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Kristine Mae M.


VIII- Ruby

Rizal College of Taal Transitions

To Online Classes
Another school year for students, yet not like how it used to be. With the new ways of
teaching and learning, it seems that students and schools are all back to zero. On
September 9, Rizal College of Taal officially started the classes for S.Y 2020-2021.
From 7:00 A.M to 4:00 P.M, students are in front of their gadgets attending their
classes. Using the provided Learning Management System or LMS which is Quipper,
the learning for students got easier due to better access. Changing the way of learning
quickly may be difficult for many students. Everyone is having a hard time adapting to
the new normal; even so, Rizal College of Taal is doing their best to provide high quality
education for their students.

Rizal College of Taal will not be in this position without outmost preparations. The
school constructed a new building for the junior high school department. And that’s not
all; R.C.T also repaints the senior high school and college department building as part
of the preparations for the new school year. Facilities are not the only things they
prioritized in the line; they also provided teachers with understandings they need to
know for the changes in the way of educating. The educators of R.C.T were trained and
were also provided with seminars in order for them to adjust their way of teaching. They
also got early preparation of the teacher’s module for the modular program. Yes, it’s
true the school will provide two ways of attending school; online and modular classes.
The gratitude of students and parents is present when the school decided to launch
these two ways of teaching, it’s because they also considered students who want to
learn but due to lack of funds, can’t afford phones or laptops. As one of the priorities of
the school, they decided to assemble an orientation for the students, and parents. This
orientation is for both parties to know how schooling will work on Rizal so that each one
can adjust accordingly. To avoid interference, the school decided to do it separately.
Rizal College of Taal really come prepared and established themselves to both parties.
If the school succeeds in adapting to the new normal, then how are the students of
R.C.T adjusting to these transitions?

  “It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best
manage change.” -Charles Darwin. Like in the quote, the people who can overwhelm
the changes in the current method of learning are the ones who can cope up the most.
Almost six weeks since the classes start, but the adjustments are still present. There
are many adjustments for students that their mind needs to familiarize. For six months
everyone is just in their home sitting, doing nothing, killing time using Social media, and
other entertainments and because of that, students felt that doing activities once again
after many periods of being empty-handed is unusual. Due to this pandemic, face-to-
face classes will not behold and because of that, students need to adapt to the different
ways of doing classes. Adapting these probably takes time because for numerous years
we’ve lived doing face to face and suddenly the online classes happen. Several
scholars struggle due to the changes in the system of learning throughout the
pandemic. Adjusting their minds to catch up is hard, that results in a few problems in
understanding some lessons, yet everyone can overcome this, think positively and it will
be done. And, the main dilemma of some students in online classes is the poor internet
connection that results in some difficulties in submitting activities. Thankfully the
academicians of R.C.T understand when this occurs and provide considerations to
students who encounter this. Online classes are difficult for all, everyone is adjusting to
this, and nevertheless at least students can continue learning even the pandemic is
here. Each person is experiencing stress, problems, and pressure due to this pandemic,
but these days will be gone and the prayers will be done. 

Rizal college of Taal did a magnificent job and succeeded in preparing for the opening
of classes. Nothing about this program is perfect and sometimes the school will commit
some errors, but the school is doing their best to provide students the best service and
education that they can provide. Nonetheless everything goes smoothly and the
students and parents are hoping that these positive results will still be visible at the end
of school year.

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