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NPTEL Online Certification Courses

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Analog Communication
Assignment 10

Question 1:

A PM signal can be generated by

a. passing the message signal to a FM modulator.

b. passing the message signal to a differentiator circuit followed by a FM modulator.

c. passing the message signal to a integrator circuit followed by a FM modulator.

d. None of the above.

Correct Answer : b

Detailed Solution:
A PM signal can be generated by passing the message signal to a differentiator circuit
followed by a FM modulator.

Question 2:

A FM signal can be generated by

a. passing the message signal to a PM modulator.

b. passing the message signal to a differentiator circuit followed by a PM modulator.

c. passing the message signal to an integrator circuit followed by a PM modulator.

d. None of the above.

NPTEL Online Certification Courses

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Correct Answer : c

Detailed Solution:
A FM signal can be generated by passing the message signal to a integrator circuit
followed by a PM modulator.

Question 3:

A narrow band FM signal is passed through a band limiter followed by a band

pass filter before launching, to

a. convert the narrow band FM signal to a wide band FM signal

b. avoid amplitude variation of the narrow band FM signal

c. avoid phase variation of the narrow band FM signal

d. None

Correct Answer : b

Detailed Solution:
A narrow band FM signal is passed through a band limiter followed by a band pass
filter before launching, to avoid amplitude variation of the narrow band FM signal.

Question 4:

Let x(t) = A cos(2000πt) + Am sin(3000πt) + Am sin(1000πt). Then, x(t) will be a

narrow band FM if
a. >> 1
NPTEL Online Certification Courses

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

b. << 1
c. Am << 1

d. Can never be a narrow band FM

Correct Answer : a

Detailed Solution:
x(t) = A cos(2000πt)+Am sin(3000πt)+Am sin(1000πt) = A[cos(2000πt)+ sin(2000πt) cos(1000πt)].
2Am A
x(t) will be a NBFM if max | − cos(1000πt)| << 1 => >> 1.
A Am

Question 5:

For the same as Q4, find the bandwidth of the message signal.

a. 1000

b. 2000

c. 3000

d. None

Correct Answer : d

Detailed Solution:
Rt 2Am 2Am Rt
As x(t) is NBFM, kf −∞ m(α)dα = − cos(1000πt) = ×1000π −∞ sin(1000πt)dt.
So, the message signal is B sin(1000πt) where kf B = × 1000π.
NPTEL Online Certification Courses

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Question 6:

For the same as Q4, find the peak frequency deviation.

d. None

Correct Answer : b

Detailed Solution:
1 1000Am
Peak frequency deviation= kf B = .
2π A

Question 7:

A message signal m(t), shown below, is phase modulated on a carrier 100 cos 2π106 t,
with a phase-deviation constant kp equal to 3 rad/V.

The maximum phase deviation of the modulated signal is:

NPTEL Online Certification Courses

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

a. 30 rad

b. 30/π rad

c. 15 rad

d. None
Correct Answer : a

Detailed Solution:
Instantaneous Phase of the PM signal θi (t) = 2π106 t + 3 ∗ m(t)
Maximum Phase Deviation = 3 ∗ max{|m(t)|} = 3 ∗ 10 = 30 rad

Question 8:

Maximum instantaneous frequency for Q7 is:

a. 106 + Hz

b. 106 + Hz
c. 106 + 3 Hz

d. None

Correct Answer : b

Detailed Solution:
1 d
Maximum Instataneous Frequency = max{ 2π θ (t)}
dt i

|m0 (t)| has max value of 2, as shown below:

So, Maximum Instataneous Frequency=106 + .

NPTEL Online Certification Courses

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Question 9:

A block diagram of an Armstrong FM transmitter is shown in the following figure.

The parameters are as follows: f1 = 200kHz, f2 = 45.6M Hz, ∆f1 = 50Hz, ∆f2 =
16.15KHz where f2 and ∆f2 are the central frequency and frequency deviation at
the output.

Find the possible value of n1 and n2 .

a. n1 = 57, n2 = 4

b. n1 = 4, n2 = 57

c. n1 = 114, n2 = 2

d. n1 = 17, n2 = 19
NPTEL Online Certification Courses

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Correct Answer : d

Detailed Solution:
n1 n2 = = 323 = 17 × 19

Question 10:

For the same as the previous question find the possible value of fLO .

a. 0.25 MHz

b. 0.5 MHz

c. 0.75 MHz

d. None

Correct Answer : d

Detailed Solution:
f2 f2
fLO = n1 f1 − or − n1 f1 which gives fLO = 1 MHz.
n2 n2

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