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The Complete Guide to Social Media

Lead Generation

Your social media platforms can be a gold mine for leads. Brandwatch uses our
presence on sites like LinkedIn and Twitter to generate leads, so we’re going to preach
what we practice. If you get it right, social media lead generation is a viable and
valuable strategy. Don’t let anyone else tell you different.

Who are your audience and what channels do they use?

How do they use these channels?
What channels will fit your products or service?
Are you going to set up paid ads?

These are good place to start building out your plan. Going in
blind will lead to a very ineffective approach. You’ll also want to
look at building your audience. Our social media marketing
guide will get you going on that front.
Social listening lead
This is one area of social media lead generation that’s
overlooked. You don’t have to rely on sending out posts
yourselves to get people interested, you can get
proactive and go out and find them. Just be careful how
you do it.

You can do this very well with Brandwatch Analytics,

but there are free social media monitoring tools that
can get some of the same results.
Organic vs paid
Organic can work just fine on its own, although it definitely does better on Twitter and LinkedIn than
Facebook. Going organic also doesn’t cost you anything either, but you’ll miss out on some benefits

Audience targeting
Increased reach
Extra CTA options on certain platforms

For lead generation, the above are clearly very important. You will see far better results on your posts wth
money behind them. On LinkedIn you’ll be to target people with specific jobs. On Facebook you can hit
carefully chosen locations. On Twitter you can go after people who have tweeted certain words or follow
In the next section we’re going to run through
some tips for each platform that will help you
get leads. Some refer to specific lead
generation tactics, while others, such as how to
gain new followers, simply build a base for
doing so.

That’s because there are a number of ways to

get leads through social, including:

Promoting gated content

Searching out individual leads
Promoting your products/services to generate
inbound leads
Twitter lead generation
Twitter has amassed 330m active users with $70m spent
on ads on the platform a year. With people from all walks
of life and all corners of the earth using Twitter, there’s
nearly an audience for everyone. Also, with the right
tweets, you’ve go the potential for huge organic reach if
you can rack up the retweets.

Build your following effectively

With a low number of followers it can feel a lot like shouting
into the void. You’ve got to get those numbers up, but you
also want people you can actually sell to to follow you. So,
make sure you’re advertising your Twitter on your site and
other communications. Then, keep on topic. You don’t have
to be too strict, but talk about what’s actually relevant to
your target audience.
Use influencers

We mentioned engaging with other people in your industry, which also falls under this step. A great
way to get your account in front of new people is to have the bigger players mention or retweet you.
Talking to them is a good first step.

But you can also infuse this with your content approach. Interviews and features can be great ego
bait to encourage more influential accounts to share your content. In turn that should boost your

Another great idea is to run Twitter chats, which are essentially Q&As run through the site. Invite
some influencers to answer questions and they’ll promote the whole thing to their followers. Again,
more relevant eyes on your account.
When in Rome, when on Twitter LinkedIn lead generation

Social media can be a great place to get your It’s all business on LinkedIn. Well, at least it is
brand voice across. But your brand voice might when you get past all the broetry. It’s a great
not be a good fit for Twitter. Dry business platform for leads as people are already open to
language isn’t exactly a big draw. Generally business talk and many use it to find out new
people are using Twitter to be entertained or tools, products, and approaches. Here you can be
informed. If you’re not achieving either, you will a bit more direct.

Get targeting Ask questions

One of the best aspects of LinkedIn for lead LinkedIn’s algorithm loves conversations and will
generation is that you can target your posts even share your post more widely when lots of people
if they aren’t paid. By clicking on ‘Post Options’ comment. And encouraging this is as simple as
underneath the post creator, you can send the asking a question. LinkedIn users love offering up
post to people based on their location, job, their opinions.
industry, and other criteria.
Facebook used to be a huge driver of
referral traffic, but now organic reach has
been curtailed for brands it’s falling behind.
That’s why lots of people solely rely on
paids ads for this platform, but there’s still
some ways to get your message out for free.


Ever since Facebook updated their
algorithm, brands have struggled with
organic reach. The platform is now geared
towards conversations and interactions. To
get your page and content in front of
people, you need to do the same.
Optimize your page

Facebook has a lot of options for setting up your page to

encourage leads. First of all, make sure all of your contact
information is up-to-date. Next you can add a CTA for get
people to email or call you. Anything that makes it easier for
people to get in touch is good.

Create a group

It seems like Facebook wants more people to create groups.

Group posts are more likely to show up in your feed
compared to brand posts from pages. This is likely because
joining a group shows Facebook you want to be involved in
the discussions there.

If you already have a page, it’s really easy to create a group

from it. Just click on the three dots next the ‘Share’ button at
the top of your page and click ‘Create group’.

Reddit is getting an incrasing amount of attention from marketers. It has a lot of users
from all over the world, while people can create their own super niche communities. It’s
great for finding opportunities and for better understanding your audience. Our Reddit
explainer is a good place for extra info.


Reddit is a tough nut to crack. Users and mods are hyper-vigilant for marketers using the
platform solely for self-promotion without contributing to the community.
To get the most out of the platform, you need to set up a real account and use it
naturally. Get involved in a number of subreddits and build up a decent profile. This
shows you’re willing to put the time in.
Build Relationships
As you use the site properly, you can start to
communicate with mods of subreddits. Depending
on the topic, plenty can be open to working with
brands in the right situation.

For example, many run Ask Me Anythings, where a

person will be interviewed by the subreddit. If you
run a restaurant, you could be a great choice in one
of the food subreddits. Or if you run an agency, for
one of the marketing subreddits.

You’ll increase your chances of this by talking to

mods regularly. It’s always a good idea to check your
content is a good fit for a subreddit, while they can
also offer up advice on what content might be good
to produce and post.
Search and seek out
People ask for advice and help a lot on Reddit. This
can be a great time to let them know about your
great content or product. You can find these
conversations by simply using the search bar, but
you can also get more advanced and track more
specifically (and easily) with Brandwatch Analytics

Be wary though. Just showing up all over and only

replying to say “buy my stuff’, will get you labelled
as a spammer quickly. Like we’ve already said, use
Reddit naturally first before doing this. Also make a
note of which subreddits people ask relevant
questions in so you can start engaging with them.
lead generation
Instagram is obviously a huge platform with a lot of
opportunity. The site currently sees 800m monthly
active users. But it can also be tough to generate
leads on. You can’t include links in posts, for
example, meaning it’s that little bit harder to use
compared to other sites like Facebook and Twitter.
Including hashtags in your post is a great way to
increase the reach of your post and get in front
of interested parties. For example, our
Instagram post with the biggest reach is one
that included the #WhoBitBeyonce hashtag.

As people actively search hashtags, you’ve got

people already receptive to sales. Be sure to
include them when applicable. Don’t
pointlessly add 50 hashtags, but be targeted
and concise. It’s also worth looking through a
hashtag’s feed beforehand so you can get
some inspiration.
Driving people
off the app
As previously mentioned, with no links in the
posts themselves, its difficult to get people
onto your website. So how do you do it?

For a start, make sure you have website or

contact buttons set up on your profile page
(you can do this in the app’s settings). This
gives people easy one-click access to or your
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