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McCleary 1

Harrison McCleary

Mr. Taylor

Honors English 1

16 October 2020

North Carolina State University

The first time I knew that I wanted to attend NC State University was when my parents

took me to a NC State football game when I was 8. My family was there with a few of my Dads

college friends' families. For a few hours before the game we tailgated outside, during the

tailgate we played corn hole, talked and drove a golf cart around the parking lot. During the

game a few of the other kids and I climbed to the top of the stadium to see what the field would

look like from the highest seats. After the game finished we went back to the parking lot and

continued the tailgate for an hour or so. This game started my desire to attend North Carolina

State University because all the students and fans there were so enthusiastic and cheerful. Also

once I learned that NC State has one of the best engineering programs in the country my desire to

attend NC State became stronger.

One of the main reasons I want to attend NC State is because it's extremely affordable

compared to other colleges . For example, The overall cost for on-campus, in-state students to

attend North Carolina State University in 2019 - 2020 was $24,259 (“College Factual”). But with

being in-state and getting a scholarship the price of attending NC State can drop to around

14,739$ which is an extremely reasonable amount for attending such a great college. Instead of

buying new books I can get pre owned ones; one reason why I would do this is, Human Anatomy

& Physiology (10th edition), another top seller, costs $195 brand new and $155 used.
McCleary 2

(“”). I will be able to easily pay this amount off if I worked a part time job as a lab

assistant or if I get a job as a sales person at a local retail store.

Another reason I would like to attend NC State is because of its geography, NC State's

campus is very close to a lot of things I enjoy doing like going to the beach. NC State is also

within a four hour drive of Sugar Mountain and many other ski slopes. Also because NC State is

such a popular university many businesses are set up around its campus so if I ever needed

something I wouldn't have to travel extremely far to get it. Lastly because NC State university is

so close to my house I will be able to see my family more often than if I were to go to an out of

state school.

If I truly want to attend NC State university I need to have at least a 3.76 GPA and be

near the top of my class, currently I have a 4.0 GPA so if I keep up my grades I will be able to

attend NC State. Also in due time I will have to take the ACT or SAT, and I will have to get

either a 1280 or above on the SAT, or a 85 or above on the ACT. I'm not yet eligible to take the

ACT or SAT, so the only thing I can do right now is study so I can get a good grade on it. Also I

will need extra curricular activities to put on my college resume, for one extra curricular I will do

community service. My service will mostly consist of doing can food drives and being a baseball

buddy for kids with disabilities. Also I will either join the track team or the soccer team so I'll be

able to put that down as another extra curricular. Lastly I will tutor some people (Probably in

math) so I can stand out from the rest of people that are trying to attend NC State University.

Graduating from NCSU will help my career because most companies require a college

degree for you to work for them. Once I graduate I will apply to get a job at either Amazon,

Apple, Google, Tesla or Facebook and with the knowledge that I will get from North Carolina

State University's Engineering program I should be able to get a job at any of these companies.
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Also I will start a part time entrepreneurship business, I will make inventions and innovations to

sell for my business. Graduation from NC State will work as a stepping stone in my career. It

will allow me to get my dream job at one of my favorite companies and it will allow me to create

a side hustle as an entrepreneur.

Works Cited
McCleary 4

“Can You Afford North Carolina States University?” College Factual,

-for-college. Accessed October 12 2020.

Fay, Max “College TextBooks Cost Too Much.”, Accessed October 12


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