewise be guarded
through the preservation of indigenous species.

3. Everything must go somewhere. (Ang lahat ng bagay ay may patutunguhan.)

By-products of consumption go back to the environment. Everything that we throw away
– pieces of paper, left-over food, peelings of fruits, plastic wrappers, used containers –
have to go somewhere. Even plants and animals have their own wastes – feces, urine,

Module 4
dead leaves and branches. It is the law of nature that the by-products of metabolism
return to the soil, acted upon first by worms, bacteria and fungi, and then converted into
minerals, to be again absorbed by plants and eaten by animals. In short, they enter into a
material cycle that is an integral part of the ecosystem. But what happens if what we
throw is an artificial product such as plastic? Then natural bacteria can not recognize
them and may not be capable of breaking them apart. These non-biodegradable products
must enter another material cycle – the one that goes to the factory to be manufactured
into a new product. Thus the retrieval, collection and recycling of these materials become
necessary so that they do not pollute land and water habitats.

4. Ours is a finite earth. (Ang kalikasan ay may hangganan.)

Everything that we need is provided by nature in abundance – food, water, energy,
minerals and air. However, some resources that we depend upon nowadays are extracted
excessively but are slow to replace. These non-renewable resources experience limits of
supply. For instance, fossil fuels produced over thousands of years may be exhausted in a
hundred years. Some energy sources like water, and wood may be replaced easier but
have become inaccessible due to pollution and excessive extraction. Diminishing forest
cover have resulted from logging, ineffective reforestation and continued land
conversion. However, food scarcity and poverty may have resulted from failed
distribution systems rather than inability of the land and water bodies to yield food.

5. Nature knows best. (Ang kalikasan ang mas nakakaalam.)

Nature manifests certain processes that enable it to maintain balance and remain in a state
of equilibrium. The nutrient cycling of nitrogen, carbon, sulfur and phosphorous in the
air, water and land indicates that minerals are utilized within the confines of the earth.
The flow of energy from the sun enables light to be converted into sugar in plants through
photosynthesis, and later for consumer organisms to obtain energy from plant starch.
Food chains and food webs allow transfer of energy from producers and consumers and
provide the means for all living organisms to acquire nutrition. Population control also
occurs naturally through predator – prey relationships.

The equilibrium in the ecosystem is maintained, thus if humans intervene, unforeseen

negative impacts known as ecological backlash, may arise. Floods are often times
backlashes of excessive felling of trees. The importation of golden kuhol, that became a
pest, reminds us that biological organisms may not acclimatize in a new environment or
may cause harm to indigenous species.

6. Nature is beautiful and we are stewards of God’s creation. (Ang kalikasan ay

maganda at tayo ang tagapangasiwa ng lahat na nilikha ng Diyos.)
Different religions from Islam to Buddhism to Judeo-Christian to indigenous people’s
animism express the belief of caring for the earth, including all creatures. Thus it is the
goal of environmental education and biodiversity conservation education to motivate
target audiences towards developing an eco-spirituality that moves them into a more
meaningful relationship with nature and a greater participation in the biophysical
economic processes that make this world a better place to live in.

Module 4
7. Everything changes. (Ang lahat ay nagbabago.)
Changes in the biophysical world occur naturally. As they say, there is nothing more
permanent in this world than change. Consider the following examples. Metamorphosis
of caterpillars to butterflies illustrates morphological changes that occur in living forms.
The increase of vegetation on earth augmented the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere
through time. Seasons are cyclic changes that contribute to the diversity of flowers, fruits,
vegetables and other crops during the year. Random changes manifested by natural
catastrophe such as typhoons destroy forests, coral reefs and mangroves. Volcanic
eruptions annihilate surface flora and submerge rivers.



1. R.A. 9003 – Ecological Solid In partnership with stakeholders, the law aims to
Waste Management Act of 2000 adopt a systematic, comprehensive and ecological
solid waste management program that shall ensure
the protection of public health and environment.
The law ensures proper segregation, collection,
storage, treatment and disposal of solid waste
through the formulation and adaptation of best
eco-waste products.

2. R.A. 9275 – Philippine The law aims to protect the country's water bodies
Clean Water Act of 2004 from pollution from land-based sources
(industries and commercial establishments,
agriculture and community/household activities).
It provides for comprehensive and integrated
strategy to prevent and minimize pollution
through a multi-sectoral and participatory
approach involving all the stakeholders.
3. R.A. 6969 – Toxic Substances, The law aims to protect the country's water bodies
Hazardous and Nuclear from pollution from land-based sources
Waste Control Act of 1990 (industries and commercial establishments,
agriculture and community/household activities).
It provides for comprehensive and integrated
strategy to prevent and minimize pollution
through a multi-sectoral and participatory
approach involving all the stakeholders
4. R.A. 8435 – Agriculture and It establishes that the Department of Agriculture,
Fisheries Modernization together with other appropriate agencies, should
Act of 1997 take into account climate change, weather
disturbances and annual productivity cycles in
Module 4
forecasting and formulating appropriate
agricultural and fisheries programs.

5. R.A. 8749 – Clean Air Act of This moves for an effective air quality
1999 management program that will mitigate the
worsening problem of air pollution in the country.

6. R.A. 9512 – National This promotes national awareness on the role of

Environmental Awareness natural resources in economic growth and the
and importance of environmental conservation and
Education Act of 2008 ecological balance towards sustained national

7. R.A. 9513 – Renewable It promotes the development, utilization and

Energy Act of 2008 commercialization of renewable energy resources.

Module 4

Topic 3

Forest protection is a branch of forestry which is concerned with the preservation or

improvement of a forest and prevention and control of damage to forest by natural or man-made
causes. (Example - fire, animals, insect, fungi, injurious plants and adverse climatic conditions.)
This forest protection also has a legal status and rather than protection from only people
damaging the forests is seen to be broader and include forest pathology too. Thus due to this the
different emphases around the world paradoxically suggest different things for forest protection..
The types of man-induced abuse that forest protection seeks to prevent include:

 Aggressive or unsustainable farming and logging

 Pollution of soil on which forests grow
 Expanding city development caused by population explosion and the resulting urban

Forest Conservation
Did you know that forests are called the lungs of
the environment? They are a factory
of oxygen and various other very important
natural resources. Can humans live without their
lungs? Similarly, the environment too would not
survive without forests. Let us take a look at
forest conservation.

Forest conservation as the name suggests is the

preservation and the protection of forests. It also
involves the reversal
of deforestation and environmental pollution. The
preservation of all natural resources is absolutely
essential for the balance of our ecosystem.

Importance of Forests

Let us take a look at why forests are so very important to us and our environment. We are basically
dependent on forests for our survival. And so their conservation is of essential importance.

 The most important function of forests is that it produces mass amounts of oxygen as a by-
product of photosynthesis. Oxygen is the main respiratory gas for all animals, it ensures our
Module 4

 And while photosynthesis, trees also absorb carbon dioxide from the air. This is one of the
main pollutants of air pollution. Hence forests also reduce air pollution.

 Forests also prevent soil erosion and keep soil pollution in check. Deforestation, in fact,
leads to soil erosion on a large scale since the topsoil comes loose.

 Forests also play an important part in the water cycle and control moisture levels of our

 And finally, forests are the natural home and habitat for millions of species
of animals, birds, and insects.

Ways to Conserve the Forest

Controlled Deforestation
While deforestation cannot be avoided completely, we must look to control it. Young and immature
trees should not be felled as far as possible. We must look to avoid large-scale commercial
deforestation as well. Adapting practices such as clear-cutting or selective cutting will be beneficial
in the long run.

Protect against Forest Fires

Forest fires are the most common and deadly cause of loss of forests. They can start due to natural
causes or can be accidents caused by man or even intentional in some cases. Once a fire spreads in a
forest it is very difficult to control. Precautions must be taken for such incidents. Making fire lanes,
spreading chemicals to control fire, clearing out dry leaves and trees etc.


What is Water Conservation?

Water conservation is a practice in which people, companies, and governments attempt to reduce
their water usage. Water is essential to life on earth. We need water to grow food, keep clean,
provide power, control fire, and last but not least, we need it to stay alive! If water is constantly
being cleaned and recycled through the earth’s water cycle,
People use up our planet’s fresh water faster than it can naturally be replenished.

Water Conservation

1. Take short showers and share bathwater. Showers use much less water. The other
choice is to fill a bucket with water and take a can or a jug, and keep filling it with
water from the bucket and pouring it over your head - if you have some extra water
Module 4

save it for some other person to use. You can lather yourself up with the water
turned off in the middle of the shower.
2. Pollute less. When washing dishes, wash greasy pans last to keep the water clean.
3. Turn off taps properly. Especially when brushing your teeth - every little bit helps.
4. Fix dripping taps. The constant drip wastes water, energy and money, so repair them
as soon as possible. You can also save by installing an inexpensive "flow control"
device in shower heads and faucets.
5. Use appliances efficiently. Running the clothes washer with a full load and using
cold water (30 degrees Celsius) whenever possible can lead to big energy savings.
Use detergents that clean clothes effectively in colder water.

Learning Exercise 1.1

Name :__________________________________ Course : __________ Time : _______

Trainer : _________________________________ Date : __________ Score : _______

1. As a college student how can you protect or conserved forest?


2. Enumerate some simple ways on how you conserve water

Module 4

3. As a young people, what is your role in protecting and improving the environment?

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