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‘THE CANDIDATES ARE ADVISED IN THEIR OWN INTEREST TO GO THROUGH THE DETAILED ADVERTISEMENT AVAILABLE ON THE WEBSITE OF MHA ( 70 ENSURE THAT THEY FULFILL THE ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS BEFORE FILLING UP THE ONLINE APPLICATION INTELLIGENCE BUREAU (Ministry of Home Affairs) Government of India ASSISTANT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE OFFICER-GRADE-Il/ EXECUTIVE EXAMINATION- 2020 ra ron re enc ra TA RADE RAAT or nese Cow neler ter, Salo Eman 'wACo tere mB er oe {Ministry of Home Affairs), GovernmentoF india, [Santa ‘Gwalior Bikaner ‘loesennnon or Post en 7a rae ae kane Aosieie santa an [ir Cleator Gana Gott Sv, Sp race NonMnssra) | [foe ra — eee naps — WARS TNAD OMEN OF AFPROT VACANCES at NMAERAL PRABEBE[ est Coa Rank [UR] EWS | ope | sc | sr | Toul [iggeeocs | Porarpat Riargoisd | Coimbsion ‘ncio-Wexe|gea | Wa [417 | 380 | tat | ao fore aba ac Reopen aM AND RASH Rapa Toone ysl ARR 20 a ar nari Cowal WS meee: coat pats raves a [hanagar JHARKHAND Nashik Hyderabad | peat Scary Aomrce 20% fs ayn nen nel] [eee anon Ta ape a carps cy etree allem SAO wan aso Oe ea begs — Recah Fa Tao TOTAL OTORETg Samet ee wea so ‘iadsvon oraquatent rom a rcognaed unversiy 7 oh ‘a aN DESRABLE QUALCATONS {er ——narnnracx ——|wzan —[rr Rented orearpas [recor [Beiagew Belgaum) | Agen [tam [aati it ym Siti Se ke — I tip ee tree tle byeun fo standby des | [ESR pa any — [ean oso | Yor OBC candidates [Muzalfarpor | Kmlaburagi (Guibarae) Shans ee fA jar clare wo tore nase yeu copie ndecnmsn ance, | (pores teen fa Raid sot =e oon oe ee oe oi rear RPh st mons eeeeaiagon | (ee ees | the sent rae tesoeren as welt becarsiae | [CHRATTSGARH KERALA Nene Mowe wicca sxtonnet iow wowat eevee wat | EER [ian UTTAR ‘ovechacen cnr ef vaccum sont bo | [Bist [Kamu tar Goudie ts Coiangenturseduunnyre | [Rape [Kote es Eta Gilera re DELS NGA — Nato oo So WEET BENGAL Tesipwrinelpstesn Poe abo DoeSAROu No woe | [Sunes — ee wee Teast UpaUstSE Tecretas cing ge eave | Oana, |e cnet SS, ere reo ‘Sas feet re ee = ra on a Sia 2) The sev mri at td li fay canon ot Pore wa dantsiewPAD Le HH, OM, UH osm, Hence they NEED NOT sep 1b) The nameer cf vacances s revidandl ar fable change. ©) Anpontment tie pos wl be temporary, However, acponiment in pemanent Capac wl depend en varios aces goueming ermaren! appaininent such 1) Sieoseah)carpieton of mancxsryInsuekon traning a presequste for 2) The obbity of Bo canseator sens of age, edieaanal quoteaton, ‘aetetegoy et. wl be detained onthe closing dl. The cards must oss ese qualiicaon fr the pot appeed for, on or baie to dosha {ste tena rautmurtbe caten or before the osc ba 08.04.2023 {0112386 hous} & hese must hao been declared success in 19 The santo of vacancies fr ORC, SC. ST EWS B Ex SercomervESM is as Est who ave aeedy secured employe inl side under Cental Gown ‘Group ports on equa base ser valine Danae creation gen {0 £94 fa ter r-employment ae not alge ar fae concession or for carng Benefits cf eseraton under ESM category However, hay are eigble rege 1) Soringdefnee personnel who ae due for dacharge are rust obtain » cereale per Appendaed the end of elated averisement. Beades, at ESM cates ve requires 1 st a Underiaing, 38 8 When aed or 8 1) Wine every cars nas been taken for nduson of Go stuns in vogue, 18 asarvos ne ight rcy omissions any notesdsusseauerty 2, SERVICE LABILITY: The pst inves Al a Sore ty. Therefor, the ‘andats willing to sore anywhere in na oly need apply. 3. CENTREICTY OF EXAMINATION: Tha candela hos 19 naealo ee (3) 4) Will pang nme one sptcton Wr ne apyacant show cartuly soca tou ister eos of yo examination, 1) Conddsta cols bo eesommodated I eny 8 of. to treo examination clos pe y hither ) Examination ty once oped vl NOT be chang und ary ccurstances 8) Incas ol re iets ina ri’ ty he coats [ DESCRIPTION OF EXAMINATION ‘(ME [ WARKS “Ter exam only online mode) 700 OBS Woe ‘Mois, dod ino 5 prs cotaing 2D guess nation |b. Cusrthatve ape, ‘thou! 100 €. Navenealonttcalogca! blty& reasoning Een guage & (Gone sues Negative marking of 1 mar each wror sre] Ter2 Desciptve ye paper o SO mans Essay |TROE| 50 (G0 ms) & English comerehensn & press Intarview | Terrien 10 “Rote, ant sp Ton Tay RRA PROTO E SELECTION OF CANDIOATES: 43) Tho candidate Nat to appear in Tle atone ole 5 cane aloted ohm out tn doce often ces. Tnere ile naga ering of mar or an vecng anaeer No mAs wou be awarced er an uated ust In ordrt achive qultatve selon & rot the bast amine ton, hore utd ue cua mara out 100) Nar ox ae unde: piss OBCeWS-3 SCISTAS (al Exerscmman cH! bene in hair ‘om calaoay v2, URVEWSIOBCISCIST) Goninon [2 On to bas of hor porormance & nemalusion of mune Tet! exam, ‘andes wou! be shatsed for Trl evan et 10 tes the nunber of \Gcanans, sac oe candle seag the miner eos J nine too of har comaned geromance mera el, the conde ‘woud be shrtstod forthe Ti-arvaw @ 5 mes he Sumbe f vacances ‘tjeetto ne contiton hat the candtaeacttes mama SO make (7 ca ot St) Terilexam Note: Cutof lor Ter & Teri! exam in rent colegeres may go higher ‘Spondon the rake obanod by cantatas ard utr of vacances Je) Saved on te combines peromarce Tir, Til ond Ti llnerew, fe ‘prddnis cud be shorts for ha tloton subj fot Chara Fatecodent weiter folowed by meal srarinaton oc. 1 ‘The da ere & cone of er Ter iervew wo: besa to te |Bieete canine by Eagan ham fone appt Toil 8 rior may note canna sees mantone Para & Shove. The dopo rooweo ta ight conv Trl Tear lliieyaw at ere by cbig ti cechsie of pearhy eates hy The canadsos wous bo eqied gear oo msucors canted in sd Garooay lar of Tor) Tl & Telia fling Wo error cond Irae tre wre sting aang wai th candi oct be canes 5. Resolution of te cagees inte avara be su enon wl be ‘asad by arene ‘oioaing clea, one afer natn, Une efoto 1) Maso eel 8) a na 2) Nermned Man Te 1) Dato of th nth ors des paced higher 1} Ashabetel ever af namee suring tare) HOw TO APPLE ‘opletons snide tres! oly trough ONLINE rgstaton by Iga on ‘oho necote wunamra govin ot wwcnce.govin.Agstosire wt NOT Be ‘cceped trough any oer mode 1) Gancecis cam apply for te post provided they fulfil the presen ‘tail cancion. ©) The appicaon perl vil booporstonal rom 19.12.2020 to 00.01.2024 2350 hows). Ragstavon Sone, pror'0 49 122020 ans ar 09.04.2021, Wi nt Be oan 4 Wore itamason any coun may eas Be appleaton geting rajecd ogee 9) Cancale are sises to req: wel in tme, singe ine epoleabon fora Wwnesses.asurgan number apoicalo dung en Up the dosing do “ne lng sl fo resept ean appeatn wl ot be eden une Oy senso 2s (Cariises cul have a vabs parson ema: D & mobile runbe: shoud be tpt aie cg he ene rcrtmen process Apleston sora ute, pasword a or inpartant x aaneato ales be se. te nme regetwed ca ID [pleme ensue tat el sei fs Talbot Tosa our nina foe) [Car deses shu ake iret care 7 a corse Gea wha Wing Fr {ho ontineaptiston form, YOU CAN EDIT THE INFORMATION BEFORE 'SUBLISSION OF STE a3 STEP&Onco the form ie submited, Kean The ap Sep proces forage aplzaton tris gen Bow Stops Registration ot Personal & Contact Setale Login i and password Stop Reloain and sleet th catagory and il up te Personal Detals, ‘Guatiction Data, Upiond peta & signature and sub examination {eor,(fppleabe) sod Reerultmcnt ProcorsingChargor be pal by all ‘S01 MOPS through net TV /Appienion once sbmie caret be wi aoe ence ad wl tbe ‘cine any ase air ah be drone rary te eet ne (Checkbox pen below snd presang the Sta btn, | Th eardae shed up a ia cooked eran fa Posanal Dai, | Contact Deal, ee. cone | On conplaton f Sep regain a message wl a eaved sanadai® rogsoted enai i cawoyng Mune" lag IO (Apleabon Soqence Nurbe!) asia ‘The caciaia a ego and og again (or Sep) OGD UP ther elas apseaton om | STEPsI completion of Applicaton orm | "= Su oie shows be between £0030 npplpeyTrmel ony [a-|Oncs the appieaton ie estod,carcaats wl be auomseay redirected 6 ‘St gown to depeat he examina few ct 10 i mpet) sr. Rectutmert Procoams Chagos af NR 50 ous Bark charges, epolieabia) {be paid alearuatas vag Geb Cararedt CadNet BankrgQuP ‘haan ate Canara may generate payment sanowlecpemo® sp Tor tare ‘eterence, (Pos sutmisson te candor wi ce rereded SEI Payment gatanay {make te onlne payment SK very Semi an meth payment lean eva tee Pos! esos enine payment cantidte wi be redected a hither Sepeabon fo. |For the pupose Gal uur eerencos. Fe canddaios ae advsed i haop a |pentet of ew apoteaber fr far tices submis For technical querioslinctions relating to he ting up of ONLINE |APPLICATION, plese fel fest contac the helsesk at Ema: heladeak ‘hartmnicin or Phone No:02261087629 (100 rs to 1800 r= / Menday to Seturday ‘anciesios are advised To GUBRIE only one appicaion Subrieaen ot Ctterimselo spcatons may resut im canclsion cf histor cppeaons roger 1) Betere submiirg te onine appteston, the caraidtes MUST prevew ine ‘pplcaien wo encure Dl Mey have proviad eae! lerten party he feral if uote coc polograph signal It most also be ensred tat the piotostaph & sigratte are weBle & pol harysures, cherize the ‘hoostann& nau soa bo wloaded again rhe pase oud te razed Serena. The one apleaon shoud be sbted ony afer eosrng tak the infematonratogtechsgnatre scored. hy Onon te regataton le over ‘ne candela woud be groves an ‘Agplcaton Sequence Mmte/ASN, ote regstevd meble number eral D, whch may be no for subsequent ge fe ling up cama pa epson snd also for oe nature. Cangas may ao cha tha gam ce" fre oma regarding ASN Menon oo eid to pone « vakd ERIE disig the ‘eolaton process The aca cariscal tare tbe Tia Te Tarim ‘her reat ivomation wous be vn oe ears on sea 1 on 1). The relation fncores comelne ony fae te ptogragh & satin plotod by ta cana. 19 Condos ae aad ocnaws that mal adresse ang win niin ao ‘raced oar ocx and na sar cero any ener es They ay hecc the spam folder for mals sent om te helpcesk eomall he helpdesk aruginie in om neve 1) The candales should pons a oy oh rio the Chaar Fo 1m) The caren rant sno Faris one rca amber fr Peeing SUS ser ‘olteto te oxen ‘n) This offic wil not bo responsible fer|ounlng ot ony e-mat or ‘natiretorinkhangs ofthe noi pie number fhe cnet. (©) Candies at eo eed th onto Haase te fb ‘5 wel a apamjune olde end the wast MHA ine tae or updates| telat to i ectnet press ) Sppicant are NOT rogue omit hat py ofthat apeaton fore 4) Concites sre requested 1a ake silent number of asspat ze cloed Boogapnsdersca ote one upload) and cary erty pret in ongmal such 5 Volr Cas Dra leone, Aachar Card PAN Cae, ority Ca ese 2 Lnveriyolge 6b 19 Be Samat conve, fllng wien ay ra tLe owes appeer for he sxamnaton The procogrzpns woul be required = ‘ubeoiont Hager of octmen: process ans piping = plogreh ‘Store Pon he one upcaded may et i canelaton a cana 1) Candidates may ensure athe signature uplados by em are vsita sce hey (candidates) woud be reqirod to appand sighature cr adit cae ard aondance sheets dusna subsequent 996s of examination ard any variation Sprairo cous eng om nt fete examination 0. EXAMINATION FEE: Tis 2 component: Examination Fae: Rs 00% & Recut Procosire| Shape: Re Swi rue eB pd und Grieg Fe tbe Fad Wale canes of Gana xaninatin Fee + Recruiter! [EWS and O3C enlegores Proonssing Choe. | After egson. cance ts o age and comple oho els aplcabon| ‘AISCST, al tenal cancaia & aT SSW” Raenuimant Processing Chae on T[nstucons regarding scaring of Photoaraph and Sgn Concise shou “pad the esas pt) rage of ha phooarane and sant per the Bret gen von Th splendour baey ost Photograph rage ' Caoures poof Sze rm (wc) x mm (height) nt leer hen 12 wee ack & wht pao lal be seep Lh backareure. Lon aroyinie le sungested. No pateme. 13 The tae shoud cova 7.80% a te pb. The appeal ahous cok ee. Srtre comers wins normal sxprcson [eared unter of colours malting te background te appicat wears otal issn, then hse yes shove fly vise thea he Scarmed age shal eben SOO na Signature imag ' Ths appleam na o sgn on whe paper wl Black hk pn, 1 The signe must be signed ony he apart a lb ay other person] 1 Pease sean te signature area ony and net the entre page, "Bisevicoian who fave asi soared er loyna a Gs under Cia Gout in GoupC post on regular Sone aa naling bers Ofrmmanation gn tothe ate regu fo puy the examination fw, tm Re 10 ata along th ‘ecm prooesing changes of Rs 200 Note: ann emiges,# appeabi, wl be bom by the can MODE OF PAYMENT (ONLINE! OFFLINE MODE}: 2} The apptcabn fom is egret tho payment ateway & the payment rocks can be compte by tong the rons b) Paymant canbe made Wyough Debi rds RuPayisal MasterCaraMest0) Crt Cars, nome Bong. UP, $8 chan ot. Fee once psd shat nat b unde under any ccunstances 48) Online payments can bo made cry ite fast dale of submission of one ‘opto form 1) Payments tough 8 chalan generated on the lst aay of closure of ent sopnaton fom can be autres inthe book 8 20% 2024(dring banking houre ony) 9. CLOSING DATE: 201.2021 (2389 hour. Contin om ae 8 Chandigarh Administration Dopsrtment of Medical Education & Research Govt. Medical College & Hospital, Chanaigarh (Hospital Building), Sector 32.8, Chandigarh 160030 'Ph. No. 0172.266525-60, Fax No. 0172-2609360 (ESTABLISHMENT BRANCH.) [Aztocate Pofesrorn Government Nie! Calege & Hosp, Chang, under the nop of te Deparment o Madcal Eeuenion & Resvaren, Chand fsminsraten. ty any oF wenutment makes gh bow Byeugh sion PUB Se [Name ofthe | Department Nos. fiat af Nol port post [Recruitment 1 [Prciessor |General [01 |Prometonicputaion Rs. 37400. Neda lcustag stot | 7.000 + Hemconusc | 0000-4 2 | Reooereeosai)Araae OI] Prorotoniopuaton| Re 37,400 Prosar | edooay fires eho tm | €7 00-4 fanac e006 | RumworASsosai) Rago '01 — Joromotowaopuaton Re. 37.400 Prosser | ignoae Jung short 67 00% + lena ‘00. cP. ‘PROFESSOR (GENERAL NEDICWNE) ‘eteasor (General Macicin) to ba id wp by way conpaste mathod JPremetinapuatin (cisng eto tm contac ae uncer: ‘ay Composite Method “PROMOTIONIDEPUTATION (INCLUDING SHORT-TERIA {COM of he Cease GovwrmentUnion Teraieslseny Bad! Auosovous Orpen Reseach Irstsos.- (A) (hog ertcooue posts on pa bas. OR (iw twa year volar Sovica pose nthe cele of pay oR 1640020000 oF auton and (B) Posuassing te eauestons! and omar qualfiastens ae Indesiea eaow- ESSENTIAL QUAL|FICATIONS: PROFESSOR (GENERAL MEDICINE) (Abas Unversity or equvslent quo eaton need Gy one te Schedles Bt the indian Masco! Counel Ac 1056 102 of 1966) and must be retard a @ Sate Nadel Rag str cr ssn Mea Reiter (GMD: peseney 1.0. (Genera Medi) Rom a eoogiaes! Uniertytion srequmert (i) Ter year experience me protesson ater acausing pstraduta quaiaton, fuel whe eur years shoud be a Readarsssocata Prfetscr in a Recognized eis ColegalTeaeng ston Destrabl! Wranum fur Research Pons dana in Index Macon Jura ar ove Resbersh Pubicatan fy rete! Jota Noto The Ooparmeria Mier th gad of Rear (Geral ano wth wo ear reguarserizein ihe ace wl sap be ossdered cngith oucesarain ‘ase hea sete fo appontinents ep he same shalom deemed toe boen tiled by promotion. Noe 2: Ma Bepormartl Ofc io me eoce clegory who ate act me ot forotin shi it be gle leh cnsentan fr apoiniment on depusin, Simiary, cepustonie sl nol be elgble for coseraton fr apeornent by [Prod f depuis ning fetid of dpi in anther excade pot eld Inmessteygrocedg Bie appara nthe ame error cer egarizson ‘epanant ct hw Carts! Gowen. sel BS exc ve yore. Ton ‘anmum age in br aporiment by depanion (STC) shal be not exceeding 58 Yor eon he sn da of a of apc). ‘2 READERIASSOCIATE PROFESSOR (ANAESTHESIOLOGY) ‘The Eduetonal and aver Guatestors, expernos le reared othe pst of Readeraaaocite Professor (Anaesthesiology tbe Met op By way of "Promatoniep toning shar am cone 63s under PROMOTIONDEPUTATION (INCLUDING SHORT TERM CONTRACT) 1. Offers of ContrafSate Goverments/Union Temtoras/Satviory Bode! (A) () tating aratepous pats on rogdnraon: OR (i) tte years gua service m poss nthe scale of pay of Rs. 14300-18300" oF (B) Porsenna he flowing edestona nd other quan ainda below ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS: READER/ASSOCIATE. PROFESGOR (ANAES- ‘estoLoey} (i Abeee Unversty or oiler quafcaton nuded i any oe ofthe Schedles 1 the ign Mesa! Counel Ac O86 (102 of 1966) and must bs registred in a MD. (anseshesioogyM' (Anesnesiogy) from a weognzed Universy? Inston or enuiaiont Gil Fre years teaching oxoerence in the concemed specicky ator aousing osgredute qualfcaton ae Aceslant Profesor’ Senior LecrerLacturet la Recognaed Mesa! Catoge/Teoeing Instat Desirable: Alum Four ReenrenPuteaon indead nce ec tna ‘Nott The Deparment Sori Lecter ih wo ya's agar sevice in he grade ‘lace be conadred alongn outacaa ana i cote hel she a exleceg ot Spparimenti the pst, he sae shal be dered thie Been fe by arma Noto 2 Tha Doparmans| Ofcom th fesdereatogary who are he aout of Dramotin shal rot be ele tr canderatzn fr appininent on cepa, Simtary, dopualonst shal not bo alge for covaarton fr apeorinant ‘ack pst ei ray orca hs aggre inthe sas soe her troundatenepanon’ of a Canal Goverment ha rn wooed ve your, The rtram age ta fr spvorinet by Gepusian (ecksangser am ‘Siesey sha ot orenang S6'yart te on te cng ete most of ‘price 3” READER/ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR (RADIODIAGNOSIS) 3 Teesiatoe ond cnr Guaifetonsexseranc erage rhe pot of Readesaseiste Professor (Radodagross) fo be ed 1p by wa) of ‘Pronto deputation (gsr cad) as nd PROMOTIONDEPUTATION (NCLUDING SHORT TERM CONTRACT) fin Offces of Conra/Sate Covermenisnion ertorestSattoy_ Bods! ronan GoeresieneRessr> neon (a) @rldng aloes sons on wee” bss; OR a) ition Yetta ponte we of py of. 20018900 scxidert and {B)oeans te okonng acute ans one qulcstans se neta be ESsewTiAL GUALIFIEATIONS | READEWASSOCIATE: FROFESEOR RADIO. Sincnosi) hig: Urn Rng ica ary nm hm Scan {Oho insane Counc Ac BEB (102 105) ad rt epson SS adca| eget radon Mee Rep: (9 MO. aaaaogrese) WO. RadBeRAME FResdin) Yom argos necator enact (Die get being experwe by Ba SEAM scaly ater sritng foals cattaion ve hes Pete Sener Lectroracrs 8 ecu soc Naas ColeoToaesng inet Desirable: unum Four ResowcnPuDkMne wed nodex Madxstenat ornate Note: Tm Dspatmenal Oar nthe race of San Lach Racin wth ‘wo year regio enon ni rede oo BER rari coset ‘esse fo! se acd pore FO a Sea fin The Depart! Oc nh oe Haga wh afin dct ot frombtn sta nie igh ‘or conedeaion x appoint on dpuaion Sly, dopatnsts ch nt tate for enero er sone by onsen (Pore of depttnesnrc! srg att of depttoncatat other ox a poe Pld ee roca ha apr gare or sone oer Sromiaton depart tbe Catal Govern aha nay wo xc ve Years. The mau a9 tml eraser by depute een sho om nrc) shal be not ekcoang 8 year se an me dang cts resent o selena. IRGE Lm For eppniment by Option fosting Sater Core) rt rowadeg 56 yas se one dons de oe a oper ‘he ipo owe stud ppy 1" te seed pow anc ko ward wo {lene tron ho cepanme hs rearing te aps ston tna wise Chca, De cncered copra sha ameter cate ath the epicetonturedan vse Prorat liens formed (0. Uptosata Arr! Conor Ropar orga ae epcris)f eot wears (0) meg Cesta 2 he Head fron {ay Vguree Cemance Cote Ingen ko cesplnary proces ot Csr prone, eet pening oF comenplas! agas he Oe (i Cueateeglingne court ase i pecing apis he tice concer ted ne Head lhe at (3) Stamartof majomior pra, ny ian co he cade ng he lat 10 seus ora no sry Cnet ah aso epetorn ty compen al reaped. smal roxcn fe Clothe Dien Neca Edveton& Research, Cowrnmem Wadia! Cateye & Hospi lock ‘D; Loeli, Secor32, Chandoo 1008, win 60 ity) ys from fhe Cte ft pun nthe ‘employment Naw. Th sore at vacacy rant Curen Wine Prokara (AnereA) eae Souoae tor ov waste api amen gevin, Medics Education &Reseerch ‘Chandigarh Adminstration No. GMCHIEANIT(202-0)2K2042547 N34 WARWNG Itnas boon noticed thet some unscrupulous cloments ae fraudulently ivitng sso alluring the aspirants appearing in vicious examinations conducted by 18 for providing assistance during the examination and are even issuing fake ‘appointment letters to some of the candidates. THE PROSPECTIVE CCANDIDATESIJOB ASPIRANTS ARE, THEREFORE, CAUTIONED NOT TO FALL DUPE THE UNSUSPECTING ASPIRANTS/ CANDIDATES FOR THEIR PERSONAL GAN. ions for various poss inthe intligence Bureau. Such elements are

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