Moduel 4 Feb 2018 PDF

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‘Module ~ 4 B1 (09 Feb 2018) 1) Which isthe most commonly used conducting film Semiconductor ‘Aluminum foil Copper foll 2) Transistor consis of 2diode 3)n control synchro system when the rotors are lines up the inductance between ther is Low Zero Very high 4 Most common used IC's Monolithic S)in synchro indicator transmitter and recelver are similar in Construction Electrical operation Both SLED disadvantage (Low reverse voltage) ‘The emitter of transistor is heavily doped in fue based to Inject electrons into the base Inject electrons into the collector {a)Diode which have double layer in P and N cegion Sckhorty Diode Zener Diode Varactor Diode )Photo Diode wil illuminate because of 1) Due increase of Fd voltage D)light intensity increase 3) Due to inctease in reverse voltage 1O}Mow to read 101128ase2 read ‘One zero one one two Ten eleven twa Ten one twelve ‘Vi)How many junctions in tansistor One Two Three 12)Peel strength of PCB ‘Minimum load required to pulla strip of foil from the base material Maximurn load require to pl a strip of fal rom the base material 13)Darper unit used in synchro indicator 10 prevent shat of the indicator from oscillating at high speed 10 prevent shat of the inaiator from spinning 3t high speed Both 1a)CMOS voltage range (2-180) 15) In smchro torque system transmitter connect to indicating element of instrument Mechanically Hydrouticaly| Paeumatically Flectrically ‘oyTunne! Diode: Forward Biased Reverse biased ‘MMTransistor middle material is Collector Emiter Base 18908 Cleaning is done by Aquadus and HCL Organic material Both 19) Noble and Cheapest Materia! for coating for PCB Palladium Rhodium Copper 20)CMOS types used in Manual Systern Aircraft system Track system

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