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Description Performance Analysis Detail Conitnental Automotive GmbH

Performance Analysis - Detail
Performance Analysis Details iGate view

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1. Name of the equipment

2. First three fields selected in the channel key combination which are defined in the SOT channel related to the machine. The labels do not
change dynamically according to changes in the SOT channel. This has to be done in the located in
3. Based on the value set in the SOT channel the Ideal Cycle Time is calculated by the average cycle times over the selected time frame
depending on the parts produced. If the cycle time is fixed, this value is always the same. If the cycle time is calculated via min/max, for
example, the average value is calculated (for the selected time frame).
4. Actual Cycle Time is calculated based on the parts produced lying within an OEE cycle. In addition the OEE cycle needs to be during a
PRD/REGULAR or PRD/MINOR time event. If an OEE cycle intersects with a downtime, this time will be subtracted.
5. Absolute difference of Ideal Cycle Time minus Actual Cycle Time
6. Number of parts produced minus parts products without cycle

7. Performance =

8. Number of Parts Produced of an OEE cycle which is completely located in an UDT/UNKNOWN-Downtime

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Performance Analysis - Detail
Ideal Cycle Time (FIX)

FIX – Method: Ideal Cycle Time has always the value, which was set in
Pulse Admin Client

After a scheduler run, Ideal Cycle Time won‘t be


It is possible to edit Ideal Cycle Time in Pulse Admin Client

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Performance Analysis - Detail
Ideal Cycle Time (MIN)
OEE Cycle; Parts Produced: 1

4,75s 14s 8,67s


Min – Method: Ideal Cycle Time can change after a scheduler run!

The scheduler cumulates values of a select time

range. The lowest value is used as Ideal Cycle Time.

scheduler run: after a working day e.g. 06/09/2014 6:00:00 - 06/10/2014 6:00:00; run at 6:00 am
after a shift e.g. 06/09/2014 6:00:00 am - 06/09/2014 2:00:00 pm; run at 2:00 pm

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Performance Analysis - Detail
Ideal Cycle Time (MAX)

OEE Cycle; Parts Produced: 1

4,75s 14s 8,67s


Max – Method: Ideal Cycle Time can change after a working day!

The scheduler cumulates values of a selected time

range. The highest value is used as Ideal Cycle Time.

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Performance Analysis - Detail
Ideal Cycle Time (Average)
OEE Cycle; Parts Produced: 1

4,75s 14s 8,67s

Ideal Cycle Time: (4,75s + 14s + 8,67s) / 3 = 9,14s

Average – Method: Ideal Cycle Time is the latest value of the latest
scheduler run!

An average calculation refers to a time period for

a specific number of units. when the values for
time and units grow, the number of units can be
restricted to the value you entered in pulse admin
client. This field is only editable in AVERAGE
calculation mode. Minimum value is 100.

25 April 2016
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Performance Analysis - Detail
Performance Analysis vs. Performance Analysis Detail

Performance 
NetOperati ngTime

 ( IdealCycle Time  Pr oducedParts) Performance  Detail 
OperatingTime OperatingTime

Whole aggregated Single OEE

Operating Time e.g. Cycle
Operating Time of
Morning Shift

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Performance Analysis - Detail

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Performance Analysis - Detail Tracing entry is displayed on the following page

Log Book

OEE Start 09:29:32

OEE End 09:29:46

Parts Produced: 4
Parts Produced: 3

Parts without Cycle: 4

Parts without Cycle: 1
Parts Produced: 1
Parts Produced: 3 Parts Produced: 1

Parts with Cycle: 12

Parts without Cycle: 5
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Performance Analysis - Detail
Actual Cycle Time I
Actual Cycle Time: average of all OEE Cycles of a day or a selected period/shift

Cycle Time 1: 19s/4 = 4,75s Cycle Time: 14s/1 = 14s Cycle Time: 26s/3 = 8,67s

Actual Cycle Time: (4,75s + 14s + 8,67s) / 3 = 9,14s

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Performance Analysis - Detail
Actual Cycle Time II

Performance Detail : Ideal Cycle Time / Actual Cycle Time

Performance Detail : 4s / 9,14s = 43,76%

Actual Cycle Time: 9,14s Ideal Cycle Time: 4s

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Performance Analysis - Detail
OEE Cycles
There are three possible cases, as an OEE cycle can occur:

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Performance Analysis - Detail
example 1 single OEE
OEE Start 09:29:13 OEE End 09:29:32

∆ X = 19s

Performance Detail : (Parts Produced * Ideal Cycle Time) / Actual Cycle Time
Performance Detail : (4 * 4s) / 19s = 84,21%

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Performance Analysis - Detail
example 2 single OEE with Downtime
OEE Start 09:29:32 OEE End 09:29:46
The First Unit Progress
was sent with OEE_Start.
The second Unit Progress
was sent without
OEE_Start. This is the
reason why there is no
new OEE Cycle at

∆ X = 14s

Performance Detail : Ideal Cycle Time / Actual Cycle Time

Performance Detail : 4s / 14s = 28,57%

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Performance Analysis - Detail
example 3

This OEE Cycle is completely inside a downtime.

OEE Cycle would not be relevant for calculation of performance detail.
The scheduler ignore this OEE Cycle.

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Performance Analysis - Detail
excursion – SOT Min Value and SOT Max Value
Ideal Cycle Time

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Thank you
for your attention!

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